August 6, 2016
Evolution of the Adam Species
from the Galactic Perspective
Copyright © 2016 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller, Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! Let us look at the evolution of species and also at the variety of species that are inhabiting this galaxy. I will discuss the life-forms that exist in this galaxy with reference to the Earth and the life-form known as the Adam, or human, species. I will begin this discussion by outlining several aspects of life in the galaxy. You know that there are extraterrestrial life-forms, life-forms that are outside of the Earth. There are many different species existing throughout the galaxy, including those with higher consciousness. Some of those species in the galaxy with higher consciousness are more advanced than the humans on the Earth are. Not surprisingly, there are some that are less advanced. Humans, or Homo sapiens, are one of many human life-forms that have existed on this planet during the past several million years. The human life-form that you now are in is not the final phase. It is not the final step in this evolutionary process of the Homo sapiens.
When I give you this perspective, then you will agree with me because it is quite obvious. Over the past million or two million years, there has been a variety of human forms. I will name a few. Some of them you may be familiar with. There was Homo erectus, Neanderthal Man, Cro-Magnon Man. There was also the Australopithecus and there was the Peking Man. These are several of the different species of what could be called the human form. You are one in a line of many forms in this evolutionary chain. You are the most advanced of these forms, but clearly, this shows that there is an evolutionary process that you are part of. You are now inhabiting the human form known as Homo sapiens, or which we prefer to call the Adam species. But this species, this human evolving form, is not static. It is transforming very rapidly.
This brings us to a critical point in our discussion of life-forms in the galaxy. There are two basic ways in which change can occur in a species. The first way is through evolution. You are probably familiar with the adaptability that seems to be a critical component of evolution. In a simple example, if there is a new cold spell on the planet, then the species, perhaps called Cro-Magnon or even the Neanderthal Man, learned how to use fire and even how to build stoves or using rocks for creating warmth. Therefore they became adaptable. Those members of the tribes who adapted and learned fire building skills survived. Those unable to integrate those skills died. This is an extremely simple explanation of evolution.
But the second and equally important way that species change is through outside interventions. This is an extremely controversial aspect of change. Evolutionary intervention is the term that I will use. Evolutionary intervention means that an outside extraterrestrial species or race intervened, and through this intervention, they pushed the changes in the species so that the higher adaptability could be integrated. For evolution to occur, a special skill needed to be learned, and in the simple case that I gave, there was the skill of fire building and how to build stoves for warmth. That intervention may have spontaneously emerged. Subsequent families of that tribe were taught that adaptability and were able to survive.
But on a galactic basis, there is a consciousness, and there is a knowledge of all species on all planets. Currently, our estimates are that there are 5,000 civilizations on different planets throughout the galaxy that have "higher life-forms". Some of these are more advanced than the Earth, and some of them are more primitive than the Earth. Some have been destroyed or have self-destroyed. They have also come across this "evolutionary crisis" that you are now in. Some planets were not able to resolve it favorably, and they ended their planet. Others went on to a higher resolution and were able to bring their planet to a much more balanced and highly evolved state.
There exists a Galactic Council. The Galactic Council consists of Ascended Masters who oversee these civilizations and their progress. They are committed to encouraging and making limited intervention to ensure the survivability of planetary systems that have higher beings on them. So when I speak of positive extraterrestrial interventions, I am specifically referring to such events as Galactic Council or Ascended Masters who try, through a limited intervention, to encourage a progression of evolution that allows the survivability of the planet and also allows the growth of the species into spiritual consciousness. There are also what we call negative interventions on a planet. Negative interventions would occur through darker forces, such as the Greys, or such as the Reptilians or other nefarious groups who seek a domination of the Earth.
For what purpose would an outside extraterrestrial civilization of lower consciousness seek to intervene in the evolution of the Earth and, specifically, in the evolution of the human species? The answer to this is complex but also makes a lot of logical sense. I can make several comparisons. There have existed many primitive cultures in the history of the planet, especially during the past several hundred years. The "more powerful and technologically advanced" European civilization dominated and conquered these "primitive people" for seemingly religious reasons, but in actuality it was for domination of their wealth and resources. In some cases, it was decided that these "primitive people" could serve as slaves to the higher Europeans, and that meant that they would be able to do the work that the Europeans did not want to do.
