Thursday, May 19, 2016


Energy Report Update May, 2016
We have crystalline energies pouring in today; the skull, teeth jaw, full on body aches accompany this energy with body eliminations of liquid matter for detox. This is an extremely heavy detox day. Your body will be extremely sensitive to any toxicity or chemicals. Eat clean, today the energy calls for protein; peanut butter eggs, nuts, seeds, green leafy veggies, water and more water with fresh lemon.
We are approaching GI class geomagnetic activity and storms, 18th/19th, as Earth enters a solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole on the Sun. Stay grounded beautiful souls!
Earth Ascension Symptoms DNA Purification Gateway
Diet frequency shift upgrade. Experiencing times of being hungry more often with cravings for different kinds of foods. Do your best to love and care for your body and being without over-indulging; you will require a variety of nutrients and cosmic light source at certain cycles for your DNA upgrades and shifting of frequency.
Intense physical pain and reptilian brain new energy pathway healing. Intense physical pain occurring especially on and/or around the face, teeth, jaws, gum problems, and headaches with strain on neck and shoulders, as well as a specific area at the back of head, the reptilian brain at the top of the spinal cord connection to other parts of your brain. This can occur when you are deeply expanding into the universal mind. Aches and discomforts at this area can ensue when deep ancient cellular healing is being released. Many light bearers and sacred code carriers are releasing at a group level frequency ancient traumas from the Akashic Record history.
This can also be a combination of ancient historic cellular release. Many on the path are experiencing the healing release of the fall of Atlantis in the body, spirit with Gaia, and the energy grids. See more
DNA Activation Symptoms Here>> 

Love, light and blessings

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