Monday, March 8, 2021


By: Gregory Trollip,

Brothers and Sisters of the Light, we are treading in unchartered territory and NOW is the time to throw your plans out the window or you may just drive yourself crazy.

We have reached unprecedented moments in our evolution and the path you need to follow does not have a road map that the limited mind can conceive..attempting to follow a course of action based on past experiences will inevitably bring you to your knees and promote depressive feelings of exhaustion where fear will consume your very existence. This is not the road less travelled but a Raging river of Astronomical dimensions which is the Source of Divine flow. Your survival depends on your willingness to Surrender completely to the Quantum realm of Infinity. The only safe place is the present moment of NOW. You are encouraged to embrace the Love in your Heart and remain in the frequency of Joy.. Stay out of your mind!

The corona virus is a last gasp distraction from the dark forces, a fear driven energetic aimed at creating panic, inducing a delusional mind maze of dis ease corrupting the Hearts recognition of the Truth within. Only those who surrender to the flow and choose Love will fins the river peaceful and homeward bound. This is the second coming You have been waiting for however there is no place for the illusion of fear. When you become Aware of the egos antics, the mirror starts to create exposing the illusion on separation which begins to fade away.

Staying in the mind, holding onto old beLIEf systems( river bank) Will suffocate the air you breathe and possibly entice spontaneous combustion. This is not a novel but a prophetic fulfillment of our evolutionary Ascension, Mother God taking her planet back and welcoming in the New age of Heaven on earth=Heart. You have a choice and NOW is the time to make it. CHOOSE LOVE and may God Bless You

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