Now this tendency for domination over others also exists throughout the galaxy. There were beings that came to the Earth and wanted to dominate parts of the planet. They did not dominate the whole planet. They enslaved some parts of the people of the planet for their own needs of gaining specific resource material from the Earth. The Earth is an extremely wealthy and diverse biosphere, and there are resources on this planet that do not exist in many other parts of the galaxy. This is a very environmentally resource-rich planet. I can say this even after it has been raped and pillaged, and resources are now being used at an extraordinarily high rate.
Nevertheless, this planet still has tremendous resources. In the past an extraterrestrial intervention from a darker source created a bondage between the civilization of the Earth and their civilization on another planet outside of this solar system. Now sometimes such bondages can actually be friendly. We have the example of the relationship between the Sirians and the Egyptians. There were aspects of this relationship that were described as enslavement because the Sirians were using some of the Egyptian workers for specific projects. At the same time, you might be surprised to hear that the extraterrestrial leaders go through changes just like you, and your planet goes through political changes. New rulers and perspectives emerge that sometimes correct wrongdoing.
In summary, we have the two possible ways of change in a species: the first is spontaneous evolution based on adaptability, and the second is an extraterrestrial intervention outside of the planet, usually for the self-interest of the extraterrestrial masters. This means that the domineering extraterrestrial masters have higher power and technology that would enable them to dominate those on this planet.
Let us look briefly at this evolutionary crisis that humanity is in. Also, I want to discuss specifically what the higher beings that are involved look like. I will use us, the Arcturians, as examples because our example will give you some perspective on what the potential is for the evolution of the Homo sapiens.
First, I want to say that the Galactic Council and we, the Arcturians, see the great potential in the human species for higher evolution, for fifth-dimensional evolution, and for bringing this planet into the higher realms. The human genome type, which I will refer to again as the Homo sapiens, exists in many different areas of this galaxy. I know that in your science fiction movies, the extraterrestrial forms often have very bizarre shapes, strange eyes, large heads, and of course, monster-like appearances as Reptilian. Sometimes the movies portray very strange looking aliens that have very frightening and gigantic appetites. This is part of the mythos that is in the Collective Unconscious of this planet. Now it is true that there are scary beings in the galaxy. There are beings that do seek domination, and there are even beings outside of this galaxy who come here that have strange forms.
I want to point out, and you might be surprised to learn, that the human form is still very popular and exists in many places throughout this galaxy. Now there might be deviations, which include having ears or not having ears. Some of the beings are thin compared to the Homo sapiens on the Earth. There are other variations which happen in a species when they evolve to higher psychic development. As they evolve to higher psychic development, the need for physical/muscular strength is decreased, and also the need for food decreases dramatically. This accounts for different appearances that are especially exhibited by the Arcturians. Some people have referred to us as looking like ballet dancers because we appear to your eyes as being very thin and perhaps graceful. There are specific reasons for this appearance, but nonetheless, I can say that we are also inhabiting a variation of the human form. We have heads; we have arms and legs. We have a modified digestive system, but we are able to exert physical power or physical force through our mental function. The nearest that I could explain this type of power would be in the discussion of Chi and the movement of energy with the mind using thought power.
Let me now speak again about the evolutionary basis for humanity and adaptability and outside interventions. I think those of you who are starseeds are well aware that this planet is in a crisis of gigantic proportions. This crisis is one of survivability. The planet and the biosphere are being threatened. The cause of this threat is Man; the threat is humanity; the threat is Homo sapiens. The Homo sapiens, humanity, or the Adam species, can control every aspect of this biosphere. Every plant and animal that is now living on this planet can be affected and is dependent upon what humanity does. You know that there are many people who are not doing nice things to the planet.
I have also referred to this situation or crisis as the Stage 1 of planetary development. This stage is characterized by the battle for survivability, and it begins when a planet reaches a certain technological state. This technological state is usually characterized by some type of nuclear weaponry and the ability to develop the propulsion technology necessary to leave the planet. When they develop such jet propulsion systems, they also have ways of delivering these bombs and self-destructive mechanisms, so the planetary threat increases dramatically.
