Thursday, November 12, 2020



Group of Forty Sacred Triangle
 Group of Forty
2021: The Year of Planetary Repair 
David K. Miller

From Group of Forty Conference, October 24, 2020
Channeled by David K. Miller
Copyright © 2020 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part may be reproduced without the permission of the author/channel
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. I am so happy that we are working together for the year of repair. The key is working together. It is a task that requires tremendous cooperation, integration and a global network. You and I and the starseeds and the Group of Forty are focusing on the spiritual aspects of the planetary change and renewal.
When I describe planetary stages of development, I base this paradigm on my Arcturian travels and investigations throughout this galaxy. In fact, I often refer to our work as galactic anthropology. Galactic anthropology is the investigation and study of different civilizations throughout the galaxy. We have come up with some interesting conclusions. Our first conclusion is that earth is now at the end of stage one of planetary development. There are five stages. Now in stage one there is a great danger that a planet would be unsuccessful in fully solving or resolving a crisis in this stage. This first stage of development is a conflict, a polarization between technology and spiritual wisdom. The technology on the earth (and also on other planets that are going through or have gone through this stage) has developed more rapidly than the spiritual wisdom. When that happens, the planet can self-destruct. Now I know that many of you have had incarnations on other planetary systems other than this one. Some of you have actually been on planets that have destroyed themselves. Also, some of you are coming from a recent lifetime on Atlantis. They, the Atlanteans through the misuse of their technology, destroyed their continent. So, these are the traumas, imprints or memories that you carry with you in your re-incarnational journey.
Why did you come to the earth now? Why would you repeat being on a planet with the same crisis? The answer is complex. Some have come back to more vocally express their objections, some have come back to participate more strongly as in planetary repair; some have come back as observers. And finally, and paradoxically, during such crisis there is an opportunity for ascension. The planetary crisis situation, like any crisis provides, an opening for growth. This is especially true in the evolutionary stage.
We all know how comfortable it is to be in homeostasis. We need homeostasis because it is a comfortable balance that needs to be maintained. In particular, the balance that is maintained now has to do with chemical compositions of the atmosphere, air, and oceans having the proper acidity or less acidity. There are many different components and the earth maintains this homeostatic balance through the earths feedback loop system. This is one of the main tools for planetary repair, that is interacting and working with the feedback loop system of the planet.
When I had visited other planets, I wanted to discover what is the determining factor that allows one planet to survive and others not. And it is sad to report that some planets did not survive and self-destructed. And you do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand that this is a possibility now on the earth. But self-destruction can be on two levels. On some planetary situations we have visited there was actually nuclear destruction of the planet and the whole planet was destroyed. In other situations, we have observed that the planet survived but the civilizations did not, and were brought backwards into a more primitive condition which could take 50,000 - 100,000 years to recover from. We do not want to see that happen on the earth; you do not want to see that happen. We want to start the repair so that we can prevent the self-destruction. The key to the self-repair of the planet is spiritual awakening and expanded consciousness. And we want to do everything we can to encourage the next evolutionary stage of the species known in the galaxy as the Adam Species, the species of Adam that you are participating in. There are many subspecies of the Adam species which include and not in order of higher evolution, Australopithecus, Peking man, Neanderthal man, Cro-Magnon man, Homo Sapiens. We call the next stage above Homo Sapiens the Homo Omega. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of the pushing and acceleration of the next stage of development towards Homo Omega.
