Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Let us look at the relationship between the Medicine Wheel and the Star Family energy. The idea of the circle, the idea of the Medicine Wheel, is a gift from the Star Family to the peoples of the Earth. This concept of the Medicine Wheel is a galactic symbol that is also related in many cultures. For example, the mandala is also in the shape of the circle. In the Indian cultures these mandalas also have corresponding energies to the Medicine Wheel.

There are things that are unique about the Medicine Wheel. There are unique relationships established between the Star Family and the Native peoples of the planet and the Native American peoples. The Star Family has ongoing contact with the receptive peoples of the Earth.
What is the Star Family? The Star Family is a group of higher masters that are similar to the Galactic Council. They are leading and overseeing the evolution of Earth energies. They also oversee the evolution of other planetary energies throughout the galaxy. You are not the only civilization in this galaxy, but the Earth is a special civilization and the Earth has a high number of starseeds. 

We have defined the starseeds as those people who have had previous incarnations in other lifetimes and on other planets. The starseeds are also people who have had contact in Earth lifetimes with other star beings from other planets. Many of you have had contact with your Star Family in other Earth incarnations. This has opened you up to the connections to the Star Family.

The Star Family includes, but is not limited to, the Pleiadians, to the Arcturians, to the higher Sirians, to the Antareans. We also speak of those people from Alano, and we speak of many other planetary systems closer to the Central Sun. We also speak of the Andromedans who are coming from your sister galaxy. Your sister galaxy Andromeda has many parallels to the Earth and many parallels to your gigantic, beautiful galaxy that you call the Milky Way. 

The Andromeda Galaxy is home to the Blue People. The Blue People are highly evolved spiritual beings who have been able to exist in a thought form. They are able to exist without incarnations into a physical body. This development is an evolutionary step in which you are on the track to achieve. It is difficult at this time, in this physical body that you are in, to conceptualize of an incarnation without a body. Imagine, if you will, that it is possible to have a presence without a body, but you would exist only in a thought form. This is one of the powerful levels of evolution that the Andromedan Blue People have achieved. 

The Andromedans also have taken an interest in the Earth population and the Earth starseeds. What is beautiful about the starseed energy is that the starseed energy attracts other starseeds. The starseed energy attracts other Star Family members. The Star Family members include all of the higher evolved beings in the Milky Way Galaxy. This means that the Star Family includes you! You are part of the Star Family, and you are able to connect on many different levels with the Star Family energy. The Star Family has been interacting, in particular, with the Native Peoples for many centuries. There are many encounters, and there are many stories and many histories of the Star Family giving information and energies to the Native Peoples. 

Part of the reason for this is simple. In the earlier times, people were living under the skies. In the earlier times, people lived and interacted with the sky at night. They interacted with the Star Family energy directly on a nightly basis. Civilization has created large cities and has also contributed to removing many of you from that nightly interaction with the Star Family and with the sky. 

Sometimes the historians and the scientists are surprised that the Native Peoples and the earlier peoples, such as the Mayans, had so much knowledge of the sky and of astronomy. It is easier to understand when you can picture the beautiful sky and the people interacting with the sky on a nightly basis. I encourage you all to interact with the night sky as much as possible. One of the earlier exercises that we worked on and suggested was that you meditate and you connect in an open area with Arcturus. I know that there are parts of the world where Arcturus is not visible. You can connect Earth energies with the night sky. 

So, for example, in the southern hemisphere, you may decide to connect energetically with the Southern Cross. You may decide to connect energetically with the Magellanic Clouds, the nebulae known as the Magellanic Clouds. Telepathically, you can also connect with the Star Family during your meditations under the sky. (Tones OOOhhhhh.) 

We are part of the Star Family, we, the Arcturians. We are also involved with the Pleiadians in the gifting of the Medicine Wheel and the gifting of the circle. The mandala has contributed to the formation of the Medicine Wheel or the Medicine Circle. 

I'd like to compare the Medicine Wheel to the crop circles. The idea of the Medicine Wheel as it was given to the earlier Native Peoples focuses on creating telepathic communications with the planet Earth and also creating a telepathic link to the galaxy. The Medicine Wheel also can be used to create a telepathic link to the Wheel of Incarnation. This is quite an expansive energy, and the Medicine Wheel is quite an expansive tool. 