There has been a lot of discussion about when the Earth crisis will become unmanageable for humanity. Part of the crisis is expressed in the weather patterns. Other parts of the crisis are due to the uses of certain fuels and other contamination that are placed in waterways and also into the atmosphere. There is a certain mental state that has allowed this environmental abuse to the planet to continue. The mental state that encourages planetary abuse includes such characteristics as desire for domination, self-gratification and the ability or entitlement to feel that humans can do whatever they want to this planet without fear of harm or any negative consequences.
The evolutionary step that is necessary for the whole species has to do with expanded, higher, and fifth-dimensional consciousness. Those beings that are using higher consciousness or fifth-dimensional consciousness are adapting and are using and practicing a higher evolutionary development that will be necessary for the whole planet. In order for this planet to survive, there must be a majority of people, or at least a powerful core of people, who have higher, fifth-dimensional consciousness. This fifth-dimensional consciousness involves the opening of certain codes within the brain. In order to experience fifth-dimensional consciousness, one must unlock what we call Codes of Ascension within the brain. There are certain systems within the brain of humanity that must be opened.
One such system I refer to as the Reticular Activating System. It has been described as a valve in the interior of the brain which controls perception. If that valve is open, you are able to see and experience higher perception, which includes higher colors, but also higher sounds and also higher emotional energy. It enables you to see and understand this reality from a Unified Field perspective, and it gives you much more creative energy and problem-solving ability. You also will have what is described as a spiritual consciousness. It is this next evolutionary step that some of you are now participating in.
There are many who are called starseeds around this planet. Some of the starseeds are waiting to be awakened into this consciousness. The potential for activating the next evolutionary step in humanity is very strong. All necessary ingredients are in place. Of course, the question is: "Is it going to come soon enough or will it be too late?"
I have talked about interventions from extraterrestrial sources, and I have actually described what I would consider negative intervention, such as dominating a certain group for obtaining resources and enslaving that group. But there is also the possibility of a positive intervention from the Ascended Masters. There is a positive intervention possible that will help to bring this higher, fifth-dimensional consciousness to a more powerful place, to a more powerful influence on this planet. There have been periods in other civilizations in the galaxy where an outside source from the Galactic Council was successful. There has been what you might call a "laissez faire" or "let it be" attitude towards the environment that has let the civilizations go towards destroying the biosphere. We have decided against a direct intervention. I am speaking now from the viewpoint of the Galactic Council. But there has been a shift in that approach, and also particularly when it comes to looking at the Earth, and let me explain why.
The complexity of the life-forms on planets like the Earth is just amazing. I mentioned that there are 5,000 planets with higher civilizations on them in this galaxy, and you might have thought that this is quite a high number. But there are between 2 - 4 billion stars in our galaxy, and let's just say that 80% of those stars have solar systems on them. In reality there is a small mathematical probability that higher life-forms can exist, even though there are certainly a high number of stars and planets. There is still only a small percentage of planets that have the life-forms, correct biosphere and circumstances necessary to evolve a human species.
Therefore, the Galactic Council looks at this and says, "This is a terrible waste to see a highly developed planet destroy itself, especially a planet of such bio-diversity. It could take millions of years in the evolutionary cycle for a planet like Earth to return to this level of development that they have achieved. Therefore, it is of the highest good and interest to protect and to intervene in a way that's creating minimal karma, yet ensuring that this planet can survive." This is also to say that we, the Arcturians, and we, the Galactic Council, see the tremendous potential in the Earth. We see that there are contributions to the galaxy that are uniquely available on the Earth, contributions that can only be made by such a rich, biodiverse planet as the Earth. It does seem wise to create what is called a positive intervention on a planet in this crisis, an intervention that will lead to greater development and will allow greater contributions to the overall systems of the galaxy. From that standpoint, I can say that we want to ensure that on Earth there is a successful evolutionary developmental stage. We want to ensure that there is success in this next evolutionary leap that you, the starseeds, are part of.
(Chants OOOOOOOOOMMMM, OOOOOMMMMM) Connect energetically with the evolutionary process in the Adam species. You are a part of this evolutionary process. Your genome type resonates with the evolution for the next step that humanity is taking for higher light that is necessary for the survival. By your acknowledging and experiencing this evolutionary energy, you are helping to evolve the consciousness of the planet. Let us meditate on that and connect with that evolutionary energy. We will go into silence. Say this affirmation: "I am part of the new evolutionary development of the Earth. I am participating in the new evolutionary state of development on this planet."
