October 8, 2016
Ladders of Ascension
Copyright © 2016 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller, Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Ladder of Ascension, Bell Rock, Sedona, Arizona |
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
The Third Dimension is connected to the Fifth Dimension. Some of these connections are well known on the planet and are represented by sacred places and sacred energies. I know that some of you Starseeds have even visited these places. What I would like to explain is that the Third Dimension, including your biosphere, could not exist unless it was connected to the Fifth Dimension. In fact, your brain, your spirit, all that exists and all life forms that exist that are of higher spiritual energy have connections to the Fifth Dimension. When we talk about the Ascension, I want you to understand that you have a natural and basic connection to the Fifth Dimension. This connection to the Fifth Dimension is part of your heritage, and it is part of your genetic codes. Remember, when we are talking about connecting and preparing for the Ascension, we use the term "unlocking your genetic codes." That means that you already have within you the genetic structure, the genetic energy, to open and experience the Fifth Dimension. You have the genetic structure to ascend. It is part of the basic foundation of you, the Adam species. Now we have downloaded, with your assistance, the Ladders of Ascension. We feel strongly that there needs to be more conscious places on this planet that are specifically designated for your ascension. How is it that you should use the Ladders of Ascension and what is the idea of creating Ladders of Ascension?
Let us look at the concept of the heavenly ladders, because this is a concept that has appeared throughout the Bible and history, in many different cultures. You see heavenly ladders on ancient stones, on hieroglyphs and rocks. The idea is that there is a way to go into a higher realm, and each ancient culture, each indigenous culture knew and often trained to go into the higher realms. They used the archetypal symbol of the ladder to climb up. In the Hebrew Bible, they use the concept of Jacob's Ladder. Jacob, as you remember, fell asleep on a rock, but it was a rock with special powers. It wasn't a normal rock; it was a rock that had spiritual energies. Perhaps this could be compared to the energy of a crystal, because crystals have the power to open up different doorways in your consciousness and in your Unconscious.
In the Jacob's Ladder biblical story, he fell asleep on the rock. While asleep on the rock, he was able to experience going into the Fifth Dimension. At the same time he saw that the higher angelic beings used this ladder to come down to the Third Dimension. The heavenly ladder served as a welcoming and also as a transformational energy tool which enabled mankind, or in this case Jacob, to see the angels. The angels can come down at any place at any time. They really don't need the ladder, but you as third-dimensional beings, with perhaps restricted perceptual abilities, may need the ladder to see the angels. You see, the ladder is like a corridor of light. The ladder is a special energy field which helps you to expand your perceptual abilities. The ladder helps you to see into the Fifth Dimension. When you are around the Ladder of Ascension, you can have expanded visual abilities and expanded fifth-dimensional abilities. When you are connected to the Fifth Dimension energetically, you have expanded telepathic powers. You have expanded abilities to use spiritual tools, such as bilocation, more intense meditations and of course, you have the power to ascend when the moment and the timing are correct. We view the Ladders of Ascension as another spiritual tool that you can use to improve your abilities. It is also a tool with which you can practice your ascension.
We have downloaded several Ladders of Ascension throughout the Earth. These include the Ladder that's in Sant Pere de Ribes near Barcelona, Spain; Mt. Fuji in Japan, Jerusalem in Israel, Tomaree Point near Nelson Bay, Australia; Job's Peak which is near Carson Valley, Nevada, and Bell Rock in Sedona. Today I want to speak a bit more about Bell Rock because it is an interdimensional portal that is unique and also is growing in its interdimensional powers.
The Ladders of Ascension are like corridors. Corridors are connecting tunnels between the Third and the Fifth Dimension, which means that when you are in the corridor, you can experience more directly the fifth-dimensional energies. You can also feel a transformation in yourself when you are in that corridor. You will feel what is called an upliftment. The Bell Rock Ladder of Ascension is categorized as an upliftment corridor or vortex. Vortexes are defined as cone-like energy fields which can provide either upliftments to higher realms, or downliftments into the Inner Earth. There are also vortexes that are more horizontal and help you to feel more grounded on the Earth. The idea of an upliftment or lifting up vortex is a perfect place to experience the Ladders of Ascension. You want to feel an upliftment. You want to feel like you are climbing up a ladder. You want to have the experience of seeing the higher beings coming down and feeling the enhanced upliftment of your spirit. Your inherent fifth-dimensional spiritual light is highly activated as you approach the Ladders of Ascension. We feel strongly that you must practice going to the Ladders of Ascension, and you must charge your Subconscious with the image of the Ladder of Ascension. If you have not been to one of the Ladders of Ascension, then you can visualize the Ladder of Ascension of your choice from pictures, and you can also visualize the Ladders of Ascension in your meditations.
