Saturday, February 6, 2021


 2021 is a Bridge Year... from the old energy to the BEginning of the next Super Cycle of 2000 years called the Age of Aquarius.- This will become easier in the course of the year as the Aquarian Energy becomes more tangible and we begin to see what our path will BE.

At this time there are several Timelines / Dimensions running at the same time in the same space.

We are choosing where to go and what to manifest and so we need to havea very clear idea of what RESONATES with our HEART and SOUL.~ C. Fenn

February 2021 will have 7 planets in Aquarius… Huge Shifts, then Renaissance.
BE in a space of Equanimity and Observation, and Not allowing yourself to be entangled in the strife of the mental and emotional conflict.
It means you are not of the vibration that is creating drama.. For you are learning to Master the posture of inner peace that is your birthright in the essence of your SOUL. ~ J. Ryan
The Real Event You’re Waiting For:
You never stop expanding, and you never stop becoming more of who you really are… The real Event is you becoming more like Source Energy, that means acknowledging that it’s all inside of you, even the ones you want to condemn, even the beliefs that you cannot understand how anyone could even entertain.
Then you also get to have the biggest ride possible... when this swings into the Light, carrying you and the rest of humanity where you all belong. You are becoming your higher selves, and you are becoming fifth dimensional.~ The 9D Arcturian Council - D. Scranton
Galactic Federation Ascension Update
Do not engage in political discussions with those who still cling to their matrix programming. It would drag you down and lower your frequency.
We continue to blast earth with photon gamma light beams. These codes carry a frequency designed to make this transition process as smooth as possible - as the individual consciousness allows.
For those who have already gone through the process of awakening, these codes will trigger your blueprints and place you on the superhighway to 5D ascension.
The current events on your planet which are affecting your lives are happening with a much higher purpose. Any fears you are experiencing currently are coming up for you divinely to push you into a new direction which will ultimately serve your highest and best good.
You are being forced out of your convenient comfort zone for a grand reason...New earth requires a different approach in every single area known to humankind. You are the ones who must create these new approaches...
What do I love to do? Figure out the answer to this question and you will become a creator, a builder, and a leader of New Earth.The time has come to step into your divine life purpose now.
The old-world systems did not serve humanity and are no longer sustainable. You, as a race, are ascending into 5D. The human race is being liberated and shall live in peace, love and harmony.
How can you contribute? And contribute you must...It is already imprinted onto your soul like a blueprint that you have chosen carefully before you incarnated.
What your values are, where your heart is, how you want to serve, and who do you want to serve?
Planet earth needs new schools and education systems, a new medical system, new healing systems, new information systems, new energy systems, and new food supply and agriculture systems.
You can do anything. And that which your heart desires most is what will ultimately catapult you onto the fast lane of manifesting abundance for yourself and your loved ones. The entire universal powers are assisting you throughout this process. You must bring this into your consciousness and reprogram your subconscious mind.
5D is now here. But it’s veiled by your fears. The creation of new earth is awaiting your active contribution. Who are the leaders of new earth? The ones who helped create it.
The enemy has already invaded the minds of humanity a long time ago but it is just now that their power construct is falling like a house of cards. However, since so many humans on earth still cling to their drama and their illusions of a third-dimensional world this reality, unfortunately, still exists.
There is indeed a plan being played out. not a worldly plan. It’s not political nor created by the military, although there is an alliance between these forces and those of the light. Made by the most powerful beings in the universe. It’s the ascension of Gaia… the Goddess of ALL Creation.
As the goddess rises we too have the opportunity to evolve and rise with her. The forces of evil do not have this ability. They are fourth-dimensional beings and for them, it’s game over.
Allow 3D to finish it’s last acts of desperation as it is crumbling. You are beings of incredible power and you will soon remember your own divinity… you will witness a heightened evolution in all human consciousness. Hold the light, this is the ride of your lifetime. ~ Aurora Ray
Energy update by Saint Germain
You have only been programmed to believe that you were disconnected. But Never, NOT one moment in time in this illusion of separation have you ever been separated.
Everything is coming NOW to a conclusion.. a culmination.. that is coming upon you.
This is a process that you are moving through as many divisions that are occurring in this country and across the entire planet are bringing the Great Awakening But the dark forces are playing in a third-dimensional Chess, whereas the Forces of LIGHT are playing at Fifth-Dimensional Chess .. playing at a HIGHER vibrational frequency. And in so doing, they KNOW the moves that are being made before they are even made.
Yes, it depends on the Consciousness of the Human Collective here on the planet. And there is Nothing that can Stop it from being revealed. Just as there is Nothing that can Stop all of the TRUTH coming forward of all of those things that the forces of darkness have incorporated here on this planet. For they do not belong here on this planet any longer. Their time is up.
Vibration is rising up. Consciousness is rising up. You are right on the verge, right on the cusp. For all is going to BE Revealed. All TRUTH is coming forward. And “All Heaven Is Coming Forth.”
The Greater Plan, the Universal Plan, that has been in existence for millions, and even billions of years. And it is All Focused NOW, in this Moment NOW that YOU are in. TRUST in That. Do NOT BEcome Emotionally involved in it. Just see it for what it is. You are coming to the point where you are Reaching the Level, the Awakening, that you have been Preparing and Planning for as a Whole, as a Collective Whole.
NOT Worrying about this vi.rus. For you KNOW it is NOT what it Appears to BE... if you raise your vibrations and rise above it, and come to it from a 5-D experience, from a 5-D outlook as we do, then you will be able to look back down at that lower vibrational dimension and BEgin to make sense of it. ~ J. McConnell
The Sirian Blue White Collective
There is Healing available to you in this space. But beyond Healing, there is an understanding that the embodiment of this Energy creates an environment around you that allows you to maintain your experience in a Multi-Dimensional frame of thinking. When you remember this, and you align yourself with this possibility, this potential. For you are learning to Master the posture of inner peace that is your birthright in the essence of your SOUL.
Simply allow yourself to experience the Truth of your own internal essence. For in this natural state of BEing, you remember who you are.
As a SOUL, you are unencumbered by the worries of the world. This does not mean the world is unimportant – it simply means you learn to embody an energy that allows you to BE in the world in a different way.
The Energy of Balance will be easier to achieve and to maintain. As the Energy that is old in our terms BEgins to disintegrate, you will see in the physical world that its creations are more transparent, and understood.
BE in a space of Equanimity and Observation, and do Not allow yourself to be entangled in the strife of the mental and emotional conflict. It means you are not of the vibration that is creating drama..
Operate in the New Space BEcoming available through the evolution of your own Spiritual Awakening. From a place of SOUL’s observation you will feel the Compassion and the understanding to stay Present, Balanced, and Whole.
Take a moment to register how you feel in your body at this moment. Allow it to serve as an anchor of Consciousness, . Not just in this Moment, but Always. ~ J. Ryan
From the Pleiadian High Council
Continue holding the light of the 5th dimension and higher. We know how much you want to bring your friends, family and loved ones along with you, but that may not be their choice.
Continue to follow your best inner guidance. Do not let the outer circumstances disturb you but look within for peace.
You have much to look forward to in your future on the new earth. You will find the fountain of youth. Your communication will become telepathic. You will have great abundance. Your purpose and destiny will come from your heart.
Humanity is coming together in Oneness. ~ V. Donner
2021 Solar Flash and thereafter
The tree has to be rocked for the bad apples to fall. There must be turbulence to unearth all the darkness and bring it up into view for healing. If you are on a 3D timeline these apples are going to fall on you hard. If you are on a 5D timeline it will fall on you like summer rain and wash away all those 3D sores and itches.
Be excited about the dark many secret atrocities and lies coming to the surface because it must come out to be purged. There is no other way. Remember you all are doing so well. 2020-2024 are the great years of purging, restructuring, and the dark narrative coming to the fore to be viewed for what it really is, so we can call it out, name it and then bury it once and for all.~ A. Quinn
Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light
As a collective, your SOULs have opened the Portal for a major SHIFT in your Reality.
Your entire DNA is BE-ing Activated and every Cell, Atom, and Electron in your body is changing profoundly into LIGHT accelerators.
The vast Influx of LIGHT CODES and the expansion of the Cosmic Consciousness in humanity is taking place right NOW.
You are BEginning to get a taste of what it feels like to live in the HIGHER Dimensions!
Allow your Self to take a moment and to let the Energies integrate within your BEing. Soon things will BEgin to come into your life to nudge you towards the fulfillment of your HIGHER Dimensional Reality.
Go Inward to connect with SOURCE to allow for your next steps to unfold. Above all, Celebrate each moment of your NEW Life! We are holding the vision of the NEW EARTH with you. ~ Asara A.
Inside the Arcturian Starship Athena

