July 2, 2016
Time, Healing and the Fifth Dimension
Copyright © 2016 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller, Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! In this lecture we will focus on time, healing and the Fifth Dimension. What is time? How are we to understand the relationship between time and the Fifth Dimension? What is the relationship between time and our eternal Self? These are some of the questions that we will be asking and answering for you today.
Man is part of the animal world, yet Man, humanity, has the unique ability to understand and perceive time. In fact, Man is the only species on the planet that is able to measure time. This is a unique ability among nature, and it brings forth many gifts, but also there are severe limitations to time, or at least the way that humanity looks at time. In this lecture I want to suggest that there is a new way to perceive time that is more in alignment with your nature, and also by using this new perception of time, you will be able to accelerate your healing, and ultimately, you will be able to amplify and accelerate your ascension.
The traditional perception of time is linear. That means that you can visualize a straight line, and to the left is the past, on the center of the line the present, and to the right, the future. This view is the cultural, trained tool that is used to educate us and to acculturate us into how to perceive time. Everything that has happened in the past is finished, and the future is an unwritten story that will hopefully unfold in a positive way, and we are now in the present. In fact many of the mystical teachings are inviting you to focus only on the present and on the I AM Self in the present.
The model that we Arcturians are offering you today is different. We see time as a circle. In your mind, take that visual, linear line and fold it or wrap it together so that it makes a circle. This has profound implications for your existence and for all aspects of your being.
First, by viewing time correctly as a circle, then you are demonstrating that the past, present, and future interact. Who you were in the past has an effect now on the present, but more important, who you will be in the future also affects your present. You are on an evolutionary path that is accelerated and is going to higher light. When we look into your future, we can easily see that you are fifth-dimensional. I can see that you have become an Ascended Master. I can see that each one of you is healed from whatever ailments or imperfections that are plaguing you on the third dimension. If I go back to the linear perception of time, then I may say, well, it's going to take you four or five lifetimes to cure this ailment or this imperfection. Maybe you will not ascend in this lifetime; maybe you need another one or two lifetimes. I think that is a valid way of looking at things, but again, it is the third-dimensional linear way. Use the circle. Interact with that part of yourself now that has ascended, and that has successfully dealt with this imperfection that is plaguing you now in this third dimension.
The main, newer time theory is that you are interacting now with all aspects of your Self, the past and the future. During this lecture I will also show you methods of how to interact successfully with your past, with the help of Helio-Ah. For the most part, people only look at the past when they are plagued with traumas or unhappy circumstances that seem to contribute to blockages or neuroses in your current lifetime. We have ways of resolving those traumas from the past using such techniques as Helio-Ah's healing chambers. I also want to make this point: In other lifetimes, some of you had very high levels of spiritual achievements. I know that some of you were priests in ancient Egypt and had strong and developed powers. Some of you might have even been on other planetary systems, such as Lyra, or the Pleaides, where you were an Ascended Master and teacher on higher spiritual and light frequencies. Now as you came to the third dimension, part of those experiences and abilities from those past lives may be blocked or more difficult to access. You can, through connecting with your past lifetimes, activate powers and abilities that you had in these past lives and bring that energy into the present. This is a similar technique that we use in future healing. Future healing includes going to that part of yourself in the future when you are healed, and bringing that completed future energy back to the present. Past life healing works on the same principle, only you go back into the past. In summary, the ability to perceive time is one of the true abilities and gifts of Man in the animal world. Unfortunately, humanity has trained everyone to perceive time in a unidimensional, flat way called linear time.
We, the Arcturians, are offering you a new model of time based on the interaction of present time with the past and the future. I want to look at this new concept and the perception of the Creator and time. Using the linear model of time produces many paradoxes and unsolvable problems, especially when you're trying to understand the meaning of creation and how the creation began. Modern physicists have determined that the universe is 13.7 billion years old. The beginning of the universe is described as the "Big Bang", but the unsolvable problem is that no one seems to understand what happened before the Big Bang. There does not seem to be any reasonable way to find out because there is no evidence or method to scientifically study what happened before the beginning.
If you follow this newer model of time as a circular function, then you will see that the beginning is interacting with the present and the future. Therefore, there is no need to ask the question of what happened before the Big Bang. Such a question is based on linear thinking! The linear model is the basis of Newtonian physics and even is used in modern, quantum physics. Everything has a beginning and an end. This is not true in the circular model of time. It is equally important to understand how this circular model applies to your soul. Your perception is that you are born, you live this life and you die, and then perhaps you reincarnate, and you follow this linear pattern. At times you might even have periods of doubt about whether or not there is life after death. You may have periods of doubt about whether you do exist when this lifetime is over. But when you look at the circular model of time, then you immediately understand that you and your soul are part of the same cycle of time interacting with past, present and future.
