Monday, July 8, 2019


Incredible opportunities present themselves through sun cycles, eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, planetary alignments, galactic solar waves, plasma, solar winds, photonic light-streams, magnetic fields, sonic impulses and more… 
With these cosmic events, come opportunity for tremendous influxes of Light on Earth.. Opening portals.. of high frequencies of a fifth dimensional crystalline solar light.. to restore the fragmented connections within our 12 or original strands of DNA.

It is through your intent that you turn on Light. Darkness does not have an energy of its own, it must have an absence of light for it to win. Stop battling the dark and turn on your light because that is the only thing that’s going to work. 
You're going to change your physicalness / cellular structure with consciousness. With your heart and inner peace, you are raising the vibration of your DNA... causing a better efficiency. 
Diseases look for lower vibration like negativity or fear and if you're gonna stay in fear it's almost like you're opening the door.
As you start to ascend you're taking your cellular structure to a higher vibration. You walk around with a multi-dimensional field that generates light - to make new choices.

The energies of July are about your Infinite Mind. A connected mind, that neutralizes fear into new potentials and love into amplification.
Your heart is your instrument of infinity… out of the linear loop of physical survival.. The unformed, the subtle, the invisible information that connects the points/particles of time-space. 
Releasing the dominance of fear as Love’s grace, lights up the path to evolution... exposing the hidden and illuminating our True Nature through space-time.

Cosmic Events with Opportunities
The frequency of every single person’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies is being raised to the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow, during the Eclipse Series of July.
Thank you for having a physical embodiment during this Cosmic Moment on Earth to cocreate the experience of returning to Christ Consciousness. And to serve as a surrogate on behalf of ALL Humanity. 
Through this activity of Light, the portal within our right-brain hemisphere with our Heart Chakra, becomes a stronger pulsation of blessings into the world of form. 
This activation of our spiritual brain centers creates the sacred space for the opening of our Crown Chakra, via the natural process of open heart and mind telepathic communication.
Throughout the universe, myriad events that cause shifts of vibration, greatly amplifying the frequencies of divine light are available for humanity's evolutionary process. Incredible opportunities present themselves through lunar cycles, sun cycles, eclipses, solstices, equinoxes and planetary, alignments, galactic solar waves, plasma, solar winds, photonic light-streams, magnetic fields, sonic impulses and various other cosmic events… with these events, come opportunity for tremendous influxes of divine light on earth.. if you and the rest of awakening humanity do not deliberately volunteer to be the open door for this light on behalf of humanity and the rest of life on mother earth, that divine light will not be tangibly available in the physical world of form on this planet.
These cosmic moments can reach into our earthly experiences unless we give them permission to do so - the universal law is that the call for assistance must come from the realm where the assistance is needed. By invoking that light through our hearts... since we are one with every other person on earth and since there is no separation, once we invoke that divine light and breathe it into the physical plane, it exponentially expands this influx of light, simply by invoking it through our higher presence. At this time humanity is receiving unprecedented assistance from the solar logos and cosmic beings .. manifesting in the form of powerful shifts in Earth's magnetic field - solar wind from space to quadruple… referred to by scientists as interplanetary shockwaves. 
This has opened portals in Earth, allowing us to receive higher frequencies of a fifth dimensional crystalline solar light. These shifts alter our personal energy field and dramatically affect our mental body and our physical brain structure. Thus things recorded in our etheric body that had been hidden from us are pushed to the surface to be cleared.. removing blocks that have been preventing us from moving forward in the light.
The reactivation of our spiritual brain centers is calibrating the right and left hemispheres of our brain to a higher level.. allowing the fragmented pathways within our physical brain structures to be healed and in many instances restored to their original perfection pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of our brain will be activated to the next level of their full divine potential. And for restoring the fragmented connections within our 12 or original strands of DNA. "I am my I am presence and I am one with the I am presence of every man woman and child on earth” 
~ Excerpts from eraofpeace. org

Cellular Structure and Consciousness
Perception, Consciousness, Light, Dark.. for old souls who have been through many energies on the planet.. the demarcation of dark and light was palatable. Light workers spent as much time fighting the dark as you did generating the light. Healers had to shield themselves from the negativity that the individual carried. In a world with so many different kinds of consciousnesses and energies.. many of you still are absolutely convinced you must battle the dark side. Understand you are now free of this and you might say:" well it's still here”.. and if you're sensing negativity, it is your negativity that you're sensing because the light right now is washing it clean. Light is active.. dark is not, it is passive, that means when you turn on the light in a dark room, that dark is gone.

