Thursday, March 19, 2020


We are currently existing in the most accelerated enlightened field of consciousness. Our bodies are continuously shifting into structures of consciousness and support for all beings.

In whatever form we are creating for ourselves, we manifest whatever we focus on. So, Let's focus on the transformation that is possible on our Earth. Creators of Consciousness. Let's direct our magnificent powers into the highest possible outcomes for our planet, and transmute all hardships into High Consciousness.
This quarantine time is a great time to slow down and experience/create grounding with our Source, forget our hardships, and feel the grand multidimensional transformation that is occurring into and thru our physical reality.
Decide that you don't need to be a part of any hardships. Notice the shifts, the celebration, the transformation that is occurring in everyone's bodies.
In this global activation, Quan Yin suggests sitting in consciousness and allowing the energies to move thru you into a support system for all beings: There are transformations happening for everyone right now.
With these planetary shifts you are sharing energy into every experience. You are changing the Earth here. You are planetizing this power.
There are planetizations portals of consciousness occurring in everyone's bodies. We each enlighten continuously, in every experience.
Each one is planetizing this energy system. Each one is connecting into Source Energy Structures. No one is outside of this power.
Now this portal widening does not simplify itself if you are pushing. Let it all fall into place simply, in alignment with consciousness. And let the energy systems circulate thru you. Let it all peel away the hardships of this planetary experience. Your heart is planetizing a positive portal.
Let yourself be transformed so that you can accomplish anything that is exciting for you. Everyone is transforming. Let it all be exciting and enlightening. Let it planetize all of the structures of consciousness that are magnificently accelerating on this Earth, so we can all channel Source, and give each other support all of the time.
And let it be simply easy, enough to power up everyone on this Earth. Thank you. You are changing the world. Let it all experience itself as enlightenment. Let us be grateful for this transmutation.

~ Excerpts from QuanYinCenter. org

"Starve your fears, and feed your love!”
Fear feeds a virus. Love starves it.
The viruses on your planet live off fear. They starve with love. Fear creates a chemical cocktail in your body that weakens your healthy cells and creates imbalances that allow these parasitic energies to take hold. Getting tired and worn down is a result of fear, vs. faith in a loving Source that would support you if you more fully supported your own well-being.
The greed, corruption, and misuse of power on your planet feed off fear. If others can lord death or doom over you, your fear gives them power. There has always been viruses, war, corruption, misuse of power on your planet. However, there has always been love. Light is still light. Truth is still truth. Always. So, in the face of epidemics, untruths, and other unpleasant realities how do you find your peace? The answer is simple. Reconnect with love, one moment at a time.
In a space of love, you become a vibrational catalyst and a force for positive change. If more people were praying for the world's corrupt and wounded leaders, than hating them, they would transform in ways you cannot imagine and become a force of love.
When fear threatens to infect you, stare it in the face, breathe deeply, and say to it, " I am LIGHT. I am safe. I AM.”. There is no greater immunity to the worlds ills than to know that the light of the living High Source lives and breathes within you, and indeed IS you. Rest in that truth. After all, a single candle illuminates the darkness and yet there is no darkness powerful enough to put out that light. You are that candle.
In spite of a parasitic vibration of fear that seeks to separate you from one another and from your experience of the Source – for this is the nature of a virus when you look at its energy – we see an even greater force of love arising upon your planet earth. We see streams of well-being flowing to each and every one of you, offered freely from the Light Source of Love and Creation itself.

While the infection of fear seek to separate you, making you feel unsafe to touch or be near one another, there is a mightier force of love arising within human hearts that says, I will not be intimidated by a parasite! I will strengthen my light, my love, my body, and my soul. I choose health. I choose to be light in the darkness of fear. By all means Take your human precautions but rather than doing so out of fear, do so in love. Do so, as guided in your heart. You will hear our whispers in your natural feelings, " Trust those feelings. Don't over analyze. Your natural urges are the voices of your angels and the still small voices of the Divine.
In times of unrest upon your planet earth, the Presence of Infinite Light remains steadfast, waiting for you to rest. As world crises come and go, the reality of Love remains steadfast. Feed your mind and body with healthy thoughts and healthy foods. Take care of your spirit. Sit in meditation. Go out in nature and appreciate the majesty of Love cloaked in creation. Listen to music that elevates your heart into states of expanded bliss. Appreciate yourselves...

In a vibration of love, joy, or peace, you allow the universe to help you. In a vibration of fear, worry or doubt, you block the love that is ever-present and always trying to reach you... you need only rest in the knowing that help is on the way... if you have a sliver of faith the universe can move mountains. Look around and find any one small thing to notice and be grateful for, in the present moment, and in that single instant of surrendering to love you open to goodness and guidance once again. Solutions are waiting for you to relax and allow for the guidance. Feel the goodness all around you, breathe deeply, and remember that the universe is, as you say, “on it!” 
~ Excerpts from VisionsofHeaven. com

A Positive Opportunity - Releasing Karmic Codes from our DNA
In the midst of the misinformation, disinformation, incompetence, chaos, fear and panic that we are being bombarded with at this time the Company of Heaven are asking us to step back, so we can perceive the bigger picture and the opportunity at hand.
Humanity’s I AM Presence has been able to Heal the genetic wounds - fragmented and fear-based human ego has used these genetic “enslavement codes” to manipulate and control us since our fall into separation and duality millions of years ago.
Now the “cords” that have kept us attached to the old Earth.. mutated human template of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies have been severed. This means that our fallen human ego can no longer tamper with our Earthly Bodies. After the successful Healing of the wounds, Humanity en masse reaches a critical frequency of vibration that created an unstoppable shift of consciousness. This is a very cellular based Transfiguration that is occurring within the Core of Purity in every Electron of our Earthly Bodies.
This quantum shift created the Release The Karmic Birth Template that was encoded within our DNA by our fragmented and fear-based human ego.
The Karmic Codes within the DNA of this grossly mutated human birth template contain the distorted patterns of aging, disease, mental and emotional dysfunction and even death as we have experienced it for aeons of time.
Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies began flowing into the Core of Purity in every Electron of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies... this tremendous influx of Light is pushing everything that conflicts with the perfection of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. Part of this purging is manifesting as this viral event.
You and I and the rest of awakening Humanity have the ability to command the Light of Source-God-Infinity flowing through the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness to accomplish this essential purging process in a gentler and less painful way.
Purifying this energy using the NEW 5th-Dimensional Solar Frequencies of the Violet Flame of Infinite Perfection. Breathe a higher frequency of Source Oxygen into our lungs. And then project this purified Air through our Earthly Bodies into the physical world of form. We will be able to Transcend the pollution in the atmosphere.
In this New Decade we will be given opportunities to accelerate our Transfiguration of our Earthly Bodies
This frequency of Purity within vibrates so rapidly that no discord can contaminate its radiance. The misqualification occurs when we cloak the electrons in vibrations that are not based in Love. Every form of suffering is the result of Humanity, placing a cloak of shadow around the Electrons within our Life Force as we send them forth through negative thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
Regardless of how bad our life situation seems or how painful our physical condition is, the Purity of Infinite Perfection is still pulsating in the pure Core of every Electron manifesting that they continuously and permanently expand into the Original pristine Cosmic Plan.

~ Excerpts from EraOfPeace. org

Published by Jean-Luc Bozzoli

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