Tuesday, July 31, 2012



Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Dear friends,
I have been meditating on the date of August 4, as there are several messages, claiming, that our Galactic family would disclose itself on that date.

There is also a channeling saying, that the Pleiadians would be directly landing in London at the Olympics on that day.

So I asked my Arcturian Guides, and they answered in  their function of being part of the Galactic Federation.

And here it is:

Message from the Arcturians:

Dear Ones!

No, we will not land! We will be landing, when you and your planet are ready,  when you have mastered your transition into the next higher dimension! The disclosure of our existence might happen at that time, but there are still some considerations going on about it, mainly whether this is the right time to do this, depending on several circumstances. "Deadlines" are "focus points" for us for possible but not binding actions. We are dealing with a complex circumstance where all parts have to be taken into account.

Please understand, as difficult as this might be for you, that we are not an armada of saviors!

Ascension is a spiritual process, in the first place. And at this special time, it is ultimately also a physical one.

You all have chosen, to incarnate at this time on Gaia, and thereby to have the great opportunity for a quantum leap in your evolutionary process in a short time.

This does not mean that your souls are not already Divine, but the process of experiencing the descend into the darkness, and to bring back that darkness to the Light, is the task you have agreed with.

Thereby you are supported with every help from us and many other Light Beings, energetically, purifying and healing you. But the work is yours, you yourself must walk the path, and that’s why you are here.

Please understand yourself better: Christianity, as it has been preaching since more than 1000 years, has talked you into the belief, that Jesus is your redeemer, by merely “believing” it. In other words, that you can achieve salvation by mere “belief”.

Dear brothers and sisters, if this would be possible according to cosmic and spiritual laws, all Christians, who believe this, would be already liberated! But they are still subject of the present situation and a church, which does not truly serve the Christ Consciousness. By this you recognize the signs of this heresy, which wants to keep you in the lower levels of consciousness!

This false belief in salvation is deeply seated  in many of you, without being conscious of it. And so you have taken this relic of Christian faith to use it in your new faith, the faith in salvation by your galactic families!

Spiritual growth is a process in Consciousness. Meaning, that all your unhappy patterns, belief systems, convictions, emotions, sufferings and limitations, must be recognized and transformed, until your body-mind is completely clarified, to the degree of literal “enlightenment”, by the Light of Divine Consciousness!

This is the process in its perfection. And there are many pathways and there are many intermediate stages. But there are also many of you in your world, who belong to us and other galactic families, and who already went through the ascension process in other dimensions. It is them, together with the ones, who seriously work with the enlightenment of their own body-mind, to create ultimately the necessary percentage of the world population, which shifts your planet into a higher dimension.

In this regard you have already achieved much. All given dates are guidelines. Your ascension process is a living, fluctuating process, and therefore the date of 21.12.12 is also a guideline. Because the result is depending on how many actually are able to use the energies of this date! And some might indeed ascend. 

In the true Divine Process there is no magic, but which many like to believe! There is Grace, yes. But this Process is subject to certain spiritual laws, which nobody can bypass, but which are serving your own, true mastery.

The growing revelation of the practices of your controllers in public and that you are becoming conscious of it, also serves your own growth process! As soon as you become conscious of this reality, your true spiritual path can begin, if you choose so! They show you the topics which you must transform in yourself: your reactions, your fears, your judgements, your belief in darkness, to go beyond it! This is it what it is about! Dates do not matter, but the degree, to which you achieve true Self-Mastery. This is about the Light-Process, and not about some moral self-improvements!  

The Light-Process includes the re-cognition of your true Divine Identity, not only in thoughts and ideas, but as the Realization of Divine Consciousness, which shows Itself also through tangible physical Transformation.

We are here, if you need our help, to strengthen your process, to encourage you, and to provide initiations, if necessary, to support your Evolution in Consciousness.  

You all know that the forces of light are constantly growing on your planet. They exactly serve your own progression, to overcome in yourself all that which is not of the Light and unifying Love.

It would not serve your spiritual growth, to take this learning process away from you. You would deprive yourself of important experiences and practices, which are necessary, so that you can truly learn mastery over duality and lower vibrations, the illusion of limited awareness, separation and suffering. If we would just take you back to your once ”undistinguished" state,  before you incarnated on earth, your whole enterprise with the intention to return from very low density to Divine Consciousness with the full harvest of your own dedicated work, would have failed.

