Saturday, April 11, 2015

APRIL energies - By Jennifer Hoffman

We are in an evolutionary pattern that is increasing in intensity as we are able to integrate more energy. The more we open up to energy, the faster it comes in. Sometimes we’re tempted to wait until the flow ends, so we can see what we’re facing, but that doesn’t work. As soon as we open the door to receiving energy, it rushes in and the more we receive and raise our frequencies, the more we can receive. It can be a little overwhelming, which is why we need to make room for it by clearing out our current energy space.
… on an energetic level we are creating space for new and different energy to enter your life.
- The dream may still be valid, it just needs new energy, a new intention, and maybe even a bigger purpose.
- Everything in your life occupies energetic space and anything you’re hoping will eventually change, is occupying the space of something else that is ready for you right now.
- It can be upsetting and disruptive, but it’s just something that is disconnecting from you because it cannot meet you at your new and different frequency.
… everything and everyone is choosing … what is right and best for them. Your shifting energy faces them with a powerful choice — shift their energy too or find someone who is at an energy they can be more comfortable with... helping you create space in your life for things that resonate at your energy, so it all works out.
You may feel like your entire life has been turned upside down and inside out now, that nothing is stable or secure and in a way it isn’t. We have limited ourselves in many ways for a long time and now we need to expand our frequency, vibration, and potential. To do that we need to clear out what’s occupying that space in this moment. Once the dust settles, everything that serves us and resonates with our intention will be with us and everything else will not. But, since we have cleared space, we have made room for new energies to enter our lives. And this is what we will see in April. So be ruthless in your house and self clearing, create your most powerful intentions, and let new energies in. 
They’re available for you now, all you have to do is open the door, invite them in, and make sure there’s room on the couch so they can get comfortable. Have a wonderful month. 

~Excerpts from Jennifer Hoffman. -

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