Monday, October 10, 2011


Do you remember how, even though you could feel the higher worlds in your heart and at the edges of your mind, you still clung to your old, third dimensional beliefs in limitation and separation? You lived in a reality where “different” was viewed as “worse” or “bad.”

Therefore, you believed you needed to push away your inner experiences, as they made you different and alienated from your surroundings. However, eventually, your spiritual/inter-dimensional experiences became so strong that you could no longer ignore them.

Then, one-by-one or in small groups, you sought more information and understanding about these inner communications. Through your tenacious efforts, your inner instincts, feelings, ideas and communications became the spiritual guidance that has brought you here to our Corridor. 

Others of you spent many years trapped in the illusions of the third dimension, but have awakened slowly—or as quickly as a flash of lightening. Whether you always remembered and suffered years and/or decades of alienation, or have recently awakened, you have special memories of your Spiritual Path so far.

Take a moment to reflect on these memories. It would be helpful if you jotted them down or shared them with another seeker. As you review these memories, see them as your special victories in the Light…


Now take a moment to reflect on your fourth dimensional experiences.
The fourth dimensional experiences of your life have been expressed through your most intimate emotions and passions, your early imagination, your creative force and your spiritual journey toward the awakening of your Multidimensional SELF. 

Many of your fourth dimensional experiences were highly creative, deeply loving and spiritually awakening. On the other hand, most of them were still ego bound or, at least, still attached to your ego’s goals and desires.
Thank each of these enlightening experiences, for as you cross the threshold into the fifth dimension, you will forever leave your ego behind. Your ego will still serve you, but only as the Captain of the earth vessel for when you enter the third and fourth dimensions to give service. Just as you move into and out of your car or your home, once you are fifth dimensional, you will be able to move into and out of your ego’s earth vessel when you journey back into the lower worlds for service to others.
Dear ones, be aware that becoming your Multidimensional SELF will NOT limit your reality in any way. As your integrated SELF awakens to the fifth dimension, you are not raising your consciousness to a different reality. 

Instead, you are expanding your consciousness to simultaneously experience many different realities within the NOW of the ONE. Do not be limited by third dimensional language. To move into the unknown, you will need to release your attachment to outdated operating systems, languages and communication styles.
In the fifth dimension and beyond, you live by your expanded perceptions of telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychokinetic and more. You are expanding your perceptions to include your true, multidimensional nature. 

Therefore, you will experience the third and fourth dimensions, as well as the first and second dimensions and quantum worlds, whenever you please. Much as you take a trip to the mountains or seashore, you will take a trip into different realities. However, without the confines of time and space, you will not “take time” to “go there.” Instead, you will merely expand your consciousness to encompass other realities within the NOW of the ONE.
Take a moment now to review your fourth dimensional experiences.
The fourth dimensional experiences of your daily life are your growing sense of mastery over your energy field. On the other hand, your journey through the Lower Astral Plane and into each of the higher planes to release trapped emotions and outdated behaviors is the spiritual component of your fourth dimensional life.
Take a long moment to remember these. Jot them down or share them with a friend…

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor

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