Many misconceptions are spread! Your  controllers love it, to play with fairy tales and magic, to blind you!  It is essential, to see through this!  This is an important step of initiation into full Mastery.

Be Blessed!
We are the Arcturians! 

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.


30/07/2012 channeled by Méline Lafont

Dear Ones,

There’s a lot going on presently and we see the confirmations about the Divine timeline of August 4th turning up everywhere in a myriad of information sources. And it is quite obvious that Lightworkers are thrilled about these unfoldings. We too are enjoyed and we see an enormous power of cooperation and of Light transcend the surfaces : a fact that can be likened to the pulsar of a solar flame from the sun. You now have every right to be overjoyed, my dear ones! We feel the exact same things up here in the Higher Realms. Our Galactic Brothers are very committed to finalize this Disclosure project and can barely restraint themselves because they so long to inform you who they are and why they have come. They have come to help you, dear ones. They have come to share their Love and Light with you. They have come to inform you about your own true nature and your origins and tell you so much more.

At last we detected an opportunity to start up this project. In case the Divine Timeline of August 4th has been overstepped with nothing unfolding, the Galactic Brothers will take over the reins of this Disclosure project. There firstly have been meetings going on between the Galactic Brothers, the groundcrew and the world leaders to determine how we can announce the Galactic Presence to humanity the softest way possible without stirring too much fear in humans ; that has been and always will be our main aim. I personally cooperate in this regard and I have established a strong contact with president Obama, who is himself quite pleased to finally be able to participate in this project. Everything is closely monitored and followed up by our Galactic Brothers, the Arcturians, whose message will be next after I turn my place over to them.

Know my dear ones, that much work went into this project and we can’t just let it pass us by. We cannot give you an exact date as we always live in the NOW. What I can tell you is that the date of August 4th is the ultimate date by which the minions/dark souls must fully cooperate, a promise made by them a long time ago but never kept. Now they have to finally agree to cooperate by then. If they fail to do so than the project will be handed over to the Divine source and carry out by the Galactic Brothers. No matter how, Disclosure will come at the most propitious time. Just don’t link it to an exact date, let go and let God. It will all become crystal clear from that ultimate date, August 4th, how and when things will unfold ; then we can provide further intel. It all depends on the decisions, the timelines, the circumstances… what you can be sure of is that August 4th will bring a huge change as it will be the starting point. Disclosure can no longer be postponed; it happens in your NOW moment. Do take into account that this NOW moment implies a much bigger time-frame than one day : so don’t expect to see an armada of UFO’s on that specific date.

I Love you my dear ones, and I work hard at the Disclosure project in order to guide you through it all as humanity is important to me.

I Am Saint Germain

Greetings beloved humanity and Brethren of Earth!
We are the Arcturians and we wish to come forward in this most auspicious event in your Earth history for it will definitely leave its mark! We wish to confirm to you that everything that has been speculated about the Divine Time and the Divine Plan is based in Truth. We, the Arcturians, do monitor everything carefully how humanity responds at present and how they will respond at the time of First Contact. It is our pleasure to convey to you that up until now you are responding very well which makes the plans easier. There is much that we have to take into account, it has really not been a sinecure to arrive at this present point.

You all had to wait a long time and so did we but now we have reached an opportunity in which we see a chance to announce Disclosure. The negotiations and the talks of the plans are in full swing. Our Earth allies and other representatives of the Light have come to a consensus regarding the ultimate time corresponding with your Earth date of August 4th. After that date all will begin and you may expect to see our ships for starters. Let go of your illusory time factor and see us when we come. That’s how it is going to be : it happens when it happens and no one can tell the time or date with100% certainty. We can only inform you that the time has come for us to show ourselves more and more and to establish first contacts with you.

Allow us to explain what you can expect to happen during the event that you call Disclosure. Our brothers on Earth, whom we call the groundcrew, will cooperate in establishing those first contacts. They have a direct link with us and with other civilizations and they contribute their part in this whole project. They will see to it that everything proceeds swiftly without causing too big a shock for humanity. They are on Earth to soothe troubled hearts and assist them when necessary. Those belonging to this group know this by now or will be informed in the coming days. They already know it subconsciously, they cooperated actively in this project during their astral travels. Besides them, we too have the Galactic groundcrew coming from our civilization who dwell amongst the humans of Earth and who participate in matters of security and in negotiations. All in all we are talking of a huge project which cannot be underestimated in its scope.