Lightworker if you go out and you're a healer, your light is so strong, darkness doesn't have a chance.. wherever you walk, you turn on the light in the dark room. Darkness does not have an energy of its own, it must have an absence of light for it to win. It is through your intent that you turn on a light. You may have worked a certain way for years and years - you may be proud of the way you work battling the dark and the way you do.. Stop battling the dark and turn on your light because that is the only thing it's going to work. 
You're going to change your physicalness or cellular structure with consciousness. There be a shift and a change literally physically in how you feel, and as you work on yourselves the first thing that you're going to feel is peace. The new human being, the one who is going to hold the god Source inside, has a light that is so powerful that wherever they walk, the negativity will run the other way. Isn't it time! to let go of the fears, and be peaceful in your life? With this comes better health. The catalyst provides everything you've ever wanted - relax and be peaceful, because then you give your body a chance to talk to you and for your metabolism to start shifting. For your cells to work in a way to give you better health, catch fewer colds, have better energy, not worry, you will walk around straighter because you are more part of the light of the planet. And by having these processes, whether it’s body-talk or tapping or decoding any kind of processing, you are raising the vibration of your DNA and causing a better efficiency. 
As this starts to increase the vibration, your cellular structure vibrates higher. No hospital instrument is going to measure the vibration of your cells. It’s multi-dimensional, as all of you have multidimensionality. You walk around with a multi-dimensional field which is called the Merkabah. It’s the vehicle you ride in, which is spiritual, not seen by any science yet. It is going to change the children, it's going to change how you think. Do you realize that disease is a low vibration and when you raise your cellular vibration from an old one to a new one. The old cannot attack the new. Literally creating a new human structure that the old diseases cannot get to. The old diseases look for lower vibration like negativity or fear and if you're gonna stay in fear it's almost like you're opening the door. 
As you start to ascend you're ascending by making your cellular structure a higher vibration. When you do that, so many of the old things will drop away, your body is clever and it wants you to be balanced. How do I start? - intent - if you give intent verbally and you mean it, because you cannot trick yourself - your innate senses start to shift your body even before you do. It’s how the mechanics of homeopathy works, when you give your body an intent from a small tincture of a chemical which you may ingest that is too small for the body to have any kind of an allopathic reaction way too small - the body sees the intent of the tincture and begins to heal itself because you just sent it a " signal “.
Now think of doing the same thing with consciousness, you're going to give your body a tincture of intent like " I am done worrying, done being fearful of everything, done with drama, done with gossip, done with bad health and your body sees the reality of the tincture of truth and it starts to correct itself even before you give affirmations.
This is a big change in everything. You want to have more energy in your life then stop being afraid. It couldn't be simpler and yet it's difficult because some of these things are etched into you. 
Are you going to continue doing it the old way or are you going to generate light. You're in a new age that carries with it new processes that actually may be controversial to the old processes. Like you're recalibrating everything you knew about dark and light. The calendar of the Maya saw it coming, the indigenous of the earth saw it coming and they called it for what it was a New Consciousness of humanity.
It is the brain that has this box of beliefs that has who you are, based on experience and memory. While it is Innate that knows the truth. One of the attributes of the future Human Being is to build bridges between your consciousness and your Innate. It is the hearts connection… becoming your own medical intuitive. ~ Excerpts from Kryon

Stop resisting your Highest Potentials
We are learning to move beyond the experience of linear time and integrate non-linear time, blending our subtle aspect and physical aspect. Flowing with past/present/future more holistically, honoring the unification of the three within the One (you/presence/connection).
There is a lot of inner healing occurring. Our identity determines how we interact with life. We’ve had so many examples of imbalanced ego leading through greed and manipulation or well-meaning, unconscious teachers (like parents) of fear-based expression and suppression in order to survive. The energies of July are about your Infinite Mind. A connected mind, that neutralizes fear into potential, love into amplification. A mind that follows your instrument of infinity, your heart… out of the linear loop of physical survival and integrate the non-linear resonance of potentials. The unformed, the subtle, the invisible information that connects the points/particles of time-space.
It’s your unhealed trauma that keeps you resisting your highest potential.
Becoming whole, is another way of saying integrating, unifying and expanding beyond the separation of 3rd density into the connective separation of 4th density.
This entails readjusting your energetic structure. This balances the ego structure so that fear is not unconsciously leading, offering opportunities to make new choices.
We are reaching a crescendo of releasing the dominance of fear and suppression, as Love’s grace lights the path to evolution... as it consciously or unconsciously illuminates your true nature through spacetime. A depth of memory of Life support is spiraling into our space, finding the cosmic connection of creation within your holographic self.
July offers a layer of New Identity as your Infinite Mind remembers who you truly are. 
Who are you? - you are The Universe in human form...
supporting and expanding that flow with action and interaction... leading your life boldly with Love, so the world truly changes. It’s in you. Birth it out. ~ Excerpts from Jamye Price

Namaste means:
"I honor the place in you where the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you that is of light, love, truth, peace and wisdom.
When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, We Are One.”


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