Saturday, January 9, 2021



#astrology We all witnessed some huge events in Washington DC last night, shocking for many. The astrology is very clear that this month is one of the most intense in terms of extremism, eruptions, and truth coming to light. In fact freedom and truth are two very big themes this year with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus squaring Saturn all year too.
With truth and disclosure many will awaken. Uranus is the planet of awakening to take us to a higher perspective and higher state of being. Yesterday late afternoon Washington DC time we had a T-square with the Moon (people) being square to Pluto in Capricorn (leadership, government, control) and opposing Eris in Aries (protests, people who need to be heard, also the female awakener). Mars is already conjunct Uranus, exact on the 20th. There are many more shocks and surprises to come this month, and indeed this year, as truths come to light.
However also remember that Neptune is square to the Nodal Axis exact this month. This can have a strong theme of 'what is true and what is not?', and stripping away the illusions of what you believed. It can feel disorientating and confusing with the fast drama of the events. At a higher level, this calls us back to Source as a steady, still, permanent divinity in our lives.
This also suggests strongly that there are layers of truth here, things are not as they seem. So whatever you thought about yesterday's events may not actually be the case, and there is much much more happening behind the scenes that the majority of the population are not aware of. These things will become more apparent in the coming days and weeks. So don't jump to judgement, and if you attach too much to external dramas it can feel extremely chaotic. So just come back to your centre, your heart and your breath as constants in your life. They are your anchor. Make your internal state of being your focus, not external events. Fine to observe, as long as you are on your Eagle's perch and not being dragged into them with negative emotions, as that's when we start to give away our power.
Remember that the bigger context that I have talked about endlessly over the last year is Pluto in Capricorn, the deconstruction of the old order. That's what we are seeing, and it will start to happen in other countries too. If I can see it so clearly in the astrology, then it is meant to happen, however destructive it seems, to get us to a better place. This is our current process. We are in a huge evolution of consciousness for humanity.
Many countries are extremely polarised right now, the US especially. Polarisation is very visible on social media and has appeared on my page here, not directed at me but at others. There are those in this world as you will be aware that do not have out best interests at heart, and we are doing their work for them in this polarisation. This cannot get us to unity consciousness, and the longer there is infighting, the longer it will take us to pull in a better world. So those comments will be deleted, and their authors blocked. This is not helpful energy in any way. In these times that are very tough for so many with lockdowns, extreme financial hardship and mental stress, our overriding instinct has to be kindness. With everything that comes in as a challenge to your world, step back and ask: 'WHAT WOULD LOVE DO?' before you respond.
So yes in 2021 we have a wild ride ahead of us, often chaotic and unpredictable. But as more of us wake up, and we will, the momentum will shift even faster towards the New Earth. Some people are already there as this is not a change in place, it's a change in frequency which we can access at any moment. The way to do that is through kindness, compassion, joy and unconditional love. So live in your heart, and beam out peace to the world, especially when events are so heated. The more we can feel love, joy and peace in our hearts the more we develop 'heart coherence' which is measurable, and expands our electro-magnetic field. In this way we are more able to 'infect' others with those feelings of love, joy and peace too. We become spiritual warriors. Feel that incredible photonic bright white light coming into us all right now as we pass through the Photon Belt, and as it comes into your cells remember to beam it back out to the world, become a 'Renegade of Light' in the darkness. That will serve you well, and remember we are all in this together. Go beyond the noise of division, and know how at a higher level we are all united in our humanity.
Much love to you all.

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