We have opted for the Pleiadian civilization to be the first one to establish first contact as they have a humanlike appearance and so, they are least likely to trigger fear and shock in humans. After this initial contact with the Pleiadians, other civilizations will follow. Before First Contact will take place, the sightings of our ships will increase further. Gradually bigger ships will decloak and show themselves to you for longer and longer periods of time. Much anticipation is placed upon the Olympic Games for us to show up and we tell you that it is most probable these games will be used for decloakings of our ships. We are presently still elaborating on that.

But for now let go of the time factor involved and work on yourself. Too much emphasis of you on this matter can work antagonistically and is really counterproductive. Know it will happen, let it go and give Love to the event of Disclosure, to us, to humanity and to Mother Earth.

We are the Arcturians and we thank Méline who has given us the opportunity to come forward with this message. See you soon and thanks for cooperating with our civilizations. We truly appreciate this and we wish that you experience a most glorious event.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be


As channeled by Marilyn Raffaele – July 29, 2012

We are the Arcturian group, here to assist those wishing to ascend into the new energies pouring forth onto your planet at this time. You are creating and we are assisting. We are not the doers, you are the doers.
Many must, and many are learning to come into their power; the power of trust and the power of confidence which pours forth from true knowledge and awareness.
When an individual begins to really believe and know (not just intellectual knowledge) that they are the Divine in manifestation – not a just a part of it, but the actual expression of IT, embodying all the Divine qualities – then that individual is able to finally release those bonds of fear born of the false concepts and beliefs that have gripped mankind for eons.
This is the goal of the journey dear ones.
This realization is the last step before moving into a new state of consciousness, the realization that you are actually that Divine Consciousness from which all manifests – because IT is all there is.
The energy of mankind on earth up to now with few exceptions has been one of duality and separation which led most to believe themselves separate from each other as well as the Divine. The beliefs resulting from this sense of separation and duality have been taught, promoted by those you looked to for answers, and generally fed to you in all forms for eons.
There is no blame in that you accepted and lived from that which you were taught because you chose the experience of duality and separation. You chose to evolve in the earth school – to find your way back to truth through and in spite of the difficult and often painful manifestations created from these beliefs. You have done it and are ready now to graduate and leave behind the concepts and beliefs of third dimensional energy.
Not all are ready for this evolutionary leap which is why many of you find that you must lovingly move forward in your personal journey alone, leaving behind friends or family who refuse to leave what they already believe is truth.
You are ready to take this next step and this is the big one. The gate to the new awareness and energy is the realization that you are ONE. One with Divine Consciousness, one with each other and not just humans – all living things for there is but one life.
You must also understand that you are one with your manifestations, for you create your world. Many believe that they are victims, and indeed they are victims, but of what?
They are victims of their own ignorant state of consciousness which will always manifest in the outer as…this sounds harsh, but you must realize that consciousness always manifests and if there is even a small bit of consciousness of duality and separation, it will manifest. There is no blame, we simply explain how it works.
All that is real is governed by law and is forever. Anything formed of the false beliefs and concepts of the third dimensional consciousness is not governed by law and can be changed. You are doing that now as you open to more and more light through your decision to evolve and seek truth within yourselves.
You are beginning to trust that you can do it and are adding more and more energies of truth to your state of consciousness which in turn is then manifesting in higher, better, and more evolved forms in the outer. You are seeing much chaos now and you question, but know that it is the Light pouring onto the earth at this time pushing to the surface all that needs to be looked at and released.
An un-evolved state of consciousness, one heavily enmeshed in duality and separation will manifest as war, rape, abuse etc. You see, it is the state of the consciousness through the mind that manifests in the outer. God has never decreed that suffering is good for you. Because of who you really are, you are creators, manifesting your state of consciousness on personal and universal levels.
Many who suffer say; “We did not create this”. Dear ones, you did not intentionally create the painful issues of your lives, but the fact that you still have a consciousness of duality and separation, simply functions to manifest it in your experience. Please understand that you hold great power of creation, for you are indeed the Divine in manifestation. Not your human self, no, don’t go around saying I am God in an egotistical way, but simply understand that your true essence, that which is your truest Self, is Divine.
A great master revealed this to mankind 2000 years ago, but the people were not ready. You are ready now. You have been on a journey that only the very brave undertake… strong and courageous souls choosing to evolve through the fog of duality and separation which is the hardest of all evolutionary journeys a soul can choose. You chose this path brave ones, and when you graduate you will understand how powerful you really are and how much more knowledgeable because of the difficult path you willingly chose.
We send love and light to all. You are doing a fine job. Soon you will understand better that which you do.
Trust, center within, know, and most of all love… for all, yes all, are One and this realization is love.
We are the Arcturian Group


