September 3, 2016
New Tools for Ascension in 2017
Copyright © 2016 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller, Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! 2017 is a time of great polarization, but also there is an interesting observation that I will make regarding polarizations. In polarizations, each side has the ability to enhance the energy and abilities of the polarized side they are experiencing. Those on the side of light are able to experience more enhanced light work, and those on the side of darkness find that during times of polarization, they are able to experience more intense darkness. This means that if you are a Lightworker in this time of polarization, you can affirm that you are here to work on your light and on your Higher Self. I must say that those on the dark side often make the opposite affirmation, that is, that they are in some ways gleefully working to enhance their dark side. You, as inhabitants of the Earth, are seeing some of the results of those who are working to improve their dark side. You and I and the Lightworkers together have this opportunity in 2017 to enhance the light and the side of expanded consciousness.
I speak of this time from the perspective of the present and the future, even though now (September 2016) 2017 is still several months away. I think it is appropriate to speak about 2017 and the energies that are before you. I preface this observation with the fact that you have many opportunities to enhance your spirituality. 2017 is going to be much more sympathetic and easier spiritually. You will be able to see some of the magic of spirituality come together in the coming months leading up to 2017, and as you get fully into the entire new year. Perhaps you have experienced 2016 as a year of resistance. Maybe you have personally felt the struggles and the resistance to spirituality throughout the planet. Some of you have even commented that you feel like you are going uphill. Some have felt it to be difficult to experience any type of unity and often have questioned the spiritual work and energy that you are using. They might say that spiritual work does not more directly improve their third-dimensional life. But I see the approach to 2017 and the entry into that year as a time of magical spiritual energy. I see this as a time when those efforts and expectations from your spiritual work will come to fruition. This is why I call it magical, because one of the higher aspects of spiritual work is the intervention from the higher worlds that will directly affect the Third Dimension. These higher worlds include the higher astral plane. If you decide, correctly, to work in these higher worlds, then perhaps in 2016 you may not have seen any immediate result or you may even question if there will be a result for your spiritual efforts. The year 2017 and the last quarter of 2016, will show you an increase in openness to your spiritual work. You will notice a more immediate effect of some of the higher efforts and higher spiritual exercises that you have been doing. I have summarized these spiritual exercises under the title called "Tools for Ascension in 2017." It is my belief that each one of the Starseeds like yourselves is ultimately and correctly working for your ascension into the Fifth Dimension. The goal of our spiritual work together is to support you in your efforts to ascend. This time of polarization also is a time of tremendous spiritual opportunities for the Lightworkers. It is only periodically in the history of this planet, and for that matter, in the history of this section in the galaxy, that one has opportunities to ascend. It is a special energy that is required for ascension.
Polarization creates strong openings on both sides, and paradoxically, it is this polarization that you are now experiencing which is uncomfortable and causing a great deal of disruption in the world. But the polarization is also the foundation for new spiritual work and the spiritual opportunities that are before you. Affirm in your meditations that you are working on the side of light and that you are working for your ascension. Affirm in 2017 that you are open to all new tools and new fifth-dimensional experiences on the Earth.
I want to talk about the new Tools of Ascension for 2017. I want to introduce new tools for ascension that will help you in the year of 2017. I call 2017 the magical year for spiritual development. I call it that because, first, I see the number "7" in this year, and I say that, numerologically, it is going to be a lucky year for many of you Starseeds and Group of Forty members. I see that some of the long term spiritual projects that you have been working on will come together in 2017. Your spiritual work will be coming into a more successful flow. I see that many of you are doing personal work both on the spiritual side and the emotional side, as well as the physical side and on the mental side. All of this work will come together, and that's why I call it magic.
It seems like there is stroke of luck for the Starseeds in 2017, and some of you will even begin to say, "This is extremely fortunate that this event happened. It is extremely fortunate that I decided to go to this workshop, or I decided to make this trip. This is going to be extremely fortunate that I moved to this location without knowing what the true ramifications or purpose of this move was." It will be truly magical that you have decided to write this book or change your career or work specifically on spiritual projects. Maybe your spiritual work did not seem to benefit you as greatly as you had thought in 2016, but as I say, the year 2017 is a magical year, and it will bring some beautiful, harmonic spiritual success to you and to your planetary and spiritual work.