Your participation in this evolutionary step brings you higher spiritual powers and energy. I do not say this lightly. I do not say it to make you feel special or better than anyone. I'm just making a simple observation. The higher core of energy of the human species is evolving and this will represent the new way of being on this planet.
I will describe the Arcturians again in more detail, and I want you to use this as an example for some of the possibilities for how the human form can also evolve. If I was to compare us, the Arcturians, to you, I would say that in general, we have more psychic and spiritual powers. We have larger brains, but it's not even the size of the brain but rather the percentage of the brain that is used. This is why I'm saying that you, the Earth beings, have tremendous potential. I know that you've all heard these figures before, that the average person uses 20 - 22% of their brain power. I think you can also understand that the brain is multidimensional, so even though you're describing a physical organ that may weigh a few pounds, this organ is as complex and has as many neuropathways as a galaxy. It's a truly amazing organ, but this is only accounting for the third-dimensional reality of the brain. Your brain is multidimensional. It exists in several realms simultaneously, and soon there will be ways for you to access the other parts.
Our psychic abilities include teleportation, or the ability to move objects. We also can use bilocation, or the ability to move ourselves from one location to the next, and be in two places at the same time. Most interesting to you is that our food needs are much less than yours. You spend a great proportion of your time during the day in food preparation, obtaining food and eating. This probably counts for one of the greater pleasures for you on this planet, but it does require a tremendous investment of time and energy.
Is it possible to live without eating? Why is it that we, the Arcturians, are not suffering from the many bodily problems that you have, such as digestive issues, allergies, breathing problems, heart problems, circulation problems, and many other areas that are related to a third-dimensional existence? Well, part of the reason is that we are not consuming or eating as much as you. Also, we are able to exist and live with a higher energetic food source. Some have referred to this higher food source as "liquid light". Metaphorically, you can imagine something as delicious as a smoothie that you would drink. In the smoothie then, you would have all the nourishment and everything you need for the whole day. You would receive all the energy for the whole day from this one drink. There would be no hunger, and also, there would be no contamination in the body, and you would be nutritionally living in perfect harmony. We do have this nutritional technology. We do have that food production to produce this food, which I could refer to as "liquid light".
But let me go to a very ancient source, the Hebrew Bible, to explain and see references to this type of wonderful food. Let's go to Exodus and the children of Israel in the desert after they left Egypt, and they were in the desert for 40 years. They were eating a special food called "manna". There was no food in the desert, and this food was coming from higher sources and dropped or delivered to the ground. It didn't look like the substantial food that they might be used to eating. It did not look at all like or what the Egyptians and the Hebrews were used to eating in the large cities in Egypt. You might describe it as looking like a wafer or a cracker. It certainly was unlike anything they had ever seen before, yet they would eat this food and be totally nourished for 24 hours. Also, there would be no by-products. That means that there was no need for elimination of waste from the body. Imagine how much energy you use in processing food and eliminating waste and toxins in the body. But this food, known as manna, was so perfect that there was no waste to generate. Every aspect of the food was totally used.
The food that you are now eating is not 100% efficient. Your food is not like manna, because manna is so nourishing, and it does not have any toxins, and there is no need for elimination of waste. This is unheard of in the food business on Earth, but this type of food is also the description of liquid light food. Liquid food is a description of the food we use to survive. If there are no toxins and no contamination in the food, then all of the energy in the food becomes available in your body for mental and spiritual activities. There is no slowing down of the circulation because of food. In the description in the Hebrew Bible, we find that there was shock and surprise by the children of Israel about the food called manna. There was a disbelief that a small, wafer-like substance could give this kind of nourishment. There was a lot of skepticism, but how were they able to survive on small wafer-like food? But, there was no other source of food for such a large group of people in the desert. Our liquid food is like manna. This liquid light food allows us many advantages in our spiritual development.
