Thursday, May 19, 2016


May 7, 2016  
Accessing the Arcturian Stargate  
Copyright © 2016 David K. Miller

All Rights Reserved 
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA

     Greetings, I am Juliano.  We are the Arcturians!  In this lecture, we will be studying the Arcturian Stargate.  Of course we have talked to you about the Stargate before.  The Stargate plays an important role in the Ascension.  I have many different subjects to discuss with you about the Stargate.  First, I want to explain that it is the role of the Arcturians to be the overseers, guardians and protectors of the Stargate.  There are three stargates in the Milky Way Galaxy.  This section of the galaxy has one stargate, and we, the Arcturians, have the ability and the job to oversee it.  One of our missions in working with you is to explain what the Stargate is and to inform you on how to use the Stargate.  Also, we are to explain the role of the Stargate in your ascension.

     Let me define and explain the Stargate and its role in the Ascension.  The Stargate can be described as a portal or as a corridor, but it is really greater than those two things.  I have compared the Stargate to a train station on the Fifth Dimension.  Visualize for a moment a train station and you are in the main entrance of the station.  You can see that there are entranceways in the station to many different cities in your country, and you have the ability to choose which city you want to go to.  You buy a ticket and then you go to the proper train track.  When the train arrives, then you board the train and you go to that city.  Now imagine that you have completed this Earth incarnation.  Imagine that you are able to travel to this beautiful, fifth-dimensional, interdimensional station called the "Stargate".  You enter the Stargate through a beautiful doorway, and you see a remarkable view of entry portals to different fifth-dimensional planets throughout the galaxy.  You have before you the beautiful task of making a choice.  You have completed your Earth incarnations.  You are a totally free soul and have no karmic attachments to the third dimension, and specifically, you have no karmic attachments to the Earth.  Only those of highest vibrational energy can pass through this Stargate and therefore have this opportunity to go, by choice, to different fifth-dimensional planets.  I can say that you have earned the right to go into this station known as the Stargate.  You have earned the right to be able to make this powerful choice.

     We are looking at the train station, or the Stargate, and we see that there are names of many different planets that you are familiar with.  There's the Pleiadians and their planet Era.  There are the Arcturians and our planet Arcturus.  There are the Lyrans.  There is Alano, the moon-planet near the Central Sun.  There is Sirius, the star system that is made famous by its connections and interactions with the Egyptians.  There is even an entranceway to galaxies nearby, such as the Andromeda Galaxy.  You have the power, and you have the choice now in the Stargate to go to whichever fifth-dimensional planet you wish.  You sense your home planet.  Your home planet is that place where you originated in this galaxy.  I have more to say about the home planet and your origin later on in this lecture.  How are you to choose?

     All of these planets in the Fifth Dimension look inviting, and certainly, they are in a higher state, which means that each one of these planets has higher consciousness, fifth-dimensional light and advanced spiritual evolution.  I am happy to report that when you enter the Stargate, you will be able to meet many of your spirit guides and teachers.  You will have the opportunity to discuss and listen to their advice on which fifth-dimensional planet would be in your best interest to go to.  In fact, the Stargate has special powers.  When you look down the corridor of the "train station" in the Stargate, you will be able to see what will be happening in your future life in that fifth-dimensional planet.  You will retain your consciousness and all of your memories from past lives.  This is different from being on the Earth and being on a third-dimensional planet.  When you come to the Earth, for example, you also enter a corridor.  You go down this corridor and enter the Earth and with third-dimensional consciousness.  But there is a main difference between your entry into the Earth and the third dimension and your entry into a fifth-dimensional planet from the Stargate.

     Before you come to the Earth, your memories from your other star systems and earlier past lives and earlier soul experiences are temporarily erased.  You forget who you are.  This is done on purpose because when you enter this third-dimensional Earth, you have what's called a "clean slate".  You have some memories of soul impressions, but the soul memories are pushed back.  It is possible to recover those soul memories and experiences from other planets; however, it requires a certain technique.  Adults in Western cultures do not in any way encourage young children to remember their past soul experiences.  This is very different when you enter the Stargate and when you enter these fifth-dimensional planets.  Past life memories are encouraged.

     In the Stargate, you will choose the next planet that you go to.  You will enter that planet, and your existence on that planet will be with full memory.  You will be fully conscious on that planet.  You will not have the experience of your memory being repressed.   Also you will see what you'll be experiencing in that next lifetime on that fifth-dimensional planet.