Let us now be in harmony with this upcoming energy of spiritual magic. (Chants OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH.) Say this affirmation: "I affirm that I am working for the light, both for myself and for the planet." (Repeats affirmation.) (Chants OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH.) "I am ready to receive the results of my spiritual work in this lifetime now. I'm ready to receive the results of all my spiritual work in this lifetime now. (Chants OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH.) I am open to receiving the upcoming successes of my spiritual work now."
I call these spiritual tools part of the "New Tools of Ascension for 2017." The reasons why I call them the "Tools of Ascension" are because they are specifically and strategically introduced to help heal you and also to help prepare you for the Ascension. Ascension is an evolutionary step that involves transformation of your Self and your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies into another form, namely a fifth-dimensional light body. Some of the ascension exercises or tools that I offer for 2017 include shimmering, bilocation, thought projection, using the Ladder of Ascension for planetary healing, using the Ring of Ascension and using the 12 Arcturian etheric crystals stationed around the planet.
In the Tools of Ascension, we have talked specifically about using your abilities to thought project so that you can move your consciousness into the fifth-dimensional Arcturian Stargate and Crystal Lake. The Tools of Ascension include the ability to transport yourself astrally to these fifth-dimensional places. We are using the exercise to astrally travel to the Crystal Lake and then align yourself with your fifth-dimensional light body. Your fifth-dimensional light body is already at the Crystal Lake, sitting around a beautiful circle there. You are able to visit there in your astral body and download your energy into your fifth-dimensional body. This offers you several advantages. One advantage is to practice and experience your fifth-dimensional state. The more you practice and the more you experience your fifth-dimensional body, the easier it will be for you to leave your third-dimensional body at the time of ascension.
There is a new and special tool of ascension for 2017 which is what I call the "Ascension Trance." The Ascension Trance is achieved by putting yourself into a higher state of consciousness which give you powers to do energy transformation. In the Ascension Trance you put yourself into a higher state of consciousness that allows you to transform your third-dimensional Self. By transforming your Self energetically, you can do bilocation and astral traveling. In the Ascension Trance you will have the ability to alchemically transmute your third-dimensional energy field into a fifth-dimensional energy.
Let me explain those two words, "alchemical" and "transmute." "Alchemical" originally referred to the mixing of third-dimensional metals with third-dimensional energies to form a new and expanded energy called gold. Gold is highly desirable, and in some cases, difficult to find. The original description of alchemical work was focused on creating gold from other basic materials. It was believed that there are certain ways and elements to transmute lead and other Earth elements by mixing them together, and then during the mixing process the "alchemical worker" would go into an energetic field, which I call "energetic trance" or "alchemical trance." While in the trance, one would be able to transmute the lead and the other elements into gold. By doing that, of course, one would able to obtain great riches. There were mystics, especially in the Middle Ages, and in the 16th and 17th century, who were using this method for obtaining gold. But in truth, the alchemical method was for spiritual development, not for financial gain.
I use the word "transmute", which means to take the energy in one dimension (namely the Third Dimension which is based on cause and effect) and transform it and change it into another dimension and into another energy that is more powerful and more desirable. "Transmute" implies that the process is not logical and cannot be easily explained by modern physics. "Transmute" means that the mixture of the energies is magical. It is the magical process that provides the ability to transmute. Now let us take all the elements of ascension. You can take all of your mental thoughts, you can take all of your emotional work, you can take all of your spiritual work, and put it all together. But it still may not equal the energy necessary for transmutation into the Fifth Dimension. There is another magical or mystical element that is necessary for the alchemical transformation of your energy field from the Third Dimension into the Fifth Dimension.
Ascension involves the transfer of your personal energy or the transmutation of your Self into the Fifth Dimension. When you think of the Ascension, you should have several ideas in mind. First, during the Ascension your third-dimensional body is going to be transformed, and those who are looking at you would see you disappear. Remember, you're not dying; you're transforming. And in order to ascend, your energy field has to go to a different vibration. On the Third Dimension, you are on a particular wavelength and frequency that allows you to exist, to function and vibrate on this dimensional frequency known as the Earth. In the alchemical transformation that allows for the Ascension, your energy field is elevated and is moving into the Fifth Dimension. To accomplish this you need to be receiving the power to transmute your physical body.
There is one other aspect to this and that is "the call" of the Ascension. Some call this call the sounding of Gabriel's Horn. This signifies the Ascension moment, and it is also called the Sound of the Ascension. This sound is one of the alchemical elements that is necessary for you to ascend. This sound is one of the tools of ascension. This Sound of Ascension has never been heard before. But when you hear this sound, you will know what it is, and you will immediately feel the effects. The Sound of Ascension would have the ability to transmute your energy into the Fifth Dimension.
