Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Many leaves.. One tree - One forest - One planet. 

- When a gravitational wave hits.. it is compressing and expanding time-space.. The physical body is losing density and your spirit is gaining "light". You are at the very early stages of this transition of a new earth. 
- This awakening within the heart center of every person.. is also affecting humanity's behavior patterns. Conflicts with the oneness of all life are pushed to the surface, to be healed and transmuted back into light... All are frequencies of waves. So every time you experience some sort of tragedy or what you perceive to be negative, Beauty also emerges and heroes show up.. as humans can emerge in new ways. Do that from your "subtle spirit-self " first, that’s the most fascinating part.
Depending on our frame of mind daily and hourly, we are either adding to the light of the world or we are adding to the pain and suffering. When the reality that we are One, resonates in every person's heart, we will realize also that every thought, feeling, word, or action in love and reverence for all life will bless every part of life and greatly enhance the love and harmony in our own life. We are not the victims of circumstance, we are the co-creators of our lives.
When masculine energy and feminine energy, both with strong qualities, are in balance, they complement each other and produce the high vibrations enabling civilizations to evolve.
Cosmic Presence Within / and Physical Transformation
Humanity will transcend the surfacing negativity as the Earth is moving into uncharted frequencies of Light. These NEW frequencies of Light will help Humanity to transcend our limitations from the past. And we will discover that we are not the fragmented, fear-based human egos that we erroneously accepted as our identity.
Experiencing a process of Divine Alchemy within which the cells in our Earthly Bodies are being transformed. This process is transforming our planetary carbon-based cells into the flawless 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells.
Due to myriad activities of Light that have taken place. .. From the Realms of Truth, Humanity is being provided with the universal knowledge that will help us to consciously participate in this physical transformation process. 
We each have the responsibility of listening to our "Cosmic Presence within" to see how we can assist with the unfolding process of Humanity’s and Mother Earth’s Physical Transformation. We need only to lift up in consciousness and step out of the self-inflicted separation as this is being permanently Healed.
The process of our Physical Transformation is beyond the reasoning of the outer mind as a seed awakens within our Heart Flame, the dormant codes of physical perfection are being activated within Humanity’s DNA. 
Many are sensing the opportunity and are volunteering to cooperate with the Divine Plan by consciously anchoring the incoming Light into the heart and mind.
As the events taking place in the outer world are becoming more and more chaotic, this is also awakening humanity in this purging process as an essential part of Earth's ascension. On the other hand there are some who are still asleep or deliberately resisting moving forward in the light, responding from their basest fears ... exacerbating the us-versus-them belief systems and the illusions of duality and separation which are creating so much of the polarized thinking, pain and suffering.
Yet awakening within every person's HEART flame is the profound truth that we are One, interconnected and interdependent. This heart flame is intuitively reminding us that it is impossible to harm any other person or part of life without this negative behavior reflecting back and harming us. 
And so we are asked if we are willing to hold this sacred space for those who are not yet able to intuitively remember the oneness of all life. 
The people who are acting out in the most deplorable ways, are acting out of fear, terrified because they realize the awakening will not only eliminate their ability to manipulate and control the masses - they are so buried in their own painful miss-creations.
In this flash of this new enlightenment, our heart center knows and fully understands what the oneness of all life really means. Now revealing how we are to convey this oneness and reverence for all life to the masses of humanity; this realization is being encoded within our conscious mind and it will now be tangibly available to us. And through this activation, the mind and emotions of every person are being purified and realigned with their highest divine potential.
Humanity will transcend the surfacing negativity.
Now everything is changing, humanity is beginning to hear the inner voice of our heart center, to receive divine guidance, remembering profound truths and helping people raise their heads above the negativity that is surfacing to be healed above the mud puddle. The oneness of all life means literally that there is no such thing as us and them, this concept still just boggles the mind of many. While every single atomic and subatomic particle throughout the whole of creation is interrelated interconnected and interdependent; every minuscule expression of life that has ever been breathed forth from the heart of our divine and infinite Source of All is One.
This means that depending on our frame of mind daily and hourly, we are either adding to the light of the world or we are adding to the pain and suffering as the masses of humanity. Awaken and remember that we are one, and they will realize that it is totally self-destructive for a person to inflict harm on any person, place, condition or thing - for no one will be willing to deliberately wreak havoc in his or her own life - that will result from such negative behavior. When the reality that we are One resonates in every person's heart, we will realize also that every thought feeling word, action in love and reverence for all life will bless every part of life and greatly enhance the love and harmony in our own life. We are not the victims of circumstance, we are the co-creators of our lives. If we do not like the way things are going... by remembering that we are beloved creatures of a grandiose picture and that we are one with all life we can change our course of action. Then we will create a new life for ourselves based in love. All you have to do is make the heart commitment to focus on the divinity within every person and for the highest good for all. That is remembering our True Nature.

