Sunday, April 11, 2021



We Are a “White Fire Seed Atom” of All That Is

Choosing to imagine the Best, will bring good vibrations into our Here and Now. Our attention and energy - our life force - our soul's growth and expansion. Our choice to elevate our vibration, letting go of the dance of right/wrong, and trusting in the vibrational Universe to draw like unto like, will bring us greater happiness. (A.A.)
Nothing can separate us from Source. What does affect that journey is the energy of thoughts.. Visualizing Earth in golden-white light, living from our hearts… Energy is what everything is about.
Light is bodies' life force.. strengthens immune systems and enables physical viability in the higher vibrations of fifth density planes where Earth is heading.
Light keeps intensifying throughout the planet and the cells of people who are absorbing this light and becoming crystalline. (M.)
All of the positive experiences and wisdom gained during all our lifetimes are stored in the "White Fire Memory Seed Atoms” ‘our Akash-Holographic Consciousness' within.
Each person functions as a living star capable of receiving and conveying harmonious frequency patterns according to his or her level of consciousness.
Changes are evolving as we integrate the ever-increasing vibrational frequencies which are bathing our Earth at this time. (R.H.)
Being Right or Being Happy
Think of your life force – your attention and energy – as your most precious resources, then you will start to become a bit more discerning about how you use your focus.This "hot line to the Divine" wants everyone to live in a harmonious dance whether that means living and working together physically as the heart and the nerves do, or moving apart on your own paths as many cells in the body must in order to function according to their own design.
If you listen to yourself and do what feels best in a given moment, you will find your place among those who are resonant and will naturally move away from those who do not resonate. It really can be that simple. The universe was designed to be that simple.
Would a bird insist that a fish must fly? Would you make the bugs wrong for their existence? Everything, every little, tiny part of creation, has purpose and value. So do you!
As you surrender to this very basic fact of existence, you stop struggling with life. You find freedom, joy, and a flow of grace that guides you easily towards your desires. Even if you don't understand the perfection of life's dance.. you avoid becoming entangled in the very common, unpleasant disagreements that seem to be part of human life.
The only thing that truly makes you feel alright is to realize that all human beings are all right for their own soul's own growth and expansion. So how to feel right when you feel others are wrong? Just ask yourself a question : Would I rather be right or would I rather be happy? If you wait for the external world to conform before you choose happiness, you could wait for lifetimes.
Being "right" is deeply ingrained in the human psyche. You have been trained to feel as if your very worth and identity is threatened, if you are “ wrong”.. yet nothing can invalidate your worth in the eyes of your creator. Nothing can invalidate the precious, perfect, and unique role that you play in all of creation.
Best of all, when you truly embrace your value, independent of external validation, you will attract people and situations that easily mirror it back to you. Until then, if you hold on to a need to be right, you will likely receive struggle in return.
Perhaps you have been the subject of unkind or abusive behavior. You can focus on the injustice and therefore attract more injustice to you. Yet the Divine is always trying to guide you towards a more loving experience of life.
Wouldn't you rather focus on how far you've grown, where you are going in your future, how strong you are, and all the good in your life now? Wouldn't you rather stop giving those who were unkind to you your power, and reclaim your joy? It is a choice to focus upon that which makes you feel better.
Far from becoming a "doormat" your vibrational frequency of joy will attract kinder others, shine a light upon and reveal untruths, and guide you along a path of ease and grace! If you truly choose to elevate your vibration by letting go of the dance of right/wrong, and trusting in the vibrational universe to draw like unto like, then you will tune into greater happiness. In doing so, you release the people and situations you feel are "wrong" and let them spiral off along their way, while you proceed along the path that is "happy" and therefore ultimately most "right" for you!
Imagine the best and you will bring those good vibrations into your here and now.
It is your energy, not your words that dictate what you are tuned into. Your tuning is starting to teach you more and more about the 5D universe! You can only tune into one channel, one vibration at a time. It is either something you want to tune into, or something that blocks what you want. You can always focus on things with appreciation and thus call more of that to you. ~ Excerpt from VisionsofHeaven. com
Light and your crystalline structure
Vak-sins cannot separate you from Source. What does affect that journey is the energy of thoughts, feelings and intentions. When those are fear, greed, brutality, betrayal, dishonesty or any other low-vibratory sensation or intent of an action, the energy generated decreases light within the body. Light is bodies’ life force. It is what transforms carbon-based cells into the crystalline structure that strengthens immune systems and enables physical viability in the higher vibrations of fourth and fifth density planes where Earth is heading.
Light keeps intensifying throughout the planet. And cells of people who are absorbing light are becoming crystalline, thereby gaining resistance capability, and many souls now incarnating came in with crystalline structure. Eventually all of Earth’s peoples will be of that makeup. Foreign substances injected into a body do not affect the soul. The soul is love-light energy, which is indestructible and impervious to issues that affect physical bodies. The Dark.. they know fear weakens immune systems. and that thoughts and feelings about something bring back more of the same.
Energy is what everything is about.
You are divine sovereign beings and need not be subservient to this heinously-contrived scourge. Visualizing Earth in golden-white light, remembering to breathe deeply, living from your heart, and asking for protection from all darkness also will add immeasurably to your wellbeing and the world’s.
Be assured that everything is unfolding in divine order and timing under the watchful eye of universal family members in advisory and action capacities, both off-planet and in your midst. Patience, indomitable spirit, and knowing the light already has won, has served you well and will continue to do so. ~ read more from matthewbooks. com/april-2-2021
You Are a “White Fire Seed Atom” of All That Is
Individually, you are experiencing a cleansing process, as well as modification and expansion in various areas of your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies. Changes that are necessary if you are to integrate the ever-increasing vibrational frequencies which are bombarding your Earth at this time.
Each star in the galaxy is a node of vibrational energy frequencies. Each person functions as a living star capable of receiving and conveying harmonious frequency patterns according to his or her level of consciousness.
The Devic Kingdom Angels are bearers of Cosmic Sacred Fire and could be called Sacred Fire Beings. They function within the Etheric Planes of existence, and they, along with other great Fire Beings you have named “Dragons,” are the transmitters of the Metatronic Light Substance of this Universe. This Life Essence is constantly radiated throughout the vast Dimensional and Sub-Dimensional realms of Creation.
All of the positive experiences, successes and wisdom gained during all your lifetimes within this Universal experience are stored in White Fire Memory Seed Atoms within. When your Energetic Signature reaches a certain frequency level, you automatically begin to tap into the gifts and wisdom that are stored within your Sacred Mind, of your Higher Self residing on the Mental-Causal Plane. It is vitally important that you filter all new information and knowledge through your own Sacred Heart and Mind centers before you accept it as your truth.
Your awareness will gradually expand to include all humanity and the Earth, as well as the solar system, galaxy and Universe. No longer can your primary focus be on the little self alone. Your ultimate goal is to become a galactic citizen and eventually a Universal Being of Light.
In the higher levels of the Fourth- and lower-levels of the Fifth Dimensions, the mental nature and more refined abilities are predominant because they are OverLighted by the purity and illumination of the Sacred Mind, Sacred Heart and Higher Self. You are to seek the harmonious, higher wave frequencies of Light in all things. *Knowledge alone divides. Wisdom and soul awareness unite*. Space is an Entity within itself, waiting to be shaped into infinite possibilities. ~ from StarQuestMastery
" The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry ”
History of Humanity -
Alex Collier is a contactee. Andromedans are benevolent extraterrestrials giving information about: different ET races, who have visited Earth - Human-genetics composed of 22 different ET races, our Spiritual Evolution, Earth agenda, Universal Law of Free-Will and personal Sovereignty.

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