Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Copyright ©2020 David K. Miller | All Rights Reserved
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davidmiller@groupofforty.com | P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA | www.groupofforty.com
June 13, 2020
The Evolutionary Change and Codes Necessary
to Repair This Current Planetary Crisis
    Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Let us look at the evolutionary change and shift that must occur in order for the planet to break out of and repair this current planetary crisis. Our studies on evolution include observations on other planetary systems besides the Earth. Of course, we have also studied the Earth for many centuries and have quite a bit of data on how change occurs on a planet. Our conclusion is straightforward and simple: Evolutionary change occurs during a crisis. Species, such as the human beings, only seem to change in the midst of a crisis. Everyone will agree that this planet is in a crisis. I want to discuss the evolutionary ideas needed for change and the coming evolutionary changes from the perspective of codes. I will begin the discussion by examining one of your favorite topics, which is the Codes of Ascension.

    The Codes of Ascension are contained and activated through certain sacred words and tones. With the proper meditation and focus and repetition, these special, coded tones, can open up areas in the brain which influence higher consciousness. In particular, I am referring to the Assemblage Point or also, in scientific bio-neurology, it is called the Reticular Activating System. There is a valve in the biochemical position that can be opened when certain codes are articulated or meditated upon. I refer to the sacred sounds and tones that can open this valve as the Codes of Ascension.

    We have made reference to, and used the sacred Hebrew tones “Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth,” as an example of a phrase or mantra that contains the specialized tones needed for unlocking the Codes of Ascension. When these tones are repeated with the proper intention and intonation, then parts of the brain are opened. In summary, the Codes of Ascension then open the valve of the Reticular Activating System, which allows the proper development and upliftment of higher consciousness, so that you can ascend. Repeating and meditating on these codes plays an important role in your preparation for the Ascension.

    I also like to observe that there are also codes for human evolution. There are codes of evolution for humanity and for the general species. When I make reference to the Codes of Ascension, I am referring to specific codes that are for your personal transformation. Part of your mission in coming to the Earth at this time is also to participate and help activate the codes of evolution for humanity.

    In discussing the evolutionary changes and the codes, I would like to make reference to one Kabbalistic concept that is called the “Primordial Adam”. The Primordial Adam (Adam Kadmon in Hebrew) represents the perfected state and the optimal state of development of humanity. One can say that this is the highest potential. That means within that prototype is contained all of the highest possibilities of evolution and unfoldment. You contain the basic codes and genetic structure from Primordial Adam. This means that you only have to be under the right influence, the right coded language, or the right energy to activate both your personal evolution from the Primordial Adam and also for the species. The Primordial Adam, which is referred to in the Kabbalah as “Adam Kadmon”, is called the prototype or model for the perfect human.

    How are you to activate this, and what is required to activate the change for the next stage? Certainly, we want the evolutionary change to occur as soon as possible. That means that whatever information or techniques that we can offer will be greatly appreciated and can be immediately implemented. This is exciting, that you, as Starseeds, have the ability to participate in the evolutionary change for humanity.

    I will cover a few basic observations and ideas that are important in working with evolutionary change. First, I want to point out the evolutionary change can occur quickly. You might think that evolutionary change occurs slowly, over several millennia, or perhaps several birth and death cycles and lifetimes. The evolutionary change that we are referring to now is considered higher consciousness. It is not an evolutionary change where you are going to have a new appendage, or you are going to grow more fingers or more toes; rather, this is an evolutionary change of higher consciousness. Secondly, this evolutionary change can be directed by humanity, because the evolutionary change is already programmed into your systems, and it is already programmed into your genetic codes; that is, the codes for higher consciousness and the next step in evolution.

    Humanity is responsible for the sixth mass extinction. This is the first time in the history of the planet that one species has assumed the responsibility of life and death of every plant and animal on the planet. The existence of every single living organism on this planet is now dependent upon what humanity does. But there is a second part of this that says humanity also is in the unique position to control or direct its own evolution. Never before in the history of the planet has one species been in this dual position of being able to control and direct its own evolution. On the negative side, we can say that never before has one species become so powerful that all life forms are dependent upon it. And at the same time, we can say never before in the history of the planet has one species been in this position where it could control its evolution. Part of the Starseed mission is working together to awaken and to implement this positive evolutionary control.

