Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians! In this lecture, we are going to cover four subjects, including higher consciousness, consciousness of the planet, the belief systems and humanity’s relationship to the Unconscious. I realize this is a big agenda, but we need to accelerate our teachings and work as intensely as possible to expand the consciousness of humanity. Indeed, when I am talking about expanding the consciousness, I really mean bringing higher consciousness.
Humanity has evolved to the place of consciousness, and we can describe consciousness as self-awareness. This is a trait that is expressed in the mystical expression “I am that I am,” and it is also in the Kabbalah, one of the names of the divine, which is expressed in the Hebrew as “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.” In this Hebrew expression, it turns out that the correct literal translation is in the future tense, which means “I will be that I will be.” You in the West have translated it through the various languages from Greek to Latin to German to English into “I am that I am,” but both, “I am that I am” and “I will be that I will be,” imply a consciousness, and in fact, a higher consciousness.
“I will be that I will be” is even an expanded level, because it implies that one has the ability to direct one’s evolution, and that is exactly what humanity needs to do now is to direct the evolution of the species to a higher level. This can only occur when there is a consciousness or an awareness that one can do that. It sounds needlessly repetitious when you say this, but believe me, it is a higher state of being when a species can say that I am that I am. It means that I am aware of what I am; I am aware of who I am, and when one goes a step further, I will be that I will be, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. Then this goes into the next level, a higher level of directed evolution. That is why Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh is considered a sacred name of God in the Kabbalah. Mankind, throughout the ages, has understood that the Adam species is made in the image of the divine and shares that one quality that is truly divine, I will be what I will be. Humanity is now at that stage of development in the midst of this planetary crisis, when that next evolutionary step is greatly needed.
I want to look at some of the bio-neurological components of consciousness, and that will help us in our quest for how to expand your consciousness, and also to answer the question about how to expand other people’s consciousness. Biologically and neurologically, we have taught from the shamanistic perspective the existence of the Assemblage Point. The Assemblage Point is, in various different shamanistic traditions, located behind the head. Some recognize it existing at the brain stem, while others have recognized it as the upper shoulder/neck level. Basically, the Assemblage Point is a valve that is, biologically, in the human nervous system. I call this a perceptual valve. When that valve is open, from the shamanistic perspective, then one has a deeper perception, a deeper ability to perceive this reality and other realities. Many times, in the shamanistic tradition, the other realities are in the lower astral plane or are in the animal world. For example, you get reports of people experiencing power animals or being able to deal with lower spirits and removing of lower spirits. Such experiences can be activated by the Assemblage Point, which is an actual biological and neurological place in the nervous system of your species.
In modern neurobiology, they talk about the Reticular Activating System which, from our perspective and our study of the human species, we equate that system with the Assemblage Point. It is still necessary to identify the location of the Reticular Activating System which has been identified as being related to the lower brain stem. From a neurobiological standpoint, you cannot describe it in simple terms, but from a simplistic view, I can say that the Reticular Activating System operates like an open valve and a closed valve. I can say that this perceptual valve then is open from an evolutionary standpoint to a certain position that allows humanity to see and operate in the Third Dimension.
I have compared this to the blinders that are on a horse in a horse race. The idea is that the owner wants the horse to run without distraction. Therefore, if the horse is not distracted, then it can run at the highest speed possible. But if it turns to the left or turns to the right, that could slow the horse down a second, and that second could be crucial in the speed and winning the race. So think about the fact that in this position of the horse race, the horse’s perceptual field is limited. It is only open in a forward direction, and it has lost the ability to look to the left or the right. This limited perceptual field is most efficient, and it is all that really matters for improving the horse’s chance of winning the race.
I want you to think of the openness of your perceptional field in terms of the Reticular Activating System. Humans have just recently come out of the “evolutionary jungle” or “evolutionary forest”, and you are only several thousand years away or only ten thousand years away from a primitive state. It is only recently you became city dwellers, and it is only recently that you have left the hunter-gatherer system and gone into the agricultural and city system. That means that you, too, have had a certain narrowing of perception in order to survive. This narrowing of the perception has the function of biological survival, because if you are in a certain jungle or forest, you need to shut out the spiritual. You want to shut out extradimensional perception. You want to shut out the ability to relate to the Unconscious. You want to shut out the ability to connect with spirit guides. The reason you would want to shut it out is because it would be a distraction in your survival ability. The Reticular Activating System has been calibrated over the history of the Homo sapiens and Neanderthal species to have a narrowing of its Reticular Activating System so the species would have the highest possibility of survival.
