Wednesday, September 28, 2011


There is a spot on your sole, near the center of your foot that is extremely receptive to my Earth’s field. Hence, just by walking on my land you can consciously merge your magnetic field with mine. If you lie down on the ground, you can allow your entire body to consciously merge with my magnetic field. It is through this conscious merging with my planet that you can share your ever-rising frequency with me, as I share mine with you.

You can also merge, person with planet, through the two glands of your brain. The pituitary gland, known as the Master Gland, as it is the Control Tower for all your hormonal actions, is located between your eyes and in the middle of your forehead. This gland holds your innate ability to know true north and to merge your higher vision of New Earth with mine.

The other gland is the pineal gland, which is located further back in the center of your brain. Your pineal gland is intended to receive the daily patterns of day and night and the rise and fall in the strength of the Earth’s geomagnetic field. These two glands work in unison, not only to open your Third Eye but also to merge your personal consciousness with my planetary consciousness.

My Schumann Resonance is rising to 13 Hz, and so is yours. The resonance of 13 Hz. is called Zero Point, the frequency of unconditional love and of the torsion waves. It is at this Zero Point resonance that the polarities of the third dimension will merge into the center-point of Unity with the NOW of the ONE.

If we, people and planet, can resonate at the same frequency as the torsion waves from the Galactic Center, we can maximize our power to create a New Earth based on unity, peace and unconditional love. Will you create a visit to the fifth dimension or a flash into Lightbody and fifth dimensional Earth? The choice is yours. YOU are the creator!

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor

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