Monday, March 23, 2020


Sananda on the Coronavirus and Humanity’s Immune System

Sananda, channeled through David K. Miller
The coronavirus is becoming stronger and is becoming more dangerous, because humanity’s immune system is weakening. It has a higher degree of virulence, but it is the fact that man’s immunity system is weakened and that makes it more susceptible. Man’s immune system is weakened because of the high use of antibiotics, the high use of the pesticides which are ingested in the foods, and the high use of the plastics, and high use of other, bizarre chemicals that are even unknown to most of society that were used on military bases, including cleaning solvents.

The immune system is like a cascade, so if you are exposed to pesticides, radiation, solvents, and chemicals, your body has to fight those off, and then when there is another threat such as the coronavirus, your body has less defenses, less ability to defend itself from a virus, which a strong immune system would be able to handle. I would say that this coronavirus is the tip of the iceberg in terms of immune problems that are going to be facing humanity.
What will happen to humanity from this coronavirus? I think that, within six to eight months, there will be some ability to control it, and probably within twelve to sixteen months, they will have vaccinations, and it will be under control. But that is a long time from today, and that will cause a great deal of harm health wise.

There will be a period of time in which it will be dormant, but then it will come back again in the following year, 2021. I think that they will eventually develop a cure and they will develop a vaccination. But again, this is just one virus of many that will confront humanity, and the task is to admit that there is an immunity problem in the genetic structure of humanity due to the contamination, pollution, chemical, and radiation levels that are unprecedented. You would be shocked if you understood how much contamination is in each human body now. You would be shocked if we were able to analyze the air that everyone is breathing vs. the air that people were breathing one hundred years ago. This is unprecedented in terms of the level of defense structure that humanity is having to muster in order to defeat or to ward this off.
There is always hope and solutions. Spiritual wisdom and connections with the fifth dimensional energy can bring down solutions. When there is more desperation, then there is also often more openness to spirituality and spiritual solutions. The weakened immune system is going to be a greater problem for future generations. That is why you must have a certain, strong immune system in order to survive in the coming years. Higher consciousness and higher immune system can work together to strengthen you. 

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