But let us fast forward to the year 2020, and you are in a much different situation. You are on the cusp of a planetary crisis, and you are on the cusp of an evolutionary shift which includes the ability to have expanded consciousness. That means biologically and neurobiologically, your Reticular Activating System has to open, but because there has been consistent bracing or blocking of this system over the centuries, over thousands of years, there is a resistance to opening. There is a biological resistance. There is a biological reason why it is harder to open that part of your brain to expand your consciousness to fifth-dimensional consciousness. Some of you have asked why is there so much resistance to higher consciousness, why is there so much resistance to the evolutionary change that seem so obvious to each of you. Part of the answer is that the biological restraints for survival, that have been in place for centuries or even longer, are still operational. That explains part of the resistance of the majority of the population. 90 percent or more of the population’s perceptual field is restrained.
Over the past decades, there have been some interesting possibilities of opening that valve. Over the centuries there have been shamanistic ceremonies that were used to open up one’s perceptual field. Some of these shamanistic ceremonies used different drugs, such as Ayahuasca and the mescaline mushroom. These drugs, used carefully in certain ceremonial ways, can effectively open the Reticular Activating System. But unfortunately, there are dangers also associated with drug-induced expanded consciousness. When using drugs, there is always the possibility of breaking the valve, or not being able to close the valve properly again, or keeping the valve open too long. The more traditional, mystical methods of opening that valve of perception include meditation, going to sacred sites and group consciousness exercises. We, the Arcturians, have introduced different, spiritual technologies to expand your consciousness. In particular, we believe that aura exercises, such as shimmering and the Cosmic Egg and bilocation to sacred places in the Fifth Dimension, offer the same possibility of expansion of your Reticular Activating System. There is no danger in using these exercises.
I introduce again these terminologies and this neurobiological description so that you now have an awareness of what you are doing and how you are affecting yourself neurobiologically. I believe that the consciousness that I am talking about, that is expanded consciousness, can go in to the neurocellular level. This ability to affect your neurobiological system has been described in some of the great work that has recently been done in epigenetics, which is the ability through thought and consciousness to control your genetic structure. For example, it is believed that certain genes turn on at a certain point in your life, and create diseases in your body such as cancer. It was believed that if you had a gene for a certain disease, then your body was programmed for that disease genetically, and there was nothing to do about it. But now through expanded consciousness work, it is understood that your consciousness is a factor in whether or not you get diseases. Your genetic predisposition or the genetic code can be influenced by your environment and your thoughts. Epigenetics is saying that you can control your genetic opening and closing of the codes through consciousness and the environment.
When we are referring to the Ascension, we also talk about the opening of the Reticular Activating System. This is an important step in the ascension process. The Reticular Activating System part of the brain contains a coded section that is linked to ascension, transmutation and the raising and transmutation of your Self into the Fifth Dimension. But this area of your brain must be opened up with the code. The opening of the Codes of Ascension is the highest form of epigenetics for you. Through the meditation and through the control of your consciousness and I Am Self, you can open the valve for ascension.
The Codes for Ascension are linked to an ancient Hebrew mantra, or prayer, that was sung in the holy temples (and I am referring to the holy temple from King Solomon’s time from around 950 B.C. to 588 B.C., and also the second holy temple from 556 B.C. to approximately 70 A.D.). There were specific times of the day, and even specific times of the year, when phrases were chanted like a mantra (mantra means the repetition of sacred sounds, usually from a yogi or guru given to students in order to open up their consciousness). In the Hindu tradition, the mantra was a secret and special code or sound given to the student, but here, we have a general code that is available to everyone for the Ascension. This mantra sound affects and opens the valve of perception. The mantra is the “Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth.” I encourage you to use it as a mantra for opening up to expanded consciousness, and to open the ascension valve epigenetically in your Reticular Activating System. I will sing it once or twice just to help you activate your consciousness. (Chants “Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth.”)