    Let us take a moment to align ourselves to a higher vibration and listen to the tones of the personal ascension. (Sings ”Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth.”) Let the codes of your personal ascension be opened, and let you also open yourself up to the codes of the human species ascension and the human species evolutionary change that is part of the Primordial Adam codes within each of you. We will go into a brief meditation while you activate both of those codes within you. (Silence)

    Naturally, it is more complex to activate the codes for a species. Certainly, it is complicated to activate a code for your own individual transformation, and that work in itself is a great accomplishment and equal to why you may have decided to come to this planet now. Working on the codes for an entire species is highly technical and advanced. We, the Arcturians, study this process closely because we feel it is of vital importance to humanity. It is vitally important to us to learn and to understand how a species can direct its own evolution. Part of our mission is to learn this and to facilitate that process on planets because part of our mission is to assist and consult, when appropriate, with different species throughout the galaxy who are in a similar situation as the Earth now is. It is true that there are other planetary systems in this galaxy that are either going through the same problem or have gone through the same problem. But it is also true that some civilizations in other parts of the galaxy did not successfully resolve these issues. They were unsuccessful in resolving their planetary crisis. Their civilizations were either destroyed or, in a few cases, entire planets were destroyed.

    Remember, the definition of this crisis is that if the problem is not resolved, then there can be the end of life as you know it on the planet. Naturally then, we would want to study and observe what works and what does not work in terms of a species like humanity in order to evolve. There are other human forms throughout this galaxy. You are not the only Adam species; you are not the only humans in the galaxy. It is well known that the Pleiadians are in human form. But there are others that have the human form, and we, the Arcturians, also have a modified human form. Our evolution has taken us to a place that has allowed us to develop different digestive systems than yours. That means that we do not need meat and other, heavy foods that you are now eating, and that means that a lot of our energies are not devoted to processing and digesting food. That really does free up a lot of our energy for spiritual matters.

    Here are some observations on what seems to work in terms of species evolving successfully in such a crisis. Evolution is accelerated by the number of righteous people on a planet, and this idea of righteous people is even included in certain biblical texts and in mystical discourses. There is the concept in the Kabbalah of the Vovniks, or the 36 righteous people. These 36 righteous people can change throughout the centuries. The world is able to stay focused and in order because of the existence of these 36 righteous people.

    How many righteous people would it take to make an evolutionary change now? The 36 righteous people only hold the energy for the continuation of the civilization requirement. They usually do not hold the energy or move it in a direction of higher evolution, even though they represent the higher evolutionary species. But what is 36 people compared to 8 billion? My answer is that, look at the effect on the world of one strong spiritual person, such as the Buddha, Moses, or Sananda/Jesus. One person does have a tremendous power to change the evolutionary status of a species. I would say that these are three good examples of strong spiritual leaders who have attempted to change the evolution of humanity.

    The other idea and number for accelerating evolutionary change could be the 1600 righteous Starseeds that we have talked about over the years. This concept is that there is a need for 1600 people who can intensely process and focus on the evolutionary shift and the opening of the evolutionary process. This is sometimes referred to as a “transfiguration”, or an ability to go into a higher state of development in order to accomplish evolutionary change. We can use that as a model for others to follow. Transfiguration was a technique that was first developed and used by Sananda/Jesus, who appeared to his followers in his Light Body by a mountain. His followers were immediately overcome with the power of the light that he was emitting when he practiced transfiguration. His transfiguration was a model for how to move into higher states and also a model for what a person can achieve with higher thought powers.

    1600 people, who are Starseeds, and who are committed to evolutionary change, can have a powerful effect. To change the evolution of a species requires intense power of thought. We have helped you by downloading the 12 etheric crystals and also in working, in particular, with the Iskalia Mirror (an etheric mirror over the North Pole that is in alignment with the Central Sun).

    I want to lead you on a special meditation that shows great promise for the change and downloading necessary to move the whole species to the next stage of development. I refer to the next stage of development as the Omega Man/Woman, and sometimes I refer to it as Homo Omega, as to be distinguished from Homo sapiens. Homo Omega could be represented by some of the higher beings, such as the Buddha, Moses and Sananda/Jesus. Homo Omega has the ability to experience unity and consciousness with the Fifth Dimension.

    I believe that the most powerful way to bring down the necessary energy and changes for the evolution of humanity rests with the ability to connect with the Central Sun Light and the Central Sun Energy. The Central Sun is the focus of all new life, continuation of life and new consciousness. The Central Sun Light has the ability to transform a species. One must know how to meditate with the Central Sun Light, and one must be able to focus it in a particular method or technique in order to change the species. It is true that the Central Sun is distant from the Earth. There are some estimates that the Earth’s distance from the Central Sun is 26,000 light years, an enormous amount of distance that really no one would be able to travel in numerous lifetimes, let alone in one lifetime.

    Please remember that the Central Sun Energy is fifth dimensional. The Central Sun Light is not the Black Hole that is in the center of the universe; rather it is an interdimensional, higher dimensional vortex of powerful light. Sananda/Jesus comes from the Central Sun; Moses has come from the Central Sun; Buddha has come from the Central Sun, and all great spiritual awakenings have originated from the Central Sun.

