Friday, September 16, 2011



Because you have been integrating your Multidimensional SELF into your earth vessel, which has greatly expanded your consciousness, you now have the ability to expand your reality beyond the confines of your daily life.

Furthermore, you feel safe enough within yourself that you are able to heal and release the injured children, teens, and young adults within your conscious and unconscious psyche.

In fact, these selves within your self are lined up within you in front of the vortex of our Corridor. See them now. They are ready to step into the vortex; they are ready to go Home, back to their SELF.

See the vortex of our Corridor before you. At first, it is far away.

Then, gradually, it moves closer and closer until, at last, the vortex is directly in front of you and directly in front of the line of your former selves who are ready to be released into its transmuting power. The vortex is growing now. What was once a small swirling force the size of your hand is expanding. As it becomes larger, it also becomes stronger.

 The colors become brighter and change in hue.

The deep red changes into a magenta...

The orange and yellow merge into a glowing tangerine…

The green transforms into a dark turquoise which then swirls into
silver tinged aquamarine…

This aquamarine then twists into a deep blue transforming it into a violet blue that shimmers as it moves faster and faster…

Then, the center of the vortex bursts forth in a flood of white light,
which is instantly filled with the glimmer of gold and silver starlight...
Simultaneously, you hear the sounds of the vortex amplify and alter. What first sounds like the buzz of bees begins to take on an oscillating quality, which is joined by a low hum…

This hum purifies into a tone and the tone becomes a spectrum of

These harmonies raise octave by octave growing ever more complex and compelling until, just as the center of the vortex bursts into gold and silver, the sounds crescendo into the Music of the Spheres…

The music beckons you into the swirl of light and sound…
They are ready to leave now, these portions of yourself which you shall never again need to be, which you shall never again ALLOW yourself to be!

Stand at the threshold of the vortex to hug and kiss them all goodbye. The youngest ones are first and the rest follow by chronological age, except that those who are older carry the ones who are too young to walk.

You wish to hold each one and wish them farewell, but the force of the vortex pulls them through faster and faster until they are becoming a blur.

All you can do is watch, as more and more of the person that you have known yourself to be disappears into the vortex of transmutation. You watch your children, your teens, and your young adults whisk by so quickly that you can barely discriminate one from the other.

You feel as though you are in a tornado. You look around for something to hold on to, but there is nothing—nothing except your
desire to remain upon the Earth to fulfill your destiny.

Yes, the Earth that has caused you such fear and, also, such joy. You have so often wished to abandon your responsibilities, and disappear into the wilderness of your own personal illusions.

Only your desire to stay, to fulfill your highest destiny, will protect you from the whirling pull of the vortex before you.

“It is not your time yet,”

whispers the voice of guidance in the core of your mind.

“You are among those who have volunteered to stay until it is time for the great journey. Release now all portions of your past that are not able to participate in that destiny.

“Feel them as they loosen from their stranglehold Within your

“Release them as they jar themselves from their long sentence within the prisons of your fear and pain.

“Allow them to surface so that they can be free.

Free of constriction and restriction,

Free of darkness and fear.

Free of time and the limitations it has brought.”

There is a final force of suction, one so strong that it almost loosens your tenacious hold on your convictions. The vortex pulls you closer and closer. You see before you the eye of the hurricane, the center of complete stillness, total peace. This stillness beckons you to enter.

Oh, dare you enter now? Dare you let go and release your promise,
release your destiny? The temptation threatens to uproot the
dedication that has grounded you.

The core is a deep stillness, an ultimate peace. The whirl of colors and sounds emanating from it are surrounding you. Dare you go now? Can you just surrender to the infinite peace and love that you feel within the vortex and join the other portions of yourself, who could no longer stay? After all, you are but one person. What possible difference would someone as insignificant as you make in the scheme of such a Divine Cosmic Plan?

Bit by bit, you feel yourself entering the vortex. What had once been powerful is now as gentle as an evening breeze. What had once been deafening is now as quiet as the first rays of dawn. Inside the vortex of our corridor, there will be peace. Inside, there will be love, and justice, and freedom. You raise your foot to take that first step into the core of the vortex, but as you do so, you feel another pull. It is the pull of your promise, the pull of your destiny.

“No!” you cry to the awaiting calm.

“I will not give up. I will not leave until I have accomplished all that I have promised to do, all that I have promised to BE.”

Suddenly, a hurricane of noise and a torrent of force replaces the
moment of stillness and calm. You must use all of your will to resist and to return—return to your desire to complete what you have vowed to do—to complete the person you have vowed to be. You know that you must turn your back on the vortex or you shall never be able to resist its call.

In one monumental act of devotion, devotion to the Divine Plan, you turn around to face the challenge that you had threatened to leave. Behind you, you feel the instant release of the vortex.

In a flash of golden light—
It is gone!

You are alone.

But wait, before you a vision is forming. Gradually, you realize that the vision is one of a stairway, a stairway of light that is descending from the infinite unknown. Floating down the stairs you see wondrous beings filled with light, love and peace. Who are these beautiful beings, you wonder?

"We are you," they reply in unison.

“Now that you have released the portions of yourself that have suffered in the third dimension, we can fill you with the portions of yourself that have loved upon the higher planes.

“We are you, you see. We are portions of your Soul that have awaited this moment so that you could release your pain and embrace your glory—our glory.”

One by one, the beings of light

Are descending the golden stairway

And entering your heart

Now you feel within yourself

The peace,

The glory,

The harmony

And, YES, the love

Now, you feel within you,

The confidence and courage

To calmly and peacefully


From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor

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