Sometimes we are asked which of planetary repair technologies is most important. Is it Biorelativity, Planetary Cities of Light work, Iskalia Mirror, the Galactic Medicine Wheel or is the meditation on the downloading of the codes Homo Omega? All these tools are important, but Homo Omega represents the most important focus. Homo Omega represents expanded consciousness within Homo Sapiens. The Homo Omega subspecies which you are evolving towards contains one characteristic that is so necessary now for the planet and that is expanded consciousness to the Fifth Dimension. Of all the different technologies we need to accelerate, higher consciousness of humanity is the most important. We need to accelerate the next evolutionary stage of development to occur. This is a tremendous task. When we have studied evolution, for example, through Darwinism, or through galactic anthropology, then we conclude that it takes a certain amount of time for species to implement a change. The rotating thumb for example was one of the key differentiations and advantages of the Cro-Magnon Man which enabled them to be toolmakers and this led to the development of tool technology. But this rotating thumb which you take for granted and perhaps do not think about unless you have broken your thumb, took decades, centuries even thousands of years to become fixed into the evolution of humanity, including the Cro-Magnon and Homo Sapien species.
We think that now this development for higher evolution and consciousness can occur within a generation or less. There is not a lot of time left for this planetary repair to be successful; we are talking about less than 10 years for example. How fast can you expect an evolutionary change to occur? Are new people born, such as the "Indigo children," examples of an evolutionary change? Yes, Indigo children are one example of such change. This evolutionary change of expanded consciousness can occur within this decade or almost immediately if there is a core number of planetary healers working together using the correct technology and applications of higher spiritual technologies. If all of this takes place and I have summarized it as forty groups of forty, then you can influence, activate and accelerate the development of Homo Omega. (Tones: (Homo Omega Light...).
One of the powerful mediations that I am encouraging all the Arcturian starseeds to use is the activation of the imagery of the Homo Omega by using the light from the Central Sun and to use this image in alignment with the Iskalia Mirror. The Iskalia Mirror is an etheric mirror that we the Arcturians, have helped to download into the aura of the earth. We have placed the Iskalia Mirror over the North Pole. The Iskalia Mirror is like a high-powered etheric satellite dish that is in a certain special alignment with the Central Sun. The most powerful focus of arcan power in the Galaxy comes from the Central Sun. The Central Sun is the source of all spiritual life on the planet. When we talk about a download into the noosphere we want the imagery for the download to be as arcan powerful as possible. The spiritual energy for that high powered download comes from the Central Sun. It is a fantastic alignment because the North Pole and the Iskalia Mirror are approximately 26,000 light years away from the Central Sun, an enormous distance from the center of the galaxy. But this Iskalia Mirror has special healing, absorption and amplification powers. The earth came into this alignment on December 22, 2012. We are in the year 2020 and we are now eight years away from this alignment. You might think that the alignment has already passed. It has not passed. Eight years represents a small a movement of the solar system compared to the distances that we are talking about.  So, the 2012 alignment is still there, and as part of the planetary healing work and repair, and we want to use the power of this alignment for greater planetary healing. That is why the Iskalia Mirror is one of the important tools to assist us with the downloading, visualization and image of the Homo Omega.
Now this leads into the second planetary healing tool which is working with the noosphere. The noosphere is the collective thought field of the planet and can even be contained in the Akashic record of the earth. In the mystical tradition the noosphere is understood as the first step in the manifestation process. He who knows how to use thought correctly (as represented by the Magician in the Tarot Cards) can influence manifestation. But we are now wanting to influence manifestation on a global level (the Tarot cards the Magician were originally more focused on personal work). The key to successfully working with the noosphere is imagery. We can work with affirmations as well. When I am talking about Homo Omega, I recommend that you  download the image of that expanded consciousness being into the noosphere. There are various representations and images of Homo Omega during the earth history such as the Buddha, Sananda Jesus, Moses, and other ascended masters. These images of these master are great  visualizations and possibilities. The point is that at some juncture globally we need to develop a unified image of Homo Omega that everyone can accept.
Now the activation of the evolution of humanity to the Homo Omega can be compared to the story of the 100th monkey concept. According to the story, anthropologists went to an island in Japan and taught one monkey how to wash their food and soon thereafter there were fifty or one hundred monkeys that were washing their food and soon without be shown how to do so, five thousand monkeys were doing it without being trained. The skills of learning how to wash their food in this new method had miraculously transferred to the entire population. And this theoretical anthropological discussion demonstrates an important principle for the Arcturian planetary healing technology. That is, once a core group learns to hold an energy for higher consciousness, then there can be a miraculous and quantum increase throughout the whole population. On a spiritual level ideas and spiritual transformation tools, and evolution can also quantumly multiply.