Meeting Arquelle

Arcturians:    Suzille, I AM Arquelle. I AM an individuated fifth dimensional form of our Arcturian energy. Our Arcturian energy is multidimensional and has NO limits. However, we do create humanoid forms for specific purposes. I have come to you now wearing a humanoid form so that you can better remember who WE are. Yes, I do mean “we,” as in you and I. You are now receiving my message from a fifth dimensional, human form on New Earth.
Suzille:    Are you saying that I already exist on New Earth in the form that you/we are on New Earth?
Arquelle:  Yes, you are correct. When I said that I took an individuated form, you must realize that my “time” doesn’t work in the manner that it does in the third dimension. Therefore, since there is no sequential time, I/we have always had this form within the HERE and NOW of that frequency of reality.
S:         Therefore, I have always had that form, but my consciousness has just recently entered into the frequency that you could share this information with me. Is that correct?
A:        Yes, that is correct.   You have met many of your forms, and we (I will now revert to my confortable term of “we” rather “I”) are here now to introduce you to a fifth dimensional, humanoid representation of our Arcturian energy.
We present this form to you to assist you with the quandary of transmutation of a third dimensional form into a fifth dimensional form. As you communicate with us, feel how our fifth dimensional form interfaces with your present ascending reality.
S:         When I close my physical eyes to view this form with my Third Eye and High Heart, I can feel a new, yet very familiar, version of my SELF within my current form.
However, when I think of this form as “within” my physical form, I see it emanating beyond the boundaries of my earth body. I also feel something like a Portal that is a component of this form. My High Heart tells me that this Portal leads to New Earth.
However, it is not a physical Portal. Rather, it is a Portal for my consciousness, which nudges me to move through into a deeper, more expanded state of consciousness. This level of consciousness has not been as readily available before.
Did you/we create this form of Arquelle to magnetize me into a higher expression of my daily self?
A:        The first thing that needs to be considered is your Belief in your SELF. If you do not believe that YOU can merge with your fifth dimensional, Lightbody that resonates to New Earth, you will be working against yourself rather than FOR yourself. We ask you now, “Is it easier now for you to BELIEVE that you can merge with your SELF on New Earth now?
S:         Yes. It is easier to release my attachment to the human form now that my fifth dimensional SELF has a name, a feeling, a communication style and a sense of familiarity.
A:        You have seen how simply the changing of forms occurs on Alcea. Alcea is a planet in our Bootes System. Many of us enter that planetary experience to remember the feeling of form.
The experience of form only lasts for a few generations there, and it is a planet based on love, as is New Earth. It appears to be a water planet, as the water and sky are ONE, but the land is under the water/sky. However, the water does not invade the land; in fact, it protects the land. The water/sky mantle allows great protection for those who take form on the planet.
S:         I have read that Earth once had a mantle to protect Her. Is that correct?
A:        Yes. Earth, too, once had a mantle of protection, but it was lost when the planet, which is now your asteroid belt, was destroyed. Without the protection of the mantle, many Beings of dark intent could enter into your reality. The entry of these dark ones made incarnation on Earth very unsafe.
The doubt of which you have spoken is created by fear. Hence, doubt is best healed by love and safety. We are with you, and all ascending ones, to teach you more about being your fifth dimensional SELF while still wearing a third dimensional form.
If you KNOW that you are already fifth dimensional inside, you can allow that emanation to seep into your physical world to assist with your ascension. You had the vision of a totally safe ascension in the totally loving and calm environment of Alcea to assist you with your present ascension. Hold this loving safety in your consciousness, and tell us how it feels.
S:         It is a bit difficult to connect with the concept of safety, although love is much easier to feel. I will go into my High Heart Portal to feel the comfort of safety…
I see the round Portal of my High Heart and imagine that it is opening. Again, I see the white, etheric hand and arm pushing the Portal open. I step over the threshold and into my High Heart. Instantly, I see what I have always known as the Land of Faerie. This place was where I went as a child to feel safe and happy. I am sure that is why I am there now.
Yes, I feel the safety now. I know that the Land of Faerie still has polarity, but my experiences there were always happy and comforting. Therefore, I have the Belief that it is safe there. I also have the innocence of a child.
With my child’s eyes I see a high mountain with a beautiful Castle, which is ruled by a loving Queen. The Castel protects me and, also, gives me the need to climb higher. 
A:        The great safety you feel in Faerie represents your High Heart Portal. Alternatively, that which you perceive as the Castle high on the hill represents your Pineal Portal. The Pineal Portal assists you, and all ascending ones, to break away from the third dimensional habit that REAL can only be determined by your five physical senses.
The reason that the Pineal Portal feels “real” is that it creates intense imagery, which is accompanied by very visceral feelings, emotions of bliss and experiences of unconditional love. Because of the power of these wonderful experiences, you WANT to believe that your journeys in consciousness are real, as they are so very superior to your experiences in the physical realm.
S:         How does the Pineal Gland give us these experiences?
A:        The Pineal Gland it is the Portal through the high frequency waves of multidimensional light and unconditional love enter your physical form. This Portal is a filter, as well as a magnet.
The “filter” dis-allows the low frequency, fearful thoughts/emotions from invading the higher realms. On the other hand, the “magnet” attracts the higher frequency thoughts/emotions to adhere to the downward facing peak. These higher frequency emotions send a bio-chemical that you are ready to experience higher frequency of reality.
The Pineal Gland hangs from the top of the Third Ventricle of the brain, just over your brainstem with its peak hanging up side down. This Gland works similar to a microphone that can direct certain frequencies to the woofer or to the tweeter.