The ship is propelled by light crystals. These crystals are able to convert light energy from the solar centers and transmutate that energy to power the spacecraft. ~ N.J. Milanovich
Energy update by the Arcturian Group
Many aspects of three dimensional living are dissolving in order to reappear in HIGHER and Better forms, that reflect a HIGHER State of Consciousness.
The Seeds of a NEW and Higher Dimensional world are Present, Alive and Well, but must work their way through the dense and heavy dirt of duality and separation.
Cells store and continue to hold energy from intense experiences of past and present lifetimes. Some of these experiences were good, some bad, and a few horrendous and terrifying... affecting a person's life choices until Cleared through Conscious Intention or Spiritual Evolutionary Growth. The Higher Frequencies of LIGHT NOW pouring to Earth along with your Intention and Choice to Spiritually Evolve and clear old energy, is exposing a tremendous amount of low resonating energy globally as well as personally.
Increasingly more people are beginning to experience a sense who and what they are and that they themselves and not others are the creators of their lives. During these times is to stand back and in the LIGHT of your Awareness and allow the outer process to unfold without trying to direct it. Focus more fully on the TRUTH underlying them while examining your belief system with regard to particular appearances that may be effecting you.
NO One is or ever could be separate from the ONE or for that matter, each other. Everything is formed of the Divine Consciousness- but interpreted by human minds according to their attained level of awareness. This Realization is the only key to TRUE Happiness and Fulfillment.
Experiences are taking place in the lives of many awake individuals that are no longer a part of their belief system, leaving them confused. Understand that over hundreds of previous lives everyone has accumulated low resonating energies that are NOW surfacing… you have achieved a level of Awareness prepared to clear and move beyond the remaining remnants of this energy.
Everything is Proceeding According to Plan. Try NOT to resist anything but rather allow Unconditional LOVE to BE your Shield and Sword in every situation. You are BE-ing Pushed and Guided to a HIGHER Level of Awareness.
Trust your Intuition. Stay Centered at all times, do what needs to BE done from a place of Spiritual Realization and Knowledge.
This is your Segue into that State of HIGHER Consciousness you have unknowingly sought lifetime after lifetime. One in which the personal limited you No longer exists, having been replaced by YOU. ~ We are the Arcturian Group ~ M. Raffaele
Join us in Hawaii with the dolphins:
Come to Hawaii to swim among the 5D dolphins here.
TBA: July, 2021
with Jean-Luc
~ ~ ~
Experience these 2 DVD films - like guided meditations to step into our multidimensional Nature:
+ Art-Poster prints in all sizes are available!:

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