Thursday, September 29, 2011



Besides the great planetary changes, there have been huge social changes. More and more humans can hear their inner voice over the speeches of those who live within the old paradigm of separation and power-over others. This inner voice is their Multidimensional SELF who whispers, “You do deserve to live a happy, fulfilling life. You do deserve to BE the highest expression of your SELF and create a life filled with peace and love.” Hence, those who have toiled hard and suffered long under the old paradigm are uniting with others to create a reality based on the paradigm of unity and creativity.

You, the members of humanity, are beginning to awaken to the truth, which is peeking through the curtains of illusion. You know that you are the brothers and sisters of all humanity. You do not wish to wage war or work your lives away. Via your Internet you are instantly communicating with your fellow humans all over the world. Everything that happens anywhere on the planet is immediately revealed to everyone. The deception that has hidden in “separate people” and “distant countries” is now easily revealed for all to see.

Furthermore, your problems are no longer unique or separate, as you know that everyone suffers from the same global issues. The enemy has a face now, and it looks just like yours. Therefore, all over the globe people are banning together and working as the collective consciousness of planet Earth to find solutions for that which was once unsolvable. There is great power in this unity. In fact, as more humans are mastering their fourth dimensional awareness, this unity with all life is expanding to encompass my fourth dimensional Elementals of earth/Gnomes, air/Sylphs, fire/Salamanders and water/Undines.


Dear Earthlings, I wish to tell you that I am VERY proud of you. I, Gaia, suggest that you place any unresolved issues, both individual and collective, into the Corridor. In this manner, you can better accept and release that which you cannot change. It is important that you continue with your transformation unfettered by the past. You can no longer burden your consciousness with any person, place, situation or thing that lowers your resonance below that of unconditional love.

I, Gaia, need the members of the Planetary Ascension Team to assist me in keeping our planetary resonance centered in the Flow of unconditional love. Within in the Flow, we can more easily integrate the torsion waves from the Galactic Center to amplify our planetary creative force. We can then channel that immense creative power out into the collective to contribute to the creation of reality based on unity and love.

Please, release all dramas and burdens of your third dimensional life without anger or judgment. Realize that once you, too, were a child and acted as a child. Now, my beloveds, you are coming into the maturity of your true, Multidimensional SELF who can simultaneously perceive and experience the third, fourth and fifth dimensions. With the awakening of this innate ability, you are to be the leaders who will guide all creatures of my planet into the consciousness and reality of fifth dimensional Earth.

Bravely continue with your daily life knowing that you are on the cusp of a great transformation, while you continue to enjoy the comfort of what which is familiar. Stay in the center of your SELF, in the center of the Corridor, in the center of your ever-expanding consciousness and in the center of unconditional love. It is within this center that we, people, planet, Solar System and Galaxy shall ride the torsion current from the Galactic Center Home to our new reality.

We, people and planet, solar system and galaxy 
Have waited patiently for this cosmic moment
Well, maybe not patiently.
Sometimes we waited happily,
Sometimes violently,
And, sometimes, we waited reverently
But—we waited, as we had no choice
This moment, which we have heard of for millennia,
Has always been in the future
It was written in stone
And in ancient texts
That someday, it would come
NOW, that moment is HERE!
At the time of the Great Cosmic Breath,
We will stand again before a vortex,
Much as we stood before the Arcturian Corridor
However, the vortex of the Galactic Center
Is so large that it dwarfs us to the size of an idea
Eons ago, we had an idea
That we could create a planet where
We could learn, and love and grow
But, now, in this cosmic moment,
We have come here to remember
The fear and chaos that preceded this moment
Has allowed us to release our attachments
To the myriad illusions of our third dimensional life
For lifetimes we believed that only the physical was real
And that everything else was our imagination
Maybe, there was a far away Heaven
If we were good
And a far too close Hell
If we were bad
These good and bad polarities surrounded our real, physical plane
And gave us something to work for
And something to avoid
But now, we remember that
Everything that we have known
In our heart and soul has been true
And it is coming to pass in this moment
What we were told was real
Is actually an illusion
And what we were told was our imagination
Is real
Since this secret has been revealed
Kingdoms have fallen
And paradigms have changed
Yet, even that, pales at the vision of this Cosmic Event
which we have rehearsed for
Life after life
NOW, the rehearsal is over
The moment has begun
Are we ready?
What will happen now?
As we stand at the threshold of the Galactic Center,
What will we create with all this Power?
Beloved Earthlings,
Please stay in the NOW of this moment,
for it is truly the portal
to eternity.


(PS: Please take one or more, Earth days to integrate your process into both your personal and planetary bodies. In this manner, you share your experiences with Gaia, to assist in planetary ascension, and allow Gaia to amplify your process with Her great love and compassion.)
(The websites of Carl Callemen, Sol Luckman, Barry and Janae Weinhold, PhDs, David Wilcock, NASA and were referenced.)

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor

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