I want to talk specifically about using the Ladders of Ascension and connecting the visual image of the Ladders of Ascension with your Subconscious. The Subconscious is basically a tool in your Earth mind which allows you to do things without thinking. The Subconscious reacts to the Conscious Mind. If you are training to do certain dances or you are training to be a sportsman, then you are working with your Subconscious. In sports and dance, you want to be able to react without thinking. The Subconscious is also involved in learning a language and in meditations. When you want to manifest certain outcomes, then visualizations in meditations can be helpful.
There are other certain rules and tools that help you to work more effectively with the Subconscious. One of the basic tools is visualization and imagery. The Subconscious is attached to the Unconscious. We are just going to talk about using the upper layer of the Unconscious, which can be called the Subconscious. In our preparation for the Ascension we want you to download visual images of the Ladder of Ascension. This important activity is preparing you for an immediate response to the Ascension Call. Perhaps you've understood at this point that the Ascension Call is something that happens immediately, or instantaneously. I could say that the Ascension occurs in a nanosecond. It is a second that is so fast that it can only be measured in the most accurate way by a computer. A nanosecond is certainly smaller than one second. When the Calling of Ascension occurs, you want to respond immediately. You do not want to necessarily think about what you are going to do, but rather you want to respond, and you want to use all of the Tools of Ascension that you have been working on.
Last month we talked about Tools of Ascension, and today I am expanding that discussion because I want to explain how to use the Subconscious as a tool in your ascension work. The imprinting or downloading of a visual image of a Ladder of Ascension is an important tool to prepare you for the Ascension. Practice visualizing the image of the Ladder of Ascension of your choice and have that image in your Subconscious. I recommend that you may decide to have this image of the Ladder of Ascension appear in your dreamtime. This is very possible.
You know that there is a technique that was explained in Carlos Castaneda's books, "The Teachings of Don Juan", of using dreamtime imagery for your spiritual advancement. In this technique that Carlos Castaneda (the author of "The Teachings of Don Juan") explained, one should try to see one's hands in one's dreamtime. The exercise is as follows: in waking consciousness, one would look at one's hands and try to see them with the greatest clarity. In the next step of the exercise, then think or command that you will see your hands exactly as they were seen in the Third Dimension waking consciousness. You will see your hands in the dreamtime by having the dream in which you are seeing your hands. The purpose of that exercise was to help you to become aware of yourself in the dreamtime. By becoming aware of yourself in dreamtime, you can gain greater psychic powers. With greater psychic power, you could do greater astral traveling, and you could also accelerate your spiritual energy field and the vibrational field of your aura.
Now here is an advanced exercise based on the "seeing the hands technique" in your dreamtime. Focus in your waking consciousness on the Ladder of Ascension, and as you are focusing on the Ladder of Ascension, I want you to tell yourself that this Ladder of Ascension image will do two things:
1. This Ladder of Ascension will appear in your dreamtime, and you will be able to use and even climb the Ladder of Ascension in your dreamtime.
2. Program your Subconscious energy with this affirmation: "At the time of ascension I will have that image of the Ladder of Ascension, and I will be able to use it. In other words, I will be able to go to the Ladder of Ascension of my choice during the Ascension."
Clearly, there are different avenues for ascending, and you do not have to use only the Ladder of Ascension to ascend. You might even be able to stand in place and ascend. You might be able to ascend in your bed while you are sleeping. It is a good exercise to visualize the Ladder of Ascension and practice moving your energy field up that ladder into the Fifth Dimension immediately. When you think of the Ascension Ladder, then visualize that you are moving your energy field into the Fifth Dimension immediately. Visualize that you are dematerializing your physical body, and you are transmuting your physical body from the Third Dimension into the Fifth Dimension when you are around the Ladder of Ascension. This visualization can occur with greater ease, greater comfort, when you are practicing and visualizing the Ladder of Ascension in your meditations. This is going to make it easier and more natural for you to ascend.
Let us now begin our exercise in the Ladder of Ascension work. To begin the mediation exercise, I will do some toning. I will tone in Hebrew the sacred phrase: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts", because it helps to unlock the Codes of Ascension. Then when you unlock the Codes of Ascension, you are going to be able to more easily transmute. Also, I want you to associate the Codes of Ascension with the Ladders of Ascension. First, listen to the Kadosh sounds: (Tones) Kadoooooooosh, kadooooooosh, kadooooooosh, Aaaaaadooooonaiiiiii Tssseevaaaooooth.