The Wheel of Incarnation is representative of the histories that you all have on this planet. You've had many earlier lifetimes on this Earth. Some people will refer to the Medicine Wheel as representing the Wheel of Incarnation as it is represented in the Hindu philosophies. This is a good comparison. You also will look at the Wheel of Incarnation holographically. One of our primary teachings relates to holographic perception. We are helping you to expand your perceptual field so that you are opening up to the holographic world. 

The third-dimensional world is linear and it is more confining. The higher perception always includes holographic energies so that you begin to see multi-levels. In incarnational terminology, multi-levels refers to cosmic karma and cosmic incarnations. That is to say that the Wheel of Incarnation is related to your Earth incarnations, and especially for you, the starseeds, the Wheel of Incarnation also relates to your cosmic incarnations. The Wheel of Incarnation also relates to the fact that you have had already incarnations on other planets. Some of these planets that you have been incarnating on have even been in the third dimension. Some have even been on the fifth dimension. 

Of course, you will wonder, how can it be that if I have had an incarnation on a fifth- dimensional planet, then why am I here on the third-dimensional planet? In order to understand that, you have to use the holographic energies to look at the concept of what I call "coiled incarnations." You will look at a coil, and you will notice that the coil is going up and around, but there is a part of the coil that seems to be somewhat flat. This flat part of the coil symbolically refers of multiple dimensional incarnations on a plane on the coil. You are moving up in your evolution. Your evolution can be compared to a DNA strand, which also appears like a coil. You are moving up the coil. There are places on the coil where your development stays on a plane, and in one part of the plane you are in the third dimension, and in the other part of that plane you can be in the fifth dimension. Eventually you reach a point where you are totally fifth dimensional and you never, unless for some reason you chose, have to return to the third dimension. 

Some of you have been on fifth-dimensional planets and were on exploration trips to the Earth. During those exploration trips, you either had an accident or got involved in the third dimension and became involved in the cause-and-effect and the karma of the Earth, and therefore you were unable to return to your fifth-dimensional life. This means that if you were in the situation of becoming karmically involved in the Earth, then the best way for you to return to the planet where you came from is through the Ascension. The Star Family knows of the Ascension and knows that the starseeds like you will want to participate in the Ascension because many of the starseeds will take this opportunity to return to their home planets. 

Some of you in your Star Family work were sent here on certain missions. You were already fifth dimensional, but you volunteered or were asked to come here to assist and to participate in this ascension energy and in this ascension light. 
I would like you to broaden your conception of the Wheel of Incarnation to include, holographically, other incarnations on other planets. The Medicine Wheel can be used as a Wheel of Incarnation. Do not limit the use of the Medicine Wheel just to the incarnations on the third dimension. Also, holographically, use that beautiful symbol to relate to other cosmic incarnations. You can access other cosmic incarnations through the center of the Medicine Wheel. The center of the Medicine Wheel represents a holographic corridor that will allow you to go to other Medicine Wheels on other realities. You even can use a Medicine Wheel to connect to the fifth dimension. 

The Wheel of Incarnation also is powerful when it is used just for this lifetime. You would want to use the Medicine Wheel for gaining greater insight into this personal life that you are now having. Many of you have already commented that this lifetime seems equivalent to five or six lifetimes, because you are going through so many phases. You have gone through so much work. It may seem like you have had one complete lifetime in the earlier part of this lifetime. I note and notice that many of you had earlier experiences in this lifetime that are totally removed from your spiritual tasks and your spiritual work that you are now doing. Of course, this means that you have not been completely prepared for this highly spiritual time. 

Some of you have even allowed walk-ins. That is to say that in this earlier lifetime, or
in this incarnation, you completed certain tasks, and after that you decided to allow another spirit to come in. I know that some of you are walk-ins, and being a walk-in has allowed you to enjoy this opportunity of working in this spiritual energy, that is the spiritual energy of the 2011-2012 energy field. 

Let us now look at the Medicine Wheel as a communication to the Earth and to the galaxy. I compared the Medicine Wheel to the crop circles because it is our understanding that crop circles are types of Medicine Wheels that are highly advanced and are containing geometric patterns related to deeper energies within the Earth. Higher fifth-dimensional beings are working with the crop circles to create these energy configurations. These energy configurations are also telepathic communications with the spirit of the Earth. These telepathic communications are also giving instructions to the spirit of the Earth. They are telling the spirit of the Earth that the Earth is in a transition. They are telling the spirit of the Earth that the Earth is going to be coming into higher fifth-dimensional energy.  