Your Pineal Gland can filterout the lower frequency thoughts and magnetize the higher frequency thoughts to its opening is at the tip of the “pinecone” shaped Pineal Gland that is hanging downward.
People with a fear-based consciousness cannot accept the higher frequencies of light, as the extremely high frequencies will frighten them into creating frightening images. Therefore, the point of the pinecone, which is the Portal through which the higher light can flow into the physical body, can only be opened by positive, higher dimensional thoughts/emotions.
Positive, loving thoughts and emotions open the Portal because their energy signature states that you have gained some Mastery of your energy field and are ready to experience higher realities. The higher light can then travel from the Core of the Pineal activating the DMT. The DMT then stimulates the euphoric spots on your Eighth Chakra, at the hairline of your forehead, to open you to higher states of consciousness.
At the same time, the Kundalini is stimulated to create an undulating sensation to pump the Kundalini Energy up from the Root Chakra and into the Brow Chakra where is can connect with the incoming higher light and unconditional love. When this connection is complete, the Third Eye opens to activate your expanded perceptions of higher dimensional versions of reality.
As the Kundalini rises, dross matter stored in the chakras is spun off by the increased spin of each chakra. These sensations can be quite blissful if you surrender to the process. However, if you tighten up and/or resist the process, there can be pain and discomfort.
Once the Kundalini energy starts rising up your spine, it begins the process of transmuting your physical body into Lightbody. At this point, changes will need to be made regarding your choices in foods, life styles, thoughts, emotions and behaviors, so that you can become the Master of your energy field.
To be the Master of your energy field means that you have gained mastery over the thoughts that you allow to linger in your mind and the emotions on which you choose to focus. Once the Pineal Portal has opened and stimulated the Kundalini to rise up your spine, it is vital that you become the Master of your Energy, for your thoughts and emotions will begin to manifest.
If you allow the old behaviors and habits of fear, anger, doubt or sorrow to overcome you, it will be the same as crashing into a wall at 60 miles an hour. Once the process of transmuting your form has begun, it is difficult, and even dangerous, to try to stop it. Fortunately, your expanded perceptions act as safety mechanisms to protect you.
S:         How does our expanded perceptions serve as a safety mechanism?
A:        Please remember that most doubt stems from fear. If you doubt your process, you will resist your sensations and try to shut down the Flow of higher light by “slamming on the breaks,” which will bring on the sensation of “crashing into the wall.”
Conversely, if you are experiencing unconditional love and waves of bliss while you are perceiving Higher Beings, Star Ships, Galactics and/or beautiful realms of love and light, you will not be afraid. Therefore, you will not doubt your experience, and you will be able toFlow with your journey until it comes to its natural conclusion.
This completion will occur when your body sends a message via the bio-chemical circuits that your have become fatigued. Then, the process can slowly come to completion in a matter that you body can adapt back to your former bio-chemical and neurological status.
S:         Thank you. I understand now how novel and blissful perceptions can allow us to surrender to our process of transmutation into higher frequencies of expression.
A:        Now that Earth resonates to a much higher frequency, the dark ones in the Lower Astral are more contained. Therefore, they cannot attack you psyche as they have in the past. Hence, transmutation of your form is a safer process. Before this era, the ascension process had to take place in a protected area, such as a Temple, and the ascending one had to be under 24-hour care. There were also Ascended Masters to assist the ascending one from the higher dimensions.
Soon, many will be undergoing this process of ascension, and many of then will need assistance. That is why it is vital to remember that Gaia is be a component of your process. When you are dedicated to Gaia’s planet Earth, you will be part of an ascension process that includes the entire planet. Therefore, you will have the protection of the entire planet and direct access to the collective consciousness of ALL the human, animals, plants, elements and Elementals who are also ascending.
When one person ascends alone, it can only be done with many attendants, or within a society that protects and cares for their Holy Men. In these civilizations, most ascended ones were males. In those patriarchal societies females would not get the protection and assistance that was vital for personal ascension.
Nevertheless, some brave women were able to ascend, but their victory has been kept from the people by the prejudice of a male dominated society. Fortunately, the return of female power is bringing about the balance of masculine and feminine energy, which is vital for Planetary Ascension. In fact, men and women are equal in many of Earth’s current societies.
You are entering an extremely exciting time for which you have prepared during myriad incarnations. You have had your personal ascensions, which allowed you to leave the Earthly wheel of life and death long enough to return to your Homeworld and reconnect with your Multidimensional SELF. However, you pledged to stay with Gaia until Her ascension, so you returned to Earth again.
Dear ascending ones, do not forget that you are not alone and that we are always with you. In fact, we ARE you at a higher frequency. When you can fully connect with your Higher Expressions of SELF, you can allow these higher expressions inside the earth vessel that you are wearing to assist with your full ascension. We can easily be at many locations within the NOW of the ONE.
Keep your eyes and ears open, your mind clear and your consciousness high so that you can accept the assistance that comes to you as you open your Pineal and High Heart Portals. When you open your Pineal Portal you will receive our higher light, and when you open the Portal to your High Heart you will find the love and safety that so necessary to face the unknown.
Most of all, dear ascending ones, love your SELF unconditionally so that you can realize that you are ready to ascend NOW. KNOW that fact beyond a “shred of doubt!” WE are here to remind ALL of you that your fifth dimensional expressions on New Earth are ready to meet you and take residence within your NOW!  In this manner, the YOU on 3D Earth can merge with the YOU on New Earth to become your Multidimensional SELF!
Arquelle, a Messenger from New Earth