    The solar system made a special alignment with the Central Sun on December 21-22, 2012. There were various interpretations of what that alignment meant. Some of the interpretations were predicting “end times” events. On the other hand, if you look at what is happening now on the Earth, I can say that we are still in the shadow of the 2012 alignment, and therefore, that there was some truth in the 2012 prophecies which focused on dramatic changes coming to the Earth.

    The 2012 prophecies did not speak about the positive side of the alignment, which is what I am going to focus on. There is a light frequency that is transcending all space and time continuums that can come to the Earth. I have designated and described the Iskalia Mirror as a special tool for receiving and directing the light from the Central Sun, and the Iskalia Mirror can focus on it. The Iskalia Mirror is serving in a similar way as a radio telescope, or as a normal satellite dish, in that it gathers light from a distant place and focuses it in a particular image or in a particular central position. This means that light from a distant source can be used, interpreted and transfigured. We then want to use that special distant frequency of light to accelerate the consciousness and the evolutionary change for humanity.

    As I am describing this, I want to make a specific point about another, or second, major Earth event change coming. Remember that I had prophesized about two major events in 2020? The first event is the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis, and many of you have also asked me what is the next crisis or event? Of course, we have gone over different possibilities, all of them resulting in potentially major upheavals. I discussed things such as major Earth changes coming from wars, and even volcanic eruptions or earthquakes that would cause further upheavals. What I have failed to mention and what I now want to say is that there also is a possibility that the second event can be a powerful awakening, a powerful transformation and a powerful upliftment.

    It is necessary to protect the energy field of different potential disaster areas so, for example, there will not be another Fukushima crisis, or there will not be another Chernobyl. But let us focus today on what I consider also a very strong possibility, which is that the second event can be a powerful awakening, a powerful positive intervention for the human species evolution. Meditating on accelerating human evolution in a positive direction may be the most positive work that Starseeds can do in order to bring about needed planetary change. When I reviewed these points of the study of evolution on other planets with my colleagues, including Tomar, Helio-Ah and Lord Arcturus, they pointed out something to me, and asked me to share this with you. That is, that a positive evolutionary shift or change can come from a First Contact. They pointed out to me, and asked me to tell you, that the second major event in 2020 can be an event of First Contact.

    Let us talk about the First Contact, and let us talk about what that means. There have been other “first” contacts. I give the example of Moses who demonstrated that there can be a “first” contact with higher dimensional powers, especially when he went up to Mt. Sinai, and continued his contacts during his journey throughout the desert for 40 years. 40 is a magical and powerful number. Arcturian Group of Forty members have asked why we use the word “forty”, and I want to remind everyone the word “forty” is a mystical and transformational number. It is a number of completion, and it represents a process in which a major transformation occurs. This number was also used by Jesus when he was out in the desert for 40 days.

    There are other examples of the magical power of 40. When we are talking about the Group of Forty, we are talking about Arcturian Starseeds who recognize, and are willing to experience, the process of transformation towards the Fifth Dimension. In Moses’ case, he attempted to transmute and upgrade the evolutionary process of an entire group, which by some estimates, were 500,000 to 2 million people. Jesus attempted to change the evolutionary process for the entire planet. During the time he lived in the Roman world, there were 50 million people living in the empire. Here is an example of a person who was trying to change the evolutionary cycle and process for 50 million people.

    Now, we are in a position of trying to change the evolutionary cycle of 8 billion or more people. Now, the First Contact must be looked at from this perspective of changing the consciousness of the entire planet. Yes, there have been other contacts. We know from the author and UFO researcher Erich von Daniken that there have been other first contacts with such indigenous groups as the Mayans and Sumerians. The First Contact should be evaluated in terms of how a contact with the higher dimensional beings will accelerate the evolution of humanity. We are not looking for just any extraterrestrial contact with a species. There have recently been contacts with the Grays, for example, and that species has done nothing to accelerate the evolution of humanity. They were more self-centered, and in some respects, they caused damage to the human evolutionary process.

    Positive genetic codes are one of the strengths of humanity. Pure genetic codes do exist throughout the galaxy, and one of the best places for these pure genetic codes is on the Earth. Why are so many of these beings visiting the Earth? Why are so many Grays or other lower beings, such as the Reptilians, coming to the Earth and trying to interfere? The answer is because the precious cargo they want is your genetic structure. They do not come here because of the mining of gold or other natural resources, but the real gift, the real value in lower beings coming to the Earth, is to harvest or manipulate and borrow the genetic structures of the Earth beings. This is amazing, because it means that, despite all the interferences and darkness occurring on the Earth, the human genetic code is still one of the purest codes in the galaxy.

    The next step then in our work is to activate these evolutionary codes through a special meditation, and I would like to lead that meditation now. We will use the Iskalia Mirror, and the light from the Central Sun, and download it into an activation code for the acceleration of the human species’ evolution to the Homo Omega. So, take three deep breaths. Let your body relax. At the same time, know that your Crown Chakra is opening up dramatically, and that you have heightened powers as your Reticular Activating System, your Assemblage Point, opens, now.

