Thursday, May 7, 2020


~ Full Moon Blessings ~
The Full Moon is occurring in Scorpio at 17 degrees on May 7/8th. This Scorpio Full Moon is offering illumination into a time of darkness.
We are being asked to look within, to take a journey into the depths of our soul and see the shadows that lie there. We may be facing fears or uncertainty at this time. This energy is connected with the Hermit, one who takes an inward path in order to find the answers to the questions that are rising.
This is a time of taking a journey inwards, to the depths of our being. This is a time of connection with our inner sanctum, our secret longings and desires.
As our outer life has been interrupted, we must take a pilgrimage deep inside. Be driven by that which dwells within. Connect with the truth in a time of silence.
This is a powerful time to connect with the sacred; with ritual, prayer, meditation, the divine, however you are called to connect with the sacred in your life.
Perhaps this is a good time to create a dedicated sacred space in your home or to create a meditation practice.
This aspect is connected with ancient vows, and this can be a powerful time to rededicate ourselves to our dreams, our calling, our connections and our passions as we honor the destiny that flows through our veins. We are being asked to consecrate our path forward with our deepest truth.
There can be a lot of heavy and somber energy flowing in our world still as we try to make sense of all the change that is moving. This is a time of realization and creating the foundations for the transformations that we are planning on creating in our world.
By Ara Cambell

Today Full Moon in Scorpio follows just after the 5/5 Portal.

It is a Super Moon and the Wesak Moon...and just sooo powerful.

It is amplifying all the energies that were already amped for the 5/5 transit.

That means that the heavy energies are really heavy and the anxiety is intense and physical symptoms are bothersome!

BUT....the frequencies that are entering the Planet right now are very high and fine Light Codes from the Galactic Center!

The Pleaidian Paradise Codes still incoming.

The Moon's Nodes are shifting from Capricorn/Cancer to Gemini/Sagittarius! That means that the nodes are shifting closer to the Galactic Center and all sorts of Galactic Karma is being released.

I can feel that!

This perfect storm that we are living in is so much larger than just our Earth. There are Galactic components that are deep within our ancestral lines and that are coming up to be released.

On this Wesak/Buddha Moon, it is good to sit in the eye of the storm in meditation and contemplation.

Be the Peace and the Harmony and the Compassion that returns to the Earth with the Christ/Buddha consciousness.

Love to All of You on this Full Moon.

By Celia Fenn
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