Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Your energy field, aura, is created by the thoughts you harbor in your consciousness and the emotions you hold in your form. Mastery over the emissions of your energy field is vital because your energy field proceeds into the fifth dimension, instantly manifesting your every thought and feeling.

To be a Master of Energy means that you self-correct any negative thinking or fearful emotions by overdubbing it with un-conditional love. Are you ready to enter a reality in which your every thought and emotion is instantly manifest? Let us linger a moment at the threshold to view this realty.

As long as your consciousness is filled with joy and love, you will instantly (in the NOW, beyond time/space) create joy and love. As we have said, when you enter the fifth dimension, there is no time or space. Hence, the manifestations of your energy field are instantly manifested as reality. In the lower dimensions where there is still time and space, it takes time and work to create your reality. However, the higher your consciousness, the faster your thoughts and the quicker your manifestations.

Many of you have experienced the manifestation of thoughts and emotions that you did not know you were harboring in your energy field. These are important lessons, for they urge you to focus your intentions away from ego and fear and toward being a Master in preparation for fifth dimensional Earth. Not only will your thoughts and feelings become instantly manifest, everyone will know everything that you are thinking and feeling. When you live in unity with all life, there is nowhere to hide your secrets—from others or from your self.

The emotions hidden in your body will tell you about any secrets that you have kept in your Unconscious. Your emotions do not speak a verbal language. They speak “body.” Fortunately, once you know the body messages within each chakra, you will be able to translate your aches, pains, illnesses and accidents into a language that you can understand.

There is basically one message that your body will give you. “In order to hold your resonance high enough to remain in the fifth dimension, you will have to release the emotions of_______ , eat ______, and do _______ for your body.” Learning to tune into your earth vessel will assist you in grounding your great, multidimensional energy. You will likely need to change your diet, get more rest, meditate, exercise and alter some actions and behaviors to assist your earth vessel in integrating the higher frequencies.

We have talked in detail about monitoring your consciousness, but we would like to remind you that the greatest healing force in the Universe is unconditional love. Therefore, if you find your thinking to be negative, your emotions fearful or that you are not listening to your body, remember to love your self unconditionally. If you reprimand yourself for your “mistakes,” you will eventually stop observing yourself. It is then that your transformation into your SELF will be interrupted. To be a citizen of the fifth dimension, you will need to take full responsibility for your reality—without placing blame on others OR on your self.

If you blame your self for a mistake, you will only feel guilty, which is a very low frequency emotion that will drop you out of the fifth dimension. On the other hand, if you lovingly take responsibility for your reality and gratefully accept the lessons of each “problem,” you will gain great empowerment, which will keep your resonance high.

Practice acting as your true, Multidimensional SELF in your daily life by remembering to be the Master your thoughts and emotions. When negative thoughts and fearful emotions threaten to taint your consciousness, take a moment to focus on the gratitude for the unconditional love that is infinitely at your service. In this manner, you will gain peace of mind and a consistent feeling of gratitude and unconditional love.

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor

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