Let us for a brief moment travel and bilocate with me to the Iskalia Mirror, the etheric Fifth Dimensional mirror above the North Pole and feel this tremendous alignment with evolutionary and expanded energy coming from the Central Sun now. (Tones oooohhh). Feel ourselves in a collective circle around the Iskalia Mirror. And focus the imagery of Homo Omega. Homo Omega could be androgenous having the characteristics of male and female. Visualize that image behind the Iskalia Mirror. Tones: (Homo Omega Light)
You may use the image of Sananda if you wish representing Homo Omega. The image becomes more brilliant because we have the light form the Central Sun going to this Iskalia Mirror onto this powerful image. We will download that image into the noosphere. Think of the noosphere as being within the aura of the earth. It contains multiple layers. One of the layers is the layer of evolution. Every evolutionary step has first occurred in what is part of the earth's aura, called the noosphere. And now let us place with brilliant Central Sun light enlightening and enlivening the Homo Omega into this special layer designed for the evolution and manifestation of all species. Let us place this image into the noosphere now. We will mediate on this. The image with the power of your arcan thoughts and the power of the Central Sun through the Iskalia Mirror is now downloaded into the proper envelope for the manifestation of this new expanded being as the next evolutionary step.
Now as part of the evolutionary step and planetary repair for 2021 we also have the planetary healing tool called the Ring of Ascension. I describe the Ring of Ascension as a halo around the planet. Now a halo is a circle of energy that is transformational and interacts with higher light. This is a special period for this planet because there is an intersection coming between the third and Fifth Dimension. And this intersection has already begun.  I compare it to eclipses of the sun by the moon. The moon does not instantaneously go in front of the sun but it travels across the path and there is at first a slight intersection, a slight partial sliver of that eclipse that begins and then the full eclipse process may take four to six to ten minutes until the moon comes in total alignment blocking the sun. And I like to use the analogy of the eclipse when I am talking about the Third and Fifth dimension intersections. But some have thought that this intersection is going to happen instantaneously. If I can use the analogy of the eclipse I could say yes, four minutes is almost instantaneously. But in terms of the galactic intersection of the dimensions it is taking several years and eighty to ten years is still a very small amount of time when we are measuring galactic time. But the point is that the third and Fifth Dimension have already begun a partial eclipse, a partial intersection. You know that because you are already connecting with and receiving the Arcturians and other, Fifth Dimensional light. There has never been a more powerful time of spiritual connection than now and this is the great paradox, that the planet is going through this dramatic crisis that could cause an end to the biosphere but at the same time there is such an intense and high powered spiritual light coming to this planet.
It requires a lot of work; of shifting of belief systems to integrate this Fifth Dimensional light. The Ring of Ascension around the earth is an intermediary between the ascended masters and guides who want to come down and work with you but with whom you may not directly be able to interact with due to the division between the dimensions. Perhaps you are not totally trained in integrating and working with the energies of the Fifth Dimension. So, the Arcturian masters created the Ring of Ascension as an intermediary halo so you will have a more powerful interaction that would not be possible under normal consciousness. Now this is a very effective tool for planetary healing because the Ring of Ascension goes around the entire plane. For example, if we could work with you to heal the Amazon jungle or rainforest. In your mediations, you could bilocate into the Ring of Ascension, travel around in the Ring of Ascension and use the healing powers of the Arcturians, Pleiadians and other ascended masters to focus and send light down to the Amazon rainforest. Used this way, the Ring of Ascension becomes a powerful tool for planetary healing.
The other advantage of the Ring of Ascension is that you can gather the Arcturian starseeds more easily into the ring as a group. One of the tasks of planetary healers is to form a global unity and the Ring of Ascension offers a medium for global connectiveness and group cohesion that will enhance greatly your work as planetary healers.
