Friday, January 1, 2021


 You are lights in the dark - the more of you that dare to imagine a kinder world, the quicker that reality will manifest.

Feel this feeling of appreciation expanding within you. Do you get how it's all connected? it depends on us - we have one job: Raise our frequency… with integrity, a place of authentic love and compassion for what people are going through.
A critical mass will soon achieve evolution in conscious awareness for the collective. These changes begin first on the etheric levels and filter down to the material plane of existence.
An opportunity is before humanity - not the end of the world, only the end of the world as you knew it. Remain calm, carry peace as your vibration so that it brings greater stability upon the Earth.
The One New Earth Unity consciousness field is our extended aspects throughour Higher-self-lineages - the multidimensional expression of the angelics nature, dolphins, fairy, dragon realms, extraterrestrial Intelligence, galactic and groups of which we are a part and co-creating this time/space of the One New Earth, the peace and ascension Frequency.
Our empathic intuitive body is our guide - our empathic nature and telepathic awareness are key. Release the old that has been holding us back.. anything that is lowering our vibration.
Many of our gifts and abilities are now available in ways that we never could have imagined.
We are currently being tested by our Higher selves to show how much of our ego lessons we have mastered…. releasing all of our old programmings and karmic loops..
By detaching from negativity and anchoring more and more peace into our lives. Our assignment is not to be an observer but to change the vibratory level of earth.
Each one of us has a High level being aspect part of us. It’s Who We Really Are! - It’s the TRUTH of you. It’s the LIGHT of you. It’s our higher dimensional self.
You’re all in human bodies and you’re subject to human emotions. But guidance from your Higher Dimensional Perspectives is coming directly into your Hearts!
Our LIGHT Body is like a library of Wisdom and Knowledge collected by our SOUL.. allowing us to BEcome more sensitive to the Vibrations of the Creative Source.
Dream of a human race that cares about your Mother Earth. Your Love remains shining in the dark. You have been the beacons of hope and inspiration, peace, kindness, and truth in a world where many have been possessed by fear and divisiveness. Celebrate the miracle of your Light Presence here upon the earth. You are lights in the dark.
Allow yourself to look beyond your pan-demic, your politics, your disagreements, your frustrations, and dream of the things that you share as human beings. You all want to feel safe with freedom. You all want mother earth to share her resources for generations to come. Empower that future with your anticipation. Right here and now you have the power to create a better world.
The rest of the world may take a while to catch up with your visions, nevertheless, the more of you that dare to imagine a kinder world, the quicker that reality will manifest around you.
Take a few seconds here and there to stop and give thanks for life's simply pleasures. Enjoy a shaft of sunlight as it filters through your windows in the morning, the scent of fresh coffee or tea, a snuggle with your beloved animals and the air that you breathe.
Feel this feeling of appreciation expanding within you, filling every cell of your body, and radiating outward, encircling your globe and touching all open hearts. This simply can change your life.
If you could see your energy in quantum space, you would be awestruck with the beauty you create in such moments. The energetic vortices of your cells open to this radiance like flowers blossoming receiving sunlight. ~ Excerpt from VisionsofHeaven. com
Welcome To The Age of Aquarius
The golden age of light has officially begun. All darkness will be removed. All financial worries will evaporate. All illnesses become a history lesson of the distant past.
The old matrix system still exists for those who cling to it. But those who have done their shadow and inner work, (through the dark nights of the soul), are the ones who are living in the fifth-dimensional reality from now on.
Every person who has reached a higher consciousness and vibrates on the frequency of pure love, appreciation, and respect for all living beings transmutes the negative energy from so many people vibrating on the lower levels.
Do you see how it all depends on you? Do you get how it's all connected? -You have one job: Raise your frequency.
The higher you manage to vibe, the more abundance in love, health, and wealth you will attract, and the more people you will affect, and so, the ascension will be accelerated for everyone.
Everything you say, think, do, or act upon comes from a place of love. Closely examine yourself and your level of Compassion, Empathy, Integrity, Authenticity, Love, and.. in alignment with Enlightenment.
As the DNA of humanity was reduced to two functioning helixes only, blockages were created. Besides, society has been programed into certain belief-systems that serve us not.
Women have been so stuck behind a brick wall of not being allowed to speak. Men have been shaped into either not feeling.. Consequently, even though 5D is fully anchored and accessible now, ascension will not happen overnight for most. Learn to be patient with each other. Operate with integrity from a place of authentic love. Have great compassion for all people and for what they are going through. These are trying times for most, and you all have instrumental and unique sets of skills that are like pieces of a vast puzzle. A critical mass will soon achieve evolution in conscious awareness for the collective.
Aquarius : Honesty, Innovation, Humanitarian.
These changes begin first on the etheric levels and filter down to the material plane of existence. Illusions that have been perpetuated for thousands of years are now being broken. Too many are told in the regular mainstream media and it is your input, you holding your Light and energy that will create the opening that is needed to awaken them to the higher realities, to move beyond the illusion.
