Saturday, October 15, 2011


Dear Ascending Humans,
We rejoice to see you here in the Crystal Temple of fifth dimensional Venus under the wise direction of the Arcturians. We, the higher expressions of your SELF, have also overseen your journey of becoming your ONE SELF. Every time you integrate a new aspect of your Multidimensional SELF into your perception of SELF, your greatly expand your consciousness. Many of you have expanded your consciousness and raised your resonance enough to remember some of your fifth dimensional lives, as well as some of your experiences of
ascension. Because of this amplification of your resonance, we, the Galactic Federation, are now able to openly communicate with you.
Once you, a grounded Being, resonate to a frequency of unity, you are able to receive transmissions from the fifth dimension and beyond. We then become very interested in your development in the Light and contact all your higher expressions of SELF so that they may personally assist you. With your first inter-dimensional communications, it is easier to connect with a higher expression of your SELF, for you are of the same Soul frequency.
Since you are able to maintain a conscious connection to a fifth dimensional expression of your SELF, we know that you are ready to join our Federation. Hence, even though you are still holding a vessel on third dimensional Earth, we have come to you today to welcome you to the Galactic Federation. It doesn’t matter if you see your self as “only” human, for we see you as the great Multidimensional Being that is your true expression of SELF.
We have introduced ourselves to you to make it easier for you to connect with our frequency. In this manner, you can more clearly receive our messages and translate them into your human language center.

When you were still functioning under the control of your ego/self, you were bound by the limits of your third dimensional rules of polarity, time and space. On the other hand, now that your Soul/SELF is flying your earth ship, your reality is currently fluctuating up and down in resonance as you constantly adapt—and re-adapt—to the extremely high frequency torsion waves that are now ever-present in your reality.
From our resonance in the fifth dimension and beyond, we can clearly see all the millions of you who are awakening to the adventure of planetary ascension. As more and more of you are able to receive our communications, we will be increasingly able to transmit messages and instruction to our grounded ones. To the degree that you are able to accept and integrate our higher vibration into your earth vessel, your life will increasingly resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond.
There are those of you who do not wish to return to your fifth dimensional home in the land of unity, peace and unconditional love.
To those of you who are not ready to leave your homes, your loved ones, your careers, your pets, etc. do not be concerned. There is no loss, because there is no leaving. Instead, you are transmuting the very fabric of your reality from the dualism of the third/fourth dimension into the unity of the fifth dimension and beyond.
You can “alter your reality” as quickly or as suddenly as you desire.
This is your ascension. You have practiced for this moment in myriad lifetimes, and/or waited beyond time to participate in this grand moment. Look not to what is happening outside of you. Instead, concentrate on what is happening inside of you. Transmutation begins at the level of personal and planetary DNA, then progresses into your physical body and third dimensional reality.
One warning. Whether or not you believe it, YOU are creating your reality. There is no hiding from this fact, no matter how much you doubt yourself. Doubt and resistance will only make your process more chaotic. It is best that you own your power within and remember that
with this power comes added responsibilities. The best way for you to proceed is to focus primarily on your consciousness. Listen to the voice of your Soul/SELF who guides and leads you throughout every moment. Simultaneously, recognize the illusions of fear and separation, as you choose to attend, instead, to the Truth of love and unity.
Sleep and meditate as often as possible so that you can release old limiting beliefs and allow the seed of your Lightbody to safely grow within you. When your Lightbody was off-line, you could see reality only through your five senses, but now your expanded perceptions are steadily increasing. As your Lightbody grows stronger within your physical form, it will serve to filter-out the illusions of the third/fourth dimension and filter-in the truth of the quantum world and the fifth dimension and beyond.
Your quantum world will be perceived by your DNA, specifically your junk DNA. The 97% of DNA that has been labeled “junk,” as its role was then unknown, carries myriad inter-dimensional wormholes, which receive messages from the quantum world. At the same time, the many scalar/torsion wave systems within your earth vessel will receive the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension and beyond.
Your opened Third Eye will then translate these transmissions into your human language so that you can share your message with others. Your grounded, earth vessel actually serves as an antenna, which can receive only the frequencies to which it resonates. Hence, as your personal resonance expands, you can receive transmissions from deeper within the quantum world and further into the higher dimensions. Eventually, you will come to the connecting bridge where the deepest quantum reality merges with the highest frequency reality to release all need for space, time or form.
However, please enjoy each step of your exciting return to SELF. You have chosen, in fact, you “stood in line” to take a body at this time. In the same manner, we have elected to “stand in the wings” to assist you in remembering that you are acting in a grand play, as well as to celebrate your grand finale. Now that we have made “first contact,” we want you to remember that we are available with a thought or an intention. We also wish to remind you that the best carrier wave for any transmission is unconditional love.
Therefore, we close our message by sending you unconditional love and a rousing applause for putting on a fantastic show!!
We welcome you Home—NOW!!

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor

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