Sunday, October 2, 2016

Re-Educating Humanity, Being a Bridger, A Warrior & Exposing Others To NEW Earth Knowledge

By Lisa Brown, 10/01/2016

Re-Educating Humanity, Being a Bridger, A Warrior & Exposing Others To NEW Earth Knowledge by Supporting & Sharing

Good morning beautiful Light BEing Souls!!!

Ahhhhhhh.............. can you FEEL it? More beauty, more awesomeness, more magic, more amazingness, more brilliance... more everything we've worked hard for?

Yes, we did work hard.... for overcoming/transcending our own human'ness.... it's the most challenging JOB you'll ever do. It's also the most rewarding, in every way..... for the peace, the bliss, the profound sacred connection/love that emerges from the depths of our souls is immense....

Eventually we don't "work" on ourselves anymore... we just honor, respect, love, be.................... then we work in-service and yes, we do work hard here too. It's not work, but it is.... it's not work because it's beyond awesome, living our dreams, playing in the magic, experiencing the beyond amazingness as it continually comes forth/materialized in our physical here.....
So many times along the way, we all wanted to throw our hands up and quit... yet we cannot, for we are in the middle of our evolution, we kinda gotta do this. :) It's only reason we incarnated in this physical in this time.......

Relationships, jobs, where we live, how we live.... all is "touched" by consciousness.... WE awaken to duality, many aspects of ourselves, work through the confusion of that outside world and our inner one, transcend everything separation that presents and go through a rigorous physical body & physical reality upgrade process.....

We don't move out of unconscious realities, leave the old programmed ones behind, let go of judgment and REALIZE our Dreams into the physical, wake up from a deep slumber of eons of existences, merge multiple dimensional aspects of ourselves into this physical body, hold an INFINITE amount of LIGHT and come to love and express fully without a whole lotta physical world adjustments.....

We don't become Sovereign and Divine Light Beings, Pure again without sifting through the rubble of our impurities, those distortions created from unconscious programs.... WE don't take our power back by continuing to give it away, still supporting the old because it appears to be the easy way.... Nope, we stop it..... in it's tracks... we decide what we DO TRULY DESIRE TO EXPERIENCE ... and we are the ones that make it happen.... yet not the way we did as a sleeping amnesiac human.....

We walk hand in hand with our Universe... as ONE... for it's our "new best friend". We stop listening to others and we GO WITHIN. We connect up, we listen and we honor.... fully.....
No more getting caught up in the old, no more entertaining lack or less, no more compromise of our soul.... for we didn't come here to stay asleep.... We came here to AWAKEN FULLY... to REMEMBER FULLY and to bring our dreams forth here.... to make them happen by embracing all that we FORGOT ourselves to be.....

Love.... pure divine essence love.... Not the human love that comes from lack or need, having attachment and living in separation still. A pure love... one that is deeply profound, sacred and permeates our every cell. A love that has no boundaries, limits and transcends all things physical here.

This love is pure.... and through it our power returns, our memories return, our essence, our desire, our inspiration, our imagination, our determination all return..... Peace beyond returns.... beauty and magnificence return.... magic is abound and our natural abilities/gifts return.... all abundantly..... INFINITE becomes a way of existing, not a word to describe something....

Our SOUL AWAKENS and everything changes.... the power of the outside world changes too.... the power that others held.... this goes as we reclaim our own power from inside again.....

The love that we sought in others, we start to give that to ourselves first and we find that we need no other in our world to be whole. Then others become a bonus, fun, inspiring, have something to offer/contribute to this amazing NEW EARTH that WE occupy as one. Others have/serve purposes too!

Human aspects do not know they are unconscious and it's up to each one of us to re-educate and expose others as we go. Being conscious means you do not get to hide anymore and play in the game of judgment, minimizing yourself anymore. This is OUR EVOLUTION.... which means that you are a light here to shine on others, to light the path so that all can SEE through their hearts again. Some are not ready, it doesn't mean you go small... it means you respect their choice to experience waking up in their own chosen way.... and you respect yours. This is where we can separate out realities out of love and respect, not separation, like in the days of the old.....

You re-focus your energy, what you are here to BE and DO. You HOLD your new realities in place... this is part of HOW YOU CREATE YOUR OWN FOUNDATIONAL NEW EARTH.

You are an anchor point, a gridkeeper, a crystal, a tower & beacon of light. You are a Warrior of Love, Peace, Light... yet sometimes the silent warrior holding a space while others go figure it out, sometimes standing in your power, sometimes touching others just through the vibration of love.....

After awhile, you are all of these.... A Rainbow Warrior, A Galactic Warrior, A Light Warrior, A Love Warrior, A Celestial Warrior.... You are the Keeper of NEW Earth & Heaven in physical form. You emanate love, peace, happy, bliss, magic, power and CREATION from your entire being, from every cell of your new Crystalline LightBody Structure.... Purity radiates with your every breath... there's really nothing to DO but focus your energy in a 360 degree direction, holding in your peripheral what you are here to accomplish and just staying focused.... transmitting vibrationally and intentionally, for your realize that every moment delivers to you the response to what you vibrationally hold (Embodiment).

Vibrating in and out of realities, every nano-second, takes your total presence, awareness and ability to TUNE VIBRATIONALLY YOURSELF.....

As a Master Being, realities shift vibrationally the moment you do. Outside is your creation and it responds to you. You call forth every reality to see which version you are.... A Pure Divine Soul present and fully conscious or a being that entered into the realms of amnesia/unconsciousness again.

Becoming Super-Conscious is just one of the things you will do. As a NEW Earth HUman (Hybrid), your Super Quantum Cells zoom through your body, your crystals activating and streaming vast intelligence through you at the speed of photonic light, your whole system an upgraded computer that processes instantly, while these exquisite feelings flood your every cell. You oscillate between aspects, as your higher consciousness existence re-writes your genetic coding, DNA and physical make-up..... your entire physiology changes. You may appear to look exactly the same, yet inside is this SUPER SYSTEM that would blow other's minds.....
Each one of us are evolving, this is not a thing to judge or fear. Your human (and other humans) are not going to to understand this. This takes your listening, your knowing, your honoring a process that doesn't have a handbook until we experience it...

This is what many of us are doing... we are writing the handbooks, the how-to's of NEW Earth, our Galactic Civilizations and anchoring Heaven on Earth for all who are ready to experience too. Our sharings are the manuals for how this works.... and it's taken us many human years to bring forth this information and to share it with all. It's taken our own determination to jump the hurdles, overcome the judgment, the lack, the non-belief... it's taken our desire to re-educate through higher consciousness, knowing that as all were ready, they'd find it, read it, understand it.... and apply it consciously.

The books, the writings, the videos, the courses, the telesummits, personal/group sessions and more... all that we DO is for all. Years and years of knowledge shared, for this is not a "one size fits all". This is a process that spans our whole lifetime here and all of our existences merged into this one now. We each have to do the inner work ourselves.... I had to do it too.

There is so much knowledge to share and no where near enough human time to get it all done. The answers are a gazillion a nano-second too...... So, get ready.... as we've only just breached loves!

Happy everything!!!!! I'm sharing every moment I have, in every way that I have access to. You share, you support, you expose others to the knowledge that will assist with the awakening of all souls here too! It takes us all.... You are a RAINBOW BRIDGE (one of the Bridge People/a Bridger). You/WE bridge the gaps, provide the opportunities, open portals, activate higher wisdom, expose others.... we allow each to cross over/come through as they are ready.............

WE are the gridwork of NEW Earth. ♦

Let's DO this!!!!!! It's always time for more! ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Speaker, Coach, Guide


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