Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Selacia Article * Predictions 2019 eBook * Info on Upcoming:
September 21 Equinox Meditation 
Your Cosmic Self & You - Prepare for 2020 course

Bring Light Into Grief 
- Loss and Impermanence -
by Selacia        
It's not easy to live in these times of mega change, the world around you shifting at lightning speed and so much of what was familiar falling away. Feeling a sense of loss, or even grief, is not uncommon. Sometimes your mind can be so concerned about future unknowable situations that you can project a sense of loss into your present regarding things that may or may not happen. Continue reading for understanding how to work with these feelings of loss and grief - whether it's about a situation, a person, or a beloved pet.
Advance Grief

Let's start with what I call advance grief. You can experience this when a loved one is terminally ill, when you fear you will lose something material like a job, or when you project fear about a future condition like growing old without savings. The grief or sense of loss you feel can be debilitating. Certainly it can take you out of the present, cloud your vision about options, hinder your current time decision-making and actions, and reduce your capacity to feel joy in the now.

None of this is productive. Your conditioned mind, however, can easily take you to this unproductive place. Over lifetimes you and your ancestors have been conditioned to fear change and the ultimate physical body change for all beings, which is death.

Your wise cosmic self, however, understands impermanence and the importance of living in the present. This part of you can easily be with what is. It knows that it is eternal, and that all things in this world fall away. Your wise inner being trusts in the process of change and has no fear about the 'what ifs" of the future. In "Your Cosmic Self and You" will be more guidance and practical tools for working with these things so much a part of our human condition.

Loss of Loved Ones

Loss of a loved one can be among the most difficult crossroads you can have. Losing someone you love also can be a significant catalyst to awakening and personal understanding of impermanence. Sharing here something I wrote in 2003 when my beloved calico cat Chelsea passed after being with me for 20 years - in hopes this helps you navigate grief and loss in these times.

From Selacia's December 2003 Article - Loss of a Loved One

The end of a year is a time when it's helpful to reflect on life's cycles, one's own personal progress, and the numerous endings that seemingly divide one experience from the next.

Consider for a few moments your life in 2003. What changes or endings have you experienced in your relationships and your life experiences? As an example, you may have left a job or been promoted to a new position, dramatically shifting your career path or income level. Your old way of fearfully responding to uncertainty may have changed to a more confident, trusting manner as you developed a more intimate connection with spirit. Your relationship with an old friend may have grown more distant as your paths took different routes. A loved one may have died, leaving you with a sense of loss and grief.

As you do your personal year-end inventory of 2003, consider inviting spirit to assist, bringing to your awareness what you need to see. Ask to be shown the gift of each ending or change, even if the situation has been painful and you can't imagine there is anything positive to ponder. Allow your intuitively guided reason to show you what is limiting your personal progress, and what you could let go of to get back on track. This process of inner reflection can be done anytime throughout the year, too. For right now, before this year ends, it can be especially potent to set aside time for yourself, taking stock of the energies you are leaving behind and the energies you seek to bring in during 2004. For this process, it's ideal to have at least one day when you are not involved with the busy "doing" state of typical life. Allowing yourself regular renewal time is essential to your spiritual growth.

Renewal time and inner reflection become especially important when you sense the imminent departure of a loved one. To allow yourself this time and quiet space for listening to the whispers of spirit is to honor yourself and your loved one. It also helps you to be really present with each part of the transition experience. As a result, you will find it easier to cope with stress and to respond in a loving way.

Every person will at some time receive news that a family member, pet, or other loved one has a terminal illness. Such is the nature of life. One cannot avoid the experience of death. Life, by its very nature, is marked by impermanence at every turn. Everything in the world of physical form, including the loved ones who you hold dear, will one day be changing form. Therefore, even if you aren't now personally facing the prospect of a loved one's death, it's very useful to frequently meditate upon this idea of impermanence.

