Sunday, April 5, 2015




We now entering a new phase of the deep remembering on mankind of what it has lost with the fall of Atlantis, Lemuria, the Lyon Kingdom (Lyra), and Elysium – the first ever civilization on earth.
In that this has to do with the pyramid energies we have lost with most of the original pyramids being so deeply buried and purposefully hidden from mankind, as the Intergalactic Counsel vowed that mankind would not be able to access their energies and diamond/whitegold energy grids again, until they had learnt to use the energies released in a responsible manner.

One of my first past life recalls was a vivid recall of how I used to be a High Priestess in charge of the Pyramid Temple of the White Flame.  It was the biggest of all the pyramids and it stood on an island offshore from the mainland.  It emitted blinding pure white light and incorporated all the color rays into one single flame.
It was here that the Super consciousness Energy Matrix Field was kept, which incorporated all the data collected from all the cosmos, and especially this planet, solar system, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Universe and the12 galaxies who were involved with the co-creation of this planet.  It was linked directly to the Great White Lodge on Sirius, and to the Galactic Core, and to the 7th Pyramid Temple of the 7th Sun of the 7th Galaxy.  All worked in tandem AS ONE and all life on this planet, all creations, and all knowledge was programmed into this temple flame, for it held all of this at one single central point for humanity.
It was known as the main Temple and it held the Halls of Records (as in the Super consciousness Energy Field – thus not like scrolls, or writing, but pure energy), the Halls of Wisdom and Knowledge, the Halls of Technology and Science, the Halls of Higher Teaching and Mystery Schools, The Halls of Higher Healing.  It was one massive center of higher studies and learning and all of this was held in one single energy field which was then the Super Consciousness energy field, directly linked to the Divine, via Sirius.
I vividly recalled the last days of Atlantis, and then how this temple was bombarded by a massive atomic laser beam directed at it, from those who wished to destroy this temple and all within it.  It was then that a massive rescue operation was launched – The white flame and the Super consciousness energy field were removed and taken to Andromeda for safekeeping and all those places on earth that had held its knowledge collective and the affiliated pyramids and energy grids were sealed off so that no one had access to them anymore.
I, together with Thoth and my life partner High Priest and a handful of other who had stayed true to the Law of One, then took the lesser records of the planet to the Sphinx for safekeeping in Egypt, as by that time Egypt had been developed as a colony of Atlantis.
The sphinx and the pyramids of Giza were much older – they were the remnants of the Lyrian contingent (the lion people) who had a massive civilization in the Sahara long before Ancient Egypt, and that had been blown up – literally because of a massive nuclear war between two brothers, which incorporated the whole Sahara and the Middle East.
The sphinx then was much older than even the pyramids – for the Atlanteans rebuilt the pyramids or rather revamped them on the base of the much older pyramids which stood there before.
The sphinx itself has 72 underground storey’s and the Halls of Records, the lesser ones were then stored deep underground and sealed off with certain energy systems, which work on vibrational frequencies.
It is Atlantis which now is haunting us as so many thousands of souls who were involved in Atlantis have all incarnated again, in order to fulfill the karmic obligations and to finally make right what went wrong.
Atlantis itself worked on many levels and was constructed on the ruins of what were once the great civilizations before it.  It therefore rose out of the ashes of the old and a lot of what it inherited or created in technology was not their own, but rather borrowed from those who went before.  One could also use the word, “retrieved” or “remembered”.  Yet, it was not as sophisticated as before, because Atlantis itself was in the 5th dimensional state and not the 7th, as was before.
It was this fact, most than anything else, which eventually caused its downfall, for although they had then access to this immense technology, they did not know how to use its power.  Meaning, instead of using the power for the greater good of all, they started using it for their own ends, and thus wreaked havoc in the end – self-destructing because of not mastering the lessons of power.
What added to the downfall of Atlantis, was that they opened their doors intergalactically, and therefore had other beings from other star systems coming in and settling here.  It was these beings that slowly but surely infiltrated the minds of the scientists and those who were working with all pertaining to that, also the metaphysical, that ended up in the misuse of power.
As Atlantis is rising and coming to haunt us all, we will all have to master the lesson of POWER.  It is not only those who rule who have power.  We all inherently have power. Indeed, most of us tend to give our power away to others, for we do not value our own power, or we allow others to overpower us.  We are disempowered, and then moan about the state of the world.
The fact is that the world is very much inside of us.  We are the world we create.  It all carries the world inside of us.  What we create inside of ourselves is what we manifest into the world.
Most of the populace of the world live quite lives of desperation, mainly because they do not empower themselves and they do not seek this empowerment.  It is mainly because they have never understood the basic principle that one can be or do anything – no matter what the circumstances are.  If you truly wish to rise above all of that, you can and you will.  The majority do not even try, for they blame everyone else for their calamities excepting themselves.   Yet, some of the greatest leaders of the world have emerged from the most difficult of circumstances and have risen above it.  For they had a dream and a vision greater than the sum total of self and they did not let anyone stand between themselves and this vision.
Moreover then we have the power then to create our lives according to our own inner visions.  Sometimes though what we try to create is not always in highest alignment with the greater good of all concerned.  Most of us know of things we knew in our hearts would hurt someone dear to us, but we still did that.  Or we tried to force our will on others, knowing that we were taking away their own free will and choice.
At this time a lot of those old things will come up from our lives in Atlantis, Egypt, Avalon, in particular.  They are all linked.  It is no accident.
It is bringing to the fore all those clogged energies in the northern hemisphere which has to do with war and destruction, with trauma and pain.  It has to do with the abuse of power.  Power play.  Overpowering. The use of force.
This does not just mean warfare – relationships often are the greatest battlefields and where the greatest abuse of power is played out.  The use of power or overpowering in sexual sense, in marriage, in power plays, in contracts etc.
The same applies to business and the use of power in business.  It applies to education, to science, to technology.  Everywhere where power is used and abused.
Nobody is exempt.  We all have power and we all tend to abuse this in some way.  If we do not do this with people, we do it to animals, plants, the earth itself.
Until we start becoming aware of how and when power plays come into play – we will not master the lessons of those before us.
Therefore we will be brought back to our highest truth and integrity and to the full knowledge that we are in this moment standing on the threshold of immense reopening up of the energy grids of the world, the reactivation of the pyramids, but we have to take full responsibility now, of our use of power.
If we do not master this lesson, then we will not be allowed to use the power unleashed.
It is as simple as that.
The Temple of the White Flame is rising again and the White Flame will only be returned to this planet, when we finally are ready to take on the mantle of responsibility to use this immense power for the greater good of all, and not for self-service.
The carries of this flame have always had to carry the flame for all humanity.  They know who they are, and they, more than anyone else will know that power is a two-edged sword and one to use wisely.
The epitome of wisdom is to know power and use it wisely.
(Judith Kusel)
Photo:  Jean-Luc Bozzoli

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