I want to talk about shimmering as a tool for planetary repair. Shimmering is a healing technique we have offered focusing on your personal aura and energy field. Our work emphasizes the acceleration of the speed of the aura as a tool for healing and as planetary healers, we carry that analogy to the aura of the earth. And we say in planetary healing and repair, especially in 2021 that we need to work with the energy field of the earth just the way we work with the energy field of the person. In shimmering we put the aura into the shape of the cosmic egg and put a line around the persons aura and then we increase the vibrational speed of the aura by increasing the pulsing of that outer auric line. Now this technique already applies to the earth and its healing. The earth's aura is out of balance. There are holes in the aura, black spots, space time blockages, displacements. These distortions can lower the spiritual light quotient of the planet.
The spiritual light quotient is representative of the vibrational speed of the planet's aura. To effectively do planetary usually shimmering requires a minimum of forty people. It is better to do the shimmering by having participants thought project to the Ring of Ascension. When you work with the aura of this planet understand that the earth's aura vibrates as an electromagnetic frequency. The earth's aura can be interfered by electromagnetic interferences from military experiments such as HAARP and other advanced radar or jamming techniques affecting it. The imbalances in the earth's electromagnetic energy can even affect your personal consciousness. Some of you may feel off balance already. Now all this shifting and imbalance is not all caused by man and electromagnetic energy, because there are also cosmic forces that affect the earth.
Humanity is just beginning to understand the cosmic field and how energies from your sun and energies that are extra solar, extra planetary are coming to this planet. Fortunately, there is an electromagnetic shield around this planet and we want to work with and strengthen this shield and energy field and fill in the holes and weaknesses. Some of these weaknesses were created by nuclear experiments by the military. We want to increase the vibrational energy field of the aura of the earth as part of the planetary repair. And remember the earth's aura can be misshaped like your aura misshapes, so think again of what a great global effort you are up to in doing this and working with the earth's aura in planetary repair. You are all starseeds and this is all sensible and logical to your minds. (Tones: ooohhhhh). So ,we will continue our discussion of other planetary repair technologies including the twelve etheric crystals in our next presentation.
Greetings, I am archangel Michael: The repair of the planet has great spiritual meaning. Some have come as their mission to participate in the repair of the planet. In the Kabbalah it is said what has been broken can be repaired. This is great optimism because the many things that we see that are broken throughout the planet can be repaired, and our role is to work for the repair.
The repair in the Kabbalah is called Tikun Olam. And the Tikun, or repair concept is a highly spiritual concept. Tikkun means that broken things can be healed. Today, I want to talk about the ascension as part of the Tikun Olam, the repair, because the ascension and your participation in the ascension helps raise the spiritual light quotient of the planet. You are also working hard for your personal ascension, but many if not all of you want to help the planet ascend. What a beautiful idea, what a beautiful mission to participate in a planetary ascension! How is it that a planet ascends? Have there been other planets that have ascended? The answer is yes, a planet can ascend and move into the Fifth Dimension. Yes, there are examples of planets that have moved into the higher dimensions. You and I want to help the earth move into the Fifth Dimension. This is also related to the concept of service because the Tikun Olam is about Divine service. You may have heard some of mystical concepts such as: 'Not my will, but Thy will.' This refers to the observation that the Divine Will is what controls and operates in the Third Dimension. We all know that the earth will ascend, we all know that you will ascend, we are all on this path of great spiritual development. How are we to accelerate the earth's ascension? Your Arcturian teachings give you great help in identifying and using planetary healing technologies, such as the Planetary Cities of Light, to help identify sacred areas which hold together a fifth dimensional energy field.
Juliano talks about the personal ascension and how your personal and earth's aura can accelerate. Think about the earth and how different parts of the earth can accelerate its spiritual light frequency. Think about different parts of the earth shimmering and transforming, or transmuting into a new position of the Fifth Dimension. There are planetary exercises such as shimmering and thought projecting the earth towards a new position in the Fifth Dimension. There are many planets already in the Fifth Dimension in this galaxy.