Through Suzanne Lie, PhD

Saturday, July 28, 2012



Opening The High Heart Portal
Suzille:    Mytre, It is I Suzille. I had my first experience of opening my Personal Portal. I was not expecting it, nor did I try to do it. I just fell into a meditation with no forethought. It took me over. After I meditated for a while, a long white arm with a white hand, which was all I could see, pushed a door open.
I am now in a small cabin in the high mountains, but I saw through the Portal what looked like the ocean by my home—perhaps it was my fifth dimensional “Home?” I walked, floated through the round opening and stepped onto the sand. However, the sand did not feel like sand. It felt like walking on a cloud.
As I stepped onto the sand/cloud, I did not fall through. Instead, I walked in a floating kind of way to the edge of where the waves were gently lapping against the shore. In my physical life, I have often sat at the edge of the waves with my feet in the water and my body on the wet sand.
However, this sand was not wet, and when I extended my feet into the water, my feet went down as though I was sitting on the edge of a cliff. Only my feet were in the water. However, the water did not feel like water, and there was never any sense of temperature throughout the entire experience. The water felt like a blue, gelatinous liquid.
I had the urge to just let go and to allow my entire body to enter the “water.”
I gently slid into the water. As I did so, my perspective changed to one who was in the water observing the other beings there. However, I was the observer at the same time that I was also one of the beings that I was observing.
I saw these magnificent female humanoid creatures. They were off white, with two arms, two legs and a head. They all looked the same, but still felt individual. They had two eyes, a nose and a mouth, but there was no hair anywhere on their body. They were very long and slim, with no breasts, even though they were obviously female.
I knew they were female because they were pregnant. They appeared to all be at the same stage of pregnancy and were all ready to give birth. I was watching as they all began to their birthing process. There was no resistance at all. The baby simply swam out from between the mother’s legs while she was swimming. Then, the mother swam circles around her infant until it could easily take it first independent breath.