I want to make one spiritual comment about the energy known as "I am that I am". This phrase has become a unifying principle for centering oneself into unity with the Creator and the higher Self. It is based on a Hebrew phrase coming from Genesis in which God reveals his name. Used as a name of God, it is more accurately translated as "I will be that I will be". This identification phrase is known in Kabbalah as a powerful and sacred name. The Creator reveals himself to Moses by giving his name: "I will be that I will be". In Hebrew, the word "to be" has past, present and future implied. So the correct translation in Hebrew of "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh" is "I will be that I will be". However, modern mystics and biblical scholars have translated the phrase as "I am that I am", implying the present. Some mystics have even added a second translation as "I was that I was". So the phrase can be translated to include: I was that what I was, I am that which I am, and I will be that which I will be. This implies again that time is circular, that all parts of the Self are interacting. You are similar to the Creator, and you have this ability to experience time in a circular fashion.
Meditating on this phrase can help you to experience your true nature, which includes I was, I am and I will be. You are made in the image of the Creator, but it doesn't mean that you are in the physical image, but rather, that you have the same essence in yourself. You too have the energy of "I was that I was, I am that I am, I will be that I will be". These three states of consciousness represent aspects of circular time. They are so important to your understanding of the multi-dimensions and your ascension, as well as your personal healing. We are going to look at this concept that I call the multidimensional Self and see how it relates to circular time. We will use the concept of "I am that I am", "I was that I was" and "I will be that I will be".
I have described multidimensional presence as living in different dimensions simultaneously. That means that you are in this plane on the Earth, but then you might also be on the Pleiades, or you might be on one of Ashtar's spaceships at the same time. When I describe this experience to people, it may at first seem illogical. How could one be living double or triple lives in other dimensions at the same time while being on the Earth? It becomes even more mysterious when I tell you that this multidimensional presence is more in alignment with your true nature. The unidimensional experience that you were brought up to experience is perceived through that lens of linear time.
Look at time as circular. Who were you in the past? For example, you might have been a student with Ptaah on the Pleiades, or maybe you were one of the commanders of a spaceship traveling through the galaxy. Maybe you were on Arcturus with us, or maybe you were in ancient Egypt working with the Sirians in your past lives. When you experience time as a circle, then those parts of your life interact with your present. Remember, you are multidimensional, and you may be living with these other lifetimes simultaneously. There is great advantage to this multidimensional experience. The main advantage is that you are able to bring the energy, knowledge and abilities from those multidimensional lifetimes into the present. You may have the knowledge of star travel that an officer on Ashtar's Command possesses. Maybe you have the healing abilities of an Ascended Master on the moon-planet Alano. Alano could be a place where you would be in a future time. On Alano, they have certain sound healing techniques and telepathic energy operations that they can do with their hands that would be equal to what you would call miracle cures. When you become aware of the multi-presence, then you can access these future or past parts of your Self.
Let us look at healing more closely and how you enhance your healings by using this concept of circular time effectively. For this next part of the lecture on time and healing, I would like Helio-Ah to speak with you, and then I will return.
(Chants Helio-Ah.) Know that each syllable in my name has special healing powers. My chanting is already loosening the blockages in your aura that are the basis of some discomfort or illnesses. Listen to sacred sounds and tones. The sounds are helping to create a healing vibration and healing energy which can weaken and cause blocks to be removed from your energy field. Please listen one more time as I do this toning. (Chants Helio-Ah several times.) Let the healing energy of these tones permeate your aura to begin the healing process. Let us go into meditation briefly to allow the vibrational frequencies to totally have their effect on you. (Silence)
Now I will speak to you about the Helio-Ah healing chambers. These healing chambers have special powers. My healing chambers are on the starship Athena. They are based on the principle that Juliano explained to you about the circular time. Each healing chamber has a unique computer that is directly correlated and in alignment with your soul history and includes your past, present and future. These computers have been developed in alignment with fifth-dimensional technologies. The Pleiadians also have these types of computers. We, the Arcturians, have them, as do the Lyrans. The computers are so advanced that they are tied directly into your aura. They are even able to report the time of your death, if we needed to find out that information. Your aura contains unlimited amount of information about your soul and its history. Our computers are holographic and your aura is also holographic.