~ Excerpts from eraofpeace. org

Gravitational Waves — Emotional Triggers & Space-Time Expand
The physical body is losing density and your spirit is gaining light. You are at the very early stages of this transition.
Currently, there are two gravitational waves entering and coming in from different parts of the universe. You’ve been receiving incredible amounts of cosmic radiation lately, because a charging has been underway.
Like any waves of a boat, it has residual waves... it breaks the surface, but also creates multiple harmonic waves that follow. These waves effect humans emotionally, especially the repetitive ones.
Sometimes overlapping waves originating from different directions create a neutralizing energy, which is very magical and brings the possibility of change.
When a gravitational wave hits.. it is compressing and expanding time-space.
When a star goes supernova, it sends out a gravitational wave that changes the time-space of everything it touches.
In the field of physics and astrophysics, all planets have a gravitational field, which pulls and alters the course of the other planets around it. Time-space was actually compressed during that first wave and had a global effect that is still with you today. It enhanced an underlying frustration and anxiety, with a wave of fear and separation. Although people didn’t feel it, the waves were measured, and the effect was profound.. but it happens so gently and routinely, most people don’t have any clue..

And..You can make something positive of this, more than you know. This is a time to create your dreams, to set something into motion, no matter how small it is, and to let the wave carry it. Surf it ! There’s also another wave coming in later in 2019 .. right now, enjoy this neutral energy.
Humans are still trying to ground the energy and integrate the effects of the last wave that came in. It will be possible to anticipate when a wave will hit. With significant impact on major global events that take place now.. gravitational waves have a huge effect on the emotional systems of human beings. Good things and bad things will come out of this. Every time you experience some sort of tragedy or that you perceive to be negative, beauty emerges and heroes show up. Humans will start emerging in new ways.
Importantly is, who you really are and why you came here !... you’ll be playing in all of this going forward. And even without these waves, you can play a part in this. “Just relax, because you’re right on time.” You can get involved with it and step out of the troubles and difficulties. There are new opportunities that will start opening an entirely new reality. You will build a whole new game.
Play with this energy and create something magical. That doorway is completely open now, so reach out for that opportunity to step forward, do that as a spirit first ( your subtle inner spirit-self ) and that’s the most fascinating part. We will help you ignite that light, for that’s your true purpose. You’ve come to Earth at this time to help other people. You will see so many things happening now. Hang on ! and above all, enjoy the journey, play well together.

~ Excerpts from Espavo. org


What you are seeing is the revolution aspect of Evolution
Awakening peoples are revolting against long-prevailing injustices. The ever-intensifying light is pushing to the forefront of the world stage all activity based in dark intentions.. so the individuals involved are placed squarely in the light’s high vibrations. If they continue to refuse the light being now beamed in abundance, neither they nor their activity can be long sustained.This cannot survive in the high vibratory levels of the astral planes into which Earth is steadily ascending.
It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature.
Souls are not restricted to incarnating in a specific civilization. A soul’s spiritual evolutionary status automatically puts it within a certain vibratory level, it chooses within that sphere wthat can provide the experiencing needed for its advancement. 
The world you are helping to create in linear time—already vibrantly exists in the continuum. You will rediscover innate capabilities that aren’t available to you in this moment.
This is happening in response to the feminine energy pouring in, to balance the masculine energy from which all forms of oppression and bellicosity have risen. For when masculine energy and feminine energy, both with strong qualities, are in balance, they complement each other and produce the high vibrations that enable a civilization to evolve. Now that the energies are coming into balance on Earth, the vast majority of the population is inspired to make the far better world.
Every civilization needs visionaries who look at the stars and yearn to know what is “out there.” Without visionaries there would be no discoveries or enlightenment, no inventions, innovations or advancement of any kind. Members of your Universal Family will always be advisers and tour guides. The light you are radiating into the world is helping to bring that brilliant day closer. 

~ Excerpts from matthewbooks. com


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