The crop circles are also communications that have to do with the Earth's feedback loop system. One of the ideas is that the Earth's feedback loop system is set to maintain a certain relationship between the chemistry in the atmosphere and the chemistry on the Earth. If the chemistry on the Earth shifts, then the chemistry in the atmosphere makes a corresponding adjustment so that the chemistry in the atmosphere is maintained at levels that allow everyone to breathe. So you know there needs to be a certain percentage of oxygen and a certain percentage of nitrogen. This Earth feedback loop system is not well understood by the Earth scientists. The Earth scientists do not know how to communicate with the Earth's feedback loop system, and that is for a good reason - because the Earth's feedback loop system is a secret code that has a powerful function. The secret code is not to be easily broken. It is not to be easily accessed. If people accessed this code of the feedback loop system for non-spiritual reasons, then they may produce havoc. They also might use the breaking of the code for military purposes. 

Using the Earth's feedback loop system can be a way of controlling weather patterns in certain parts of the world. The Earth's feedback loop system, for example, can be used to affect volcanic eruptions. It can be used to create earthquakes. In fact, this high militaristic scientific project called HAARP (Editor's note: High Altitude Auroral Research Program), high frequency auroral radio propagation research, is working to crack the codes of the feedback loop system. Eventually, they are coming close to it because they now understand that there is a basic harmonic frequency on the Earth. It is a basic tone of vibration that the Earth is on. All planets, all stars have a radio frequency vibration. The people that are doing the HAARP experiments want to explore what will happen if, or if it is possible, to shift the Earth frequency. What will that do? That is what I call "playing with fire," because scientists don't understand all the reasons why a planet would be vibrating on a certain harmonic. 

I want to also discuss a little bit more about planetary harmonic frequencies, because you are all attuned to harmonic frequencies. The Harmonic Convergence and the harmonic energies of 1987 was a big doorway for many of you. Many of you were sensitive to the 11-11-11 energies because this was also a time of harmonic energies and communication with the Earth. Harmonic energies can be opportunities to communicate with the Earth's feedback loop system. 

The 12-12-12 is also another example of planetary harmonic energy. Also, even 12-12-11, which is coming up in about nine days, is also a powerful time to communicate with the harmonic energies. Harmonic energies activations can become part of the Earth's feedback loop system, and the Medicine Wheels and the crop circles can be tools to interact with the harmonic energy field of the planet. They can be tools in which many people through group meditations can telepathically communicate in a harmonic way with the Earth and also help to restabilize the Earth's energy system. 
The Earth's feedback loop system is being affected by the disharmony that is occurring on the planet. Disharmony and disharmonic energy create irregular vibrations that will affect the harmonic vibration of the planet and, therefore, affect the feedback loop system. Harmonic convergence and harmonic energies, such as what you experienced on 11-11-11, are ways of stabilizing the harmonic energy field of the planet. This is one of the most powerful tools in biorelativity, the stabilization of harmonic light and the creating of harmonic light. 

Now, harmonic light also has different cycles, so that you can be on resonant cycles and that can still create a harmony. This is also found in music where you can have some people sing a different octave above or below the main score. It still all harmonizes. I want you all to understand that harmonic energy and the creation of harmonic energy is one of the most powerful tools in the biorelativity field. The use of the Medicine Wheel, the Medicine Circle, can accelerate harmonic energy and harmonic light. The mere creation of the Medicine Circle is establishing a harmonic energy field where you built it. That harmonic energy field can be utilized multi-dimensionally. That harmonic energy field can be used to send harmonic energy to the Earth feedback loop system. It can be used to connect with other Medicine Wheels around the planet. 

The crop circles are also harmonic tools that can be used for fine-tuning of the Earth's harmonic energy. 

We need to understand that the Earth has a very complex harmonic pattern. It could be necessary to have various adjustments of the harmonic frequency that can only be expressed in complex geometric patterning. That complex geometric patterning can be expressed in the crop circle. 

The Medicine Wheel also has the ability to do harmonic adjustments to the Earth just like the crop circles. But, the Medicine Wheel is not built as complex as the crop circles. You have seen the crop circles, and you have seen many of the complex geometric patterns. Some of those patterns probably have never been seen before on the Earth and, therefore, may not be easily reproducible. The beauty of the Medicine Wheel is this: the Medicine Wheel is a relatively simple geometric pattern. This pattern is set up so that it corresponds to the communication patterns of the humans. Because it corresponds to the communication patterns of the humans, this means that the Medicine Wheel increases its power when you step into it. The Medicine Wheel increases its healing powers and communication powers to the harmony of the feedback loop system by your being in the Medicine Wheel, by your placing crystals in the Medicine Wheel and by your making the Medicine Wheel a sacred site.  

