Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Transcription of Biorelativity Session for Idaho on Aug 18, 2012      
Crystal Lake


Shalom. Shalom. Shalom.

Greetings. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians.

We are focusing today on the fires in Idaho and, in general, on the dryness that is in the Northwestern part of the USA and in the Midwest. Of course you are all reading about this drought and the problems that it is causing with the forests.

Remember that everything is interacting on the Earth. This means that, in particular, when we look at droughts, we have to also understand the oceans; we have to understand the pattern of the ocean currents. We also have to understand that in certain parts of this planet there is too much rain and in other parts of the planet, (as you now are especially seeing in Idaho), it is too dry and there is not a balance. There needs to be a better balance and there needs to be a way of communicating to the feedback loop system of the Earth that will help the feed back loop system realign ocean currents and weather patterns, so that a better balance can be brought that will help to make this drought go away.

The complexity of the ocean currents, the complexity of the weather currents and weather patterns is overwhelming to the human mind. I know that some of you who have studied weather patterns have found that even the most sophisticated computers and computer models often lack the ability to accurately predict the forecast in the short term or even in the next day or two.

When you look at the feedback loop system as a planetary healer, then you also have to acknowledge that the feedback loop system is complicated and sometimes, (or often) is beyond the understanding of the human mind and the understanding of computers. That is to say, it is difficult to know which button to push to say that this should bring more rain, but what I see as planetary healers is that we communicate on a global level. This is the most powerful aspect of this group, the Group of Forty, that we are able to globally make an intervention that will help balance, not only the dryness that we see in Idaho but also that it will balance this planet. The way to do that is to communicate with the feedback loop system from a higher fifth dimensional perspective and that in our "talking prayers" we ask that the feedback loop system of this planet bring into a balance that will help to end the fires in Idaho, and that will help to end the drought. Then we say to the feedback loop system "it is in your wisdom, Mother Earth, that we trust that you will know how to do this very thing".

Therefore, because we will be using the talking model of prayer and also very similar to the rain dancing energies, I'm going to ask Chief White Eagle to lead us in a special Biorelativity prayer and Biorelativity meditation. I'm glad that I have had this opportunity to explain this in a little more detail to you and know that we, the Arcturians, are very much communicating with each of you and using the energies of the Ring of Ascension to help unite you with the fifth dimension and the fifth dimensional energies that can be used to exert a more powerful influence more directly on the Earth's feedback loop system. At this time, I turn this part of the lecture to my friend and colleague, the Chief White Eagle. I am Juliano.


Greetings. I am the Chief White Eagle.

Oh, dear friends, colleagues, planetary healers! We are gathered here today in this beautiful circle, this planetary global circle unlike any other global circle that is now working at this moment. Please understand the sacredness of this unity that you are participating in now. It is a true unity, a true circle of light, it is a true medicine wheel, because it is a global circle of prayer and medicine that brings us here together to help the dear beautiful State of Idaho to put out these fires and to bring the necessary rain to this area.

I, Chief White Eagle, ask that all of you now, who are listening to these words, visualize and imagine that we are in a circle. We are in a circle in the etheric energies and we are in a circle over the State of Idaho, and especially over Northern Idaho and the City of Twin Falls, Idaho.

Even though you are sitting in your particular place on the planet, send your etheric perceptions; send your etheric body to a huge circle that is now gathering over Northern Idaho.


I, Chief White Eagle, call on all of these planetary healers to unite in the one thought to communicate with our mother, the Mother Earth. We are communicating with the spirit of the Earth. Now, at this time, we are also communicating with the Ring of Ascension. We are feeling the light of the Ring of Ascension that is the halo around this planet. We are receiving the strength from the Ring of Ascension.

I, Chief White Eagle, now unite all of us in thoughts and prayer. I speak for all of us with this great power that will affect the feedback loop system: "Oh, Mother Earth! We thank you for this opportunity to communicate with you. Mother Earth, we are gathered here today to exert our prayers towards you so that we can communicate with you and your beautiful feedback loop system. We know that your feedback loop system is coordinating the ocean currents, is coordinating the weather patterns and winds; is coordinating the Earth's interaction with the sun. We know that there are many powerful balances that you, Earth, through the feedback loop system, are monitoring.

At this point, we ask for divine fifth dimensional intervention that will allow the Earth's feedback loop system to shift the weather patterns over Idaho, to diminish the winds over Idaho and over all of the Northwest and to bring a new and, yes, unusual period of rainfall to this part of the Northwest in the USA.

We are gathered in spirit above, in particular, the State of Idaho. We, now, are visualizing and bringing clouds, rain clouds to this State.


Each of you now, from where you are sitting and listening, chant with me.