     Now is a good time to talk about the soul and the history of the soul.  After all, the Stargate represents an important transition in your soul journey.  The Stargate represents a graduation from the Earth.  It also represents a completion of all of your Earth lessons and an elevation of your soul into interdimensional, higher realms.  The soul is eternal.  Your soul had an existence before the Big Bang.  Conservatively, this universe began with the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago.  But this was not the beginning of your soul.  Your soul existed before this universe began.  Your soul decided to begin a series of incarnations in the Milky Way Galaxy.  The Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old, so the Earth is not as old as the galaxy.  Some of you have only had soul experiences and incarnations only on the Earth.  There certainly has been enough time on the Earth for many different incarnations.

     You are Starseeds, and one of the definitions of Starseeds includes the experiences of having incarnations on other planetary systems.  We have said that conservatively there are 5,000 planets now in this Milky Way Galaxy that have advanced life similar to the Earth.  When I say similar, I mean that there is consciousness; there is religion; there is spirituality, and there is even space travel on many of these planets.  You, as Starseeds, have most likely had incarnations on other planets besides this planet.  We have used the term "home planet", and I know that each one of you is eager to learn the name and place of your home planet.  What does it mean to have a "home planet"?  The home planet is the first planet in which you incarnated into during this cycle of the universe.  There are several key points that I want to make because I referred to this cycle of the universe, because there are other cycles, and there are other universes.  Your soul may have had experiences and incarnations in other universes.  For our purposes in this discussion, we are only referring to this universe and the fact that your soul has incarnated first on a planet in this galaxy.

     You may remember your soul records of that home planet.  I know that each of you has a yearning to return to your home planet.  There are many inhabitants on the Earth who have only had incarnations on the Earth, so you who are starseeds are advanced because you have incarnated earlier times on other planetary systems.  This indicates a greater advancement in your soul.  This also indicates that you are more understanding of the Stargate, of the Ascension, and you can recall and integrate your knowledge and experiences from these other planetary systems.  Also, as star beings, Starseeds, you are remembering many other experiences from your home planet or from other planets.  You see, you may also have had what I call "multi-planetary incarnations".  I have often used the words "cosmic karma", "cosmic archeology" and "cosmic anthropology".  Cosmic anthropology is the study of other civilizations in this galaxy for the purpose of the advancement of knowledge of the incarnational cycle in this galaxy.  That means that there are Starseeds who have incarnated on their home planet, but there are also Starseeds who have chosen to incarnate on several other planets in addition.  This can be compared to visiting four or five different countries.  Those of you who are advanced Starseeds have had multiple experiences on other planets, and some of you have even given up your allegiance or connections to your home planet and feel like you are just a citizen of this galaxy, which is, of course, fine and beautiful.  In the Stargate station you have the choice of where you would like to go in your next incarnation.  It is also true that incarnations do not happen immediately, and in some cases people could wait for long periods of time before they incarnate.  In other cases, people may choose to incarnate immediately.

     Let's look at the relationship of the access to the Stargate and the Ascension.  I also want to talk about alignments.  Access to the Stargate is dependent on several factors, that is to say, the Stargate.  Access to the Stargate is not available all the time.  There are certain alignments that must occur in order for the Ascension to happen and also for access to the Stargate.  I like to compare alignments to the solar eclipse.  In order for the solar eclipse to happen, there has to be an alignment between the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.  This alignment only happens at certain times.  Sometimes it happens once a year; sometimes it happens once every two or three years.  Also, the solar eclipse is not visible everywhere on the Earth.  Sometimes the solar eclipse is only visible in Australia, and other times it's only visible in North America or in Africa.  There are different combinations necessary in order for a solar eclipse to be experienced.  If you are a true scientist of the stars, then you may travel and visit certain parts of the planet in order to observe the solar eclipse.  There are scientific opportunities that can only be tested and observed during the solar eclipse.

     Using the solar eclipse model, let us compare the alignments necessary for the Ascension and for accessing the Stargate.  Several important alignments have already come to the forefront with regard to the Ascension.  The Earth has come into alignment with the Central Sun, and this is an important alignment for accessing the Stargate and the Ascension.  It is a complicated alignment that would be difficult to explain without maps of the galaxy.  This is an alignment that occurs periodically when the Sun, your star, comes into a particular alignment with the center of the galaxy.  The center of the galaxy is known as the Central Sun.  The Central Sun is a multidimensional center.  You may read that the center of the galaxy is a black hole, but that reality is just one third-dimensional aspect of its properties.  The Central Sun is multidimensional and exists in higher realms as well as having a link to the black hole at the center of this galaxy.