Let us go back to this concept that I call the Ascension Trance, which is one of the new tools of ascension for 2017. The Ascension Trance is basically a psychological state which you can put yourself into. This trance opens you to the alchemical process of the Ascension and to the ability to transmute your third-dimensional body into the Fifth Dimension. In the trance you become more open to receiving the ingredients and the Sound of the Ascension and the ascension energy. In order for you to complete the ascension process, you have to be comfortable with going into the Ascension Trance.
A trance is defined as an alternative state of consciousness similar to a hypnotic state. The Ascension Trance is a higher state of consciousness. This higher state of consciousness, which sometimes has been called the "peak period" or the "peak consciousness", can be applied when you are wanting to direct your attention and energy from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension. When you are in those higher states or peak states of consciousness, you can see colors more intensely. You also can be more psychically active, because all of your spiritual and psychic abilities are increased during higher states of consciousness. You are taking all of your focus and placing it solely on ascending. This means that you will be able to move into this higher state of consciousness. You can stay focused on ascending. You are making yourself receptive to all of the ascension energies that are now around you, and you feel ready to ascend.
Let us now practice this state of consciousness that I call the Ascension Trance. Close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths, listen to the sound. (Chants OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH.) State this affirmation: "I am opening now to my ascension." Feel a golden corridor of light above your Crown Chakra and feel your connection to the Fifth Dimension. Become aware of all of the spiritual work that you have been doing in the past years on this planet. Go back as far as you can in your memories, even to your early childhood if necessary. Spiritual work is accumulative. So go back and say: "I unify all my spiritual experiences from this lifetime now and bring those energies of spiritual development for my Ascension Trance into the present." (Chants OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH.) The mental and spiritual and emotional energy of your spiritual work in this lifetime is now energetically active around your aura. At the count of three, we'll bring all of this work into unity. One, two, three.
There is a spiritual, unified energy field around you now. Release your third-dimensional mind and say these words: "I am open to my Ascension Trance and ascension consciousness." (Chants OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH and other sounds.) We will go into meditation. (A few minutes of silence.) (Chants OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH.) As we close this part of the "tools of ascension box", just say: "I continue to be open to the Ascension Trance." Practice the alchemical merging of all your spiritual work in this lifetime, bringing it into a focus into your energy field and then being open to the other energies, including the sound of and energy of ascension. The energy of ascension is on this planet. It is in your mindset. It is in the Noosphere. The Noosphere contains the thought fields of the Earth, and it contains all the Starseeds' consciousness. In 2017 with that Ascension Trance, you will have the ability then to work more effectively with your energy field and the energy field of the Earth.
In the energy field work, you can shimmer or raise the frequency of your energy field and your aura. In 2017 using the Ascension Trance, you will be able to shimmer and raise the vibrational frequency of your aura in a more dynamic way. This high vibrational frequency is so intense that it has great powers.
The intensity of the shimmering during the Ascension raises the speed of the vibration, and it also harmonizes your vibration. In the Ascension Trance, you have the ability to bring all of that vibrational energy together through shimmering. You then can use that higher energy to transform the physical body through an accelerated stage of development that bypasses the death process, immediately connecting with your fifth-dimensional light body. Your consciousness and your awareness of all those third-dimensional experiences move you out into the Fifth Dimension. That's the power that you have in the Ascension Trance. Yes, part of the effect of this transformation rests in the shimmering. Remember that the shimmering is not just affecting the speed of your vibration, but also shimmering helps you to be in resonance with the Ascension Light. Please say this affirmation now: "I am in resonance with the Ascension Light. (Chants OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH.)
The second tool in the new tools of ascension for 2017 is the Healing Trance. First, we have the Ascension Trance, and now we have the Healing Trance. The Healing Trance is a state of consciousness in which you can do miraculous healings on your third-dimensional body. This could include helping you to heal unsolvable afflictions, such as arthritis, cancer and even neurological diseases that seem incurable. These healings can even include removing viruses that could inhabit your body. The viruses could be eliminated through the Healing Trance work. This can also include removing pathogens. In order to accomplish this, we are using the alchemical process. The alchemical process can gather together healing parts of your Self, bringing them together and then transmute your energy field in the Third Dimension with higher light. In order to do this, you have to get into a Healing Trance. This is why some of the shamans work with people in doing healings, because they want to bring them into a different state of consciousness. This state of consciousness that the shamans work with is also a "healing" trance. In some cases people seeking healings from shamans will ingest mushrooms or plants that will help them to get into that "healing" state of consciousness, which we call the Healing Trance. In the Healing Trance, you have the ability to bring together all different healing energy states and different powers.
