Sunday, August 26, 2012



August 4, 2012 GOF Lecture
The Noosphere
Copyright © 2012 David K. Miller
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. I want to focus more on this wonderful concept of the Noosphere. The Noosphere can be compared to the planetary subconscious, but it is more than the planetary subconscious. To understand the Noosphere, we have to understand the composition of the Universe. We have to understand that there are subatomic particles that are related to thought waves. These subatomic thought particles have not been discovered, yet there is the medium, there is the existence of particle waves that exist in all parts of the Universe that allow thought waves to be transmitted. These particles are special and have many unique properties that would not be found in normal particle physics. For example, a thought wave that is being transmitted through this type of thought particle is capable of traveling faster than the speed of light. In fact, these particles can transport thoughts instantaneously across vast distances throughout the galaxy.

This is important in our discussion because the Earth is now receiving thought energy and thought particles from the Central Sun. The Central Sun, which is also known as the center of our galaxy, has been estimated to be 35 thousand light years from the Earth. So, if one were traveling at the speed of light, the thoughts and energy from the Central Sun would take 35 thousand years to reach the Earth. So, there has to be another mechanism for thoughts to reach us more quickly from that area of the galaxy. There has to be another type of particle transportation wave that can work with transmitting thoughts.

The unique particles that I am referring to in this lecture are called thought particles. These thought particles have the ability to interact into other dimensions, and these thought particles also have the ability to travel and work in interdimensional space. Clearly, to travel the vast distances from the center of the galaxy to the Earth requires the ability to transcend normal dimensional energies and go into interdimensional space. Interdimensional space is also composed of several various components. One component of interdimensional space is called hyperspace. You probably have heard of that word before. Hyperspace can be defined as above or beyond space. But there is also in interdimensional realms what I would call energy of the Void. The Void is a type of interdimensional energy, or interdimensional space, in which no seemingly type of matter can appear. The discussion and expressions of this Void have been explored in some of the deeper Eastern mystical texts. One often reads about the expression or experience of traveling through the Void, which is another interdimensional level of interdimensional space. One goes though that Void on the way towards hyperspace and eventually towards the other dimensions.

So, interdimensional space is accessible. Interdimensional space provides a place by which one can travel vast distances throughout the universe. And interdimensional space also can broadcast and transmit thought waves. Thought waves, as well as spiritual energy, can be transmitted through interdimensional space and through hyperspace. The thought particle waves can enter interdimensional space. This is a key component in understanding this subject. Thought waves and thought wave particles can enter interdimensional space. This means that your thoughts can be carried through interdimensional space. This means that the thoughts of the higher Ascended Masters can travel in interdimensional space to you. This also means that the Arcturian energies, the Pleiadian energies and the energies of the Ascended Masters can also travel through interdimensional space and reach the third dimension or the Earth.

As a side note, I want to comment about nuclear energies and the atomic bombs that have been exploded above the Earth's atmosphere. There are verified reports that in the 1950s and the 1960s thermonuclear bombs were exploded above the Earth's atmosphere, approximately 300,000 feet. There was a great danger to the Earth's biosphere and to the ionosphere and to other layers of energy, including the Noosphere. The people have asked, "How is it possible that the knowledge of such explosions could be transmitted through the galaxies, and through this galaxy in particular?" The answer to that question is that nuclear energy, and the explosion of nuclear bombs that far above the Earth's atmosphere, was affecting the Earth's Noosphere, and the Noosphere communicates interdimensionally with other planetary systems.

The Noosphere is a medium. And when I am talking about the Planetary Noosphere, I use the comparison of the subconscious. I said that the Noosphere can be compared to the subconscious of Man. And it also can be compared to the Universal Unconscious. And I will try to explain these terms in more detail throughout this lecture. The point in that the Noosphere of the planet Earth is in communication with other planets throughout this galaxy. The spirit of the Earth includes the Noosphere. This Noosphere energy has communication ability far beyond what most people would imagine. This is one reason why when we speak of the new spiritual technology for this planet, we continually request that you broaden your perspective of the Earth. We want the perspective of the Earth to include the Earth's interaction with the galaxy and the Earth's interaction with other planetary systems.

Thought particle waves from the Noosphere are able to be transmitted simultaneously around this galaxy. There are other planetary systems of higher beings, like the Arcturians, who monitor the Earth and monitor in particular the Earth's Noosphere. The explosion of nuclear bombs, especially the ones that were done in the atmosphere, did affect the Earth's Noosphere, and that energy was transmitted throughout the planetary linkages. It is truly amazing when you realize that the Earth interacts on a thought basis with other planetary systems throughout this galaxy.