It seems that they all breathed the fluid through which they swam. Once the infant could swim, it went into a pouch on the woman’ stomach area, like a marsupial. The mother tits were inside the pouch, and the infant could suckle whenever he/she wanted. All the females went through this process, and they never stopped swimming.
Then, suddenly, the scene changed and I was on “land.” It appears that in this world the ocean is the same as the sky. Therefore, it was above the land. I saw the males looked just like the females. They had the same body type, but stood upright and walked. They wore a skirt-like garment that closed at their waist, but opened out about half way down their legs. The men seemed to have been wearing some kind of adornment on their heads.
What I saw next was that the weaned babies were floating down towards the land to be caught by the males. The males would then raise them as land dwellers and the females would remain as water/air dwellers. I think it was the actual water that impregnated the women, as males and females seemed to have no interaction.
Then, I saw that the females were ascending to another level. At the same time, the males were transmuting into female air/water dwellers, leaving the children they had raised to live on the land. The children were all born at the same time, so they all became adults at the same time.
Therefore, once the children became adults, the mothers ascended into a higher existence. At the same time, the males ascended into the water/air world to become females, and the adult children replaced their fathers as the next generation of male, land dwellers.
In this reality, there was a constant flow of ascension, and planetary life was seen as childhood and early adulthood. Once the children became adults, they replaced their father as male, land dwellers and the fathers replaced the mothers to become female, water/sky dwellers.
It was not that females were better than males. Instead, it was that giving birth to the next generation was a higher frequency action. However, caring for the land was something that the females did in their prior male bodies before they ascended into their water/sky world.
The ascensions cycle that the children all became adult males to watch over the land, the adult male ascended to be an adult females watching over the water/sky, and the adult females ascended into a higher frequency of reality. This cycle for ascension turned for everyone at the same time.
I don’t know if this was a real place or not, but “real” is according to the eyes of the beholder. I did hear the word “Alcea” as the name of this planet.  It was not Alycia, like your Pleiadian daughter. I think the message that I got from my High Heart was that life is eternal, and we can easily flow from one stage into the next as easily as taking a new breath. Dear Mytre, please comment.
Mytre:    Dear Suzille, I will happily comment on your first journey through your Portal to the High Heart. How do you think that you solved the quandary of opening the Portal of your High Heart?

