May 4, 2019
Planetary Ascension and Time Travel
Copyright © 2019 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller, Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians! In this lecture, we are going to look at planetary ascension and time travel, and how to prepare a planet for ascension. The idea of ascension on a planetary basis is closely connected to the concept of a Messianic Intervention in a planet. In reviewing the religious teachings on Messianic Energy, we can note that there are two conditions related to the Messianic Intervention. The first condition is that so much evil and corruption has occurred on a planet, that the only way to rescue that planet is through a Messianic Intervention. In other words, things have gotten so out of control from the evilness, lower consciousness and corruption that there is no hope that the planet will be able to recover on its own. Therefore, a Messiah or Messianic Energy is authorized from the Higher Council, to intervene and save the planet.
The second condition for a Messianic Intervention relates to, what in religious circles is called, the number of righteous men and women that are on a planet. And in this view, one says no matter how corrupt and evil the planet is, that planet can only earn or be designated for a Messianic Intervention if there are a certain number of righteous people.
What does that mean to be a righteous person? What does that mean to be able to even numerically categorize and count the number of righteous people on a planet? That idea of needing a certain number of righteous people on a planet before a Messianic Intervention also sounds conditional. Let us say that there needs to be 2,000 righteous people on the planet, and then the planet could be saved. We are looking at planet Earth that has eight billion or even more possibly on this planet. 2,000 is certainly a small number. Can it be that 2,000 people who are righteous would be able to tip the scales that would allow for a Messianic Intervention?
In the Arcturian perspective, we have altered this concept of righteous people, and changed it to Starseeds and planetary healers. Do not let this go to your head when I say that you, who are planetary healers, are righteous, because righteous does imply a high level of holiness. But the truth is that you as Starseeds and you as planetary healers are seeking and gathering holy light and holy energy, and your planetary healing work, such as the biorelativity, and such as the Planetary Cities of Light and Ocean Reserves of Light, certainly qualifies for being righteous. What do you stand for? What do the Arcturian Starseeds stand for? You stand for the protection of the biosphere and for the elimination of all causes for the sixth mass extinction. You stand for connecting with the Fifth Dimension and promoting the evolution of humanity to what I often refer to as the "Omega Man/Woman", a person who has evolved beyond the Lower Self and into higher consciousness.
We are still looking at the number of people necessary for a planetary intervention, and the Arcturians have designated the number as 1,600 Starseeds that are necessary. This number is even smaller than 2,000. But you have to remember that when I am talking about 1600 Starseeds, then I am referring to people who are able to hold concentrated thought power. These are people who are able to hold concentrated energies for planetary healing.
I have used this term the "Arcan Power" of thought as the measurement of thought power. It is important that the strength and power of your thoughts be focused. To help with your planet healing thoughts, we have provided these 12 etheric crystals and Ladders of Ascension as a way of enhancing your thought power and your planetary healing power. You and I both know that there are more Arcturian Starseeds than just in the Group of Forty. Also, other Starseeds are working for this planetary healing besides the Arcturians and the Group of Forty. There is a collective effort, and there is a collective brother/sisterhood energy, but the tools for planetary ascension that we are teaching have unique power. Yes, there is the power of 1,600, and yes, there is the power of 40. Yes, there is the power of the etheric crystals and the Ladders of Ascension and other spiritual tools. We are also teaching the unification that is designated as the Sacred Triangle, and this power of the Sacred Triangle greatly enhances the Arcan Power of your thoughts. Working to unify galactic spirituality with mystical, higher consciousness, and Native American spirituality, creates a whole new powerful energy of planetary healing that has never before been on this planet.
Let us change the focus for a moment and look at what exactly needs to happen for a planet to ascend. Ascension can occur when there are the righteous people on the planet. These righteous people are the planetary healers. I am sure that you and I both will agree that the Earth already meets the conditions of corruption and evilness. There certainly is enough corruption and evilness on this planet already to qualify for an intervention. There is no lack of lower consciousness and evilness, and certainly, on those criteria alone, the Earth would qualify without question, for needing a Messianic Intervention.
There is the issue of preparedness for the Ascension. I talked about the second condition of the Messianic Intervention which was that there would have to be a certain number of righteous people on the planet. I also need to make this addition, and that is that these righteous people or planetary healers need to be involved in preparing for the Messianic Intervention and the planetary ascension. It is not enough just for the righteous people or planetary healers to be on the planet, but they must be active, and they must be involved in preparing for the intervention.