This is helpful in several ways because the Earth is receiving information from other planets. And I may add that the whales, in particular, are deeply linked to the Earth's Noosphere. The whales are special mammals that have this unusual ability to link with the Noosphere of planet Earth. This means that when the whales link with the Noosphere of the Earth, then they are also receiving communications from other planetary systems. They are interacting with other planetary systems. It so happens that the whales also exist on other planetary systems. The DNA codes for propagating all animal life and all plant life on this planet are based in the Earth's Noosphere. These animals and plants, therefore, even if they die off on the Earth, still can be represented and still can manifest in other parts of the galaxy. But I am particularly mentioning the whales because they have the strongest ability of any mammal, besides Man, to connect interplanetarily through the Noosphere. Mankind has only recently begun to explore this option, but the whales have been using this ability for eons.

So, I want to compare again this concept of the Noosphere with aspects of mankind's psyche and mankind's psychic structure. Mankind's psychic structure includes the subconscious, the unconscious, and the Collective Unconscious. There are other layers besides these, but I am going to focus on these layers. The subconscious of Man is primitive. Mankind's subconscious and unconscious is still linked to the fight or flight energy that was necessary for survival in jungles and in the forests. It's only been several thousand years from an evolutionary standpoint since Man has left primitiveness. Yes, it is true there were higher evolved situations in Lemuria and in Atlantis. But even when you consider those civilizations, and their existence 50 thousand years ago, one must still conclude that this is a short period of time from an evolutionary standpoint.       

The Collective Unconscious is a repository of subconscious and unconscious energies that can be described as major themes or major ideas that exist collectively in all aspects, in all species, in all races. So, you see, for example, the Collective Unconscious contains certain thought patterns that have to do with linkages to God and religion and even certain thought patterns related to burial rites. There are certain thought patterns in the Collective Unconscious that are especially related to symbols. One of the powerful symbols in the Collective Unconscious is the Mandala. The Mandala is an Eastern, perhaps Hindu, symbol that is part of the Collective Unconscious. In fact, Native American peoples in the North American continent used similar energy in the Collective Unconscious energy of the Mandala but expressed it as the Medicine Wheel. The Medicine Wheel is linked to the healing energies for personal and planetary healing. The Mandala in the Eastern philosophies can also be expanded, and it is used for certain energy healings.

The shifting of the evolution of mankind on this planet requires the change in the evolution of the subconscious and the unconscious and the Collective Unconscious. The reason why I say this is because the subconscious is basically based on a concept called conditioning or the stimulus-response reaction. Stimulus-response was described by the Russian psychologist Pavlov. Pavlov described an incident in which a bell was rung; then the dog would salivate and the dog would then be given food. But basically, when the three were associated, the bell, the dog, and the food, then the dog would salivate. Eventually when the bell would be rung, the dog would salivate, and the dog would have no control over this. And this action describes stimulus and response. This is also an example or a model for subconscious behavior in Man.

Mankind also operates using stimulus and response. You are now seeing this because of the great violence and the great upheavals on this planet. All of these upheavals and all of these terrible wars and destructions that are going on are totally illogical, but they are coming from the subconscious energy of Man. Remember that the subconscious energy of Man is not highly developed. Now there are ways of bypassing the subconscious. And we, as higher evolved beings, and you as higher evolved starseeds, are learning how to bypass the subconscious. One example of stimulus-and-response behavior in modern society might be the description of road rage. You might be on the freeway and then somebody cuts you off. At that moment they are acting in an inappropriate way, and you become very angry and want to respond in an angry manner back. That is the stimulus-and-response activity, and that activity is also the example of coming from the subconscious, but you intervene and you can realize that this is not the best thing to do. So there is hope that the stimulus-and-response reactions from the subconscious can be overcome, especially when mankind is evolving.

So the energies of the upheavals and battles you are now seeing on the Earth are all subconscious activities. The way to change this behavior is to begin to evolve the subconscious and the Collective Unconscious of mankind. This will be a major change and a major evolutionary input. There are ways of changing this, but they require some major efforts and huge changes in the ways this world does business. You will find this obvious, but one of the greatest determiners of subconscious energies on this planet is television and the images on television, the images on the Internet, and the movie theaters. You've seen examples even recently in the United States where people have acted in a totally hateful and barbaric manner from the stimulation of a movie. This reaction in part was based on a stimulation from images that are directly going into the subconscious. People who are mentally unbalanced do not have the ability to filter their subconscious from their conscious, and therefore they act out of the subconscious. This is again stimulus-response behavior as described by Pavlov.