S.         When I am in a meditative state, my ego is not an issue. My challenge is to maintain that higher state of consciousness while I move through my daily life without loosing track of my physical body. How can I maintain that higher state of consciousness and still navigate the physical world without injuring my physical form? I would say that that is my biggest problem now. Is there a way that I need to love, forgive and/or accept my earth vessel?
M.       Suzille, in your first journey through your High Heart Portal you saw how surroundings changed with each level of ascension. Many of you have also experienced that your life flows more easily than ever before. This flow is because you have downloaded and integrated more and more higher frequency light into your consciousness and your earth vessel.
This highest frequency of this light is unconditional love, which is the source of the Sacred Geometry that can alter the personal and planetary 3D Matrix. Unconditional love, in fact, all unconditional expressions, change your life because it raises the frequency of your personal matrix. Then, each human who raises the resonance of his or her personal matrix, contributes that higher frequency of reality to the planetary matrix.
A frequency shift at the baseline frequency of the matrix changes everything within your reality for it shifts your entire reality. Hence, all your perception, and, thereby, your experience, resonate to a higher frequency. There are infinite frequencies of reality, which are based on the frequency of your reality’s matrix. When you raise your personal resonance, you move into a higher frequency version/matrix of your present reality.
Thus, your entire world changes as you change because your consciousness has adhered to, and experiences, a higher frequency of the reality. Because your “ascension” is incremental, and your entire reality reflects your higher frequency of expression, you may not know that you have just ascended beyond your former frequency of reality. Therefore everything appears the same, but better. The boss who was grouchy becomes kind and supportive, the children that were causing your grief move into their next, higher stage, and the better job your wanted is revealed to you.
No, this does not mean that you don’t have to work on yourself. You have to work on yourself a LOT in order to become Master of your Energy, so that you can raise your consciousness. However, you don’t actually “work” at all. Instead, you choose to face every situation with the fifth dimensional energy field of unconditionally love, unconditionally forgiveness and unconditionally acceptance.
By making this choice of “unconditionally” loving, forgiving and accepting every aspect with your life, you are infusing the fifth dimensional energy field into the matrix of your third/fourth dimensional reality. When you do this, you raise the resonance of your life at the level of your personal and planetary matrix. With this higher resonance, you are able to expand your perceptions into the higher and higher frequencies of each situation.
Within these higher frequencies of perception/experience you are free of third dimensional thinking, which allows you to attach your attention to an even higher frequency of your reality. Where your attention is, there you are also. One warning, if you choose to place your attention onto a lower frequency of reality, you will lose your hold on the higher world and return into its lower frequency expression.
Yet, do not be concerned if this happens. It takes practice to respond to your physical life in a fifth dimensional manner. Fortunately, if you forgive, accept and love your self unconditionally, you can easily return to that higher frequency of reality.
Arcturians:  You can expedite your power of transmutation by stretching your perceptions. By stretching your perceptions we mean that you can choose to:
           Believe that there is a higher frequency of reality that is just beyond your current spectrum of light.
     Go into a meditative state to expand your consciousness into a frequency of reality beyond the one to which you are accustomed.
      Believe that that what your imagination perceives during this meditation is real.
     While in your daily consciousness, stretch your imagination to perceive this higher reality    with your eyes opened.

For example, if during your meditation you perceive that you are riding through your city in an antigravity car, allow an overlay of that image to enter you imagination while you actually driving on your 3D road.

In this manner, you will stretch your perception to include the possible reality of the higher expression of your personal/planetary life-matrix. Remember to allow yourself to believe that your higher perceptions are real and that which you experience via these perceptions are real, but in a slightly higher version of reality,

If you do not believe that your higher perceptions are real, you will not adhere your consciousness to these perceptions. Adhering your consciousness to a given perception is similar to saving a file in your computer. In fact, save these files to your “desktop,” your Third Eye, where you can easily find them again.

When you choose to imagine, which is fifth dimensional thought, a higher frequency of reality bleeding into your daily life you:

·      Give yourself hope of a higher frequency life
·      Keep your consciousness focused on the positive
·      Calibrate your consciousness toward the higher perspectives of every situation
·    Allow and guide yourself to live the higher reality that you perceive from INSIDE your SELF

“Miracles” often occur because you have expanded your consciousness into a higher frequency reality. Then, what was impossible in your former frequency is easy in your higher expression reality. To facilitate your ascension, live your life with the belief and expectation of an ever-expanding adventure of personal and planetary ascension.

Remember that as you ascend, your reality will change with you. Therefore, you may not experience life as “different.” With each incremental shift of your consciousness adhering to a higher frequency of your personal/planetary matrix, your life may not appear different, but it will definitely be better, lighter, more loving and increasing filled with new expressions of your ever-expanding creative abilities.

To release all “effort,” which is the domain of your third dimensional ego, focus on your wish fulfilled. In fact, you can imagine your aura as a bulletin board at a restaurant that has it latest menu posted. The Flow of the ONE is ever-present and fills your every thought. Repeating yourwish is a form of doubt. Therefore, just post your wish on your aura one time. Then, relax and allow the Flow of the ONE to manifest your wish at the perfect “time” and in the perfect way.

In this manner, you will not limit your fulfillment to the thinking of your former self. Instead, you are allowing the impossible to come true. Once you “post your menu,” release all wishes and surrender your life to the Flow of the ONE. In this way, you release all ego-based desires,let go of all process, and relax into the Flow of your higher expressions of life. To free yourself of your habit of third dimensional EFFORT, remember to “release, let go and relax.” In other words, just open your Portal of the High Heart and allow your new life to flow through.
S.   Thank you for that information. I am beginning to understand how mind over matter, and heart over matter, works.

Through Suzanne Lie, PhD