The greatest truth is that love is the answer to all that besets this world. People need to experience the compassion and empathy of others. What you see as chaos is the ascension process in progress. Change is happening in every area of life upon this planet.
The Earth will ascend, regardless; it is humanity that must shift its consciousness .. it is an opportunity that is before humanity - not the end of the world, only the end of the world as you knew it. What is changing are the obsolete paradigms that no longer work. What is changing is a positive, this is what you, the Lightworkers, must remember. Remain calm, to carry peace as your vibration so that it brings greater stability upon the Earth.
"Our message is of the One New Earth: you are familiar with the unity consciousness field, your extended aspects through higher-self-lineages - multidimensional expression of the angelic, nature, dolphins, fairy, dragon realms, extraterrestrial Intelligence, galactic and groups of which you are a part and co-creating this time/space of the One New Earth of peace and ascension. The Frequency of the One New Earth-One Humanity."
Your higher self is guiding you through the Divine Plan, Divine Principle of One. Stay tuned-in and trust your empathic intuitive body as your guide - your empathic nature and telepathic awareness are key.
Please do whatever you can now to release the old that has been holding you back.. and anything that is lowering your vibration.
You are masterful, powerful beings of light with many gifts and abilities that you are about to use in ways that you never could have imagined. Your lives will have new meaning. We will all be involved in the resurrection of the new earth.
New Technologies will be available to everyone without expense. They will be simple and easy to use and will improve your lives. You will heal the bodies, bring forth new teachings, and be doing the work that you were intended to do. You will live in peace, harmony, joy, and balance. The earth will be restored to her pristine beauty. There will be abundant healing throughout the planet.
Upgrades Underway
No one has the power to stop you once you realize that your power lies within you. This shift is taking place within every one of us. It is not outside. It is within us.
We are currently being tested by our higher selves to determine how much of our ego lessons we have mastered. This is a reminder for us to identify and release all of our old programmings and release karmic loops. Never allow anyone to trespass your sacred space or to disturb your peace. By detaching from negativity and anchoring more and more peace into our lives, we are all contributing by anchoring the frequency of peace into the energy grids of Gaia.
Gaia herself has already transitioned into the Fifth Dimensional realm of consciousness. The forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis.. help to clean massive astral fields of negative energy built up over the centuries. Gaia is holding space for humanity so that this transition will be as gentle as possible and to allow for the maximum amount of souls to transition into 5D reality. Benevolent ET beings wishing to assist humanity in this historic transition, are also here to ensure that the ones with negative agenda to control humanity are not allowed to start a full-scale Nuclear War.. because the majority of the population has subconsciously agreed to awaken and unify in peace and harmony.
You are going through the greatest change in the history of humanity. That which no longer serves your highest good is falling apart. You have been through the dark night of the soul for a long time and you are ready to enter mastery level now.
New Portals
Be more loose and relaxed so that you are as open as you can be during these times when those of you who are awake are needed the most. You don’t have to wait for everyone to be ready in order for you to go on a spaceship, to meet with e.t.s, and to travel around the galaxy with them. The galaxy is yours to explore, and your reality is yours to create and align with.
Be the creators that you were born to be, and be the ones who lead humanity into the age of full extra-terrestrial contact for the humans of Earth. Break free from enslavement, from fear of your mortality and from the limitations that you took on as third-dimensional humans. Because humanity needs more of that fifth-dimensional energy to be present on Earth, and you are the ones to anchor it in.
Question everything! World War III is a spiritual war. No missiles are needed. Fear is the only weapon. The territory that is being fought over is your mind. You are amidst an information war. Stop giving your power away and take over the narrative.
Your active contribution is required on all levels. Spiritual, emotional, mental, astrally, and physical. Your assignment is not to be an observer but to change the vibratory level of earth.
Lift Up into Your Higher Dimensional Perspective!
A new Higher vibrational sunlight from the Central Sun shines upon the Earth with cosmic particles that will instantly upgrade DNA to a Higher order.
The threats to your freedom, health (vacc..not vi-rus), and ultimately your survival as a race are serious. You have been played. And to fight does not mean you should be violent… simply speak. Every time you say nothing you are giving your power away. How much do you honor yourself, your freedom, your basic human rights? This is the biggest barrier you have to overcome before you can ascend with planet Gaia.
We all have free will and after all, a soul’s purpose is to gather the exact information it requires for its evolution and growth. Sometimes souls choose different paths and that’s ok. This is our lesson in compassion and acceptance.
While other races of our universe are highly advanced spiritual beings who vibrate on the frequency of love. Imagine a high evolved being of light who has never felt any of these emotions before. A being of accelerated wisdom, patience, and compassion. How intriguing such experience ultimately must be for them.
As souls who belong to this universe, gathering information is our primary soul purpose. Those incarnated in human bodies on Earth during these exciting times of the grandest change have long understood that the way out is to go within.
