Monday, March 16, 2020


Copyright ©2020 David K. Miller | All Rights Reserved
No part may be reproduced without the permission of the author/channel | P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA |
March 7, 2020
The Coronavirus, its Ramifications for Humanity
and Exercises for Protection

    Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this lecture, we will look at the issue of the coronavirus, and speak about the many ramifications that this virus has for humanity.  We will also be talking about, and offering you, specific techniques and exercises to protect yourself. The first perspective that I want to take on this issue is to focus on the evolution concept of the Omega Man/Woman. The reason is that we are looking at what will the new human species look like in the future. The new human species, which I call the “Omega Man/Woman”, will have a more advanced immune system than the Homo sapiens. This means that, as part of your own evolution and as part of the evolution towards the Omega Man/Woman, there must be an advanced immune system. When we look at the different health issues confronting this planet, and confronting you, as the human species, I can offer a few conclusions, some of which may be quite startling, but nonetheless, we must look at them and think about them.
    Number one: Radiation is not going to go away on this planet anytime soon, that is, the excess radiation. I am talking about the radiation from Fukushima and the radiation from other sources. This means that you must have an immune system that adapts to the excess radiation. When I look at the coronavirus as a pathogen, as a virus, then I can say something similar. That virus is not going to go away anytime soon, and I know that the main intervention at this point seems to be isolation, but that will not solve the problem. The way to solve the problem of the coronavirus is to work on improving and building up your immune system. Your immune system is compromised for many reasons, and these include, but are not limited to, the following list: the contamination and pollution in the environment, the excess radiation levels, the holes in the Earth’s aura, the food chain, and in particular, the production of GMO’s (genetically modified foods) into the diet, and in general, the current state of this planet which is in the middle of the sixth mass extinction.
    This means that events, such as the introduction of a coronavirus or any virus, have to be looked upon in the whole picture that I am speaking about.  And the fact that there is a sixth mass extinction going on now does affect the Collective Unconscious of all of humanity, and it does overflow into the consciousness and into the DNA, and bleeds into other aspects of the Collective Consciousness. Carl Jung introduced the concept of Collective Unconscious, but I think at this time, we can introduce the concept of Collective Conscious. We use the Collective Consciousness for our work in terms of sending planetary healing messages and working as a spiritual healing group for the advancement of this planet. But there is a Collective Consciousness that is involved in such activities as the Internet, as the media, as the government’s pronouncements, and the general activities that leaders are doing, and, of course, this includes the television.
    The Collective Consciousness is creating an atmosphere and is creating an energy field, and the virus does respond to that energy field. This means that fear and other types of anxiety activities that are expressed in the Collective Consciousness are fed into an energy field and actually make and accelerate aspects of the pandemic.
    I want to also say a few specific words about the development and introduction of this virus.  There is speculation, and from our perspective, there is a high probability that this virus has been developed and introduced by certain researchers into the gene pool of humanity. This could be from military experiments, medical experiments. There has always been a high level of research and experiments into pathogens and biological warfare on this planet, and unfortunately, there have been times where the research and biological warfare have resulted in leaks of viruses and pathogens. That means that, from our perspective, there is a high probability that this particular virus was genetically produced, because there are aspects of the coronavirus that are totally abnormal from viruses in general and are totally unexplainable.
    It is interesting for us to look at genetically modified food, and compare this idea, because some people think there is no harm in genetically modified food. Genetically modified foods can alter, and have the potential of altering, your DNA structure, and they have the potential for altering your immune system and can weaken your immune system. Genetically modified foods, on occasion, are viewed as a pathogen to your immune system because that is something that is “unnatural”, that is, something that has been artificially produced.