This presents an interesting analogy to the personal ascension, because theoretically, there are great similarities between your personal ascension and the planetary ascension. The most obvious similarity is this: When you are working on your personal ascension, you have to prepare for your personal transformation and ascending. There are people who have said, "I am going to ascend, so I am just going to relax and not do anymore work on myself." But that is not acceptable, and part of the work in the personal ascension is to seek out and complete, on an accelerated basis, your life lessons, your soul lessons. Another way to put it is you need to work on your unfinished soul lessons. Hopefully you might say, "OK, I am ready to finish my soul lessons." Some of the soul lessons do present themselves with baggage and burdens, and even in some cases illnesses or conflicts. Completing soul lessons is not as simple as taking a course in graduate school. Rather the completion of the soul lessons can be painful at times.
In the personal ascension we do a lot of preparation with aura training. Ultimately, the Ascension is a process which is centered energetically on your energy field and your aura. This is why we have given so many exercises in aura work, including shimmering and the Cosmic Egg. In the Ascension your aura pulsing goes to an accelerated rate which allows you to transform. I often refer to this transformation as "alchemical", because it seems like it is working with physical energy and then somehow mysteriously transforming that physical energy into an etheric, multidimensional energy. That transformation is so complete that the physical body, in its ascending transformation, disappears. But it disappears from the third-dimensional reality. The physical body is transformed into its fifth-dimensional form. Part of your preparation for your personal ascension is in working with your aura and doing the aura exercises and accelerating the vibrations, and also, being able to experience higher aura energy.
There are other aspects of the aura work which include the Cosmic Egg. In this exercise we are putting the aura in its optimal shape. We also talk about healing or closing any holes in the aura and removing parasitic attachments from the aura. Also you need to remove hooks that might be from other lifetimes, or negative entities that seem to be there. All this work with the aura is important and can be completed and is part of the preparation for ascension. Your work does not have to be 100 percent perfect. We do not expect your aura to be 100 percent perfect, but we can say that your effort and intention is powerful and important. The fact that you are aware of your energy field and aura, and are attempting to work with it, to purify and clean it, and make it vibrate faster, is important and contributes to a very positive outcome for your ascension.
Now let us take a look at these observations about the personal aura and ascension and look at the Earth. The Earth also needs preparation for her ascension. The Earth cannot ascend without preparation, and the Earth can also not ascend without the righteous people or planetary healers on it. The energy of ascension is a higher vibration. There is a rapid acceleration of higher consciousness coming into the planet. These forces provide an opening that allows the Ascension to occur. There has to be a certain dynamic and higher dimensional energy field that is downloaded into the Earth for the Ascension. It is important to prepare for the Ascension and to connect energetically and to work on higher consciousness. This is part of the preparation, but that by itself is not enough. You also need an external, higher dimensional force that provides a corridor of light and energy. This light will be the final stimulation for this energetic transformation known as the Ascension. Now, it is this opening that is provided for the Ascension that is the same opening for the Messianic Intervention and the Messianic Light. This means that the Ascension time is also potentially or possibly a time for Messianic Light and Messianic Energy.
This brings up the three waves of ascension. The first wave would be the one that everyone would probably want to go on, especially when we talk about the corruption and evilness on this planet and the possibilities of further extinctions. Why would people choose to bypass the first wave and go to the second wave? The answer is simple: because the Ascension Light from the first wave is going to provide a powerful healing energy for the planet. The first wave will provide an "introduction" of "Messianic Energy" for the Earth, and therefore it will provide an amazing upliftment and consciousness, and potentially, a huge healing for the planet. It may not be the total planetary healing, but it will certainly be a healing that is miraculous on many levels. Yes, knowing that and feeling that energy is worthwhile and might be enough to convince some people to stay until the second wave.
The question has come up numerous times about family members. For example, people will say: "My family members are not really into this type of energy or work, and I cannot leave them behind." "I cannot leave my dog behind." Or "I cannot leave my wife behind or my children." There will be very positive effects from the Ascension. One positive effect will be the downloading of Messianic Energy and Light onto the planet. The strength of the Messianic Light is still not clear. How strong will it be? What is the number of people who would choose to go in the first wave? The answers to these questions have still not been determined.