The Medicine Wheel functions as an interactional tool with Man's prayers and telepathic communications with the Earth. Also, the Medicine Wheel functions as a tool to hold spiritual energy. If you look at the crop circle, you will see that the crop circle may exist for a couple of days or for a short time longer. The crop circle is holding the energy. The Medicine Wheel can also hold your energy and can hold your thoughts and communicate those thoughts to the Earth.  

We suggested that there could many Medicine Wheels built by the Group of Forty starseed members. We also believe that the Medicine Wheels can and should be built in all the Planetary Cities of Light. The Medicine Wheels can also communicate with each other. The Medicine Wheels have multidimensional abilities, that is, they can communicate with the Earth. They can communicate with other Medicine Wheels, and the Medicine Wheels can increase in power logarithmically. If you had ten Medicine Wheels around the planet, it would be far more powerful than two. The power of the Medicine Wheels would be increasing logarithmically, which is a higher value than just doubling or tripling. Now we are at a time on the Earth where the whole planet can learn about and practice and use the Medicine Wheel.  

The third aspect I wanted to talk about is the Medicine Wheel's ability to communicate galactically. We looked at the Medicine Wheel first as a tool for your personal work. We also looked at it as a tool to communicate with the Earth and work with harmonic energies. Now we are also looking at the Medicine Wheel as a tool for communicating with the galaxy.  

Many of the Native Peoples in earlier times knew that there were galactic energies, and that the Earth was receiving galactic energies. This has been most often expressed, in one instance, for example, by the exploration and discussions of the Mayans who had a concept of the galactic center. They believed and had a concept that they were in communications with the galactic center.
What does it mean to communicate with the galactic center? It means that you are receiving galactic energies, but also it means that you are sending galactic energies. Galactic energy is complex because the Earth is in a solar system far from the galactic center. The Earth's solar system is primarily directed by the Sun, and the Sun is on a path going around the center of the galaxy which takes now, according to recent calculations, two hundred and fifty million years for one rotation, for one cycle, to occur. We are now approximately half way through that cycle of one complete revolution.  

You go around the Sun in 365 days. You have autumn. You have summer. You have four seasons. You know that each position creates different weather patterns and different energies. Those energies and weather patterns also can be designated in the Medicine Wheel. You could talk about the earlier part of your life; you could talk about the middle and you can talk about your sunset years.  

You can understand galactic energies that the Earth is now receiving by beginning to have a conception of where the Earth is in its path and what energies and what patterns are being received. The solar system's path around the center of the galaxy is an important visualization, but also, the Earth's precession or wobble affects what angle of energy it is receiving both from your Sun and from the center of the galaxy. You are in the midst of a great alignment. On 12-22-12, the Earth will be in an approximate alignment with the galactic center. The Earth is in this galactic alignment due to the precession or wobble of the Earth's axis, and also because you are approximately at the halfway point around. Because of these alignments, there is an opportunity for intense newer light and newer energy. This newer light and newer energy is needed on the Earth. You need newer thoughts and newer vibrations to change and repair the Earth. 

I want to emphasize the word "repair," because by all scientific observations, the Earth is in quite a quandary or quite a fix right now. That is to say, there are problems on the Earth which seem irresolvable. These problems are already creating damage that seem like they cannot be fixed. In such an alignment with the galactic center that we are talking about, newer vibrations, and newer energies are going to become more available so that new solutions will be emerging.  

In one sense, the path of the solar system around the whole galaxy is a gigantic Medicine Wheel. You see, the Medicine Wheel is representative of inherent patterns in the galaxy. Perhaps it is more difficult to understand how the solar system and how the Earth are feeding back information to the center of the galaxy. Maybe you could understand that the center of the galaxy is sending energy to the Earth, and that there is a new vibrational field coming to the Earth. Part of the reason is that a new vibrational field is coming to the Earth, because the Earth and the solar system have come into a new position in their 250,000,000-year path around the center of the galaxy. 

What kinds of communications emerge from the Earth, emerge from your solar system? That is where the Star Family comes in. That is where the Star Masters come in. Your vibrational energies are sent out and are picked up by the Star Family members. They are picked up by the Ascended Masters, by the Galactic Council. For example, the Galactic Council and the Star Family knew when the first atomic bomb went off. They know when there are other nuclear experiments. They know when there are experiments done in the time-space distortions. You cannot do a time-space distortion exercise without many other energies in this galaxy picking it up and understanding it. 