     Other Earth alignments include the precession, or the wobbling of the Earth on its axis.  One wobble occurs every 26,500 years, approximately.  That wobble does also create a specific alignment.  I think it's important to talk about these alignments because many of you came to the Earth in this time period because you knew of these alignments.  You knew that these alignments would give you access to the Stargate and access to the Ascension.

     Let me use the analogy of the solar eclipse again.  If you knew that there was a solar eclipse in Australia in October 2017, then you might buy a plane ticket now and make your reservation to be in Sydney for the solar eclipse.  Similarly, if you knew that there is going to be these alignments on the Earth between 2010 and 2018, then you would know that these are powerful and important alignments that would give you specific accesses to higher dimensions from the Earth.  You might decide that you want to incarnate on the Earth during this time so that you would be able to have these higher experiences.  This is particularly important when you're looking at third-dimensional incarnations.  I would say that some Starseeds came to the Earth and now are ready to leave and ascend.  There may not have been opportunities at other times to ascend from the Earth.  There were no opportunities, for example, in 1920 or 1830.  There were opportunities during the time of the Atlanteans, and there were opportunities for ascending at the time of the Lyrans.  There have been periodic opportunities throughout the galaxy for the Ascension and access to the Stargate, but they were in different epochs and different centuries.  You came into this incarnation knowing that these alignments are going to be present and that you would have access to the Ascension.

     Another alignment which is more difficult to scientifically observe is the intersection of the third dimension with the Fifth Dimension.  One of the key points in the Ascension is the intersection of the third dimension with the Fifth Dimension.  This happens periodically.  It's not something that happens every year.  It happens in different epochs and in different parts of the galaxy.  When the third dimension approaches the Fifth Dimension, then there is greater access to the Stargate.  Other channels who are referring to stargates compare it to a corridor or a portal.  People describe these stargates as portals and corridors to spaceships or to other systems on different dimensions.  I definitely want to make a distinction between that general terminology and the Arcturian Stargate because the Arcturian Stargate is more than a portal; it is more than just a corridor.  You use a portal or a corridor to reach the Arcturian Stargate, but the Arcturian Stargate has greater functions.

     Now I want to describe, in more detail, the appearance of the Arcturian Stargate and who the higher beings are that are guarding this Stargate.  First I will do some toning: "OOOOOOOO.  Yeyeyeyeyey."  Allow your Crown Chakra to open to the energy of the Arcturian Stargate.  The energy of the Arcturian Stargate is streaming down over your Crown Chakra.  It is expanding your Crown Chakra, filling you with light, information and brilliance.  The Stargate has an opening that I call a vestibule.  A vestibule is a small room before entering a great hallway.  It is a small corridor.  You must pass through this room in order to go into the Stargate.  I want you to understand that, from your perspective, it's quite large.  From your perspective, you would see this room as a large garden with a beautiful pond or lake.  You can approach this garden, this entryway in your meditations.  We will do a meditation going into the vestibule of the Stargate.  The guardian of the Stargate is Archangel Metatron.  He has the highest authority over who enters the Stargate.  He has his hosts or his corps of workers that are assisting him.

     The Codes of Ascension are like a password used to enter into the Stargate.  The password is the famous expression: "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts - Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tsevaoth."  This is a high vibrational phrase, and when you are saying or thinking this phrase, then you are vibrationally ready to come into the entranceway of the Stargate.  However, to enter the Stargate requires a different set of criteria.  To go into the Stargate, you must be at a vibrational frequency that includes:
  1. You have no ego attachments left on the Earth, and you have completed all Earth lessons to the best of your ability.
  2. You are able to experience higher, fifth-dimensional emotions and are able to push aside lower emotions such as jealousy, hatred and attachments.
  3. You must have a consciousness and awareness of your soul journey.  You must be able to understand that you have multiple soul incarnations and that now you have earned the right to consciously choose where and when you incarnate again in this galaxy.

     I want to point out that it's also possible to incarnate from the Stargate to another galaxy, such as the Andromeda Galaxy.  The entranceway into the Stargate appears like a gigantic door, and the light behind this door is so intense.  The door can be pushed open a small bit, which can be called a crack.  That light that pours through the Stargate is so strong that it would be enough to totally elevate you into the Fifth Dimension immediately.  However, it is only permitted to open the door for those who have completed their Earth incarnations.  That is why Archangel Metatron is standing there, because he is guarding those who are trying to enter, and he is making sure that you have achieved the right vibrational frequency required for entry.  He can read your soul history.  He can read your aura, and he can see if you have vibrationally completed all that you need to on Earth.  Everything is recorded in a vibrational imprint on your aura.