So, the healing of humanity has to come from a change in the images, and has to come in the way the humanity is inputting the subconscious. It does seem so simple, doesn't it? It would seem so simple to understand that these types of images and these types of movies that are shown, especially to children, are eventually going to affect the subconscious. People will begin to act out in the stimulus-response way from movie and TV images. Images are further embedded in the mind of humanity, and then certain types of behaviors can become part of the Collective Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious is a deeper well, a more primitive well of images, thoughts and experiences from the history of humanity.

So you as starseeds are able to contribute to the input of the subconscious and the Collective Unconscious of humanity. This is one of the greatest missions in helping the evolution of the planet, that is, the creation of new images to go into humanity's consciousness.
So when you are working with the planetary healing and when you are working with the personal healing, become aware of the power of images, become aware that these images that you can work with are going to contribute to the development of the planetary subconscious. This is a new way of saying that much of the power of the spiritual world depends on focusing on positive images, images that directly go to the subconscious. You probably are aware that the subconscious likes images. The subconscious can work with words, can work with affirmations, but basically the more primitive, the more direct way of communication with the subconscious goes through images. So, when you are doing the starseed work, focus on ways of introducing new symbols and new patterns of imagery in your work. And you have a great advantage because higher energy images done in conjunction with meditation and thought exercises can more effectively be downloaded into the Collective Subconscious and the individual subconscious of Man. So, there are techniques of purposely changing subconscious energies on a personal basis.

Now I want to look at this on the planetary basis. On a planetary basis the Noosphere is the collective energy vibrations of the Earth and the Earth's interaction with all thought patterns that are occurring and have occurred on this planet throughout its history. Now that is a fantastic repository of thought energy. Consider that this Noosphere is an actual energetic web of thought energy that is a thought field. We can describe the Noosphere as a thought field composed of thought waves and thought particles accumulated over the existence of the history of the planet.

Mankind's thought waves and energy have had a more dramatic and direct effect on the Noosphere because mankind is the highest being that has been on this planet. When I say highest being, I mean that mankind has had the most advanced brain and the most advanced ability to transmit thoughts. This in no way is judging whether they are good thoughts or bad thoughts. It is just saying that mankind's thoughts have been more powerful than those of any other being that has been on this planet.

So, the Noosphere also contains the Collective Unconscious and Subconscious energies from the galaxy. The planets are linked in a web of thought particles and thought transmissions that are a web of galactic vibrations. That means that planets have knowledge of different stages of planetary evolution. A planet knows what stage of evolution it is in. The stage of evolution is measured in two ways. The first way it is measured is based on whether or not it has life on it. The second way it is measured is whether or not it has advanced life on it. Advanced life is defined as the ability of the beings on that planet to influence the planet. As an example, mankind is influencing the planet through the Industrial Revolution, through the Nuclear Revolution. The dinosaurs were living on the planet and were changing the planetary system somewhat, but they were not able to totally shift the planet. They were not able to shift the planetary environment. They weren't able to shift many aspects of weather, for example. So it was decided that in order to make room for humanity and other beings that the only solution was to set up a catastrophic event. A meteorite or a comet could strike the Earth which would then annihilate the dinosaurs and allow for the development of new species, including humanity.

The existence of Mankind on the planet represents a new stage in planetary evolution. The new stages of planetary evolution in this stage are defined in several different ways. The first way is that the higher beings with thought patterns exist on the planet. The second is that the higher beings are able to influence and destroy the planet, or destroy aspects of the planet. The third aspect has to do with the development of the species to have the ability to leave the planet, go out into space and travel, even interdimensionally. But in this third stage, there also is the ability to control the planet and control the planet's weather, control the planet's earthquakes, control the plates, the tectonic plate energy and finally to even control the atmosphere. Also, more advanced beings have the ability to control the planet's relationship to its sun.