This means that what is going on here is communicated to other parts of the galaxy, particularly to the center, especially events involving nuclear energy. Nuclear energy also affects the time-space distortion field. A time warp on occasion has been created in different energy fields on the Earth. That time warp is like a wrinkle in the space-time continuum on the Earth, and that wrinkle is picked up by other parts of the galaxy
The Star Masters and the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Council know that there could be potential problems here on the Earth. They are picking up the waves of energy that are created by the space-time distortions in some of the scientific, military experiments that you have done.  

The Medicine Wheel also has the ability to harmonically communicate to the galaxy. The Medicine Wheel has the ability to harmonically receive the highest light from the center of the galaxy, and it can be used by you to send harmonic light outward. This is a good practice because you want to attract higher dimensional energy and beings to the Earth. One of the reasons why the fourth-dimensional Grays came to the Earth is because of the disharmonious energies that were sent out. One of the reasons why many of the Ascended Masters are coming to the Earth now is because many of you are sending out higher harmonic energies.  

One of the ideas of the harmonic convergence, such as 11-11-11, 12-12-12 and other of the exercises is to reinforce the sending out of harmonic light so that higher beings will continue to be attracted to and come to this planet. That is one of the main missions of many of you starseeds, that is, you want to contribute to and develop new techniques for using harmonic energy and the harmonic attraction force. One of the greatest tools for this is using the Medicine Wheel.  
Now, I will turn the next part of the lecture over to Chief White Eagle. I am Juliano. Good day. 

Hey ya ho ya hey ya! Hey ya hooooooooo. Greetings. All my words are sacred. I am the Chief White Eagle. I welcome this opportunity for you and me to be together. I want to acknowledge that we are creating with you a beautiful circle above this planet. We, the Native Peoples, the Ascended Masters, the higher Grandmothers and Grandfathers are continually participating in a great Medicine Wheel above this planet. We are in the fifth dimension, and with our work, we are interacting to bring down the power of harmonic light that Juliano has talked about. We want you to be participants in a great Medicine Wheel, which is the Medicine Wheel that encompasses the whole Earth. We want you to continue to build Medicine Wheels around this globe in all the different areas that you can reach. You want to increase the power of your Planetary Cities of Light. You want to attract more people and more lightworkers. One of the greatest ways to do this is to use the Medicine Wheel.  

I want to say to you that in our teachings, the Medicine Wheel is a sacred space. The Medicine Wheel is a great gift that we have received, and you have the ability now to create a sacred space by building your own Medicine Wheel. You can use that sacred space. You can bring your powers into it. The Medicine Wheel can amplify and can increase your powers of harmonic thinking. The Medicine Wheel is a wheel of harmony. Harmony is the opposite of polarization.  

You have all experienced enough of polarization. I know that many of you have discovered that polarization is tiring. It wears out the systems. Welcome any opportunity to be able to experience harmony. Know that the Medicine Wheel can assist you in experiencing harmony with your personal incarnational cycles, with the Earth and with the galaxy. We are particularly interested in working with the Medicine Wheel in creating harmonious energy to the Earth. We know that our prayers can be more powerful when they are done in the Medicine Wheel.  
I see many new Medicine Wheels being developed around the planet. I see many of the Medicine Wheels already in existence in the Group of Forty to be connected. Think now of your own Medicine Wheel. I know many of you have a Medicine Wheel now. Think of it at this moment. If you don't have a Medicine Wheel, visualize where you will want to put it. You can put it in your house. It can be built even in your living room. It could be built in your backyard. Visualize the Medicine Wheel that you have or that you are going to have, and connect with that harmonic light and harmonic energy in that wheel. Let that light and that energy from your Medicine Wheel radiate and emanate throughout the planet. Let it emanate also off the Earth and emanate into the ethers so that you are able to attract to your higher personal energies of healing in this incarnation and also higher planetary powers for the Earth healings that you have been sent here to do. Use the Medicine Wheel for attracting also the great powers you are developing to experience galactic connections and for attracting a greater galactic energy. Hey ya hooooo. Hey yaaa hoooo. Hey ya hooo.

Using the Medicine Wheel will be a powerful way for you to begin the 2012. You will be able to come into a powerful harmonic energy field using the Medicine Wheel. We are all related. I am Chief White Eagle. Ho! 

Copyright © 2011 David K. Miller
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA 

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