Slow down your chanting, so that you can get into the vibrational wave of the Earth's harmonic level. As you are using this chant, slow it down because the Earth and the communication with the Earth is actually on a vibrational wave that is much slower than what the human speech and thought is, so we need to slow down. As we slow down, send the message of "let the clouds and the rainy season begin in Idaho and in the Northwest". And just send that thought as we slow down our chanting.


Rain; come to Idaho. Rain and clouds and calmness, come to the Northwest. Earth's feed back loop system, reengineer a balance that will bring needed rain to the State of Idaho and to the all of the Northwest and to the Midwest.


Go into silence now. Think this chant and think these words: "Let the rains come to Idaho and to the Northwest and Midwest". We will go into our Biorelativity meditation mode now.


As you are meditating, already you are seeing the images of the currents and the weather patterns reconfiguring on the globe to start up a new pattern of rain that is going to come to this area.


Extend this pattern of rain over the whole Midwest, also into Northern Mexico, to the area of Chihuahua, the state of Chihuahua, to the areas of the Sonora desert including Tijuana and Hermosillo; all of the beautiful Northern cities, Monterrey.

See the rains and let the rains continue over New Mexico and Arizona, beautiful monsoons in Colorado as this beautiful flow of rain continues; beautiful patterns of circular energies as it is beginning to swirl and the Earth's feedback loop system is responding to our Biorelativity input.

I will now return you to Juliano. I am the Chief White Eagle. We are all brothers and sisters. All my words are sacred. HO!

Greetings. I am Juliano. I'm back now. A powerful wave of light and energy is now storing as the Earth's feedback loop system receives your energy; receives your thoughts as we are preparing and have been preparing for this beautiful encounter today.

Other planetary healers in your group contact this channel, reminding them of all of the other issues that come to our consciousness. The issue of nuclear energy continues to be a grave concern as the leaks and the problems in the numerous nuclear power plants around the world continue. Even though you may not be hearing about it, it is still very true that the safety measures and the ability to contain radiation leakages are not very good. There are reports of minor problems in many of these places, and many of these places that you do not hear about are having problems, but they are hiding these problems or saying things like "these are minimum or there is no danger".

But remember, the leakages are built upon one another. And if one leak happens and then nothing else happens, then it is not too serious, but if it continues, it adds up. And this is still true at the Fukushima area where there continues to be major leakages.

At this time, we, the Arcturians, with you, the Group of Forty, send a balancing light. We connect with the Ring of Ascension. We travel around the Ring of Ascension at the speed of thought. We go over each of these nuclear power plants and send a protective shielding light to each plant. Let each person at the Fukushima power plant area gain in greater knowledge and wisdom so that they will gain a new insight. We are trying to send the new insight into higher technology to control these types of accidents, so that they make the right decisions now. A protective energy field is around the Ring of Ascension, and is sending golden corridors of light to each of the numerous nuclear power plants.

There is also a concern about the electromagnetic energy fields of the Sun. The outbursts of the Sun that are normal coronal injections, coronal electromagnetic storms that can be irregular patterns that can cause damage to the Earth's Van Allen belt, the Earth's atmosphere.

We, now, using our energy of the Ring of Ascension, seek to maintain electromagnetic harmony and balance and stable harmony and balance with the relationship between the Earth's magnetic field and the Sun's magnetic energy field. Now picture this balance.

Because the Earth is reacting not only to the changes that are occurring through the man made events, but the Earth is also responding to the Sun, and the Sun is responding to the Central Sun. There is a huge magnetic influx of energy being created and being emitted due to these higher actions. Let the electromagnetic energy field of the Earth and Sun go into harmony and a more stable balance now.

Let each of you, who are hearing these words, harmonize your electromagnetic energy field, because you also have an aura that is consisting of electromagnetic energy, you also are sensitive to the electromagnetic energy waves and fields that are around you, and that are also coming from the Sun and from the galaxy. See your electromagnetic waves harmonized now with this golden light and energy.

I, Juliano, send a special golden ball of light to the Dome of the Rock, and to all of Jerusalem and all of Israel. Let them be protected in this golden light. Let the golden light flow over the entire Middle East where there is great conflict in Syria and seems to be going on into other countries. Let that peace and calmness prevail. Let logic and the wisdom of the elders of this planet learn and be influential, to bring forth a greater and lasting peace. For remember, He, who makes peace above, also can bring peace onto the third dimension. You, who are in fifth dimensional energy, can, through your thoughts and prayers and visualizations, work to bring a peaceful energy field of golden light to this planet, to the Blue Jewel.

We love you, Blue Jewel. Let the influence and power of the Starseeds prevail.

I am Juliano. Good day.


David's picture 

David Miller
Founder and Director of the GOF

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