In this exercise, I will bring you to a healing chamber that has been specially aligned for you. Visualize now a corridor of light coming down over you. Feel my presence and feel a golden blue light fill the corridor. Take one deep breath and allow your aura, your spirit, to depart temporarily from your body. But as it departs from your body, know that your astral cord is going to stay connected, and you will return to your body on Earth. Travel up the corridor now at the speed of thought. (Chants Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta.) As you go through the corridor, you are at the other end which is bringing you to the entryway of my ship, the starship Athena. Come through the door. I, Helio-Ah, embrace you. We are together again in our fifth-dimensional ship. Feel the wonders of being in this expanded state of light in an Arcturian spaceship that is able to travel interdimensionally through hyperspace, and through all parts of this galaxy. We have technology in this ship that far exceeds even your imagination. Each one of the windows is like a gigantic telescope. When you look through one of the windows in the starship, you can see right to the center of the galaxy. You can see the moon-planet Alano. You could see your home planet, the Lyrans, the Sirians, and you could see any planetary group throughout this galaxy. There are other Arcturians on this ship now.
We have a certain homework to do, so follow me as I bring you into the healing chambers. Many of you have been here before; this is not your first time. There are rows of about 80 healing booths. Go into one of them. You will enter the one that is correlated for you. As you go into the booth, close the door and turn the computer on. There are two buttons on the right side and one button on the left side. The one on the left side turns on the computer, and it aligns itself to you and all of your life and soul history. The computer creates an electromagnetic interaction with your aura. The computer can now show you visually your own journeys as a soul being in this galaxy. There are two buttons to the right. One has the label "Save" written on it. We use it after we have reshaped a memory from the past, and then we "save" the re-shaped memory into the subconscious of the person we are healing. Another button below that is "Edit". This button when pressed gives permission for you to call up an image and edit and change it. This edit button must be used with great respect. You must have the highest intention and the highest clarity to edit and shift anything from your past that is stored in memory. One other important piece of knowledge: your Subconscious, your Superconscious, and even your soul are able to communicate with you through visual images. Language comes later. Visual images are powerful ways of interacting with your Subconscious for this type of healing. Healings with the techniques that I am describing are 10 times more powerful when you use visual images or visualizations.
Look again at the computer in the healing chamber. Notice that the dial goes to the left and the right. When you turn the dial to the left, the computer can access your past. When you turn it to the right, it will access the future. For this lesson, I want you to turn it to the future. I would like for you to visualize that the top is 12 o'clock noon, the bottom is 6 p.m., the left is 9 p.m. and the right is 3 p.m. Turn the dial to 3 p.m. in the future. Turn it to the right. We are going into the future. Remember the future time is interacting with the present time. But in this future time you are in your fifth-dimensional body. You are in a state of magnificent healing light. All personal imperfections have been healed. You are a true fifth-dimensional master, and you are able to shape your body any way that you wish. You can shape it to look as young as you like. You can have as much hair as you want. Your body can assume any type of body form, even an extraterrestrial body form that has a shape unknown to our current standards. As you know, we, the Arcturians, have an appearance that has been described as looking like thin ballerinas. I want you to shape yourself or see yourself in a shape that is pleasing to you.
Know that all genetic aberrations are brought into healing in the Fifth Dimension. The aura is completely free of any attachments, any holes, as well as any densities in the Fifth Dimension. Work on that image as we go into meditation again. (Chants OOOOHHHMMM, OOOHHHMMM.) Now press the "Save" button, and that image of your Self, including that heightened, fifth-dimensional healed Self, is preserved on this computer. We are going to bring that image back into the present. Press your right hand on the "Save" button and put your left hand on the dial and turn the dial back to 12 noon. Then when you are at 12 noon, take your hand off of the "Save" button, and that image is now interacting with your I AM Presence Self. (Chants OOOHHHMMM.) The healing light, the healing energies from the future time are now interacting and creating this wonderful personal healing for you. Again, we'll go into silence for a brief moment. (Silence)
I want to explain that for past healings we can go back into your past. I can take you back either into a negative or a positive past life. Say you were a Native American shaman and we want to help you recover some of your powerful skills as a shaman. We can go back to the past and to help you bring back this gift. So, going back into the past doesn't mean you go to negative events only. You can go back into positive events. I can bring you back into other positive lifetimes.
There is another button to press. This healing computer can bring you back into your past lives on other planets. I could bring you back to a past lifetime on another planet when you were on the Pleiades, or when you were on Arcturus, or when you were on Lyra. Maybe you want to bring back those gifts, those high level spiritual tools that you had in that past lifetime on another planet. Please understand, going back to the past does not mean that you are only looking for trauma. You can go back and take higher lessons and higher skills from your past Self and bring those skills and abilities into the present. They are all able to interact with you now.