    I am going to be discussing the approaches in particular for how you can deal with this issue of the genetically modified foods and the coronavirus. First, I just want to introduce the concept of the hierarchy of issues that an immune system is dealing with. Every one of you has a certain hierarchy of issues in the immune system.  This could include, for example, dealing with long-term circulation problems, early diabetes, or maybe even a cold. Your immune system prioritizes the issues, and in most cases, the immune system can only handle four or five issues at a time. Now, when you look at genetically modified foods, that genetically modified food is presenting another issue that your immune system has to deal with. When you look at something like this pandemic of this virus, you want to clear as many of the other issues that your immune system is dealing with. You want your immune system to have the full resources of dealing with this issue.
    I will look at the perspective of Vibrational Medicine as a tool for dealing with the coronavirus. Vibrational Medicine is one of the New Age techniques for treating problems and diseases and illnesses. The basic tool and the basic perspective of Vibrational Medicine is that everything is a vibrational entity, and that there are vibrational energy fields around us, and in particular, the pathogens, the viruses, the bacteria, are also vibrational. The way to counteract and deal with such pathogens as bacteria and viruses is to enhance one’s vibrational energy field. This means that your immune system has access to a defensive structure in the vibrational energy world. These vibrational energy fields behave in a similar way to the “quantum world”, and in the quantum world, everything is a vibration. That means the way to counteract and defend against one pathogenic vibration is with another stronger and more healing vibration. The problem is that, when there are new viruses that are introduced into the gene pool, such as the coronavirus, your immune system does not have the vibrational signature and information available to build up a strong defensive field against it. Therefore, your immune system may not know how to fight against the coronavirus.
    The vibration of the coronavirus could approach your energy field, but you and your immune system could defend against it using a vibrational antidote. What is the vibrational antidote? The first step in using the vibrational antidote against the coronavirus comes when you put the coronavirus antidote into your consciousness. You have to allow the etheric antidote to enter the consciousness of your immune system. One of the main methods is to simply introduce affirmations that you are awakening, and you are instructing your system to deal with and defend against the vibrational energy of the coronavirus.
    In some vaccinations of illnesses, such as flu vaccinations, they actually introduce a live specimen of the virus of the flu in part of the vaccine in order to help you to build up the antibodies. Well, the same principle can work etherically in Vibrational Medicine.  In this particular strain, the coronavirus is so strong and so virulent, that to introduce any small, localized specimen would have bad effects. But in Vibrational Medicine, we always have to work with the vibrational energy field. You have to counteract the energy of the negative pathogen. I am going to give you some further instructions now in how to create the right defensive vibrational energy field.
    I am going to look at two approaches. The first approach is that you actually prevent the coronavirus from coming through your energy field, and the second approach is that you assume that the coronavirus came into your energy field, and possibly even into your body, but you can still eject it through the Vibrational Medicine work. Throughout the years that we have worked together, we have introduced several practices that you are very familiar with, so it will not be that new for you to understand, and it will not be that difficult for you to use some of these methods.
    The first method is to prevent the vibrational signature of the virus from coming into your aura.  Obviously, the virus is a pathogen, and before it gets into your body, it has to come into your energy field. It cannot come into your body unless it first comes into your energy field. This may sound simplistic, but it is also logical and practical. It is a reassuring development because your first line of defense is your aura. I want to point out that there exist weaknesses in people’s auras. Excess radiation and holes in the Earth’s aura have contributed to weaknesses in individual auras, and therefore it is of utmost importance for people to strengthen their aura.  The first line of defense, then, is to work with the Cosmic Egg exercise, and to place the aura into the shape of the Cosmic Egg. Scan the aura to make sure that there are not any holes in the aura, and then shimmer, or vibrate, the aura at a high speed. The coronavirus is at a lower vibrational energy speed. That means that if your aura is protected, and is shimmering and vibrating at a higher speed, then that virus cannot come into your aura.
    When you draw the outer line of your aura, then you want the aura to be expanded to at least eight to twelve inches away from your physical body. The wider, more expanded your aura is, the further away from your body your defense structure can operate and the better it is for altering or neutralizing the intrusion of the virus or, in effect, any pathogen that could come into your system. It could be the flu or a cold virus; the principles are still the same.