Knowing that your loved one is dying can be overwhelming, especially when you are unsure about how to prepare. In modern society, there is so much fear, denial and ignorance about death that many people make little or no advance preparations. Worry, by the way, does not count as preparation! Facing the death of a loved one without preparation tends to needlessly increase one's suffering. After all, how can you say good-bye to a loved one without regrets when you don't feel ready?

There is a strong tendency to delay as long as possible the decisions, actions, conversations and completions that could make the transition less painful for all concerned. Likewise, because of the taboo and fear surrounding death, most people are unable to remain in present time as they contemplate the prospect of death. The person's mind races forwards and backwards, avoiding the stillness and richness offered by the present moments.

Focusing on the future can bring up fears of the void a loved one's passing will create. Thinking about the past can bring up regrets and wishes for a life that could have been different in some way.   Both reference points are futile and create feelings of loss.

At the moment your loved one leaves their physical body, you will want to feel complete about your relationship. How can you prepare with this completion in mind?
Contemplate What You Have Learned & Received
While your loved one is still living, it is very useful to take the time to contemplate what you have learned and received from the relationship. Ask yourself some questions such as the following, inviting spirit to open you to a higher wisdom:
  1. What have I learned about myself because of this relationship?
  2. What qualities have I developed because of this relationship (e.g. to be more patient, generous, forgiving)?
  3. What difficult pattern played out in this relationship, opening my eyes to a way of being I would like to release from my life (e.g. noticing how my need to be right causes friction and a wall of defense around my heart)?
  4. How is my view of life changed?
  5. What patterns did I repeat?
  6. What have I learned about love and how to love?
  7. What are the key gifts I have received from this relationship?
  8. What was this person or pet showing me about life and how to live life?
  9. What do I now know about relationships that can alter how I relate to others from this moment forward?
  10. What was the true higher purpose of this relationship?
Communicate Your Feelings & Thoughts
It is natural to feel sad about the prospect of a loved one passing. The grief that you feel when you lose someone will be there even if you feel prepared. However, you will likely suffer even more when you haven't communicated what's in your heart while your loved one is still alive. You can communicate things such as the following, either face-to-face or on the "inner planes" to the person or pet:
  1. What would you like me to know that you haven't told me?
  2. What I would like you to know that I haven't told you is ....
  3. How would you like to be remembered?
  4. I love you more than I've ever told you ....
  5. The things I've appreciated most about you in my life are ....
  6. The questions that I've always wanted you to answer are ....
  7. What I'd like to make sure you know while we're still here together is ....
  8. What I believe about death and the afterlife is ....
Let Go Of Grievances
Completing your relationship includes letting go of the grievances, both known and "forgotten," that prevent you from forgiving and loving. Take an honest inventory of the things you blame your loved one for, also getting in touch with any need for retribution. Remember that grievances are poisons that prevent you from connecting with love and wholeness. They separate you from your loved one, from yourself and from your true Divine nature. As long as you hold on to them, grievances will bind you to a painful cycle of negativity and suffering, and you will feel alone.
Revisit Vows & Agreements Held Within Your DNA

Ask spirit to help you get in touch with any vows or agreements you have made in connection with your loved one. These energetic statements of intent, often made silently and without your conscious awareness, are held along with belief systems within your DNA. The purpose of uncovering these is to have conscious awareness of their existence so you can determine if they serve your highest good. Sometimes the agreements are made between two people in the early days of their relationship. Other agreements are made before you are birthed into physical form, either in a past incarnation or in between physical lives when the stage is set for what you will learn this lifetime. You have the power to change or rescind agreements! An example of an agreement a person might want to reconsider is one that says, "I will die before you (so you can take care of me in my final days)." With this agreement in place, your loved one may not feel they have your permission to leave the physical plane when it's their time to die. This can create needless conflict and cause heavy feelings of obligation.
Give Permission & Let Go
If your loved one has a terminal illness, it can be helpful to their own preparation process to know it's OK with you that they die. Even if their life expectancy is several more months, they will benefit from knowing that they have your permission to leave and that you are willing to let go. Communicating this permission, both verbally and in your actions, will help both of you. In this preparatory period, you also will benefit from inviting spirit to show you that you really will be OK without the physical presence of your loved one. Pray about it and trust that spirit will begin to reveal to you actions you can take now, including the healing of past wounds, that will allow you to say to yourself, "I know I'm OK and will be OK when they are no longer in my life."
Consider The Physical Details In Advance