Our time is short, so we have to close this computer down, shut the computer off. Follow me as you leave the chamber. You come into the general room, and you see some of our other Arcturian teachers there, warmly greeting you, even embracing you. Now follow me through the doorway and we travel back through the corridor to the Earth. (Chants Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta, ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta.) You travel at the speed of thought through the corridor, come to your room and go to a place six feet above your physical body. Align yourself in your spirit body so that your aura is in perfect alignment with your physical body. At the count of three, enter your Earth body in perfect alignment. One, two, three - enter now. All of these positive higher healing energies are now brought back into your physical body with your aura. Your physical body and your energy field are being upgraded just as you had wanted it to be. Again, allow this integration.
As you are doing this integration, I want to speak briefly about space. One way to approach the understanding of space is to look at space and time as one unit. Look at time as a circular energy. There is also the concept of folding space. As you may know, on the Fifth Dimension, space is not the way you experience it on the third. Time and space are referred to under Einstein's laws of relativity as the "space-time continuum". You cannot talk about space without talking about time. You can approach this level of understanding the space-time continuum in the spiritual world through the exercise known as folding space. The idea of folding space is to look at the distance between two objects and visualize the space between the two places as being represented by a piece of cardboard. Then, in your mind, you fold the cardboard like an accordion, and the two objects that were a distance apart collapse in your imagination and are right next to each other.
You fold space every night when you dream. By folding space in your dream, you experience a tremendous, broad range of experiences that can take you all over the galaxy, but you experience it in a very compressed time. You may have a dream in which you are doing vast traveling throughout the galaxy and meeting many different people and visiting many different planets. If I, as an observer, watched your dream state and watched your Rapid Eye Movement (Author's note: REM, or rapid eye movement, occurs when you are dreaming) while you were sleeping, then I would report that that dream was only one minute long, yet you might have experienced that dream covering years. Time was shortened in your dream because space was folded in your dream. When you fold space, you are also changing time, and this is one of the intricate secrets of space travel and time travel. Because when you fold the space, then time becomes folded.
The ability to fold space is also one of the secrets of how to travel through time and also to other star systems far away. The idea is that you project yourself outward in the galaxy. You all know that the nearest star may be over four light years away, which means it would take four years traveling at the speed of light to reach that star. What if you went to a star that was a thousand light years away? First, you have to project your thoughts to that star. From the Earth what you see is that star a thousand years in the past. When you look up at the sky, you are seeing those objects as they were in the past. You are not seeing them in the present. For example, you do not see the Sun in the present. You see the Sun the way it was eight minutes ago because it takes that long for the light to reach the Earth. When you want to travel backwards in time, you project yourself to a place and time that is in the past years. You project yourself above the Earth at that past time, and then from there you project yourself to the Earth in the past.
There is one more step to this process, and the other step is folding space and time so that you are there on the Earth between the present and the point in the past that you wish to visit. I want to conclude this lecture now with a brief channeling from Archangel Michael. This is Helio-Ah.
Greetings, I am Archangel Michael! I'm happy that Juliano and Helio-Ah are talking about the "I am, I will be, I was" presence. There is very special power in the words that we in Kabbalah know as the sacred name of God. This is the name of God that was revealed to Moses at the burning bush: "I will be that I will be." This name, properly toned, will place you into a higher level of being that resonates with expanded time and space. You have the same quality as the Creator. When you hear the words of His name, then you will go into that state of the time sequence where time is circular. I'm going to chant the sacred name in Hebrew, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. Just listen to the tones, and it will help you to hold that vibration in your consciousness.
(Chants in Hebrew Ehyeh, Asher, Ehyeh. Ehyeh, Asher, Ehyeh. I will be that I will be. I am that I am. I was that I was.) Let all three aspects, the past, present and future Self, now be united in one energy. (Chants Ehyeh, Asher, Ehyeh.) We will go into silence as you unite those three sides. Ehyeh, Asher, Ehyeh. The burning bush was existing in the past, present and future. This is why the burning bush did not consume itself, because the bush was in the present and the past and the future at the same time. It was all three, so it could not die. It could not pass on, and it was in its brilliance in the unity. Of course, this is the energy that you have, and this is the energy that you will use for your ascension. You are going to combine your future Self to the present Self, and all the powers that you have in your future Self will become available to you in your present Self. And so it shall be.
I am Archangel Michael. Good day. |

David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty
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