Let us now move to the second part of this discussion, which is Planetary Consciousness. It is believed among the First Nation Peoples that the Earth is a living spirit, but this idea is not accepted in the Western world. In fact, it is looked at with great suspicion and even intense criticism. How is it that a planet could have consciousness? From the Native People’s traditions, they even go one step further and seek to interact with the living spirit of the planet.
The planet has consciousness and humanity has consciousness, and humanity’s consciousness can communicate with the Planetary Consciousness. From the Arcturian perspective, humanity can aid the planet in realizing its consciousness. In other words, humanity is needed by the Earth in order for Earth as a planet to gain consciousness. That refers to the perspective that humanity is the crown jewel of the Earth’s evolutionary cycle over its four and a half billion years of existence. This is quite a paradox because humanity in its greatest form may be the crowning jewel, but it is also the source of the destruction of this beautiful complex biosphere that has taken at least several billion years to evolve to this fantastic state. Few planets in this galaxy have the biodiversity that exists on the Earth.
It is true that there are 5,000 planets that have higher life forms in the galaxy. This is out of 200 to 400 billion stars. There could be trillions of planets in this galaxy. Yet from all of that, we only found 5,000 planets with advanced life, and of those 5,000, there are only a few that have the biodiversity of the Earth. There are some galactic animal species that have been transported to the Earth from other extrasolar biodiverse systems. Two of these galactic animals are the whales and the dolphins. These are both ancient animals that have deep galactic wisdom and knowledge, and this is one of the reasons why many of you are attracted to the whales and dolphins. They certainly are beautiful and sensitive animals, and they do carry ancient energies and knowledge from other planetary systems. We were watching with great pleasure when one of the earlier Star Trek movies was involved with the rescue of a whale from the past into the future in order to save the planet. This was an advanced Starseed idea that the writer developed in his story. We, too, acknowledge the specific uniqueness and sacredness of these two beautiful animals, the whale and the dolphin.
The whales and the dolphins have the ability to directly communicate with the Spirit of the Earth, and the whales and the dolphins are assisting the Earth in her quest for becoming conscious of herself. This is why, from the Earth’s perspective, the whales are so important. I am happy that there are certain areas, especially in New Zealand, where these animals are protected. Their protected waters provide the whales and dolphins needed protection. There is a deep bond between the Spirit of the Earth and these whales and dolphins that is absolutely necessary for the continuation of the consciousness of the Earth.
The whales and dolphins cannot bring the Earth into the higher level of consciousness that humanity can. Humanity has served the Earth tremendously in the past decades, especially when, through satellite imagery and through the Moon landings, the pictures of the Earth have come into the consciousness of humanity. Believe me, those pictures also have been downloaded into the Spirit of the Earth. So the humanity, through their discovery of the galaxy, has offered tremendous information and helps the Earth to expand her consciousness.
The question becomes: “How is the Earth a living being, a living spirit?” In terms of our studies and the study of Biorelativity, we make several observations: 1) the Earth is a self-regulating system and seeks a balance called “homeostasis”, and 2) that the Earth has a feedback loop system, which means that when one area of the complex planetary system is out of balance, then the feedback loop system has the ability to rebalance the planet. These are key components in a living system. There are other factors that are included in designating the planet as a living spirit. Earth has the ability to evolve and to go to higher levels and change. This is truly amazing.
The evolution of humanity is linked to the evolution of the Reticular Activating System and Assemblage Point. Humanity needs to evolve with the Earth, not against the Earth. Because the modern technology, including such things as fracking, burning of the forests, dumping of pollutants in the ocean, including radioactive waste, all are working against the Earth, not with the Earth. In what way would a nuclear bomb help the Spirit of the Earth? In what way would the dumping of radiation from Fukushima help the energy flows and the feedback loop systems and the oceans? It would not! Interacting with the Earth would tell us how harmful this is to the Spirit of the Earth.