    Allow your Spirit Body to rise up through your Crown Chakra to the top of the room where you meet me and the other three masters who are with me today: Helio-Ah, Tomar and Lord Arcturus. Choose one of us, and together, enter the corridor of light that they are providing for you now, and travel at the speed of thought to the Iskalia Mirror that is above the North Pole. (Tones ”Ta ta ta.”)

    We are all together now, sitting around the North Pole in a circle around the Iskalia Mirror. The Iskalia Mirror is a beautiful oval shape at this time, and the Iskalia Mirror is at least one mile in diameter, and it is calibrated in a perfect alignment with the Central Sun. Calibrate your magnetic energy field and thought forms with the Iskalia Mirror. This means that you are part of the Iskalia Mirror, and you are interacting with the receptivity of the Iskalia Mirror. This is one of the great features of this mirror, that is, that you can merge with it. It is not like a normal telescope where you have to adjust the images and it passes through a computer. You are the computer; you are the receiver of all of the energy.

    All the light of the Iskalia Mirror is now being received from the Central Sun, and I, Juliano, with the assistance of Helio-Ah, Tomar and Lord Arcturus, am now calibrating the Iskalia Mirror to receive a special frequency of light from the Central Sun that will activate and accelerate human evolution to Homo Omega. (Chants “OM.”)

    Let us meditate; let us interact with this energy and let us receive this light, as we, our team here, work to hold the calibration and the position of the Iskalia Mirror, so it receives the optimal evolutionary accelerating light that can be downloaded by you, the Starseeds, for this evolutionary change in humanity. We are going into meditation now. (Silence)

    Remember, my Arcturian team and I are working to keep the calibration in alignment for this downloading of this special light and evolutionary change frequency. We have gathered a tremendous frequency of light. And now a figure appears at the North Pole, next to the Iskalia Mirror, and this figure I call the Primordial Adam. I can call it the prototype for the Omega Man/Woman. The figure contains the prototype for Homo Omega. Homo Omega is part of you.

    You hold within you the information and light from this prototype. The prototype appears in a form, right next to us. It appears as the Omega Man/Woman energy field, the Homo Omega. It is a gigantic etheric figure. It is not just a normal human, but it would be considered a gigantic prototype. Now, with our power of thought projection, transfer the energy that we are receiving from the Iskalia Mirror directly into the Heart Chakra of the Omega Man/Woman prototype standing before us. Let this process begin. (Chants “Omega Light from the Central Sun, activating now the higher evolutionary shift for humanity.”) Let us continue in meditation as we are filling up this prototype of energy. (Chants “Omega Light.”) (Silence)

    This primordial figure of higher evolution is filling up with this light from the Central Sun and this activating thought power. It is beautiful. The figure is becoming brighter. And now with our powers of Arcan Energy, let us download this figure into the Noosphere of Gaia. At the count of three: one, two, three, now. (Chants “Homo Omega is now being downloaded into the new Noosphere of Mother Earth.”)

    Visualize this affirmation on an etheric screen in front of the Iskalia Mirror: Let the First Contact represent the second major event in this year 2020. Let a higher being from the Fifth Dimension help to accelerate this evolutionary process now. (Chants “Omega Light, Omega Light.”)

    The download has been successful. The Iskalia Mirror remains in a great alignment with the transformational light from the Central Sun which represents evolutionary, positive change. The light from the Central Sun is downloaded into the Homo Omega Primordial Adam figure, and is now also downloaded in the Noosphere of Earth and humanity, meaning that there will be implementations and manifestations of this evolutionary process, which will be occurring soon on Earth.

    It is time for us to leave this meditation at the Iskalia Mirror. My team embraces each of you, and a special greeting from Lord Arcturus, who is deeply involved in helping you all in this difficult process. You are courageous and you are true pioneers of evolutionary change. You bilocate through the corridor and return into your physical body. And at the count of three, return into your room. One, two, three. And now you are at a place where you can use the perfect alignment to re-enter your physical body, bringing with you also this higher alignment. 

    This Omega Light from the Central Sun can be used for accelerating evolution and is also now within you. You are representing and holding the light for the next evolutionary stage. You are holding the light for a higher contact from beings of light who have come, like we the Arcturians, to accelerate the evolution of humanity. (Chants “OM.”) Let us meditate together for several more minutes as we hold this energy. The alignment is still operational. Hold this alignment in your Earth body with the Iskalia Mirror and the Central Sun. The strand of light for evolutionary, positive change is with you. Enjoy this, and use it for the highest good. 

And so it shall be. I am Juliano. Good day!

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