The other aspect of our advanced spirituality lies in our ability to be multidimensional and also our ability to travel in hyperspace. This idea of traveling in hyperspace needs to be explained. You might compare this to traveling in an airplane. If you travel in an airplane, you have to have certain air pressure and oxygen and other conditions, protection from ultraviolet rays and radiation so that you will not become sick. Hyperspace is the place in between space. That means if you were to travel in the Third Dimension, you would have to obey the laws of physics, and even if you could travel at the speed of light, it would still take years to reach the nearest star system. But if you go into hyperspace, you are in a place between dimensions and the laws of gravity, the laws of cause and effect, and the laws of space and time are totally different. With the development of this higher spiritual and mental energy that is accompanied by manna and liquid light food, then you are able to use your mind to travel through hyperspace and to other realms that exist in the galaxy.
But to exist in hyperspace requires a certain energetic field and an ability to protect your aura. Going through hyperspace requires a level of refinement of your spiritual vibration, which we have been able to achieve. You on Earth are on the way to regulating yourself so you can be on that higher spiritual level. There still needs to be some refinements, and I do not think that you are ready to travel in hyperspace. I know that you like the idea, and it will work for you, but it requires a spiritual refinement. We have that refinement, and all the beings that are of higher light that we know in the galaxy have that spiritual refinement necessary for traveling in hyperspace.
Let the flow and energy of hyperspace and the knowledge of hyperspace come into your consciousness because you are star beings; you are starseeds. I know that you enjoy and will benefit greatly from going through hyperspace. In your dream state, you already have many of these powers. In your dream state you, at times, might be able to go into hyperspace because you are in a totally different dimension when you are dreaming. We bring spiritual technology in order for you to evolve into the Fifth Dimension. We bring a spiritual technology that will increase your ability to affect the evolutionary process of the human species. This is a big responsibility, but it is a calling. This is a calling that you, the starseeds, have accepted. This is a calling that you, as lightworkers, have signed up for. This is a calling that is of the greatest importance now, and I want you to understand that this evolutionary process and power requires you to become more multidimensional. It could require you to travel into hyperspace, to bi-locate, to make some dramatic changes in your diet, in your lifestyle, in your ability to network with other people. Work within groups, because as a group you can maximize the spiritual power of intention. The intention is to foster an evolutionary change in the humans now.
What will be the new form for the human in its next evolutionary step? We have had the Cro-Magnon; we have had the Neanderthal; we have had Australopithecus, and now we have Homo sapiens. What will be the form of this new being? When I'm talking to you about an evolutionary step, it really would appear and be described in a new way. The new look will not be different from how a human appears right now. If you would see the Pleiadians, then you would not even notice them being that different from the human form. As I said, the human form is very popular in this galaxy. The Pleiadians are highly evolved and they are part of the human species. They have a certain vibrancy, a certain energy of health and radiance about them, but they don't look that much different than you. They may have different eye color or they might have different ear shapes. There might be some small variation in a physical form that you could identify with their higher evolutionary state.
When I'm talking about the next evolutionary state for the Earth human form, then I'm not referring to some tremendous physical, structural change, but rather I am referring to an internal change of consciousness that will eventually affect the internal organs and your spiritual abilities. You may find your ability to consume food lessened. In your evolved form, you may find that there are certain foods that are manna-like for you. By that I mean that there are certain foods that you could have that energetically would nourish you more efficiently. There is a new food technology and food process going on now on this planet that is seeking to replicate that kind of energetic and nourishing food that is similar to liquid light. The new food would be in alignment with your spirituality and also would bring your internal organs more into balance. This next evolutionary change is really an internal, spiritual change, and it has the ability to save the planet. The new evolutionary change has the ability to energetically re-balance.
In conclusion let me say something about the evolution of the Earth as a planet. When we talk about our evolution, we also have to talk about the evolution of our planet. What does it look like to have a planet spiritually evolved? A planet that's spiritually evolved can ascend to the Fifth Dimension. An ascended, fifth-dimensional planet does not have earthquakes, violent storms, nor does it have volcanic eruptions. There exists a peaceful and spiritual balance. This planet Earth is capable also of achieving that fifth-dimensional state, but it will not be able to do it by itself. To go into the Fifth Dimension a planet has to have spiritual consciousness. Many Ascended Masters will visit it. There is a way that starseeds on the Earth can accelerate and implement a dynamic shift on this planet. I know that many of you have come here to help bring this planet into the Fifth Dimension. This is a multidimensional task that you are involved in, which will help affect both the evolution of humanity and also the evolution of this beautiful planet, The Blue Jewel.
I am Juliano. Good day. |

David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty
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