Sunday, September 18, 2011


Dearest Earthlings,

As you Flow through your daily life, you may feel symptoms of transformation in both your Third Eye and your Crown Chakra. Not only are you using your Third Eye to perceive the Corridor, you are also allowing the powerful multidimensional light/energy of the Corridor to Flow into your Crown Chakra. Hence, your Crown Chakra is expanding to embrace more and more of it’s true frequency, while your Third Eye is opening to perceive higher and higher realities.

Because you are filling these chakras with a higher frequency light, the spin of each chakra will progress faster and faster. As each chakra increases its spin, it creates a centrifugal force that will throw off the lower frequencies in order to accept more and more of the higher frequencies. As you throw off the lower frequencies to embrace the higher, you will begin to release third dimensional concepts of separation and limitation to replace them with fifth dimensional concepts of unity and infinite potential.

Through this process of transmutation of the old into the new, you may experience symptoms of transformation. These symptoms may be felt in your Crown as a tingling or slight itch at the top of your head. You may find it difficult to concentrate on mundane tasks and find that they bore you or cause you great fatigue. This reaction to mundane tasks is because your consciousness is expanding far beyond the daily Beta Brainwave consciousness and into Alpha and Theta Wave consciousness. Hence, you desire to spend your time on Earth doing only what gives you joy and stimulates your creative mind.

With the opening of your Crown Chakra, your sleep cycles may also change, or you may find that you need much more sleep, or less. Your circadian cycles of wakefulness and sleep are shifting due to the constant stimulation of your pineal gland. You may also find that your dreams and meditations are move vivid and illumined than they have ever been before.

Your bodily symptoms of transformation from the ongoing opening of your Third Eye may be sinus headaches, dizziness, colds, postnasal drip, vision problems or difficulty with concentration. As you journey through the Arcturian Corridor, you are beginning to live in two worlds at once. The further opening of your Third Eye also increases your expanded perceptions of telepathy, empathy, intuition, clairvoyance, and clairaudience, clairsentience, which will enhance your ability to more clearly perceive the multidimensional aspects of your everexpanding reality.

It is important that you trust your perceptions and follow your intuitions. You may always call upon me, your Earth Mother, to ground your new life in my body as we move into the stars together.


(PS: Please take one or more days to integrate your process into both your personal and planetary bodies. In this manner, you can share your experiences with me, Gaia, so that I can you assist our planetary ascension, and amplify your process with my love and compassion.)

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor

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