Thursday, October 27, 2011


But how does that work in daily life? 
The answer is that in daily life YOU, your consciousness, will need to constantly remind YOU, earth vessel, that you are transmuting into a higher frequency of being.

Reassure your grounded form that it must stay HERE in the NOW, with Gaia, to ground all the magnificent information and experiences that YOU, consciousness, are experiencing in the ONE while your earth vessel is going to work, changing the baby, driving a truck, teaching a class, going to school, etc. Before Gaia and all Her inhabitants return to the fifth dimensional ONE, many of Her humans may need to go through the phase in which they appear to be two—consciousness and earth vessel.

Because it is necessary that your consciousness serve as your Scout into the higher frequency in order to prepare the way for your ultimate return, this seeming polarity of consciousness and form will be one of the last polarities to collapse into the unity. This is true because there are many times that your earth vessel needs to totally focus on your third dimensional reality, which has actually already become fourth dimensional.

In fact, it is Gaia’s gradual return to a fourth dimensional resonance that has created many of the planetary changes that have been perceived as disasters. With Gaia’s transmutation into Her fourth dimensional expression, many third dimensional concepts, possessions and ideas have had to be released. This process of release will increase exponentially as Gaia, and her inhabitants expand into the resonance of the fifth dimension. When you keep your consciousness above the frequency of fear, you will realize that whatever you release is replaced by its higher frequency expression.

By joining us in the Corridor you have had a chance to practice interdimensional traveling via your consciousness. NOW, you are called upon to consciously and constantly integrate these experiences and any other multidimensional adventures into your earth vessel. In this manner, your Scout, consciousness, can return to your earth vessel, to assist you in BEING your Multidimensional SELF in your daily life.

With the intermingling of your multidimensional consciousness with your earth vessel, you will slowly progress through the process of BEING third dimensional to BEING fourth dimensional and into BEING fifth dimensional. As you continue to release third, then fourth, dimensional beliefs and illusions, it becomes increasingly easy for you to FLOW into and embrace the TRUTH of your multidimensional reality.

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor II

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