Humanity can interact with the consciousness of the Earth. This has been demonstrated over and over again by the Native Peoples through ceremonies, and through special structured exercises in the spiritual tool known as the Medicine Wheel. The Earth then, through humanity, can elevate her consciousness, and with an elevated Earth consciousness, great possibilities of planetary repair will emerge. Some of you do experience higher consciousness, also tremendous healings, and this is also possible for the Earth. Working with humanity, the Earth can gain higher consciousness and repair also.
Now I want to go into the third section of expanded consciousness which I call “the belief systems”. It is vitally important in your quest for consciousness and higher consciousness and expanded consciousness that you evaluate and become aware of your belief system. One of the most important factors in expanded consciousness has to do with the person’s belief system. For example, if you believe, as people believed 400 years ago, that the Earth is the center of the universe, and the stars and the Sun travel around the Earth, then all of your beliefs and all of your conclusions about the nature of reality and the universe will stem from that. And of course, this was a predominant belief up until the 15th or 16th century. So Europeans at that time had a limited and incorrect view of the universe and the Earth’s place in the cosmos. Remember that Galileo tried to convince people that the Earth was not the center of the universe, and that the Earth was going around the Sun, but that was against the standard religious belief system at that time.
When we believe in the Fifth Dimension and higher planes, then we can interact with spirit guides. We talk about controlling your evolution as an advancement in consciousness. What you believe influences your consciousness. It sets limits on the consciousness. If you believe that you can ascend, then you have the ability to do that, and you will receive information and exercises to do that. If you believe in the existence of other dimensions, then you will be eager to explore those other dimensions. If you believe there are no such things as other dimensions, then that is what will influence your spiritual explorations.
There is one interesting point: if you believe that there is nothing after life, and that you just die, then what happens? Your belief system controls your access to expanded consciousness and your access to other realms. Some people have a narrow, fixed belief, such as “there is no life after death.” What would happen to these people when they die? Interestingly, they will go into a deep sleep after their death. In some cases they may be into this sleep state for centuries. When you do not believe in life after death, then you program your spirit to go into a deep sleep, which is equivalent to dying in your mind. But you cannot die; your spirit lives on. This example shows the importance of what you believe, and how it affects you when you leave the planet and what will happen to you when you die. If you have no belief in the other dimensions, and if you do not believe in cosmic reincarnational systems, then that road will be temporarily blocked for you.
The Arcturians set up the Arcturian Temple for the Starseeds as a path to the Fifth Dimension. In the Arcturian Temple, we do upgraded training and extensive work with your belief system, because you have to have a calibrated expanded belief system in order to go into the higher dimensions. You may not be able to have the necessary belief systems in place; therefore, we provide an intermediary center at the Arcturian Temple. In the Arcturian Temple, you are in the Fifth Dimension. The doorway is open to this special compartment of the Fifth Dimension. We are able to evaluate and upgrade your belief systems and your spiritual development so that you can participate in the fullest way in the fifth-dimensional process. I say that we provide this training as a great service to humanity. The overseer of this entry point into the Fifth Dimension Arcturian Temple is Archangel Metatron.
Expanded consciousness is directly related to your relationship with your Unconscious. People who have a relationship with their Unconscious, either through dreaming, lucid dreaming, art work, poetry or any creative aspect, have a stronger likelihood of expanding their consciousness. Perhaps the greatest contribution that Freud made to the study of human psychology is the explanation of the existence of the Unconscious and the different layers of the Unconscious. It was Carl Jung who introduced the concept of the Collective Unconscious, which is that part of your deeper Unconscious that is shared by all of humanity. The Arcturians have elaborated on the concept of the Collective Unconscious and integrated that into the description of the Noosphere. The Noosphere is the collective thought field of the entire planet, which does include the Collective Unconscious of the Earth. Our estimation and evaluation are that the Noosphere contributes to and influences the evolution of humanity. That means that, in order for a certain manifestation and evolution to occur in physicality, it must first happen in the Noosphere and the Collective Unconscious.