     No one is expected to be 100 percent.  I realize that you are humans and that no one is going to be perfect.  In fact, if you were perfect, you would have ascended already before you even heard this lecture or began a study of the Ascension.  This ascension is also filled with grace, that is, those people who are trying to the best of their ability to go to higher light will be given the opportunity to go through this ascension process.  Sometimes in the vestibule or in the entranceway, those people who are seeking entrance are evaluated, and they are given the opportunity to go to a special training or crash course in human evolution.  They can be given a chance to process and resolve unfinished experiences from the Earth.  Some of you are already going through that review process and are already working to resolve previous experiences in this lifetime and other lifetimes on the Earth.  Now, you are seeking a healing or a finishing of these experiences.  Part of this healing involves understanding your Earth experiences.  Other parts of this healing involve releasing pain and anger from any Earth experiences.  You will begin to see the higher purpose of all that you have done.  These healing lessons in these mini-areas of learning are available at the entranceway for those who need further advancement.  I can assure you that the guides and teachers will be there to help you.  You will very quickly, and in an accelerated way, go through the learning that is necessary to complete all incarnational lessons on the Earth.  We will provide you with whatever is necessary to finish that task; therefore you will then have the higher consciousness and higher vibration necessary to enter the Stargate.  Archangel Metatron will then allow you to pass.

     Passing through the Stargate and the doorway is an experience that I can only describe as being filled with ecstasy and extreme joy!  You'll be free of all of Earth burdens.  You will feel a closeness to your guides and teachers, and you will be around all the Ascended Masters that you love, including Sananda, Archangel Michael, Chief White Eagle.  You will feel a sense of timelessness and a sense of no need to worry about how much time there is.  Most important, you'll have those beautiful choices of where you can go in your next incarnation.  I know there are those of you who want to return to the Earth - there is also a portal from the Stargate to return to the Earth - but your return to the Earth would be much different than previous incarnations.  First of all, you will not have the loss of memory, and you will not lose all of your knowledge and skills.  You will not have to start from scratch if you choose to reincarnate into the third-dimensional Earth again.

     I want to lead you in a short meditation now.  Visualize a blue corridor over you.  This is a powerful blue corridor that I, Juliano, am placing over each of you.  This corridor is directly linked to the entranceway, or the vestibule, of the Stargate.  Take three deep breaths.  Give permission for your spirit to rise out of your physical body into this blue corridor above.  (Chants "OOOOOOOOOO, OOOOOO.")  At the speed of thought travel with me to the Stargate entrance.  Your astral cord is solidly attached to your third-dimensional body.  Immediately and surprisingly, you are at the entranceway to the Stargate, and you find yourself sitting in this beautiful garden with a sunset of beautiful orange and golden light.  As a group we are all sitting together, and you see the presence of Archangel Metatron, and a sense of wellbeing, compassion and expansion fill your consciousness.  We will now go into silence as you feel this joyful and peaceful light.

     Archangel Metatron opens the Stargate doorway a small amount, perhaps in Earth terms one inch.  But as the doorway opens, you feel and see this huge expanding light - a light unlike any light you've ever seen or experienced.  This light cleanses and purifies you.  It heals you, and it brings you into a beautiful sense of balance.  Experience the light as this door remains open just one inch.  Archangel Metatron closes the door, but even with the door closed, the light that was from the Stargate is still in the room we are in.  You are absorbing it in your astral body on a deep cellular level, and when you return to your physical body, you will be able to transform this light of ascension and light of the Stargate into your third-dimensional body.  We gather together and we re-enter the corridor that brought us here, and now we will journey back into our Earth home.  (Chants "Ta ta ta ta ta ta taa, ta ta ta ta ta taa, ta ta ta ta taa.")  We travel at the speed of thought.  You find your Earth body and go six feet above your Earth body.  Tell yourself that you will re-enter the physical body in a state of perfect alignment.  All of this higher light and energy will be absorbed into your physical body in a healing way.  One, two, three - re-enter now into your physical body.  Of course, you now feel a great healing and a great sense of peace and balance.  You have taken the journey to this doorway again with me, and it will help you.  At the right time in the future, you will easily find your way to the Arcturian Stargate.  

I am Juliano.  Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty

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