You know that the suns are going through evolutionary stages. Suns have evolutionary stages just like planets do. They go through different energetic states, and in some of their later energetic states they explode or their corona goes out into a longer path. So, for example, in two billion years your sun's diameter will include the Earth. That means that the Sun's diameter will be so large that it will encompass the Earth and, of course, now the Sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth. If the Sun was, say, 30 million miles away from the Earth, that means that the Earth's surface would totally boil over and probably all life would die. In these more advanced stages of planetary evolution and planetary development, higher beings are able to move the planet away from their expanding sun so that the planet in that case would not die. Of course, there have also been cases where whole populations on planets have been moved to other planets. So, for example, Mars is further away from the Sun than Earth. If there were an expansion of the Earth's size, one option would be to give up the Earth and move humanity to Mars, where it would be safer. These are all highly advanced aspects of advanced beings.

Mankind on Earth is still in a very early stage one where mankind is still trying to work out whether or not it to destroy itself or to destroy the biosphere or to advance to a higher evolutionary state. Mankind is still struggling with understanding that the Earth is a living spirit, that mankind can communicate with this spirit. One of the ways of communicating with this spirit is through the concepts of biorelativity. The Collective Unconscious of Man has the knowledge of how to do this because one of the basic tools of biorelativity is ceremony and talking to the spirit of the Earth. The Earth responds to this kind of talking. The Earth responds to the Mandala. The Earth responds to the Medicine Wheel. The Earth also responds to Man's thought waves and to Man's images. Finally, the Earth is responding to the galactic communications from other sources.

We are over halfway through 2012. You are right in the middle of a major thought wave communication from the galactic center. And these thought waves and patterns are going directly into the Earth's Noosphere. They are also going directly into your subconscious and your superconscious. The superconscious is very closely related to the super-mind. The superconscious has the ability to link on a very high level with higher thought patterns and higher species of thoughts and higher beings throughout the galaxy. The superconscious is higher than the subconscious. The superconscious is based on the fifth dimension. We, together, are opening up the super-consciousness of this planet and the super-consciousness of humanity. The transmission of these energies, awakening the superconscious, includes awakening the superconscious of your personal super-consciousness and the super-consciousness of this planet. The Earth is going to ascend. You are going to ascend. The ascension energy is an energy vibration that is also inherently in your Collective Unconscious, your super-consciousness, and it is also in the planetary super-consciousness.

Oooommmm. Connect, to your super-consciousness, to the higher energies that are connecting with the fifth dimension. Connect with the fifth-dimensional super-consciousness of this planet that exists in the energy web known as the Noosphere. Help to awaken the super-consciousness of the Earth.

Oooommmm. Oooommmm. So, the fifth dimension and the Ascension is part of the super-consciousness, and the fifth-dimensional energy is contained in the thought particles and thought waves that now exist in the Earth's Noosphere. The Ascension cannot occur even on a personal level without the cooperation of the Earth. Every being that has ascended on this planet is recorded in the Noosphere of this planet. The new evolutionary stage of Man is now linked with mankind's interaction with the Earth's subconscious and collective and super- and galactic consciousness.

I want to say a few things about the Ascension. As the Ascension is approaching, many more questions arise. One of the most intriguing questions was recently asked, which is, "What will happen to my family if they do not ascend with me? What will happen to the people who are left behind?" In fact, we are aware there was even a movie made of this issue called "Left Behind." Fantasy stories were provided that showed what catastrophes followed after the Ascension occurred. For example, one would see ascending people driving cars, and then they ascended and the occupants in the automobile crashed. Planes were flying and the pilots ascended and the planes crashed. This is not what is going to happen, and this is certainly not a highly evolved ascension. What would the benefit be of providing an ascension for some people that would result in catastrophes for vast numbers of people that are "left behind"?

So, I would like to explain this ascension for you on several different levels, so you can have a better concept when you do leave the planet. The first thing is that when you are in hyperspace and interdimensional space, time as you know it no longer exists. It was Einstein who described that this third dimension is a space-time continuum. That means that you cannot describe space without time because time is measured by space. So if you want to go from one city to the next, the only way you could logically describe it is how long it takes to go from one point to another, and then you understand how far away is the other .

In the hyperspace, space does not exist in any way as you know it; therefore time does not exist as you know it. Because space and time do not exist as you know it in hyperspace, logically your third-dimensional mind will not be able to comprehend it. It is similar to the concept of infinity. Try and think about something that never ends. You mind cannot understand that even though you may try to describe it. You never will truly grasp it. Your mind is based now on these concepts of time and space, so when I tell you that hyperspace and going through hyperspace do not have time, then you might intellectually grasp it, but you would not be able to, at least in normal consciousness, experience it or work with it. In super-consciousness you probably could experience this.