The Subconscious is that part of the consciousness that is just below consciousness, but it can be remembered or retrieved under certain conditions. The Subconscious is able to directly communicate with the Unconscious and the Collective Unconscious. Those of you who have a good relationship with your Unconscious are in a better position for multidimensional work and expanded consciousness and fifth-dimensional consciousness. I know that many of you are going to high states of expanded consciousness in your dream time. Again, the question is: “Why is there so much resistance to expanded consciousness? Why is it so difficult to reach people and to work with people from their collective, unconscious state?” If you look at people who are really resistive to expanded consciousness and higher evolution, often you will find that they may not have a good relationship with their Unconscious.
One of the ways to work with people who are resistive to the expanded consciousness, is to teach and explore with them their Unconscious. This can be done through dream interpretation work, poetry, art, music and shamanistic ceremonies. We believe that humanity is by nature multidimensional. Multidimensional means that you are living simultaneously at least two or more states of consciousness or states of being or dimensional states. One of those primary dimensional states is your dream world. For example, your ability to have a positive relationship with your dream world, interact with it, even direct it, is called “lucid dreaming”. Being able to experience lucid dreaming has a positive effect on your ability to expand your consciousness.
If you are in a position or mission to work with other people to help them overcome resistance to expanded consciousness, then start by teaching them how to relate to their Unconscious. When we are talking about Planetary Consciousness, then we have to relate to the Collective Unconscious. The Earth receives and holds the energy of the Collective Unconscious in its layers within the Noosphere. There is the Collective Unconscious of the Earth, and there is the Collective Unconscious of the galaxy. You, as Starseeds, are also activating your consciousness into the Galactic Consciousness. This is a major step in the evolution of humanity and the evolution of humanity’s consciousness, and that is why many of you are receiving information and images of lifetimes on other planets. You might also be receiving information about wars that occurred in other parts of the galaxy, such as the Lyrans and other nearby systems that had conflicts.
Connecting into the Galactic Consciousness is a big step. Some of you may feel overwhelmed by this connection. There has not been very much discussion or training about tying into the Galactic Consciousness. I know that there has been training about how to get in touch with the Unconscious and working through different shamans, for example, or working with the Collective Unconscious through Jungian psychology and symbology. But there has been limited discussions and information about the Galactic Consciousness. We, the Arcturians, do want to continue to introduce ways of connecting with your Galactic Unconscious, and we will provide training for you.
Let us close our time together today with a brief meditation. Take three breaths and go into a state of spiritual relaxation, which is a state of deep relaxation. You are spiritually sharp, enhanced, and in this state of enhanced psychic ability. Think about the image of the Arcturian Stargate, a beautiful temple at the entrance point of the Fifth Dimension which is in alignment with the Earth, and in fact, it is in alignment with the Arcturian Etheric Crystal in Serra da Bocaina, which is in Brazil, between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
If you do have the ability, thought project yourself to Serra da Bocaina to that etheric crystal, and from that etheric crystal, thought project yourself to the doorway of the Arcturian Temple. And we are all together now at the doorway of the temple, and I, Juliano, have opened the doorway slightly, allowing some of the energy of the Fifth Dimension to come out so that you can breathe it in and let it become absorbed in your Spirit Body. Let us go into meditation now as you absorb this light. Hear the angelic Cherubim singing oh so softly, “Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth.”
Those of you who have the vision, see Archangel Metatron step out of the doorway in his full, angelic presence, greeting each of you. You are filled with the light of Archangel Metatron, and you are filled with the fifth-dimensional light from the opening at the Arcturian Stargate. And this energy and light helps you to keep open your Reticular Activating System and your Assemblage Point. (Chants “Oh, Oh, Ohhh.”)
It has been a brief time, but an intense energy that you have absorbed. I, Juliano, close the doorway and together we begin the journey back through the Serra da Bocaina etheric crystal and come back to your physical body. For those of you who can, go through the crystal at the Serra da Bocaina, Brazil, and then return to your position six feet above your physical body, create a perfect alignment and download your Spirit Body with this higher energy back into your physical structure on Earth. You are back with this higher light, and all the knowledge that we have talked about will be integrated in a deep and thorough way in your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual body for higher consciousness and for your enhanced abilities to teach and activate others into expanded higher consciousness.
I am Juliano. Good day.