Visualize now the Blue Jewel. Visualize her aura. Visualize her beauty from outer space from the position of the moon. You see her spiritual light. Listen to these tones and send the Fifth Dimensional shimmering transformational energies through all parts of earth that are willing to be absorbed and transformed. There are many into third dimensional energy areas on the earth ready for repair. (Tones: Tikun Olam, Tikun Olam). In the ancient Hebrew, the first human was Adam. In the ancient Biblical Hebrew, the name of the earth is Adamah. You can see the connection between the name of the first man (Adam) and the name of the earth (Adamah). The development and evolution of the earth is intimately connected to the Adam species. It is only with man that the planet earth can ascend, so you, as part of the Adam race, have a unique perspective and interaction, a unique ability to spiritually and telepathically work with the earth. Some have said that man is the crown jewel of the earth. Yes, when man is in higher consciousness then man is the crown jewel. Let us manifest the repair of the planet so that the earth - the Adamah can take its rightful position as a transformative higher spiritual light quotient planet in the Fifth Dimension. (Tones: Tikun Olam). What is broken can be repaired, and you are on a mission with the Arcturians to accelerate that repair using the spiritual technologies that the Arcturians have offered to you and other planetary healers for the next evolutionary step. I am Archangel Michael. Blessings.
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians: The Tree of Life is really a galactic symbol that is used as a spiritual too for planetary healing, for diagnosis and treatment of a planet. The ideas contained in the Tree of Life are applied to the planet. And this is the major difference between the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the Arcturian Tree of Planetary Tree. The Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life is helping to describe the planetary situation and planetary healing methods.
There are twelve etheric crystals that the Arcturians downloaded with the help of the Group of Forty. Each crystal represents a different sphere on the Tree of Life. We felt that it was necessary to upgrade the meridian system of this planet with etheric crystals. I can compare the etheric crystals to the Ring of Ascension because the Ring of Ascension is interacting with the Fifth Dimension and it allows the transfer of information, light and energy that would not be possible if it were only in third dimensional realms. The etheric crystals have the ability to interact with the Fifth Dimension and have the ability to hold fifth dimensional light. And also, equally important, the etheric crystals have the ability to amplify your thoughts. This is similar to regular crystals on the earth. These earth crystals can be programmed to hold energy and thought forms and in some ways with the right training and type of crystal you can amplify the thought energy that is stored in the crystal.
Think for a moment on how amplification of thoughts would be useful with the etheric crystals. You may have a thought that you want to expand the imagery of the Omega Man, and you know from the Arcturian teachings if you decide to download the image of the Omega Man/Woman into the noosphere, then you would like to have the strongest arcan power possible. Now I recognize that you may concentrate and be devoted but still you are on the third dimension and you may struggle to amplify your thought to the level needed to download effectively the thought or affirmation into the noosphere so that it can be manifested. Looking at the etheric crystal you can use it by thought projecting or sending your thoughts as waves to the etheric crystal. For example, the etheric crystal at Lago Puelo, Argentina, where the first etheric crystal was downloaded is connected to Arcturian energy and the planet Arcturus. There is even a special crystal at Copper Canyon in Mexico, that is connected to the Arcturian moon planet Alano. That means that the thought energy wave that you send to that etheric crystal can be dramatically expanded and increased in arcan power by working with the crystal.