What is currently taking place is a frequency divide. Some will adjust to the higher vibrations that have become available on the planet and others will choose to stay in deep sleeping slumber.
However, ascension into 5D is inevitable even though not every being on earth will participate in the shift this time.
The 3D reality and the 5D reality will both exist on the same planet and one will not be visible to the other.. like the vanishing of Avalon, forever invisible to the human eye, who fell too low in frequency to be able to re-connect to their inherent magic.
This is your lesson in learning compassion, patience, and acceptance. Emotions that stem from the love frequency. You best assist this process by practicing unconditional love. Let go and let love flow.
There are many probable outcomes for what your understanding of the timeline called the future could be. It is highly dependent on how you play your part during this grand experiment called Earth. But if you impact the quality of oxygen that you inhale, you deprive yourself of the most vital nutrient. On a spiritual level, you are cutting off your connection to your higher self.
You are free spirits, inhabitants of the universe that was built under the construct of love and light. Do not engage in the 3D drama of those who suppress the Divine Feminine and abuse the human race. You are sovereign beings. Set your intentions, go out, and create the world that you deserve.
As your DNA evolves you are becoming multidimensional
Each one of you has a High level being aspect part of you. It’s Who You Really Are! It’s the TRUTH of you. It’s the LIGHT of you. It’s your higher dimensional self.
“You’re all in human bodies and you’re subject to human emotions. But guidance from your Higher Dimensional Perspectives is coming directly into your Hearts! And your Hearts are connected directly with your Higher Dimensional Selves! “ You have arrived at the very doorway, the bridge, a rainbow, the portal or however you choose to see it.
This Golden Age is coming forth more and more! -So let go and release any notions you may have that you have to experience more hardships. You’re here to soar; you’re here to fly; you’re here to beam yourselves up, with your Higher Dimensional Selves perhaps being your pilots! You don’t even need Scottie, although there is that technology .
“We didn’t come here to do it for you. We came because you were ready and you put out the call! Because you are rising more and more. Your LIGHT Body is like a library of Wisdom and Knowledge collected by your SOUL. It can activate the Energies within your BEing and increase your Energy vibration allowing you to BEcome more sensitive to the vibrations of the Creative SOURCE.
When you get into a negative kind of energy and cannot get out of it, what happens? More and more negative energy is drawn. For long periods of time, Earth has been pulling negative energies to herself. You have agreed to carry light and return light to this planet. As you fill your body with light, the DNA evolves into a multidimensional version of yourself, spanning many layers of reality. The Dimensional shift has accelerated at an immense pace. The Old World is no more. What you are still experiencing is but a holographic image of the old world - in truth it is not in form anymore. You have outgrown it. You have expanded beyond it.
For souls are not bound by the physical form. Souls can meet anywhere and in all dimensional states, parallel existences and Universes.
On December 21, 2020, a New HIGHER Vibrational Sunlight coming from the Central Sun shined on the Earth and this entire Realm is now permeated in Cosmic particles that instantaneously upgrades DNA to a HIGHER Order.
Noticeable DNA changes will happen first to the BEings who already resonate close to the Fifth Dimension. DNA Strands will be activated by the Gamma LIGHT Particles.
Consciousness is the most powerful force in the Universe. It creates All matter and by sheer Conscious Will Power will return this World back into the Paradise.
There are endless realities. A reality can be compared to a radio station. But you can only tune into its program if you know the right frequency. The only time and place that is Real is now here.
This means that there is an infinite number of possibilities regarding the future outcome of your current situation on planet earth.
What is happening on Earth is impacting the entire universe. Many Star Nations incarnate into human bodies, to guide humanity into a higher frequency In which you will thrive and be free. You will recognize them by their deep compassion and love for humanity. They will also look much younger than their age. It is the blueprint that was chosen for Starseed incarnations. It serves as a trigger to transmute the part of you that has been manipulated and brainwashed to believe that aging is natural for your race.
As your planet is ascending and your DNA evolves your body undergoes changes. Aging, disease and death are concepts that were planted like seeds in your minds.
ET is not coming, We are already here. We are here amongst you, incarnated in human bodies to help you elevate your frequency from fear to love. That's what a high frequency means, to vibrate with the resonance of love.
Maintain neutrality, peace, purity... to go into nature, to meditate, to retreat, to purify yourself, to chant, to purify chakras, to eat healthy, to practice yoga, to connect with the source and to pray for humanity.. sending Peace, Calmness and Love into the Quantum Field, flooding the Crystalline Grid of the Earth with it ~ Excerpts from The Galactic Federation
Join us in Hawaii with the dolphins:
Come to Hawaii to swim among the 5D dolphins here.
TBA: March, 2021
with Jean-Luc
~ ~ ~
Experience these 2 DVD films - like guided meditations to step into our multidimensional Nature:
+ Art-Poster prints in all sizes are available!:

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