Wednesday, January 20, 2021



Group of Forty GLOBAL Newsletter | Issue 291 | January 2021
Group Of Forty Newsletter headers
Radio Wave Theory and the Speed of Thought 
By David K. Miller
I have been studying radio wave theory for many years and often compare radio propagation to thought waves. We are bio-magnetic beings and our thought waves, have similar characteristics to the electromagnetic properties of radio waves. Radio waves travel at the speed of light, which is the fastest possible speed an object can travel, 186,000 miles/second. This is an enormous speed. Juliano continually reminds us though that thought waves are instantaneous and are thus faster than the speed of light. Your thoughts can project your presence anywhere in the galaxy in an instant. Therefore, thought waves are able to travel at the fastest speed in the universe.  As a bio-magnetic being one can also receive thought waves and electro-magnetic communication from the higher realms immediately. It helps to be in a higher state of consciousness so that one’s receptivity to thought waves from other realms is heightened. One can even receive thoughts from other people on the Earth when one is in a state of receptivity. Thought waves, like radio waves, can travel around the earth covering all countries and all peoples. A psychic can receive thoughts from people on Earth as well as thoughts from spirits from other realms. Radio waves are influenced by the sunspot cycle, the ionosphere, the seasons, and the time of day. Some radio frequencies are more receivable at nighttime for example than during the day. Interestingly, many mystics and psychics report that their sensitivity to other realms is higher at nighttime, and others report greater sensitivity at sacred spiritual spots around the planet. In my beginning years as a channel, I would often travel to sacred energy spots in Sedona, Arizona, in order to enhance my receptivity to the Arcturians. Sacred sounds, such as words in ancient Hebrew or Sanskrit, can also help to raise one’s sensitivity and receptivity to thought waves from the masters. In our evolution, we are just at the beginning of exploring the nature and abilities of our thought powers. Hopefully, we can use this ability to accelerate the evolution of humanity.
STARSEEDS Counseling
Dear Gudrun,  
can you help me understand how to prepare for and use the "flash" of higher dimensional light that Juliano has downloaded to us in meditations. Also, what really is a "flash?" Thank you.
Dear Friend, good question.  
The Flash is an intense downloading of fifth-dimensional light. It is in preparation for the ascension. The intent is for your body to receive and integrate high-frequency energy.

You prepare for the downloading by increasing your frequency through many ways. You can read sacred and inspiring texts. You can go to sacred places. You can surround yourself with crystals and chimes and music that uplifts your soul! You also prepare by correct thinking. You are worthy of ascension. You are a Starseed here on a sacred mission. Emotionally you unburden yourself of any blockages that keep you stuck in lower energy. Let go of negative beliefs about yourself and let yourself heal from any traumas still causing you pain. Do not accept abuse on any level. Know you are divine beings and that you are loved unconditionally.

Group of Forty Monthly Lectures
with David K. Miller
David Miller
The next lecture is on Saturday, February 6, 2021 at 5:45 - 6:45 p.m. Phoenix, Arizona time (MST). We will be meeting on international phone line, which is specific for each country. An email announcement will be sent out one week prior with the freeconferencecall phone number and access code.
Contact David Miller at for more information.
 The re-transmission of the lecture for Europe will be on Sunday, February 7, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Phoenix, Arizona time. You can check the teleconference/lecture time against your local time by using either: or
Greetings, this is Juliano, we are the Arcturians. I welcome your inquisitive minds, especially at this time of dramatic change that is occurring throughout all aspects of your planet. There are many different perspectives and views on events, many different interpretations and it is hard, as seekers, to find the truth but nonetheless as they would say, the truth is out there and it only requires an inquisitive mind and persistence to find the ultimate answers to your questions.

Question from Rhonda in Houston.
Juliano, why do you not hear about the flu anymore? What is really going on with this virus? I feel strongly that we are being misled! Thank you.

A: Well, are you asking Rhonda, for more trouble? (jokingly). Is not the virus enough trouble that you want to get the flu – that is a joke. But anyway, first of all, let us just look at one scientific observation and that is the reason why there is not more cases reported of the flu right now.  Because the methodologies that are being practiced by hundreds if not millions of people around the planet which include washing of hands, keeping social distance, wearing a mask, being isolated and all the other rather painful methods, do work effectively with the flu as well.  So, what is happening is that you are not seeing as many cases of the flu because the methods that are being instituted to fight the Coronavirus in a secondary way or coincidental way have prevented more flu outbreaks. 
Now the question she asks, what is going on with this virus – I am assuming she is asking about the Coronavirus and what is going on with the Coronavirus is that it is out of control and that despite any scientific explanation, the general consensus, from my perspective and our perspective, an Arcturian perspective, is that the scientists still do not understand this virus and that even though they are saying that the vaccination is going to “cure it”, it is not going to cure it. In fact, my estimation is that the vaccination will be about 30% to 33% effective. 

Now when I say 33% effective, I am not comparing it to the 90% effectiveness or 90% effective rate, that is the rate where you get the vaccination and 90%of the time you will not get it. 30% means if you take the overall planetary situation the whole vaccination effort will be about 30% to 33% effective in reducing or keeping in maintenance or holding the back the total outbreak. 

Now, why do I say that? Because number 1, not everyone is going to take the vaccination and number 2, there is not the technological means to give everybody the vaccination, and number 3, it would take probably a year to a year and a half to give everyone the vaccination, and number 4, this virus, as I have said earlier, mutates, and the mutation would necessitate a second vaccination.  Just like you get a vaccination for the flu this winter or this summer but then next year there is a new version and this is the mutation ability this virus has. It has the ability to mutate and it is a very sophisticated virus and I think that even the truth of this virus, of how sophisticated it is, is probably being kept a secret from the planet for fear of creating more fear among everyone. 

I return to the theme that I have often said which is let us go to the root cause which is the sixth mass extinction and the interface of the destruction of the biosphere which causes the weakening of the immune system of humanity. This weakening of the immune system is caused by many different reasons such as radiation, which is related to the weakening of the Earth’s aura and also related to the weakening of the human aura. Solving these problems is the true cure. 

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