When I say an increase in arcan power I am saying that it will increase its thought power much more powerfully than you can do it by yourself. And this is one of the main uses of the etheric crystal. Another use is that the etheric crystals have the ability to link and interact with each other. I have jokingly described the etheric crystals as a type of bypass surgery. When you are doing bypass surgery you have one of your arteries that may not be able to be repaired so you bypass it and set up a different arterial structure so the blood is still flowing and not being blocked. And this is similar because we placed the etheric crystals in power places around the planet that represent sacred energy and these etheric crystals are interacting with each other and creating new energy flows around the planet. These twelve etheric crystals are not a static system. We are representing the Tree of Life as an interactive, energetic system and this is much needed on the planet now because there are so many areas that are blocked and areas that are not communicating with each other. One of the problems on this planet is that the feedback loop system is blocked in some places and the earth is not receiving the updated information that it needs. One example is that there are many areas off the Gulf Coast that are dead zones in the water system. In a dead zone there is no energy passing through them and the feedback loop system is blocked and this create a great imbalance. There are other examples of this type of blockage.
One of the most important aspects of the feedback loops system is communication of updates. If the communication part of the feedback loop system is broken then the feedback loop system will not operate properly. When I talked about repair earlier, I defined repair in terms of something that is not functioning, that is broken, that does not work. One of the problems on the earth today is because of blocked meridians there is difficulty in the feedback loops system getting the updated information. It is true that even if the feedback loop system got all the information it needed the earth may not be able to solve and use the necessary updates. How is the feedback loop system going to update the Gulf dead zones if there is no life left in it?
It needs an interactive intervention. I am happy to report that there are environmentalists and biologists working now on the planet to revitalize dead areas. There are many dead areas on the planet and there are new ones being created. In fact, I can jokingly say that the current inhabitants and controllers of the earth are very good at making dead zones. This means that we need the highest input and energy possible to repair these dead zones. In the earth, the twelve etheric crystals are now bypassing blocked energy meridians. I am confident that the etheric crystals are in sacred areas and that they will be able to survive and interact with the Arcturian energy for earth healings.
The Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life can be used as diagnosis tool for planetary situations. Look at the sacred areas of Mt. Shasta, California, and Volcan Poas, Costa Rica, for example.  Both areas contain Arcturian etheric crystals. These two areas you have energetic spheres that represent Planetary Judgement (Volcan Poas) and Planetary Compassion and Mercy (Mt. Shasta). When I make a planetary diagnosis, I want to know if judgment and mercy are in balance on a planet. Let us look at the earth using this tool. Planetary Judgement occurs when a planet is being abused by its inhabitants and this could lead to what is called "end time events." End time events are events that are destroying civilizations within a planet. For example, during Biblical times they talk about Noah and the flood. The flood story exists in all religions. The idea of the flood story is that people were so out of balance that a harsh judgment was needed in order to purify the planet. Remember, it rained for forty days and forty nights during Noah's flood, which helped to purify the earth.
When I evaluate a planet, I ask what state of development is this planet in in the Tree of Life. Is this a time of strong judgment when a flood is needed to bring forth a new planetary balance, or is this a time when mercy is occurring on the planet and people are allowed to have the freedom to do whatever they want to the planet. We would all agree that humanity has had the freedom to do what they want for a while: the freedom to pollute as much as they want, to cut and burn the forest down, strip them and cut them down, the freedom to take all the minerals and pollute the air as they wanted to. But, the Planetary Tree of Life says that you must be in balance, and maybe you had all these "great" periods where they were "living it up", making all the money from polluting, cutting the forests down, taking all the oil out of the earth. There were periods when people thought who cares if you spill a million gallons of oil into the ocean. Who cares, the oceans are big enough to absorb all of this. But as they say in America, "the party is over." The Tree of Life says that you can only go so far out of balance on a planet and then a rebalance will occur, emphasizing the sphere of planetary judgment. Now we do not want there to be a global flood or other types of end time events. The earth is capable of another ice age, for example, and it has many abilities in its planetary response repertoire. But the hope is that by an intervention from higher beings, the harsh response of planetary judgement can be mitigated so that the earth will remain inhabitable.
This brings us to the center of the Tree of Life represented by the sacred city known Montserrat, Spain, and the energy field of messianic light. When you look at the tree of life you will see spirit guides in each energy. The spirit guide for the messianic energy is Sananda, and I am going to ask Sananda to speak to you now. This is Juliano.