When you are connecting with the Fifth Dimension and when you are moving into the fifth-dimensional state of consciousness, you will also have increased psychic abilities. You will have increased abilities to see into the future. Your Third Eye will become more wide open. In the Healing Trance state you will have the ability to be more telepathic, and you will even have the ability to heal yourself.
How does the Healing Trance relate to the Ascension? One of the requirements of ascension is that you have experienced the completion of all of Earth's lessons and the completion of all karma. People have asked me: "Why can I not use the energies that I have achieved in my fifth-dimensional work towards healing my third-dimensional body?" This process of using your fifth-dimensional energy for healing your third-dimensional body is going to be easier in 2017. I'm suggesting that 2017 will be the "magical year of spirituality" because those who are devoted like the Starseeds will have great spiritual healing powers on themselves. You will be able to use successfully for self-healing this state of consciousness that I call the Healing Trance.
Visualize your aura as a Cosmic Egg and see a blue line around the whole outer edge of the Egg. See that all of the areas that might contain holes in the aura are closed. Now there are no holes or indentations in your aura. Feel the aura being pumped up with powerful etheric light. This pumped up energy is a force field that is trans-dimensional, or above this dimension. Now open up your Crown Chakra. Visualize a long etheric tube attached to your Crown Chakra. This tube is going up onto the Fifth Dimension and to our starship Athena. I, Juliano, am pumping down this special harmonic light into your aura. Perhaps you can even visualize a hand pump on a basketball. You could see the pump. It is pumping in air and the basketball is filling up. Now in the same way, I am pumping into your aura a special healing energy light that transcends and heals any blockages, any pathogens, any attachments and any irregular abnormal cellular structures in your third-dimensional body. This energy is now being pumped into your aura. (Chants OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH.)
The healing light is filling your aura now, and as it's filling you, go into a deep Healing Trance. Your aura resonates with this light and energy. You totally absorb it into your energy field. The healing light is filling every astral particle in your energy, and you say these words now: "I am in the Healing Trance." We will go into meditation again and let this Healing Trance energy do its job. We will go into silence, and say these words to yourself: "I am in the Healing Trance." (Moments of silence) You can now come out of the Healing Trance, and you feel refreshed and have a great sense of well-being.
The third tool in 2017 for the Ascension has to do with what I call the "Group Ascension Trance." We believe that through Unity Consciousness and group cohesion, a powerful boost of energy for personal and planetary ascension can be created. Using the tools of ascension within a group can more powerfully transmute third-dimensional energy. When we look at this process of transmuting gold, then we have that special process called alchemical transformation. Now this term "alchemical transformation" implies a magical and a quantum ability to transform. It has always been said by the most-high alchemists that there needs to be some divine intervention, that there needs to be some kind of boost of energy to complete the alchemical process. We feel one great source for that that boost of energy comes from group cohesion. There are many problems in forming group cohesion on this planet. In groups there are always conflicts and disagreements and strong views on which way to go. In 2017, cohesion among spiritual groups is going to be easier. The differences, the conflicts that you have experienced or possibly experienced in the spiritual groups in 2016, are going to be more easily solved. The reason is because you are going to identify with your higher purpose. You are working together with other people who want to ascend. You are working with people who just like you want to ascend into the Fifth Dimension, and this overwhelming goal will become be a unifying source for group cohesiveness in 2017. You need the group cohesiveness as a boost for the planetary ascension.
You can create a powerful energy field for change through the group trance. Gather together at a particular time, preferably in the physical, but also or via the telephone or the Internet, and merge your consciousness with like-minded Starseeds. Send your astral body to a Medicine Wheel above the Earth. There is an etheric Medicine Wheel above the Earth and unify your consciousness with the group. Create a Unity Consciousness. You have the spiritual power to boost and transmute your third-dimensional energies into the Fifth Dimension. The Ascension is a group experience. This is what's new in 2017. This realization is going to really move you and all Lightworkers. In 2017 you will understand that this ascension is a group process and a group ascension.
I am Juliano. Good day! |

David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty
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