Friday, November 18, 2016

The Codes of Ascension and Higher Consciousness

November 5, 2016     

The Codes of Ascension and Higher Consciousness 
Copyright © 2016 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved 
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
     Greetings, I am Juliano.  We are the Arcturians!  Today we will again look at the nature of consciousness and the relationship between the Codes of Ascension and consciousness.  Perhaps the best way to look at consciousness lies in the famous mantra or statement "I Am that I Am."  This means that the person who says this or the being that makes the statement has an awareness, a consciousness of who they are.  When you have the consciousness of who you are, you also possess the consciousness of who you were and who you can be or will be.  This says that consciousness then transcends the present and the linear measurement of time.  The Earth scientists cannot measure consciousness; they can only measure the effect that consciousness has in this reality.  Why is it difficult to measure consciousness?  The reason is that higher consciousness, which is part of the "I Am that I Am" process, exists in the higher dimensions.  There is no literal thought particle, no literal consciousness particle.

     Some of the key components that make up the reality that you know as the Third Dimension exist in the other dimensions.  The key components of consciousness and of higher thought exist in the Fifth Dimension and other higher realms.  You are multidimensional, because you already exist and interact with the Fifth Dimension and other higher dimensions.  Your consciousness is coming from a source beyond this third-dimensional reality.  We are here on Earth to measure and express the effects of this consciousness.  One of the missions of all of the Starseeds is to study and implement higher consciousness into the Third Dimension.  Many of you are students from other planetary systems, such as the Pleiades, Alano and Arcturus.  One area of study in our temples and in our spiritual schools is how consciousness and higher thought can affect third-dimensional material worlds.  This is a great field of study!  Some of you are students of the fifth-dimensional spiritual teacher Ptaah from the Pleiades.  Others are students of mine from Arcturus.  Some of you are students from the star system Altair, while others are students from Antares.  You are like galactic anthropologists and scientists who study and learn about third-dimensional planetary systems.  You have come to this dimension to study the effects of consciousness.

     Let me clarify my discussion.  When I am discussing consciousness, I am talking about the higher consciousness, which includes having a sense of my "I AM Presence".  Interestingly, you are also able to the raise consciousness of other animals.  For example, you can teach animals to have consciousness.  One of the benefits of having pets is that you are sharing your consciousness with these animals.  You are raising their vibrational frequency, enabling them to have an awareness of themselves that was totally impossible (to achieve) by themselves.  Humanity has this ability to raise their consciousness with all of the animals and the plants on the planet.  You can raise and help even plants achieve this "I AM" consciousness.  Now this "I AM" consciousness can also be defined as awareness.  This consciousness can also be activated on planet Earth, or Gaia.  It is your mission as planetary healers to participate in the activation of the "I AM Presence" of planet Earth.  Why is it that a planet would need humanity to do that? Why is it that plants and animals would need humanity to activate the "I AM Presence"?  The answer is that humanity, the Adam species, has the special gift of consciousness.  This gift of consciousness also means that humanity can teach consciousness and can activate consciousness in other plants and animals.  But there are many blocks to the "I AM Presence". There are many blocks to the "I AM Presence" that are unconscious.  There are also many blocks to releasing and unlocking the Codes of Ascension within each of you.
     One of my observations as a fifth-dimensional being and student of the Earth comes from studying the activation of the Codes of Ascension in each person.  My observation is that people may think that once the Codes of Ascension are activated, then they are ready to ascend.  But in truth, the activation of the Codes of Ascension opens up an inner process of change, awareness and consciousness.  The opening of the Codes of Ascension sets in motion a process of inner healing, of retrieval of parts of your Self from past lives, and an integration of the "I am, I will be and I was" presence.  In other words, the Codes of Ascension open up the path for the integration of the past, present and future Self.

     One can use the code words of "I Am that I Am" and of "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts."  Using these phrases during meditations, one opens oneself to this inner ascension process that will result in a dramatic change.  By opening to this ascension process, a great flood of information and issues will come forward in your awareness.  This can include unresolved traumas and integrations from this and other lifetimes.  These issues can come to the forefront of your awareness because now there will be a new opportunity for healing.  During the whole process of preparing for the Ascension and using the tools of ascension, you come across frustrations.  You feel that you have opened and unlocked the Codes of Ascension, yet you might still feel and experience problems and difficulties in your daily life.   Some of you might even experience recollections of past-life traumas.  You might even bring forth emotional blocks that don't seem to have a primary cause in this reality or in this lifetime.  You see, when you have opened up and unlocked the Codes of Ascension, then you are opening yourself up to a great and wonderful healing from your previous lifetimes as well.