    I am going to go through this exercise with you slowly, and then I am going to introduce three or four exercises that are related, based on the different levels of intrusion that can come into your system. The first level begins as you take three breaths; go into a deep state of relaxation, and command your aura to go into the shape of the Cosmic Egg, and command your aura to expand to a point of eight to ten to twelve inches away from your physical body.
    And now, visualize an outer blue line around your entire aura. When we do this blue line, many people think that the blue line is unidimensional, but it is holographic.  So it is going around the entire aura; it is going underneath the ground, going to front and back.  So this is the line, and then that blue line is going to accelerate, based on my toning. As you are visualizing this shimmering and increased rapid vibration, I want you to see that the shimmering aura and the shimmering blue line are emitting little Pac-Man-like icons, like in the video game “Pac-Man”. The Pac-Man icons are eating up and neutralizing, or rejecting or pushing away, any viruses that are attempting to come into your energy system.
    When I say the word “shimmer”, you are going to experience the rapid shimmering of the aura line. You are going to see your aura emitting these small, little Pac-Man icons and gobble up or push away any intrusions from vibrational force fields that could be coming from something like the coronavirus. So we will begin. (Tones rapidly “ta ta ta”) Feel your aura line increasing in speed. (Tones “ta ta ta”)  (Tones “shimmer, shimmer, shimmer”) As you are doing this shimmering, see little circular small dots in the shape of Pac-Man being emitted from your aura.
    These small dots, these small Pac-Men, are really at the same level or size of a virus. They could be a little bit bigger, but they are able to go into the quantum world of the biology of pathogenic fields. Again, see these little Pac-Men running around your aura as you are shimmering, eating up or pushing away the intrusions from viruses such as the coronavirus.  (Tones “shimmer”). See those little Pac-Men now, destroying and defending and eating any intruding, vibrational, pathogenic entities. (Tones “shimmer”)  (Tones “ta ta ta”) We will go into a brief meditation as you experience and practice this important defense exercise. (Tones “shimmer”) (Silence)
    The second aspect of this defense structure or strategy is what I call “neutralization”, which is based on the concept that the intrusion of this virus is hot; it is causing a warmth, a heat, that is going into the aura. In neutralization, we bring down a vibrational energy field that counteracts the heat, and in this case, we can do this by downloading a neutralizing light into your aura. This neutralizing light can stay around the aura. It will emit a protective energy field which will neutralize any virus trying to enter your aura so that it  will become harmless.
    See your Crown Chakra opening up, and I, Juliano, am sending down into your Crown Chakra, a neutralizing light. This neutralizing light is able to counteract the heat of the coronavirus. So again (Tones “shimmer, ta ta ta”), see the Pac-Men being emitted from your line, and going outward and now, see your Crown Chakra opening up, and the neutralizing light, it’s like a greyish light from the Arcturians, coming into your energy field, into your aura, and it is going outward and neutralizing any “hot” pathogens or viruses that are in the vicinity. (Tones “neutralize, shimmer, Pac-Man, neutralization light, ta ta ta”)
    Now the third method will be discussed. The first method focuses on using the Pac-Man and shimmering; the second being the neutralization; the third is based on the concept of resiliency in your aura. Resiliency in your aura means that your aura has a special attribute that pushes away any negative energies. This is important, not only for dealing with viruses, but is also important because there is so much negativity coming from the polarizations that are around you in all different levels.
    I call this exercise the exercise of “Pung”, and it can be done in conjunction with, or separately from, any of these other two exercises. See your aura now in the shape of the Cosmic Egg, and also that it is being filled with this special energy.  Pung is described as the energy coming from Taoist healing light.  The Taoist healing light is the best way to describe the Pung Energy, and your aura is being filled now with the Pung Light.  It is a divine, fifth-dimensional, bluish light that is filling up your aura like a balloon, and as it fills up your aura, it has attributes that can be compared to a balloon. For example, if a balloon has too little energy when you press into the balloon, and it is soft and you can push into the balloon deeply. If you have too much air in the balloon and you press on it, then it is hard; the intrusions will bounce off of it. However, you do not want to have it too hard because if you do, then the balloon can break or burst. Also if the balloon, and your aura, is too hard, then it will not be able to receive light of a higher dimension.
