Saturday, December 10, 2011


Greetings, We are the Arcturians,

Sometimes the information that you receive from your higher expression of SELF comes in an “out of time” fashion. This type of higher dimensional communication is that confuses your ego/self, which your Soul/SELF to more easily take charge.

In fact, since traveling through the NOW of our Corridor, you may be experiencing increasing confusion about your position in time and space. The past is fading into a distant memory and feeling more like a past life than your present life. This is because your future life is now your present life.

Yes, you are NOW the fifth dimensional being that you wished to become. Of course, you are not just fifth dimensional, for you are multidimensional. However, your consciousness, beliefs, expectations and perceptions have switched from being just third dimension, to being also fourth dimension. Now, you are concurrently having experiences of your fifth dimensional SELF.

The confusing part is that you still live in a third dimensional life in which you “work,” take care of your responsibilities and live in your earth vessel. This earth vessel lives in your earth home and takes time to travel through space in your car vessel. You are becoming many beings all at once. Each dimensional expression of your SELF is living within the appropriate frequency vessel to calibrate your consciousness to the beliefs, expectations, and perceptions of that frequency of reality.


By day, you likely appear to be a “normal” physical person. Then, by night you are having increasingly lucid dreams about other realities, activities and people.

Just to keep you “awake” to your SELF, you are also having flashes of BEING fifth dimensional. In these moments of the NOW you are able to believe that you have an expression of your SELF that resonates to the fifth dimension.

Because of this belief, you expect to have conscious experiences of this frequency band of your Multidimensional SELF. Your expectation then directs your perceptions to catch a glimpse of your fifth dimensional reality through the corner of your eye. Furthermore, your expanded perceptions are all coming online.

At first, they frightened you. Or, you became so excited about your ESP experiences, that you actually “shut them off” by falling out of the fifth dimensional Flow and back into the “real world.” Oh, but what is the “real world” now? Is the real world the one in which there is horrible damage being done to Gaia’s precious ocean while fear runs so strong that the Elementals must express it through weather and “natural disasters?”

On the other hand, these disasters are not “natural,” for they are the direct result of humanity’s fear, anger, greed and need to control others—whatever the cost is to the planet. This need for power over others is the final battle of polarity before the Center, the Fulcrum Point in-between the extremes, can be found.


You are discovering that if you can stay relaxed and believe in your SELF, your newly activated Multidimensional Operating System can easily download and integrate your fifth dimensional perceptions into your earth vessel. Once this download and integration has been completed, you will need to “restart” your computer/brain.

We suggest that you “turn off” and “restart” by choice, for if you wait until you have to “turn off,” it may be because of injury or illness. If you do not take time to let go of the “business as usual” programming of your Third Dimensional Operating System, your new system will not be able to fully integrate the multidimensional perceptions in your third dimensional computer/brain and earth vessel.

In this case, you will likely feel anxious as your can’t quite understand what is happening to you. You may also become depressed because you still believe the illusion that you are “so close, and yet so far” from whom you Know you can BE.

When you shut-down the Third Dimensional Operating System of your computer/brain to restart it with your Multidimensional Operating System, you will begin to perceive your ego/self through the perspective of your Soul/SELF. As a result of this higher perception, many Truths of your mundane life will be revealed.

Under the Third Dimensional Paradigm you perceive the physical reality as your real world and the fifth dimension as your imagination. When your restart your computer/brain to activate your multidimensional perceptions, you will perceive the fifth dimension as your real world and the third dimension as the world of your imagination.
From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor iii

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