Another main issue is when will the Ascension occur? Because everyone wants to know what date, and that date is often correlated with the increased and catastrophic amount of corruption and evil and destruction that is going on in the planet. The general consensus has been that, as the evilness, as the mass extinction increases, as the planet deteriorates more, then that brings us closer to the Ascension. What a paradox! Who, in their right mind, would want to see more deterioration? At the same time, you would say that you would like to see a Messianic Intervention as soon as possible. The Ascension and the Messianic Energy intervention can occur together. You would, in your prayers and meditations, focus and ask for an immediate ascension and a Messianic Intervention because of the deterioration of the biosphere.
This leads to the idea that the preparation for the planetary ascension lies in the Earth's aura, and therefore, the planetary healers can and should help to prepare Mother Earth for her ascension by working with the Earth's aura. The personal exercises that I have given you for your personal ascension apply to the planet. The difference is that on the planetary aura work, it is required to have more people working together. More "anchored" people in different parts of the world are necessary. This means that there is a larger force needed. 1,600 planetary workers are certainly enough to do this kind of Earth aura energy healing.
I call this Earth aura energy healing preparation for the planetary ascension. First, the planetary aura needs to be in the shape of a Cosmic Egg, and secondly, the aura needs to be able to shimmer, and the third point is that the aura needs to have closed all holes and rifts in its fabric. Now these are important aura healing exercises. When you look at it on a personal basis, it would be considered basic aura healing work, and it is similar work on a planetary basis.
Let me just talk about the holes and the rifts in the aura of the Earth and the space-time continuum. There is a long, recent history of rifts in the Earth's aura caused by military experiments, nuclear explosions and other devious methods that have been done shamelessly for personal and military gain over the planet. These rifts need to be healed. There is a planetary healing technology which requires what I call "planetary stitching" of the Earth's aura. Planetary stitching of an aura means you identify where the hole exists on the Earth's aura, and then you "sew up" the rift. You use remote viewing and remote travel, energetically and etherically, to find these rifts, and then go there with your planetary sewing needles and sew up that rift.
Where are the rifts? Some of the rifts are over places of wars. There is a very bad rift over Iraq, for example. There is also a bad rift over Syria, and there are other rifts in the Middle East. There are also rifts originating from nuclear experiments that occurred in different parts of the planet. There are rifts now in Fukushima, and there are rifts in the North Sea and in some areas of Antarctica and the North Pole where there has been nuclear waste dumped.
Sometimes the rifts can originate from cosmological events. For example, the expulsion of certain new neutron stars gives off cosmic radiation. That radiation, if very strong, can penetrate the Earth's aura and cause rifts. You know that the solar system is traveling through the galaxy at a phenomenal speed. One revolution around the entire galaxy can take as long as 500 million years or more. Each year that passes by, means that the Earth is passing through new and different angles to the center of the galaxy. At some of the angles, there is stronger radiation and cosmic energy that has never before come to the Earth.
I know that cosmic events are in the Earth's consciousness. As recently as ten or fifteen years ago, there was a discussion of a null zone which was an energetic cosmic force field that was coming to the Earth. This null zone was going to block all electromagnetic energy, closing all the computers and all electronic devices, which essentially would temporarily destroy the electronic civilization as you know it. Fortunately, that null zone did not occur. There were certain lapses in the energetic field that had remnants of the null zone, but it was not an overall planetary experience.
This means that there are some natural, cosmic events and cosmic explosions that are sending forces that also can affect the Earth's aura. This can be dealt with by what I call "shielding". Part of the Earth healing aura work is shielding. Using the Iskalia Mirror (Author's Note: the Iskalia Mirror is an etheric mirror placed over the North Pole by the Arcturians which helps to amplify positive energy coming to the Earth from the Central Sun.) can bring down planetary healing energy from the Central Sun. The Iskalia Mirror also has the ability to provide protection for the Earth from damaging cosmic events coming to the Earth.
This shielding provided by the Iskalia Mirror can be compared to a shield used by the Native Americans in their spiritual practices. Shields made by shamans, for example, can provide protection for a person against negative forces. When you use a shamanistic shield, it is not the size of your whole body. It has etheric and energetic properties that can protect you. It is very important, as part of the aura work, to shield the Earth from cosmic energies that are potentially harmful. Also, you can shield the Earth from lower extraterrestrials' energies that may be coming to the Earth for evil purposes.
Another important part of the Earth's aura exercises focuses on raising the planet's vibration through shimmering. (Author's Note: Shimmering is an exercise which raises and increases the pulsing speed of an aura.) We have covered the potential healing effects of closing and stitching the holes. When you are doing Earth balancing exercises, you can also strengthen the Earth's aura, and this is especially helpful when you are working along the meridian lines. This provides a great boost to the Earth's energy. The Earth needs this kind of energetic boost to its aura.
