Sunday, September 25, 2011


Dear Earthlings,

It is so grand to travel with you through the Arcturian Corridor. I see you in your Lightbody and complement you on sending this image to your grounded one. Do you see how I, too, am changing my form and sending the consciousness of this form into my physical planet? Just as you are returning to your Lightbody, I am returning to my Star-body. I say “returning,” for all the beings, elements and fourth dimensional Elementals of my planet once sent copies of their great Multidimensional SELF into the grand adventure of “Life in the Lower Dimensions.” I am here to tell you that our great adventure is about to culminate into another, even more magnificent, venture. I am sure that most of you here are familiar with the Mayan Calendar, which speaks of the end of time.
However, there will be no ending. In fact, we will actually be returning. We are returning Home to our Galactic Center, the point from which we first entered our long sojourn into the realities of time and space of the lower dimensions. All that will be ending is a cycle. As a matter of fact, more than one cycle will be culminating into the fruition of a new phase.

The Mayan Calendar maps 2012 as the closing date of a 26,000-year cycle. 26,000 years is the amount of time it Precession of the Equinox.

The second cycle ending in 2012 is the completion of the Galactic Year which is the 225 million Earth years that it takes for the Milky Way Galaxy to make one complete rotation around the Great Central Sun of our Universe. There is also the closing of a 75,000-year Galactic Cycle
and a 26-million Earth cycle.

All of these cycles will culminate upon our return to the Galactic Center. Furthermore, all the planets of our Solar System will be aligned as our Solar System and our entire Galaxy returns to our “start-point,” our point of conception where we were first breathed into life by the great Cosmic Breath of multidimensional, living, intelligent and creative torsion waves.


Torsion waves are the energy of the universal creative consciousness, which can be envisioned as a light lattice connecting Earth via our Sun to the Galactic Center. When we focus the conscious or unconscious “observation” of our thought, emotion and/or intention on these quantum waves of torsion energy, they become particles that gather together to create the form that reflects our every thought, emotion and/or intention.

The torsion waves of light/consciousness serve as the communication network that directs and guides human, planetary, solar, galactic and universal evolution. These multidimensional torsion waves, which are based on the phi ratio of (1.6180339), emanate form the Galactic Center and spiral through “empty” space in exponentially increasing cycles similar to: the Golden Mean and the Nautilus Shell.

Russian researchers have demonstrated that the harmonic vibration of phi, also referred to as the Golden Mean and Fibonacci sequence, influences the very fabric of space-time. Time as we experience it, follows exponentially smaller cycles, much like a finger tracing the inward spirals of a conch shell to its center point. It is at this center point that “time” seems to disappear. Thus, the Mayans speak of “the end of time.”

However, this ending is only a beginning, and our new beginning is soon. In fact, it is NOW. In the picture below you can see the progression of our Sun, and hence our Solar System, at 3,000 BC, 1,500 BC and 2012 AD as we return to the Galactic Center of our Milky Way Galaxy. In 2012, our Sun, our Solar System and our Earth, will be at the mouth of the Dark Rift, known as the Cosmic Birth Canal. The Mayans named the Dark Rift the “Dark Road” to the “Tree of Life.” 2012  has long been destined to be the culmination of an old vision of reality and the beginning of a new one. However, time is relative, and there is NO time in the fifth dimension. Besides that, YOU are the creator of your own reality. Therefore, each of my citizens, human and otherwise, will decide when they are ready to raise their consciousness into our new reality.

However, I, Gaia, the consciousness of planet Earth, have chosen 2012 as the time that I will allow the Cosmic Breath of torsion waves from the Galactic Center to transmute my planet into the fifth dimensional expression of my SELF. My loyal Planetary Ascension Team has been patiently waiting for that moment to assist and join me in this new beginning.

Many of my beloved “extinct” plants and animals have gone ahead to populate New Earth. New Earth is my Multidimensional SELF. Hence, it has always existed. New Earth is also the sum/total of all the multidimensional SELVES of persons, animals, plants and components of my body who first joined me in our wonderful adventure of life in a polarized reality based on separation and limitation. The great unity of life that is the form and function of my planet has always existed
because we are of Spirit and Spirit is infinite. Infinity has no ending, as well as no beginning, for there is no time in the NOW of the ONE. Many of those who will decide to remain and continue to play the 3D Game are parallel lives, spin-offs, of the members of our Ascension Team. You all have more than one physical expression of your SELF who is incarnated on Earth at this time to enhance your chances of awakening. From your vantage point in the fifth dimension, you will be able to be the “Higher Self” to the other elements of your total SELF until they are ready to join you in the fifth dimension.
There are many members of the Planetary Ascension Team who are not consciously aware of their commitment, or their Multidimensional SELF who made it. However, all of them sense an expansion of consciousness on planet Earth, as well as in their personal lives. In fact, all of them are gradually expanding their consciousness beyond the polarized, third dimensional concept of individual consciousness and into the fifth dimensional concepts of Planetary, Galactic and Cosmic Consciousness.

More and more of my humans are discovering that they are all intrinsically ONE with each other and with the planet. In fact, current world events have called for nations to band together for the sake of the entire planet. Perhaps my humans see these world events as problems, but I, Gaia, see them as catalysts for the fulfillment of ancient prophecy.

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