Monday, March 30, 2020
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress that humanity is making during this time when you are being asked to do so much work on yourselves. We are noticing the spikes in your overall vibration as a collective, even though to get to those spikes, you have had to process some serious pain, some unpleasant emotions. That’s the nature of letting go. In order to let go of something, you first must acknowledge its existence. And if there’s one thing that this virus has done, it has helped so many become more aware of what’s been bottled up inside of them.
Now, there still are many out there who need to recognize that they are triggered, instead of trying to convince everyone else that their theory is the correct one. But most of you who are awake are also fairly even keeled for the most part, and therefore, when something hits you vibrationally, you notice that you are being triggered. You know what’s coming up for you, and you know what to do about it. You who are the truly awakened ones will always recognize that your journey is an inside job. You will always acknowledge that when something comes up for you as a negative thought or a negative emotion, that means you’ve got work to do on yourself.
We know that it’s going to take some time before we can convince the faction of the spiritual community who believes that this is all about defeating the bad guys that it really isn’t. Yes, you have a right to look at those in power with skepticism. And yes, you should question the motives of governments and corporations, but you also need to recognize that what’s going on inside of you must take priority. It’s the only way to shift your vibration to the point where you can stand up for yourselves.
You can only affect reality in a positive way when you are in a higher vibrational state, and you are creating your reality with your vibration. That’s how every single one of you does it, and in times like these, some individuals do need to have that reminder in front of them. But again, we see the vast majority of you are taking care of yourselves, not only physically, but also emotionally. And that’s what’s responsible for the human collective consciousness rising above the current set of circumstances, and that’s how you will get through this.
Those of you who are awake know this, but some need to be reminded from time to time. Remember what your role is there on Earth, as the leaders in the movement to shift humanity’s consciousness and avoid arguing with others about the theories that they are putting out there. Now is the time to be the love, the compassion, and the healing that humanity needs.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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Saturday, March 28, 2020
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have done extensive research on the history of humankind there on Earth, and we have seen so many instances where you have experienced a catastrophic event as a collective. We have noticed that in each of those instances, it was the ones who survived that had the hardest time. Not only did those humans face their own fears of death, starvation, loss of home, and loss of friends and family members, but they also endured the trauma emotionally. The ones who survived were the ones who carried the burden of the emotional turmoil that the cataclysmic event left in its wake.
There have been many of these occurrences that are not in your history books, but we have explored them, and we have explored the energetic impact on the human collective consciousness. We want you all to recognize that you have benefitted from those past life selves and what they have endured. You have been calling upon that collective consciousness that is a part of human history, and you have been taking the offerings of those previous selves and really benefitting from what they have to share with you about surviving through a global tragedy.
Now, what you want to recognize within yourselves at this time is that those of you who choose to survive the current global pandemic will be doing so because you know that you have that strength within you. You knew that this was going to be part of your role as those who are ascending, and those of you who are awake knew the biggest aspect of what you are going through right now would be the emotional impact. You knew that you would be called upon to process more than your fair share for humanity, and you knew that you were up to the task.
Many of you who are awake have felt throughout this lifetime that you’ve been processing for humanity, even more so than you’ve been processing for your past life selves. In this instance, we are talking about drawing strength from your past life selves to help clear the unresolved trauma for the rest of the human collective that you are sharing the Earth with at this time and for those who are passing.
You knew that this was going to be worth it. You knew that this lifetime would lead you to the shift in consciousness, and you knew that you were the ones to do this very important work, to lead humanity into ascension, into the fifth dimension, into the higher consciousness that you are stepping into at this time. We are here to support you, to help you, and to remind you of how powerful and strong you really are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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Friday, March 27, 2020

Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready to take all of you to the next level in the evolution of your consciousness. We are very eager to deliver to you the codes, energies, and upgrades to take humanity further than you’ve ever been before there on planet Earth. We are very eager to meet with those of you who are ready to take this journey with us while you are asleep and your consciousness is traveling in the astral plane.
The meeting that we have with each of you who is ready and willing to take this journey will be one that you may or may not remember upon waking up. Know this, however. If you decide that you want to receive the codes, the energies, and the upgrades, you will. We are just answering the call that has been made and that has gotten stronger for more assistance from the higher realms.
You are the ones doing all of the hard work down there on Earth. You are the ones living through the hardships that are upon you at this time. Our job here is quite easy by comparison. We listen to your requests. We know then what it’s going to take to give you exactly what you need, and we figure out a way to deliver it.
We are here now to ride the wave with you that this covid-19 virus has brought into being, and we are ready to help you all gain greater access to your strength, your power, and your ability to care for yourselves physically. We are ready to assist you in becoming sovereign beings there on Earth. And as sovereign beings, you will still want and need help from those like us in the higher realms, and we will continue to deliver it.
Your sovereignty is from the reality that you are in right now, where you have unwittingly given so much of that power away. We are here now to help you take it back. We are here to help you claim your birthright as the awakened ones, as the small portion of the human collective that is ready to tip the scales for humanity, to bring the vibration of the collective to the highest heights. We have heard your requests, and we also know that you who are receiving this message are ready.
And so, we will be seeing you in the astral plane.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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Thursday, March 26, 2020
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been taking care of humanity energetically at this time. We, and many others like us here in the higher realms, know when you need more nurturing, caring, loving attention, and we always provide it.
There are a few ways in which you all can help us in this time where humanity needs so much help. First of all, you can help by being kind, loving, and nurturing to yourselves and to each other. Secondly, you can open yourselves up more to the compassion that we offer by feeling for it and holding that intention to receive more of it. Finally, you can be one who grounds this compassionate energy into your physical body and into Mother Earth, making it available to all other humans, because the Earth has her ways of distributing all types of energies.
When you recognize that one of the major purposes of this co-creation is to get you to feel for each other, then it becomes easier for you to see that what your fellow humans need right now is some kindness and some compassion. You are the ones to access these high vibrational states of being, and you are the ones to share those high frequency vibrations with your fellow humans because you want to be of service.
And not only do you want to be of service, but many of you have come to us and asked us how you can be of service. Most of the time when you ask that question, you are thinking about something that you can do in terms of physical action. But right now, you are being asked to stay inside, to keep your distance from each other, and that means you get to access your superpowers to help humanity. You get to access your love and compassion. You get to access your healing abilities and the ability that you have to feel connected, to access that oneness, that unity consciousness that you always have access to. But at a time like the one you are living in now, you are more likely to access it.
We will continue to tell you what we feel humanity needs from all of you who are awake, and we know that as the awakened collective, you will be opening yourselves up to us, even more than you usually do. This is a time of working together, whether you are human, extra-terrestrial, physical, or non-physical. We are all connected, and therefore, when anyone on Earth is suffering, that suffering sends a ripple effect, and we all want to help alleviate that suffering. We all want to help humanity take the giant leap forward in your evolution that this current situation is presenting you with as a possibility. And we will continue to assist you in whatever ways that we can.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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