     Let us look at the Unconscious again because many of the unresolved parts of the Self that need healing are really beneath normal consciousness.  There are reasons for this that modern psychology has clearly explained.  The psychological defense system which blocks unconsciousness from coming into consciousness has a deeply important protective function that enables you to maintain the present focus so that you can fight off any dangers that are present in your environment.  When you are physically safe and you have food and shelter arranged for, there is an opportunity to do deeper level healing and to open up the pathway to the Unconscious in a disciplined and structured way.

     I frequently talk about the evolution of humanity, and I say that the next state or the next step in human evolution is moving to a higher consciousness.  Humanity from an overall evolutionary perspective has only recently come into a position where it can experience higher consciousness.  You are still seeing the effects of a predominantly primitive, unconscious human species.  You are living and observing a new Earth reality.  This reality is filled with unconscious activity where people are not acting from a higher perspective.  People are not accepting responsibility for what is occurring on this planet and how the biosphere is being harmed.  The people who are doing this damage are acting unconsciously.  Psychologically, when you act unconsciously, and if someone points out the damage that you are doing, then you, who are acting in this lower level, deny the harm that you are causing.  You are protecting yourself from the shock of the truth.
     There is a long history of violence and destruction among the Adam species.  It is depicted in movies and in evidence from anthropology and archaeology.  The lower Self or animal Self in humans does not have self-awareness nor consciousness.  These deeper and primitive tendencies and inclinations towards violence, lack of self-control and destruction of others is deeply ingrained in humanity's Unconscious.  There is only a small percentage of Starseeds and higher beings that have evolved and come to a new perspective which is focused on the "I Am that I Am, I was that I was, I will be that I will be".

     There is a special perspective involved in higher consciousness which is called "soul memory".  When you open or unlock the Codes of Ascension, then you can also open the doorways of soul memory.  Soul memory includes the histories of your past incarnations and the memories of even the traumas that might have occurred in those lifetimes.  By opening to soul memory you are also open to the possibility of healing those soul memories and traumas.  Unlocking the Codes of Ascension brings in the possibilities of opening up these past issues and experiences so that they can be healed.  On the one hand, you would think by opening the Codes of Ascension you would be granted great gifts of joy and illumination, and in fact this does happen.  But also you have the opportunity to complete a long history of soul work and of resolving soul problems.

     The idea is that when you ascend, then you should be able to complete all Earth lessons.  I know that everyone is not perfect, even among the Starseeds.  I know that there is a lot of self-doubt among each of you.  You might think: "Am I really ready to complete all my soul lessons?  Have I really resolved all those soul issues and problems that are coming to me?"  Some of you don't even want to deal with soul issues anymore.  But this is a great opportunity when the Codes of Ascension are unlocked, because when you unlock the Codes of Ascension, you also unlock access to the higher dimensions.  You allow higher dimensional thoughts to come into your consciousness.  You open the doorways of perception to dramatic possibilities and higher levels of thinking and thought processes.  You are also able to receive assistance and support from your guides and teachers.  These are all great supports for completing your soul lessons.

     This time period 2017 and beyond is a revolutionary time, a pivotal time on this planet because you are now directly experiencing the dramatic changes and polarizations on a total global scale.  Previously, major global changes have occurred, but never have they occurred in such a rapid fashion in less than 100 years.  Most of the other global changes that happened on the planet occurred over centuries or longer.  But it is unusual to experience such a dramatic shift in a period of 100 years.  The global changes have been even more dramatic in the past 20 years.  Changes are happening more rapidly.  Changes are incrementally increasing at an astounding rate.

     The need for the consciousness and for the next state in the human evolution is so necessary.  Great prophets and spiritual teachers have come to this planet, such as Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and Moses.  They wanted to teach the information about connecting to the Fifth Dimension and how the fifth-dimensional principles need to be downloaded and implemented on the Earth.  The spiritual masters used beautiful words to describe this "state of fifth-dimensional joy and elation".  They used such terms as Unity Consciousness, Global Consciousness, Universal Love, Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood.