    The Pung Energy field should be exactly calibrated to what you need for the right resilience. Now say this affirmation: “I now calibrate the downloading of the Pung Energy at just the right resilience for my needs. I download the right amount of Pung Energy from the higher light to establish the direct resiliency for my needs.” I will sing the word “Pung” as you download this energy. (Tones “Pung Light, Pung Light”) Your aura is being filled and calibrated for just the right Pung Energy to resist, to push out, so nothing negative comes into your aura.  Let us go back into meditation now.  (Tones “Pung Energy being calibrated now.”)  (Silence) (Tones “Pung Energy being calibrated now.”)
    Your aura is filling up with just the right amount of light and energy to push away any intrusions. This could be on the quantum level, on the biological level, on the vibrational level, and on the medical. Now, feel the resiliency in your aura of this special light, and feel the shimmering and when necessary, feel the energy of neutralization. You can use each one of these separately or in conjunction with the other methods.
    I am going teach you one other method in the unlikely event that the virus vibrationally enters your system. Let’s assume for a moment that the virus got through all of these defenses, and got through your aura and into your body. The next method focuses on how to eject it from your body. (Tones “Oh”) This method is called the “contracted ball technique”. This exercise is done separately from the other three exercises. We will have to energetically discontinue all of the other three exercises  So discontinue the shimmering; discontinue the neutralization and the Pung Energy for now by just saying: “I hereby discontinue those three methods while I am doing the contracting ball technique.”  For this exercise, we still have the aura at the eight to twelve inch distance from your physical body. We visualize the aura again, and in this method, we are going to contract the aura into a small ball. (Tones “Oh”)
    Visualize that your aura is now eight inches away from your physical body. Your aura, shaped as a Cosmic Egg, is now seven inches from your body and getting closer to your body. It is now six inches away and getting closer. It is now five inches and getting closer.  Four inches, three inches, two inches, one inch.  Your aura is exactly even with your body. And now, we are going to go inward, and the aura comes one inch into your body.  Two inches, but as it is coming into your body, it is getting smaller and smaller. It is coming through the bones into the internal organs, and it is coming inward more and more. It is contracting more, and now it is right in the center of your stomach as a contracted, small ball. Your aura is now a contracted, small ball, but a very powerful ball, filled with quantum healing powers.
    And now, when I count to three, this contracted ball is going to expand, and as it expands, it will push outward from the stomach, and then it will go through the circulatory system, the immune system, the nervous system, any and all systems in your body. As it is expanding again, it is pushing out all viruses, all pathogens, all negative energies, even all negative entities that might be in your system. All of this is being pushed out. At the count of three, follow my instructions. You are feeling the strength in the contracted ball. The ball is perhaps one inch in diameter in the center of your stomach. (Tones “Oh”)  Begin to expand outward the contracted ball: one, two, three, now.
    The ball expands outward two, three, four inches, going through all systems in your body – the immune systems, all nervous systems, all circulatory systems, all organs. It is like a cleaning, pushing out all lower vibrational pathogens, viruses, bacteria, whatever. The healing ball is going outward, outward, pushing, pushing out. This ball is expanding at an amazing, quantum power.  And now it comes to the outer edge of your body, and it breaks through the body, and now it goes outward two, three, four inches, five inches, six inches, ten inches as it ejects all of the internal negativity, vibrational pathogens, viruses and bacteria.
    We are going to do this contracted ball exercise one more time. Take three deep breaths and see your aura returning to its normal function after the first ejection exercise. This exercise usually takes two or three times to do this effectively. The first was like a practice run.  Now that you know what we are doing, you will be able to do it more efficiently the second time. Again, this exercise is only to be used if you feel that a pathogen has come into your system.
