Sunday, October 23, 2011


As you move through your process of living your higher expression of SELF there will be many symptoms of transformation, especially in your Third Eye and your brain capacitance. You are now being reprogrammed so that you can have conscious access to a larger percentage of your brain. Furthermore, your corpus callosum, betweenthe right and left hemisphere of your brain, will increase its function.

At the fall of Atlantis, your brains became separated into two lobes.

The Right Hemisphere, left side of the body, is the feminine, creative, composite and unconscious mechanism of the body. On the other hand, the left hemisphere, right side of the body, is the masculine, logical, detailed, and conscious mechanism of the body. As Earth slipped into a lower, more polarized resonance, the brain also became more polarized creating a greater disconnection between the masculine and feminine hemispheres. The corpus callosum, a neural network connecting the two hemispheres, has allows a minimal communication between the left-brain reasoning and right-brain intuition.

Now that the resonance of your reality is rising, the corpus callosum is being reprogrammed so that it functions as a bridge. This bridge connects the polarities of the brain in such a manner that you will actually create a new brain based on whole brain thinking. Whereas the old brain functioned from the separation principle of “either-or,” the new brain will function from the unity principle of “both-always.”

In fact, not only are the masculine and feminine hemispheres now unifying, they are both being amplified as the neurons run back  forth across the corpus callosum at the speed of thought.

Male/female, thoughts/emotions, logical/mystical, individual/holistic now function from the center point—the fulcrum point. From this point of perception all polarities become the edges of a spectrum. For example, male and female become the extremes of androgyny.

Thoughts and emotions become boundaries of consciousness and logical and mystical become edges of perception.

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor II

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