Completing your relationship with a person or pet also includes considering the end-time physical details in advance. If you have a pet, for example, it will be helpful to make plans for their death in advance of the day they die. When you are in the midst of the grief of just losing your pet, it will add to your pain to have to sort out details of how you will treat the body. Pets can telepathically communicate their wishes about things like burial, cremation, and commemoration. Your pet can also tell you whether it wants assistance in dying, and how you will know when it's "time." Likewise, with your beloved human companion, it's useful to know in advance their preferences about a funeral and other physical details as well as any special requests or needs. You will also want to give some advance consideration to your personal role in your loved one's final days.

These are among the initial preparations that can be helpful when a loved one's passing is imminent. The transition from physical form to the spiritual form can be one of ease and release, accompanied by a sense of completion. Regardless of what your relationship has been until now, the final days or weeks can be a time when you set aside grievances and choose to come from love. It can be the most potent time of your entire relationship.
       Allowing yourself to remain present throughout each part of the experience is the key. As you do this, allow yourself to feel what you feel and to grieve in advance of the loss. Remember to honor yourself and your loved one by allowing your intuitively guided wisdom to prevail. This can be a very fruitful time when you set aside your usual ways of coping with life. The Divine offers a more loving way to be.  
Copyright by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * http://selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.
Below the photo - offerings:
1-Next Meditation - September 21 Equinox 6:30pm teleclass, 6pm onsite 
2-Divine Changemakers-Your Cosmic Self & You course open to all! 
3-"Predictions 2019" eBook available now - Your Guide to the Year
4-Council of 12-energized Crystal Pyramids, Merkabas, Crystal Bowls  
5-Private 1-1 Sessions with Selacia from any location worldwide 

light into grief
Equinox Meditation - Saturday September 21    REGISTER 
 Background on Equinox Global Meditation  
-Annual Live (and Recorded) Guided Meditation- 
Join Selacia and The Council of 12 for this powerful Equinox energy gateway - we look forward to sharing with you and others across the world! 
Timed on the weekend ahead of official Equinox on September 23 - don't miss it!     
Equinox live and recorded global meditation with Selacia and The Council of 12 to mark the beginning of a new season, with positive growth potentials and new starts. Held on the Libra Equinox energy gateway of September 23. Today's event also falls on The International Day of Peace.

Since Libra represents a search for balance, this is a time to reflect on what needs balancing in your life. The energies also support new starts, including with your self-care, relating to others, and work projects. These initiatives can be energized during this meditation, helping you to take big steps forward and create a groundswell of success. Relationships that have become problematical or stuck can benefit from these energies as well.
This healing meditation can help you to bring new life into areas that may have become stagnant. You will benefit from a rebalancing and resetting of energies, too, so that you are better positioned to live your best life.

Receive quantum energizing of your desired breakthroughs and healing of old issues preventing forward movement. Connect with helpful insights about your life path, including key things to pay attention to now so you can thrive and experience joy.

Participate in a powerful planetary healing facilitated by Selacia and The Council of 12 - assisted by energetic forms of dolphins and whales. Using sacred sound, crystals, and essential oils, the process is designed to help you achieve breakthroughs and more inner peace.

On Site: $40
Teleclass or mp3: $30

Attend live via global teleclass or on site in Santa Monica, CA 90405.