    Let us begin the exercise for a second time. Your aura is eight inches away from your body, seven inches, six inches.  It is contracting.  Five inches, four inches, three inches, two inches, one inch, coming inward to the body.  Now it is going inside the body. It is at the outer edge of the internal body, going through all systems, gathering any stray energies of lower vibration.  You are contracting, contracting, contracting. The ball is contracting exactly to the center of the stomach. Everything is now in the center of the stomach. Some can even call this contracted point a “singularity” of your energy. Singularity means that your energy field is contracted into a ball.
    Now we call on quantum healing powers to help you eject and expand the ball, in order that any and all lower viruses, bacteria and pathogens can be ejected. At the count of three: one, two, three.  Swish.  The ball expands, and again, it is picking up all lower vibrations going outward from the stomach to all systems including the immune system, expanding, expanding, expanding, coming to the outer edge of the skin, the brain, the nervous system.  Everything is being cleansed; all lower energies being pushed away. Now it breaks through to the outer body, one inch away from your body, two, three, four, five, ten.  Swish, and all lower energy is totally expelled.
    As the expulsion is completed, you notice that your aura is totally cleansed.  You are ritually purified, and your aura is vibrating naturally, at its correct speed and energy. (Tones “OM”) Vibrate in this natural, purified state with the sound of OM. (Tones “OM” repeatedly) Your aura is in a state of purity.  All pathogens have been released, and the all defenses are now available as needed.
    When you do the first three exercises, such as the Pac-Man, the shimmering and the neutralization, you may want the effects of those exercises to be available to you without your consciously thinking about the exercises. Say you are with a group of people or you are at work. You are not going to be able to start doing this shimmering or neutralization in front of people; it just would not be socially appropriate. But when you want this to be done as needed, say: “I hereby give permission for my Subconscious to activate one or all of these methods as needed, wherever I am and whenever I have the need. Let these three methods activate and perform as needed.”  You can make up this affirmation in your own words. We will go into silence as you are giving permission to your Subconscious to do this without your conscious practice in social situations. These instructions and methods are now downloaded into your Subconscious and can be used as needed. Of course, if you are in a situation where you can consciously acknowledge and perform the exercise, then so much the better.  (Silence)
    I want to conclude this lecture by saying a few more words about the virus, and what the future holds. Last year (2019) I gave a prediction that there will be two global events that will be impacting the entire world, and this event, the coronavirus, is one of those events. It will be impacting globally, and it is already having a tremendous impact on the psyche and creating fear, and in some cases, mass hysteria throughout the planet. The truth is that humanity can defeat this, but remember, the solution is to learn to live with the virus by improving your immune system. This virus will still be present for a long time, just like radiation is still going to be present on this planet for a long time. Your immune system is going to evolve. We will work more strongly with you to help you evolve your immune system.
    The second thing is that this virus and the mass hysteria and the fear that is being generated, is demonstrating a term in Mass Consciousness called “mirroring”. Mirroring means that what is happening in one part affects the other without any physical contact. You can see this phenomenon occurring in what is called the “community spread”, where the virus spontaneously appears in one part of a country even though there has not been any direct exposure by the population in that area. In these instances it is the consciousness of humanity that is producing the mirroring. We have demonstrated this in other aspects, when we talk about the 100th Monkey Effect. In that phenomenon, when there is a certain learning level that is reached (after the 100th monkey learns the task), then the learned task goes through the whole population.
    The 100th Monkey Effect and the “mirroring effect” are also demonstrable in a negative way.  When a certain core number of people with the right intensity reach a level of fear and anxiety and focus, then that emotion goes through the whole system of the Mass Consciousness. During the mirroring effect, viruses even can be spread without physical presence.
    The potential of this outbreak is still very high for creating more difficulty on the planet. There are ways to spiritually and energetically combat this outbreak. One can use the techniques of higher consciousness to combat this. But we, as planetary healers, can download the antidote energetically, and the stimulation to create a higher immune response. We can energetically activate an immune system activation, as part of the evolution towards the Omega Man/Woman. And so it shall be. I am Juliano. Good day.
Group of Forty | P.O. Box 4074Prescott, , AZ 86302

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