For this exercise I will use the image of the Ladder of Ascension at Bell Rock, Sedona, Arizona. I will describe this rock to you. It is a beautiful bright red rock with a height of perhaps 400 feet. It is an ancient rock, perhaps looking and being on this planet for hundreds and even millions of years. In fact, the rock at one time was under the ocean. There was ocean water around this beautiful rock. It has many crevices as it has been experiencing the wind, the rain, the oceans and many other environmental and atmospheric inundations and energies. It is shaped as a bell and has a smaller top and a wider bottom.
When you are approaching the Ladder of Ascension of Bell Rock, you feel energized; you feel highly charged and you even feel younger, like you are entering your fifth-dimensional body. The thoughts and worries of your normal third-dimensional life seem to disappear. Visualize this rock as a gigantic bell and at the top of the bell is a corridor of light growing from the top into our starship Athena which is in the Fifth Dimension. (Tones OOOOOOOOHHHHH.) See or visualize that corridor of light becoming a ladder of light and seeing Starseeds like yourself climbing the Ladder of Ascension at Bell Rock. This is a ladder that has wonderful powers because it is a multidimensional ladder.
It is a holographic ladder, and therefore thousands of people can climb this ladder simultaneously. There can be people in the front, people in the back, people on the left, people on the right. Also, the ladder is effortless to climb. In other words, by comparison, if you were to climb a ladder in your third-dimensional Earth body, you would feel some effort. You would have to have a certain amount of strength and balance to go up a ladder. You might even experience a fear of heights as you go up the ladder. You might also worry that the ladder might not be stable. I know that you have had experiences climbing ladders, and sometimes the ladder slips, or sometimes you have somebody at the bottom holding the ladder. But this ladder is rock solid. There is no movement to the left or to the right.
The ladder feels much grounded, so you have no fear of falling and also, as you are moving up the ladder, you do not feel any physical effort whatsoever. You don't feel like you have to use physical strength. You only feel the sensation of going up, because you are thinking of going up. You think yourself going up, and then as you think yourself going up, you are moving upward using the motion of climbing a ladder. It is so smooth, so effortless. You look up and see angels and spirit guides. You look up and see me, Juliano, at the upper point of the ladder. I am sending you intense energy and light. I am like a magnet that is drawing you up higher and higher from the Bell Rock of ascension. I will make your journey into the Fifth Dimension at the time of ascension smooth and without effort.
There is a gigantic golden energy field around the top of the bell at Bell Rock, Sedona, as many people are involved in working with the Ladder of Ascension. Now I want you to put this image of the Bell Rock Ladder of Ascension on the white screen in front of your Third Eye. If you feel more connected to another Ladder of Ascension near you, such as Tomaree Point or Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock, or Sant Pere de Ribes in Spain, or Job's Peak in Carson City, Nevada, then use that image in your meditation. The same ladders can go up effortlessly to the starship Athena. You feel like your thoughts are projecting you upwards.
We will go into meditation now as you focus on that image, and then I will give you further instructions. During the meditation hold that image on the screen in front of your Third Eye. Now you have successfully created an image on the white screen above your Third Eye. We are going to download this image exactly as you have been creating it, with the ladder at the top of Bell Rock. You can see the ladder at Juliano's Point at San Martín de los Andes, or at Sant Pere de Ribes or at the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, or Mt. Fuji, or Tomaree Point near Nelson Bay, Australia, or Job's Point near Carson Valley, Nevada.
Now we are going to download that image into your Subconscious. I'm going to send Omega Light to your image so that this image is brilliant. It has a fifth-dimensional power, so that when we download that image into your Subconscious, it will be so strong, and it will activate and amplify your response to the Ascension. The Ladder of Ascension will appear in your dreamtime, and you will even be able to go up the Ladder of Ascension in your dreamtime, which is a wonderful experience.
Feel the Omega Light coming to your imagery now. (Chants Ooooommmmmeeeegaaaa Liiiiiigggghhht, Ooooooommmeega Liiiigghht.) Omega Light is filling this image of the Ladder of Ascension from Bell Rock or whichever Ladder of Ascension you choose. Now at the count of three, this whole image with assistance of the Omega Light is going to drop into your Subconscious. Your soul, your spirit and your ego will come into alignment - one, two, three - drop the image into the Subconscious. You may feel like you are ascending as you drop the image into your Subconscious. As you drop the visual image into your Subconscious, you have successfully downloaded this powerful image using Omega Light.
