Friday, August 21, 2015

Excerpts from Celia Fenn

Image from Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Sirius has long been a guiding light and force in the Evolution of the Earth.
There were many powerful Star Teachers that came to the Earth to assist Humanity, and they were believed to be "gods".

These teachers included the Beings known as Isis and Osiris, who brought the arts of agriculture and learning to the peoples of Ancient Egypt to assist them to reconstruct their world after the trauma of the Atlantean catastrophe. And now, at this time, we are told that the Sirian Master Teachers are returning to our world to assist us with aligning our frequencies with the incoming Diamond Light that is raising the frequency of our Planet and of Humanity.
- The Gold Sun and the Blue Sun -
As Master teachers, the Sirians brought information to the Ancient Egyptians that helped them to remember who they were and where they were going. They taught them the principles of Ascension, and reminded us all that our bodies are from the Earth but our Souls are from the Stars.

In recent years, they have also reminded us that everything is energy and frequency, and that ascending or raising our consciousness means that we can align ourselves with the frequencies that are coming from the Cosmic Heart and the Galactic Center ... raising the frequency of our Light Bodies and our Physical bodies and DNA.

It was the Sirians who first taught us about the "Christ Consciousness" that was embodied in the Golden Light of the Sun… and Multi-dimensional consciousness. The first Sirian Avatars of the Christ Consciousness were Isis and her partner Osiris, who brought the Golden Light to Egypt. The second Sirian Avatars were Yeshua, known as Jesus, and his partner, Mary Magdalene. Together they embodied the Divine Masculine and Feminine frequencies of the Gold Frequency of the Christ Consciousness.

The Blue Sun was Sirius itself, and it carried the Blue Frequency of that Star System also known as the "Blue Star". This deep Blue Light carried the Codes of an advanced race of Light Beings who were in the service of ... the Evolution of the Galaxy and the Earth.

... in the Ancient Egyptian world the Sacred duties of the Master Teachers was disrupted by a corrupt priesthood that had an agenda of control mostly through the manipulation of sexual energies. Since this world is a free will zone, Humanity was left to carry on its path and the Sirian Master Teachers withdrew from Egypt. The arrival of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene represented another opportunity to anchor and ground the Golden Frequency. Initially this was achieved, after the death of Yeshua, by Mary Magdalene, who carried the teachings to France and into Europe. But again, a corrupt priesthood arose that ended the line of Mary Magdalene in the 12th Century with the Albigensian Crusade.
Now, in 2015, we are being given the chance to live the process of integrating the Gold Frequency in the process of Ascension. And, as the Blue Sun rises in the morning sky, we are reminded that waves of Love and Blessings are pouring out to us from the Sun, from Sirius, from the Great Central Sun at the Center of the Galaxy, and from the Cosmic Sun or Heart.The Blue Sun represents the Love and Support of advanced beings of Light who have incarnated on Earth or who have guided consciousness in other ways in order to achieve this moment of deep change when the Earth is ready to become a Body of Light and a Multi-dimensional Blue and Gold Star.

The power of new blessings is washing away what is no longer needed so that the new can be rooted and blessings result. In the Ancient Egyptian world this was clearly visible as the river flooded washing away the last of last years crops and depositing the rich red silt that would be the bed for the new seasons crops that would nourish the people and the land. In our time, the manifestation may not be so obvious, but we are going through the same intense process of ending and new beginnings for a richer and more abundant cycle ahead.

- Ascension and the Master Teachers -
Now, as we are in this wonderful process of the Ascension of our consciousness to higher frequencies, we are once again being aided and assisted by the Sirian Master Teachers. 

But, this time, we are not in a relationship of "gods" and "subjects”. 
We are ascending into our own power, and the Master Teachers are seen as guides and helpers, rather than "gods".

… we embody the Higher Frequencies, including the Gold, Blue and Diamond Frequencies, we understand that Earth has "graduated" to a new level where the Sirian Master Teachers can be consulted as "Star Family" and "Star Elders", but that it is we ourselves who must drive our own Evolution through our Intentions and our Choices.

The Master Teachers are here to hold "Master Classes", to remind us who we are and to help us to step into our power, but we must be the ones who embody the Crystalline Rainbow Frequencies of the New Earth.

This time ... is an ideal time to embrace this truth and step into our Multi-dimensional Light and Power as Ascended Humans, as New Earth Souls who embody all the Higher Frequencies of Light that were gifted to us by the Star Teachers and Avatars to advance our Spiritual and Physical Evolution on Earth.

 ~ Excerpts from Celia Fenn - starchildglobal. com

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