But then we look at the shimmering. Shimmering is based on the concept that an aura has a certain vibrational speed, and that vibrational speed can be accelerated. The speed of an aura can be increased using toning. This is why I often use that tone: "ta ta ta ta ta," because I want to demonstrate that the vibrational pulsing of your personal aura can be increased through the exercise of increasing toning sounds. Let us experience this now.
Take three deep breaths. See your aura and command it to go into the shape of the Cosmic Egg. Become aware of the outer pulsing of your aura, and together, let us increase the pulsing speed. Try to correlate to the toning that I am doing. (Tones "Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta" and repeats with increasing speed.) Use your mental imagination and thoughts to accelerate and speed up your aura as fast as you can, even so that it is in "nano" seconds of speed. Let us go into silence. (Silence)
(Tones "Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta.") Once you activate a speed, you can hold that speed for long periods of time. Now think about how we would activate the shimmering speed of the Earth's aura. We would do a similar type of exercise where we would visualize the Earth's aura and visualize a line around the outer aura, and then we would thought project ourselves to 10, 20, 40, 50 miles outside of the planet. Use your imagination to visualize that there is a line around that outer edge of the Earth's aura, and then we will begin to shimmer the Earth's aura. Now the shimmering of the Earth's aura will also help to raise the Spiritual Light Quotient of the planet. When the whole energy field of the Earth is pulsing, and I mean pulsating in unity, pulsating in a group effort, then many people on this planet will feel that healing energy. Many people will feel the effect of the shimmering.
Now the other part of this aura work relates to time travel. I refer to the personal work of the Ascension. In the personal ascension work exercises, we help you to bring forth energy from your Future Self and bring that energy into your Present Self. This means that in the future, everyone has ascended. I am not putting any timeline on it. Maybe people ascend in different periods, but ultimately as one famous teacher said: "We are all on one road, and it leads to the same mountain top." Maybe some of you are going through different canyons and different valleys, but the bottom line is that you are all going to ascend, and the Earth is also going to ascend. When we access the future time and the future energy of the ascended Earth, then there are ways to bring that future energy back into helping the current Earth. This exercise will lead us into discussions of time travel.
It is possible to travel through time, and it is possible to thought project a whole planet using time traveling techniques. When we work on your ascension, we help you to thought project yourself to the Arcturian Crystal Lake. Imagine though that there is an Arcturian Cosmic or Galactic Planetary Lake where you can thought project a whole planet to this immense lake. It would have to be immense to hold the etheric energy of an entire planet. Planet Earth is a small planet, but still it is not going to fit into the Arcturian Crystal Lake. But there are places in the fifth-dimensional world where planets can be thought projected to for healing. These special places can be used to work on cleansing and healing a planet's aura. There are ways in which the future energies of a healed planet can be brought back down into the present.
There is always the possibility that the biosphere will collapse, and that the Earth catastrophes will mount, and there will be a huge environmental crash. Many of the environmentalists are talking about timelines in which, if things continue as they are, there will be further collapses of the biosphere. If there is a major collapse, then there will be an acceleration of the sixth mass extinction. This does not mean that all life on the Earth will end. A biosphere collapse will mean that the civilization as you know it would end. It could take another ten million years for this current biodiversity on the Earth to return to the level it now is. Ten million years! I mean that is an extraordinary amount of time, but then, if you consider that the Earth is four and a half billion years old, then ten million years is a small percentage of time. But ten million years is significant to you as a human. The point we are making is that the Earth has survived and come back from five mass extinctions. Now it would be preferable if the sixth mass extinction would not result in a "total mass extinction of all life forms." Many of the Starseeds already know that the Earth will survive, and that the Earth can recover from this type of event. We and the Ascended Masters do not want to see that transpire, especially in a catastrophic way.
Let me turn to time travel again. I think, of all of the different aspects of corridor work and hyperspace, that time travel certainly is the most exciting and intriguing aspect. You might have already heard stories about people in the future coming back into the present. There have even been science fiction movies dealing with this subject. "Back to the Future" is an example of one movie in which the subject was dealt with of what would transpire if a future time traveler came back into the present. How is that possible?