     Those who achieve total fifth-dimensional consciousness often stay in the Fifth Dimension.  They reach such a high level of fifth-dimensional interaction that they do not return to the Earth.  Each of you will come to the same point where your fifth-dimensional work will bring you right to the doorway of higher dimensions, and you will be able to cross over into the Fifth Dimension.  It will be, perhaps, the same for you, because you also may choose to stay on the Fifth Dimension.  I do not say this critically, but I just say it as an observation.  Each of you will have the ability and the experience of going into the Fifth Dimension, and you will have a choice of whether you would want to return to the Third Dimension.

     The Fifth Dimension is joyful, beautiful and harmonious, and it is a total fulfillment of all that you are.  The Fifth Dimension is a place and time where you totally unite with your past, present and future Self.  In the Fifth Dimension you are living the "I Am, I was, I will be" Self.  You have total awareness and consciousness.  Why would you go back to a restrictive state of consciousness such as on the Third Dimension?  It would take an extraordinary sacrifice for a recently ascended starseed to choose to come back to the Earth.  One of the major problems in the whole Earth fifth-dimensional transformational process now is that it is hard to come back to the third-dimensional Earth once you reach this state that allows you to unlock the Codes of Ascension and go to higher light.  It is ironic because at this time the Earth needs more fifth-dimensional beings.  Right now, the Earth needs more prophets and more high spiritual masters.

     How can you use fifth-dimensional energy and consciousness to develop and change the Third Dimension?  This is the greatest study, and it is the greatest soul mission of all of the Starseeds and all of the higher beings: "How can the higher consciousness change this Third Dimension?"  There are so many new discoveries, and there is so much support and new energies.  For example, look at the beautiful paradigm in the experiment in quantum physics where the observer seems to influences the outcome of the experiment.  Your ability to observe on the subatomic or quantum level can influence the outcome.  Can your observational abilities have a similar effect in the normal world?  (Author's note: See effect)  The Hawthorne Effect is a reaction in which an individual improves an aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed.  Your thoughts in the higher consciousness operate on the subatomic level.  The masters and teachers on the Fifth Dimension are directly observing what is occurring on the Earth.
     The Ring of Ascension around the Earth is an interactive, dynamic etheric energy that allows fifth-dimensional beings to comfortably place themselves into an observational point in the Third Dimension.  The Ring of Ascension is for you to meet and visit the higher masters.  Higher fifth-dimensional masters such as Ashtar, Chief White Eagle, Ptaah and many other masters can comfortably intereacting with the you  there  and without danger of being pulled into the Third Dimension.  The Ring of Ascension is a place where the masters can observe, interact and communicate with you.  I encourage each of you to take advantage of the Ring of Ascension.  By bilocating to the Ring of Ascension, you will be able to activate higher consciousness and higher instructions on your soul mission and what can be done to use your consciousness to change the Third Dimension and to change the outcomes.

     I know that there are many other variables to consider.  One variable is karma.  Another variable is the influence of extra-solar or extraterrestrial and lower beings who have interfered and downloaded energies, thought patterns and belief systems into the Earth.  The lower extraterrestrial beings have been in many different civilizations.  There have also been some higher extraterrestrial beings as well who thought to counteract some of the effects of the lower beings.  Lower extraterrestrial beings have come into different parts of the world and the civilization.  They have been in the Middle East.  We also know that lower extraterrestrials have also been in Central Mexico and have influenced the Mayans, the Aztecs and also the Incas.  Some have even come to parts of Australia and South America, and also Russia.

     There has been evidence of interventions which have now become a part of the Collective Unconscious of humanity.  Some of the beliefs and practices that were given or imposed on the civilizations were quite brutal and bloodthirsty.  For example, human sacrifice in the Mayan and the Aztec temples were practices that came from extraterrestrial beings.  Why would they want to impose human sacrifice?  There was a powerful system of thought among the extraterrestrials that came to the Mayan and Aztec cultures.  The extraterrestrials taught that soul energy could be transferred to other dimensional beings that had come down.  When there was a death or a sacrifice, they could take that human spirit and manipulate it and bring it into their soul group and use that energy parasitically to embolden and to strengthen their extraterrestrial soul group.  Some of you were victims of this unfortunate and misguided ritual.  Fortunately, the human DNA is very resilient and the inner protections are strong enough so that you were able to release yourself from these lower extraterrestrial groups and continue back on healthy soul journeys and incarnations on the Earth.  The memory and the trauma of these types of incidents are still in your soul memory, and now with the opening of the Codes of Ascension, you are given the strength, the support and the tools to heal those parts of yourself.  You might remember these past-life experiences when you are visiting these ancient sites.

