Sunday, December 25, 2011


Through remembering realities in which you embraced the unconditional nature of love which Flows from the fifth dimension and beyond, you can replace your old, protective mechanism with the love and light of the ONE. Unfortunately, most of your spiritual traditions since the “Fall” have had a Heaven, Nirvana, Afterworld, etc., which were actually in the fourth dimension. Since the fourth dimension still holds polarity, even in its highest octaves, there remains a conditionality to love. This conditionality teaches that love is something to be earned or achieved.

It is only through expanding your consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond that you will be able to fully embrace, and live, the concept of unconditional love. Once your consciousness is filled with unconditional love, you will be able to realize that your old habits and emotional addictions were like training wheels on a child’s bicycle. These training wheels protected you from falling. However, once you realize that you can maintain balance on your own, the training wheels (habits and emotional addictions) slow you down and limit your ability to “enjoy the ride.”

On the other hand, once you have released your third dimensional limitations the work really begins. We say the word “work,” for releasing judgment in a world filled with fear, such as your own, takes a tenacity and determination that feels like work. In order to release your old coping mechanism of differentiating between dark/fear (which you move away from) and light/love (which you move towards), you must fully embrace the fact that YOU resonate beyond the reach of either of these options. In other words, you will need to release your habitual perception of your SELF as being your earth vessel and see your SELF as being the ONE who is using that earth vessel as a means to more intimately
experience the third dimension.

When the resonance of your consciousness is beyond polarity, unconditional love can rule your every thought, for you KNOW that you are protected at all times. With the knowledge of this protection, you will not need to judge others as a means to protect yourself. Even more importantly, when your consciousness is filled with unconditional love, you can perceive the “big picture” of the small fragment of your SELF who is grounded in the third dimension.

YOU are a magnificent Being of multidimensional light and unconditional love.

Just as you physical body can be lying on a bed with your hand reaching down to touch the floor, your Lightbody can be in the fifth dimension with your lower resonance of SELF extended down to touch the third dimension. To better understand:

• Visualize that your physical self is lying on your bed with your hand touching the floor…

• How does your hand experience the floor beside your bed?...

• Imagine that you are your hand looking up at your body…

• How does your hand perceive your body?...


• Visualize that your Multidimensional SELF is in the fifth dimension with your third dimensional expression touching the physical world…

• How does your physical self perceive third dimensional life?...

• Imagine that you are your grounded one looking up at your Lightbody…

• How does your physical self perceive your Lightbody?...

From your third dimensional perspective, you can see many powerful humans who willingly harm people and planet in their endless need for power and possessions. On the other hand, from the perspective of your fifth dimension SELF, you are united with the higher expression of these very same people.

From your higher perspective, you realize that your grounded once can only perceive the lowest resonance of these fifth dimensional ones who are still “logged in” to the “Power Over Others” chapter of the 3D Game of Separation
and Limitation.

You may even ask the fifth dimensional ones why their lower resonance is still logged in to that Power-over Game. Since you are coming from the perception of the fifth dimension, you would ask this question in the same detached manner in
which you may ask someone why they are enjoying that particular Reality Show.

Have you noticed how popular Reality TV has become? This appetite for a different reality, or several different realities, is actually the beginning of multidimensional consciousness.

Planet Earth, Gaia, is the expression of a great Multidimensional Being whose consciousness is so vast that it must be contained in the body of a planet. Gaia’s consciousness is now expanding beyond the point that it can be encompassed in a planet, and She wishes to expand Her expression of SELF into that of a Star.

As Gaia becomes a star, Her inhabitants will expand their expression into being a planet. Fortunately, for those still logged into the 3D Game, this process is commencing. On the other hand, those whose consciousness is still limited to the third and fourth dimension will become increasingly uncomfortable.

A person whose consciousness resonates primarily to third/fourth dimension will have great difficulty with the instant manifestation of EVERY thought and emotion. The instant manifestation of their fear will not be enjoyable, nor will they like their every thought and emotion being read by others. The many secrets of the lower worlds do not exist in the fifth dimension. Therefore, those who still wish to live in separation from others will not be comfortable in that frequency of Earth.

With your expanding multidimensional perceptions, the intentions of others will be increasingly transparent, as you will perceive these intentions within your own form. In the same manner, you will telepathically hear within your mind and empathically feel within your body. Higher perceptions operate within the Unity of the ONE. You will no longer experience life as outside of you. Instead, you will know that all life is within.

Fortunately, your Multidimensional Consciousness will assist you in understanding this concept of “All life is within the ONE, which YOU are within.”

Furthermore, your Multidimensional Operating System will allow you to unconditionally love ALL life. The protection that this unconditional love provides far surpasses any emotional addictions or behavioral defense mechanism.

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor iii

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