Register early and begin connecting with the beneficial healing energies ahead of our meditation.    
MP3 Audio Recording:
Register even after our meditation to receive the MP3 download of the teleclass.
for September 21 Equinox Global Meditation.
Global Teleclass 6:30pm Los Angeles Time
On-Site 6pm Santa Monica
All Registrants Receive MP3 to Experience Later 
Selacia's New Divine Changemakers Course
Sept-Oct 2019 - Open to All, No Prerequisites
Annually since 2012 Selacia has offered a brand-new live interactive global course - especially tailored for the energies of the times.  
This year's course: Your Cosmic Self & You.
Note related to the article above:
As mentioned in the above article, we are human but our larger self is cosmic - eternal, vast, and quantum. We can forget this in our typical human life, seeing ourselves through a limited lens based on linear fear-based conditioning. No matter how much we have or achieve, we can feel lack - which brings us suffering.
As we connect with our cosmic self, we change our life experience in profound ways - changing our life focus, how we approach our work or service, and seeing relationships as gifts for our awakening. As our perspective of self changes, so too does our perspective of what's possible and what's truly important. This process is an essential part of our awakening and self-actualizing.   
What this course gives you to navigate the now and what's next:
We are at a key energy crossroads during this time of mega changes across the planet. Indeed, those of us alive now have had no other life like this so far on Earth. Being in this course with us will give you vital understanding and practical skills for responding to energy shifts occurring now and escalating in 2020 and beyond. You will receive a simple roadmap for self-understanding, increased connection with spirit, and enhanced relationships with others. Being able to tap this roadmap will increase your confidence and connection to inner guidance so necessary during these times.   
Students participate live with others across the world, receiving essential tools for spiritual mastery and living one's best life. One or more practicums for the course will be offered in 2020, allowing students current-time guided practice with tools form this year's course. Those participating will have an abundance of support from Selacia and The Council of 12, plus practical tools for navigating the ups-and-downs of 2020.    
All live group calls are recorded, the MP3 available for continued support.   
In 2019 for the first time, the course is open to all, no prerequisites needed. Another change: courses starting with this one will be offered LIVE one time only. After that first offering, the course will be offered on an "evergreen" basis.  
Registration open now. A big thank you to all who have registered to date.    
Other Offerings by Selacia
Private 1-on-1 Live Sessions with Selacia from ANY location  
This can be a very pivotal year for you and moving upward to the next place on your path. If you are ready to go deeper with your transformation to access and clear what blocks you, consider private 1-1 work with Selacia. This deeper level of work is a process over time, allowing you to greatly accelerate your evolution and work through obstacles to your progress. The basic modality is DNA healing which addresses your present, conditioning, ancestral patterns, connections with loved ones on the other side, and soul journey involving past lives. Other modalities include astrology, pet sessions, crystal journey sessions. Private intensives are offered as advanced work for established regular clients. Note: private work with Selacia is a commitment you make to yourself and your evolution - it requires your active participation and dedication. If this work calls to you, visit Selacia's website and order your session now. As soon as you do this, you have set in motion a powerful and tangible healing alchemy that begins the process.   
Selacia's Books: Earth's Pivotal Years  * Predictions 2019   
Excerpt from Predictions 2019 - "Millennials":
"A bright spot in 2019 is the beneficial impact of millennials, born 1981-1996 and this year 23-38 years old. Millennials are well positioned to become the leaders of key revolutionary changes needed now - shifting society out of fear-based lack and ego-driven greed, and into a new more enlightened model that fosters both abundance and a sense of community."     
In Predictions 2019 - see the section "The Energies and You" to better understand this year's energy cycles.  
Visit the Website STORE for Amazing Crystals  & Healing Tools  
Featured: Council of 12-energized quartz singing pyramids 
Attend Monthly Global Meditations   
September 21 - Equinox Gateway
October 12 - Full Moon
November 9 - Spiritual Heart Activation
December 7 - Year-End  
Coming November 23 - "Prepare for 2020" workshop at  
Mystic Journey Bookstore in Venice, California. Mark your calendar now!  
Follow Selacia on social media:
Instagram - Selaciaofficial
Facebook -   Selacia, The Council of 12 * Tools to Heal * Selacia
Twitter -      Selacia  
Received this from a friend? Join Selacia's list HERE  to be sure you don't miss any articles and announcements. 
Selacia MJB events  
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Selacia, (424) 231-5122, Communication for Transformation, 171 Pier Avenue #284, Santa Monica, CA 90405

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