Wednesday, July 28, 2021



Group Of Forty Newsletter headers
How Would the First Contact Experience Affect
the Religions and Belief Systems of the World? 

By David K. Miller
Cosmic Cross by Gudrun R. Miller
I often think about this question. How would it change the world’s religious views if we learned that when Moses went to Mt. Sinai for forty days, he was really visited by a higher Extraterrestrial prophet from another planet? How is it that the great priest during the time of Moses, called in Hebrew the Kohen Kadol, communicated with the Creator through his breast plate, which contained twelve sacred stones. These stones were imbedded over his chest on the plate. It is said that each stone would light up in a type of coded language of letters which would represent words. In this way, communications were sent to the Israelites. 

What if this method was really an electronic device set up by an Extraterrestrial to facilitate radio communications with the Israelites? What if it were discovered that Jesus/Sananda had visited other planets in our galaxy, and what if we learned that other planets gave him a better reception than we did on the Earth? What if Mohammed met an Extraterrestrial in the caves in Saudi Arabia where he was visited daily, and that Extraterrestrial communicated and transcribed the Koran for him? It was well known at the time that Mohammed was illiterate, therefore, he would have been unable to write down the Koran. It was said that he memorized the lectures and then had his wife write it down.

Our belief systems and religious ideas were originally based on the misconception that the Earth was the center of the universe, and every star, including our sun, revolved around us. Modern astronomy has proven that the Earth is an insignificant planet, 26,000 light years from the center of the galaxy and that it revolves around the center of the galaxy on a path that takes hundreds of millions of years. How is this fact affecting our religious beliefs now?

The Arcturians talk about Galactic spirituality, which takes into account this new scientific information. The Arcturian perspective balances our spiritual beliefs with astrophysics and the quantum world we live in. Galactic spirituality includes the beliefs in other planetary beings, the existence of higher dimensional beings, and the existence of ascended masters from around the galaxy who are communicating with us now in order to help us evolve. 

In the sixties, we talked about the dawning of a new age when old patterns and old belief systems would crumble to make way for a new, more accurate perception of the universe, and our role in it. There is no doubt that many of our belief systems about the galaxy and the universe are dramatically changing. Even though many parts of our world have become chaotic, there does exist a higher order and purpose in our being on the Earth.  

Let us hope that the new perception of reality will include Galactic spirituality and the belief in higher dimensional beings, such as the Arcturians, who represent a more spiritual and technologically advanced galactic species who can aid us in our planetary evolution.
David Miller web sign

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