This idea of space and time and hyperspace become important in understanding the Ascension because hyperspace is in the interdimensional realms. This realm also includes the realms in the death experience, the fourth dimension. In these realms time is not measured in the same way as on the third dimension. For example, if you could talk to a deceased spirit who has been gone for two years of Earth time, then you could ask them how long they've been away. You could tell them that it's been two years since they died, and you would relate to them all of the things that had happened, yet they might have only experienced their departure from the third dimension in terms of a day, or even less.

This is important because the events that occur in the hyperspace will be experienced by you in a timeless or in a very brief manner. So when we say that the Ascension is going to occur, and you're going to immediately ascend, you will experience this as a transforming experience that might only feel like a minute. Yet in Earth time, the Earth that is "left behind" may experience that process as six months or more. So, your leaving for the Ascension is also a process, and it is a process that from the perspective of you and of hyperspace happens immediately. But from the perspective of the Earth, the process of ascension may be experienced in a much longer time frame. By going on for a longer time, these major problems, such as airplanes crashing or cars crashing without a driver, will not occur. There will be means of helping this transition on the Earth for those who are ascending. The ascension is a higher energy. It is not an energy that produces problems. It is not an energy that produces catastrophes.

The planet has the same ability to ascend. The planet from this standpoint is already ascending. In the same way you are already ascending because you are in the process of ascension. So there is an extraordinary energetic interaction with the galaxy now on this Earth. You are living in the middle of one of the greatest galactic interactions with this planet. These galactic interactions are having a profound effect on the stability of the planet and on the ability of this planet to cope with the unbelievable energies that are now being expressed on this planet. I'm sure that you understand this has been an overwhelmingly difficult time for a planet to be able to cope with this amount of energy that has been expressed in the past 100 or 200 years by mankind. The planet Earth, the Gaia, The Blue Jewel, has used tremendous resources, to maintain the balance for the biosphere. The Earth has tremendous resiliency to hold the feedback loop system in balance due to the environmental disasters that have been created by Man.

The Earth, or Gaia, or The Blue Jewel as it is known in the galaxy, cannot stabilize itself and cannot have maintained this biosphere in a reasonable way without the interaction of galactic energies. So, mankind helps to attract these higher energies. One of the greatest sources of planetary healing now lies in your ability to continue to attract this higher fifth-dimensional energy to the Earth. Yes, this cosmic energy known as 12-12-12 energy, or the Central Sun energy, is bathing the Earth. An important aspect though is that the Earth must be a receiver of this energy, and the Earth must be able to both attract it and hold it. So, your work with the Planetary Cities of Light, for example, is helping to hold this energy. Your work with the Planetary Cities of Light is helping to create a web of thought wave particles that are being built into the planetary Noosphere. Your ability to hold the 12 etheric crystals is another powerful way of holding and attracting the fifth-dimensional energies. Your working with the Ladders of Ascension, the seven Ladders of Ascension that we downloaded, is another way of attracting and connecting with this higher fifth-dimensional energy. The Earth cannot hold this energy and process it unless you were doing this type of work. But more planetary work is needed.

The next level is to work more directly with the Earth and to create an interactive pattern with the Earth's intimate and intricate thought waves, known as the Noosphere. Visualize now The Blue Jewel. See the aura of The Blue Jewel and understand that this aura is composed of multiple layers of energy. See that there is a beautiful layer of subconscious and Collective Unconscious and superconscious energies in this beautiful thought pattern around the Earth. Yes, it is also true that the Earth has primitive thought, primitive subconscious energies. Every planet does. Planets have gone through explosions; planets have gone through volcanic eruptions; planets have gone through violent storms; planets have gone through comet strikes. There are many types of energies and experiences that are deep in the Earth's unconscious and subconscious. The Earth can react with those types of cosmic energies. Those types of cosmic events and reactions are part of what is known as the End-time Scenario. But also, the Earth can react from a higher level and avoid those scenarios. The Earth can react from a higher level because there are higher beings that are interacting with the Earth. See that you are sending these higher thoughts to the Noosphere of the Earth, and it is helping to expand the Earth's repertoire of responses. Ooooooooooommmm. You are part of the Noosphere; you are a part of the new Earth's spiritual light. It is an exciting time because this new spiritual light that is coming to the Earth is connected with the galaxy. You are all galactic beings, because you are all starseeds.

We love you all. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Good Day.

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