Greetings, this is Sananda. When I speak of the messianic intervention, then what comes to mind is a cleansing and purification, but also the idea of what the number forty means. It means symbolically. a renewal of a spiritual awakening. But I also think of a quantum healing intervention represented by Messianic energy light. The word messianic comes from the concept of beings saved. This is more powerful than the concept of repair. In a time of repair, humanity is doing actions to repair the earth whether it be gardening, replanting the forest, restocking the fish in a lake, but the repair energy is coming from humanity. When you talk about the messianic energy and being saved, we are referring to an intervention that an outside force does to the earth, rather than a repair than humanity begins. The Hebrew name "Joshua" (which is Jesus's Hebrew name) means "he who saves with God or by God." The idea of the messianic light is that there is an external Divine energy coming to the earth saving and rescuing the planet. The planet is so far out of balance even with the righteous people working, there may not enough energy and power to repair the earth. Therefore, the request is submitted for a savior, a person to save the planet. A savior rescues the planet with an interacting with human forces. There is a misunderstanding about the savior energy. The savior energy is about letting a messiah come in and save everything. There must be a balance though. If you look at the Tree of Life, every other sphere interacts with the center sphere of messianic energy. This means that to have a balance, each sphere must interact with the messianic energy. All of these forces on the Tree of Life must be balanced and taken into account by the messianic energy.
Where and how is that messianic force going to come to repair the planet? You, as a starseeds, are very open to "first contact." First contact is a general term that means that a civilization has its first encounter with an Extraterrestrial being. Of course, in comparing a first contact with the messianic process, you want an interaction with a higher extraterrestrial being that is capable of a messianic-like intervention. There have been examples of lower beings visiting the earth. The planet's civilizations have had interactions with lower extraterrestrial visitors such as the Anunnaki. They visited ancient Mesopotamia. The Grays were involved in military exercises and experiments with several civilizations, in particular the United States. These are examples of lower beings visiting the earth and they were not saviors, but energies devoted to self-interest and domination and control of this planet. I may add that the Anunnaki and Gray type energy still permeates the control mechanism in many of the countries on this planet. People have asked me if I believe in the dark forces and the devil? Is this what is happening and are the Grays representative of the devil? And my answer is that that there are lower energies and just because Extraterrestrial visitors came to the earth in the past, it does not mean that those beings are coming in higher light. And what you call "dark forces" I call lower consciousness. It is the elevation of consciousness that will attract the highest type of savior to the earth. What is needed is a higher force that will come to this planet with love with no ego to help and rescue the planet from self-destruction.
Part of the task of starseeds is to help attract the messianic savior like energies that can come from higher Extraterrestrial beings such as the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Andromedans, or other great Fifth Dimensional, galactic civilizations. There is a galactic council or brotherhood which oversees planetary development in our galaxy. There are ascended masters on this council, such as Lord Metatron, who helps to oversee planetary development. The clarion call was sent out around thirty years ago, to bring more ascended masters into the earth's etheric realms to begin the downloading and the interactions to help create higher consciousness and higher beings on the planet. And therefore, stay open to the messianic light and attract the higher interventions for the higher beings. When you are doing your planetary work call on the Arcturians and other higher being. When you work on the Tree of Life and messianic energies, also realize that you are working with a higher technology. You are asking for quantum healing that transcends logic and the normal course of events. When you think of the normal course of events you may think that it is impossible for the oceans to be saved, or impossible for air quality to be improved or the pandemic to be erased. But remember in the mystical traditions, what has been broken can be repaired. The pandemic is an example of something that can be repaired in part because humanity's immune system and ethical protocols were broken, in part because of a lack of correctness in interventions. The pandemic is also a symbolic representation of the sixth mass extinction. Higher energy can overcome all of these problems. So, think about being saved by an external force that worked within the system of the Planetary Tree of Life and that seeks to help create a new balance. I am Sananda. I turn you over to chief white Eagle
Heya ho hey, greetings. All my words are sacred, I am Chief White Eagle. I am representing the sphere of wisdom on the Tree of Life. We all agree on the need for wisdom and the elevation and honoring of wisdom, honoring of the elders and those who are wise. And wisdom does not necessarily mean that you are automatically wise because you are elderly. There are elderly people who are not wise.