The light frequencies from the Fifth Dimension are multi-colored and have an intensity that is not normally seen in the Third Dimension. Omega Light is a fifth-dimensional light that can work on the Third Dimension, especially when the Omega Light is sent to the Earth by a fifth-dimensional master. This light then has special powers to transform third-dimensional energies. This light has powers to deepen and enhance your spiritual work. When you are doing meditations and seeking to bring affirmations and manifestations through your Subconscious, use this technique I have just described. That is, put the desired image on your white screen, bring the Omega Light to the image, and then with the image emblazoned in Omega Light, it can be sent into your Subconscious as we have done today.
You will find such a powerful upliftment and effectiveness in your meditations and practice work in the Ascension. You see, from our perspective, ascension work must be practiced. You must prepare for the Ascension and use these powerful places which contain the Ladders of Ascension. Ladders of Ascension can be considered a powerful tool and an activation. I consider the Codes of Ascension as seals, and they need to be cracked open or unblocked. Perhaps you can think of the Omega Light as a laser beam of light that can loosen and remove the seals or unlock them. Visualize Omega Light around you now, for Omega Light is a protective light that keeps lower vibrations away. Lower and negative forces will not be able to penetrate your aura when you have the Omega Light around you.
It is also important to work on your receptivity to the Omega Light. Think of your aura as a solar panel. Solar cells or panels are able to receive energy from the Sun and convert that energy into 12-volt electricity. The technology for building more efficient solar cells has improved. The cells and the technology for creating more efficient cells have greatly advanced over the past few years, so the solar panel cells that you are using today in 2016 are more effective, more powerful and more efficient. But also consider that when we are talking about solar cells, there may also be maintenance to protecting the cells. For example, you might want to clean the cells if they are exposed to dirt. Think also that the solar cell panels must be in the right direction to the Sun. I'm sure you have all seen solar panels that have rotating dishes on them so that the panels actually follow the Sun as the Sun moves across the sky.
Solar cells are an analogy and metaphor. Let us look at your aura and how your energy field works, especially in the light of the Ladder of Ascension, but also how your aura works in general when receiving higher dimensional light, such as the Omega Light. Do you have the most effective, receptive cells around your aura to receive Omega Light? Is your aura cleansed and cleaned so that it can receive the Omega Light in the most efficient way? Are you able to turn your aura to the direction of the higher light? The Central Sun is now emitting a great deal of Omega Light to the starship Athena which is also sending Omega Light to you. The Ladders of Ascension are also sending Omega Light out to the Starseeds. Isn't that interesting? The word "ascension" and the word "sending" have a similar sound in the English language. Because you see, in the Ascension, there is Omega Light being sent out and you are able to receive that light.
Visualize again your aura and see the energy field around you. See the outer edge of your aura as a brilliant blue line, and see these beautiful energetic receptors around the outer edge of your aura. These receptors are called "Omega Receptors of Light." They are all around your aura. (Chants OOOOOOHHHHH.) See these receptors pure and clean. They have the most advanced spiritual technology so that your auric light sensors can receive the Omega Light most efficiently. You have multiple Omega Light cells around your entire aura, and your aura is receiving the Omega Light now. You are radiating because you are receiving so much light. You are like the solar panels on the Earth, which are under direct sunlight and are receiving so much energy that it is charging the batteries so efficiently. You are now processing the Omega Light into your third-dimensional energy field. Let us go into meditation now with this thought and imagery. (Chants Omega Light, Omega Light.)
The Law of Spiritual Transformation says that like-minded energy fields attract each other. Your energy field is filled with brilliant Omega Light. The Ladder of Ascension is also filled with Omega Light. At the moment of ascension, there is going to be huge influx of Omega Light. From your ascension meditations, your Subconscious now has Omega Light. Your dream world has this image of the Ladder of Ascension. Think about this image and visualize the Ladder of Ascension right before you go to sleep the next time. Let that powerful light image fill your dream world. We are activating other tools around this planet for connecting more directly with fifth-dimensional light.
Other effective tools for ascension are the 12 Arcturian etheric crystals downloaded around the Earth. They also have these Omega receptors around them, and these receptors then are able to attract special fifth-dimensional healing light into the Earth. The Earth as a planet has special Codes of Ascension for the Earth, which must also be unlocked. This requires special work involving Medicine Wheels, sacred chanting and group energy connections. You are ready to do such powerful planetary work, and we all want to unlock the Codes of Ascension for planet Earth together. A time will come soon when this will happen. I love you all very much. I send you Omega Light.
I am Juliano. Good day. |

David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty
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