Well, before I answer that, let me say that we have this term called "Karmic Chain of Events". In Arcturian technology, Karmic Chain of Events occurs when somebody from the future comes back into the past and changes events. For example, imagine an evil leader like Hitler. There had been an unsuccessful assassination attempt on his life. Someone from the future could come back into the past and make sure that assassination attempt was successful. Or, Hitler was involved in World War I, and he was on the battlefield in Germany. He was wounded and had to be hospitalized. Imagine that someone from the future comes back into the past and helps to move that bullet that hit and grazed Hitler. Now instead of being seriously wounded, the bullet kills Hitler.
According to the laws of Karmic Chain of Events, many events would be changed dramatically. The problem is, think about how complex the Karmic Chain of Events is. What does that mean? Does Hitler's early death mean it would be possible for another madman to come into power? Is it possible that the murder of Hitler could lead to another chain of events that would have led to nuclear destruction of the whole planet? Or would Hitler's early death lead to a more positive overall chain of events? Because the Karmic Chain of Events is so complex, any future time traveler that comes back to the present Earth has to take an oath not to interfere in the Earth events.
Think of how complex it is to look at weather patterns. Nobody knows for sure how to totally predict the weather or how to predict what is going to happen from global warming. There are interesting models, but still it is very complex. The Karmic Chain of Events situation is far more complex than the Earth's weather patterns, and one would almost need a supercomputer to predict how history could change due to time travelers changing events.
Here is the method we use to time travel into the future or the past. First, you visualize the Earth from the perspective of outer space. Next, you visualize that one rotation of the Earth on its axis is equal to one day. If you wanted to go into a future a week from now, then visualize the Earth rotating on its axis seven times. If you were going to go 90 days into the future, then you would visualize the Earth making 90 rotations. Now, if you wanted to start to time travel a year into the future, then you visualize the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, which takes one year, or 365 days. If you wanted to go five, ten, or fifteen years into the future, then you visualize the revolutions of the Earth around the Sun in your mind. For ten years, then you would visualize the Earth revolving around the Sun ten times.
In order to go back in time, you follow exactly the reverse procedure. For the future, the Earth rotates in a forward direction. To go backward in time, you reverse the revolutions of the Earth so that you go in a backward direction. If you wanted to go back a week, then you reverse the rotations of the Earth seven times in your visualization. This method requires a great deal of concentration. This visualization exercise is not the sole part of this procedure. There is a certain corridor work, and work with the Earth's electromagnetic energy and aura fields, that must also be done for time travel.
The Earth is capable of assisting you in going backward and forward in time using the method that I have just described. The law of Karmic Chain of Events is such that future people, who come back, are not permitted to change because of unknown outcomes. However, people in the present can go into the future, and there is nothing in the Karmic Chain of Events laws that forbids time travelers to go into the future and bring back knowledge and information that will help the present.
I have not given you the entire time traveling exercise. I have only given you part of it. Parts of the time traveling exercise are still secret. Remote healers have used this method, for military purposes, to go forward in time. Knowing this, that is, that you are permitted to go into the future, you can take and bring back knowledge from the future into the present. This can be extremely helpful because, if you wanted to put pressure on certain forces on the planet to create a change, then it might be helpful to know when there is a good opening, in the future. It would be helpful to know who has the power in the future to work with you. There might be certain knowledge in the future that you could obtain that might be convincing enough to change people's minds.
Would not the chain of events law still work when you bring back information from the future? It is true that you would want to change the present. There are certain safeguards that are activated that allow you to go into the future and bring back information and still be karmically free. The basic rule is that you are bringing back positive information for the greater good of humanity.
So, in closing I want you to visualize the Earth and see the Earth's aura, and see the Earth spinning or rotating. One spin takes 24 hours, and to the best of your ability, see the Earth on its journey revolving around the Sun. To the best of your ability, thought project yourself to a position above the North Pole of this planet. You are in a protective corridor of light. Make these affirmations: "I am a planetary healer and I am a righteous person." Let us hold that visualization and meditation as the first step towards time travel. We will go into silence. (Silence)
Starseeds like you have this planetary awareness, and now you know that there are ways of thought projecting the whole planet. Planetary healers can thought project the aura of the Earth to a healing lake in another part of this galaxy. Planetary healers can work with the Earth in the past or the future as well as in the present. They can also heal and work with the Earth's aura through shimmering. These are all great tools that you, as righteous people, as planetary healers, can implement. And I am hoping that you and I together will be able to travel into the future to get technological and social information that will be useful in creating a healing and new balance for Mother Earth.
I am Juliano. Good day. |

David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty
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