     I want to also speak about the abductee phenomenon which is another experience that has been prevalent on the planet and is deeply ingrained in the soul memory and the galactic consciousness of humanity.  Some of you might even still have dreams of being abducted, or maybe some of you have had this direct experience now, in this lifetime.  The abductee experience includes being in an altered state of consciousness, but you feel like you lose control of yourself, and then some lower fourth-dimensional being abducts you.  They take you against your will.  Remember abduction is against your will.  The higher dimensional beings, such as the Pleiadians or the Arcturians, do not take you to their ships without your approval.  We are taking you to our higher ships for improving your consciousness and for healing you.  The lower beings have a history throughout this planet of taking people against their will for selfish reasons.  This is a traumatic event.

     There are other traumatic events from outside of this solar system that are also in humanity's Collective Unconscious.  Your Collective Unconscious also includes what we call the Galactic Unconscious.  Humanity's Collective Unconscious is the summary of the total energy of all events that have occurred on the Earth since the beginning of human consciousness.  Also it includes pre-human consciousness when humanity was in a total animalistic state with no self-awareness.

     The Akashic Records are the recordings of all thoughts and deeds occurring on this dimension.  All of the memories of the thoughts and events go into a special sacred soul library in the higher realms.  The Collective Unconscious for the Earth is like an Akashic record of all events that have occurred on the planet.  It is well understood that the energy of the Unconscious can and does affect the conscious actions.  For example, the inclinations and the powers of domination and aggression are deeply rooted in the Collective Unconscious and are still continually affecting actions and behaviors.

     The purification of the Unconscious includes the healing and cleansing of all of these traumas and all of these animalistic and aggressive tendencies that are in the history of humanity and are stored into the Collective Unconscious.  Fortunately, there are also higher thought forms and fifth-dimensional aspects that have come into the Collective Unconscious experience of humanity.  This includes the work and energy of the prophets that have come to this planet and higher aspects thoughts from masters and great teachers.  The way to purify the Collective Unconscious is to neutralize the tendencies of aggression and domination.  This occurs by sending a healing through the consciousness directly to the Unconscious.  Therefore this work needs the intermediary between the Conscious and the Unconscious, the Subconscious.

     Also the intermediary between the Planetary Conscious and the Planetary Collective Unconscious is the Planetary Subconscious.  It is possible to place within the Planetary Collective Unconscious higher thought forms and thought energy fields.  Medicine Wheels and other sacred sites, such as the Stonehenge circles, can be used for downloading powerful healing thoughts into the Planetary Subconscious.

     We are working together on the 12 etheric crystals on the Earth.  We use these etheric crystals to develop and place higher thought forms into the Collective Unconscious of humanity.  Together we can begin the process of effecting and emanating a new light throughout the Earth's meridians.  The meridians help to process channeled energies throughout the planet.  We want to raise in a very powerful way the Collective Unconscious and the Unconscious of the Earth and of humanity so that the tendencies, the desires of lower consciousness, are eliminated and are replaced by higher thought forms.  These higher thought forms have to originate in this collective energy field, which is also referred to as the Noosphere, which includes the consciousness, the subconscious and the unconsciousness and the Collective Unconsciousness of all of humanity and of the Earth.  The Noosphere also has access and receives energies from other parts of the galaxy.  The Noosphere has the codes for higher evolution of the species and the planet, and the ability to implement dramatic shifts on this planet and in humanity.  (Chants OOOOOOHHHHHH.)

     Unlock the Codes of Ascension within you, and let us together unlock the Codes of Ascension within the Collective Unconscious of humanity.  Let us together unlock the Codes of Ascension for planet Earth.  By unlocking our personal Codes of Ascension, then we will accept all that comes into our consciousness and seek a method of healing.  Remember, whatever is separated can be put together and whatever is broken can be repaired.  Let the Codes of Ascension be unlocked.  Let us go into meditation now as you say these affirmations: "Let the Codes of Ascension be unlocked for me personally, and let the Codes of Ascension for collective humanity be unlocked now."  We will go into silence.  (Chants OOOOOOHHHHHH.)  The Codes of Ascension are now being activated in the planetary Noosphere and in your personal Unconscious.  All will come together in a unification.

I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty

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