Thursday, October 13, 2011


Crystal Temple
Take a long moment to feel the others who are with you in the Arcturian Corridor…
Connect your Soul with their Soul and feel the unconditional love, infinite light and calm peace flowing through every one of you …

Daily Life
Take a long moment to fill your heart with all the beings (human and non-human, third dimensional and beyond) that have shared your journey…
Channel the feelings of unconditional love, infinite light and calm peace flowing from the Crystal Temple into your grounded self and then out to all those who have shared your journey…
 Share with Gaia
Take a long moment to remember all your experiences in Gaia’s beautiful Nature…
Channel your gratitude for these moments into Gaia and all her inhabitants…
To continue our journey, envision your self in front of the two giant Golden Doors at the exit of this Crystal Temple. You have been here before, which you will more easily remember as you more completely awaken your multidimensional memory. 

See the huge Golden Doors as they open before you. The doors appear golden because gold is the color of pure joy. In your world, many have sought gold in hopes of finding wealth in a material fashion. But did that wealth give them joy? Joy is not a reward for accumulation. Joy is a state of consciousness.
When your consciousness is filled with joy, your aura becomes golden, because you have acknowledged that your consciousness is your only eternal treasure. In order for you to cross the threshold of these Golden Doors, you will need to accept and surrender to the pure joy that emanates from them. Close your inner eyes and focus your intention on opening your unlimited mind and unconditionally loving heart. Yes, it is only with an open mind and loving heart that you canaccept pure JOY.
Allow the JOY to surround you…
Surrender to the JOY…
You are ready NOW to cross the threshold…
Surrender to the threshold…
Fall into the threshold…
As you cross the threshold, you find yourself in the form of a Phoenix Bird, the harbinger of a new era, floating in a sky of infinity. Just as a sea gull hovers in the sky, wings spread wide, patiently awaiting the smoothest and swiftest air current, you, too, hover, wings spread wide, patiently awaiting the highest frequency to pull you into its current. You feel the soft breeze of love and joy as it caresses your feathers of light.
The view from here is magnificent. Below, you can see all that you have ever been and how far you have traveled in your many third dimensional experiences. You can also see your many fourth dimensional experiences in which you followed your Spiritual Path Home. Yes, you have been a brave and tenacious Spiritual Warrior for myriad incarnations.
You have fallen many times, but somehow you have gotten back up, brushed off your knees and continued on your journey Home to SELF.
You know that your experiences in the these worlds are not yet complete, for from this perspective you can easily see the loose ends you wish to tie up and responsibilities you want to complete.
However, with that realization, a quiet breeze whispers into your ear, “Dear One, raise these final touches into the resonance of the ONE, to more easily be fulfilled.” This voice holds such love, joy and peace that you try to find it, but it is everywhere. How can love, joy and peace be everywhere when you have tenaciously sought them your entire life, and experienced them only fleetingly? In that instant of doubt, you start to fall.
Fortunately, you remember you are a bird and instinctively flap your wings. Taking a long breath, you relax into the feel of love, peace, and joy and continue to wait for the current to pull you into its Flow.
Slowly, the cares and conflicts of the lower worlds again disappear from your awareness. You choose, instead, to focus on waiting for the Flow.
The sky around you is sweet and clear. Beneath you is your favorite landscape. Yes, Gaia is the most beautiful Mother anyone could have.
You confirm your commitment to take Her with you. Pulling the memories of your many experiences in Her wondrous Nature into your heart, your mind calms. You feel the solidarity of a redwood tree within the family of its ancient forest and the strength of a mountain peak within a vast mountain range. You are a single cloud and the entire sky, the quiet of a still, small pond, and the roar of a surging ocean.
Between the ocean and the sea, you are pulled toward their point of unity. Gently you allow the sky and the sea to engulf you as you follow their calming motion. As you do so, you feel yourself becoming the ocean and being the sky. You surrender to the sensation of flowing with the currents of air, and the waves of the sea.

As you relax into the JOY of flowing with the current, you see the Sun peeking above the horizon. Is it rising or setting? Perhaps, it is simultaneously sunrise and sunset, for you are both releasing the old and embracing the new. You approach the Sun and feel the glow of unconditional love warming your heart and the promise of change awakening your mind. Like a bird caught in an updraft, your consciousness soars beyond time and space into the infinite ONE of the fifth dimension.
With the joy of a long-awaited homecoming, you embrace those whom you have missed, remembered and even forgotten. They are all here NOW in the ONE. The many expressions of your SELF within your myriad excursions into the physical worlds surround you like the stars in the night-sky. You greet them like beloved family members with whom you wish to share the memories of your long journey into matter. You are a great messenger who has returned from a long journey with news of all that you have experienced. You contribute your wealth of memories to the ONE and feel all the memories of the many individuated bodies of light that warmly greet you.
As you look around you, you discover that the reality you thought you had left surrounds you still, but it now glistens in the light of the fifth dimension. You bask in this reality where you feel only love, peace and joy. You have graduated from the need to learn through conflict. In the NOW, you realize that you are amultidimensional being and do not need to sacrifice one reality to experience another. Therefore, you know that even when you return to the lower worlds, you will feel the fifth dimension around and inside you.
In fact, it is you multidimensionality that you will share with Gaia as you ground your great light into Her planet and your physical reality.
You are ready to return, for now you know that you have never left—you have only forgotten.
Firmly, you decree that forever and ever, you will remember your true, multidimensional SELF, who is the Core of your Being. You know that within the challenges of your daily life you may forget, but simultaneously, you know that you WILL remember.
To facilitate this memory, take a moment to experience your SELF in your Merkaba form.
The downward facing pyramid is your feminine, earthbound form of matter and the upward facing pyramid is your masculine form in Spirit.
In the middle, where male and female meet, is your High Heart, the holder of your ATMA, your Three Fold Flame of Life. Gently, yet firmly, deposit your multidimensional memory of SELF into your ATMA.
Program your consciousness NOW that whenever you are in danger of forgetting your SELF, you will spontaneously touch your High Heart (just above your Heart Chakra) to activate your memory of your
Ever-present life in the fifth dimension!

Dear Ones,
We shall return, for we will never leave,
The Arcturians

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