Wisdom connects with the power of the eagle. Wisdom comes from the higher radiant energy available in the galaxy. Today I have been asked to talk to you about a healing tool called the Galactic Medicine Wheel. Because the ascended masters upgraded the Kabbalah Tree of Life to the Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life, so we are upgrading the medicine wheel to become a Galactic Medicine Wheel. A Galactic Medicine Wheel has the ability to interact with the higher forces in the galaxy, and this is what is needed now on this planet. You need an external healing force. The first nations people have provided a great tool to communicate with the spirit of the earth and to communicate with the central sun. There is a great renewal energy coming from the Central Sun and the Galactic Medicine Wheel connects with this galactic energy. You can download this powerful energy into spirit of the earth. The central sun connects to the galactic core, and many of the higher ascended beings. One of the great spiritual tools for the Group of Forty is to advertise and work with a Galactic Medicine Wheels around the planet. People love the energy of the medicine wheel and they feel comfortable with it. It is a universal symbol like a mandala. Originally native peoples got and received the instructions on the medicine wheel from their star brothers and sisters.
One of the major steps in healing the planet is communicating with the earth. It is like a doctor who visits a patient. The doctor first has to communicate with the patient. He does so by asking the following questions: "Where are you hurting? What did you do to yourself? How long have you had this?" Think about this: How do you talk to the earth? You may see the symptoms on the surface such as the fires in Colorado or California or other dramatic problems. Those are serious symptoms. There is a deep imbalance in the spirit of the earth and we must look for ways of communicating and treating the imbalance. One of the ways of treating the imbalance is sending the earth love. The earth can tolerate a lot but it needs your love and respect. That is why many of the teachers begin their planetary healing work by showing respect for the Mother Earth. (Chants: Heyaahoo, heayahooo, heyhaoo).
Oh mother earth, father sky, this is Chief White Eagle with many of the starseeds here. We are embracing each other as brothers and sisters, as starseed brothers and sisters, and we are coming here today to show our love and respect for you and we are here to hear what it is that you need and want us to do. We offer ourselves as keepers of the Galactic Medicine Wheel and we are offering and agreeing to promote to others how this medicine wheel can communicate with the galaxy and the spirit of the earth. Humanity is ready to become the protector of the spirit of the earth.
(Chants: Heya ho heya hooh). Oh Creator, Father, Mother Creator, Giver of Life, show us the way to help promote the Galactic Medicine Wheel, for we believe it is a universal symbol that many people will embrace for planetary healing. It is a universal symbol that will open many people's hearts for respecting and loving the planet. I feel the power arising now in the year 2021 for the repair of the earth. This repair comes in several different phases: listening to the earth; responding to the earth; gathering and personal power to begin the healing process. Let me emphasize my friends, that I am calling on you all starseeds to gather personal power to do your planetary repair work. We are talking about gathering power for planetary healing. And as we enter the years 2021, you will need the resources, charisma, the ability to advertise, teach, and motivate people to engage in healing ceremonies and rituals. One of the great ways to begin the process is with the Galactic Medicine Wheel. There are many medicine wheel ceremonies and there are ways of using drumming and pipe ceremonies. One of the most effective ways to promote planetary healing is to gather people together in the medicine wheel to do planetary healing. You will be surprised at how many people will be attracted to be working with you in your Galactic Medicine Wheel. Let there be a medicine wheels throughout the entire planet. The Father Mother energies are excited to work with you. I am Chief White Eagle. All my words are sacred.

Healing Earth

Please let me know if you have any questions.  
David K. Miller

David K. Miller 
Founder and Director 
Group of Forty 

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