Tuesday, June 21, 2016


June 4, 2016     
Evolution and Biorelativity     
Copyright © 2016 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved 
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty
 | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
     Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! I want to look at the concept of the feedback and the feedback loop system. I want to show you how to improve your abilities to work with the feedback loop system of the Earth. In addition, I will compare the Earth's feedback loop system to your feedback loop system as a person, a human being on the planet Earth. It is perhaps surprising to some that the Earth's energy system operates under somewhat similar circumstances as the human being's system. I would like to begin by talking briefly about the feedback loop system that you have, and then I will share the comparisons between what we can learn about the human feedback loop system and see how it directly applies to the planet.

     I know that you are very dedicated to being planetary healers. One of the core principles of Biorelativity and effective planetary healing is learning how to work creatively and directly with the Earth's feedback loop system. The human body also has a feedback loop system. This includes the ability to regulate your internal temperature, your blood pressure, your sugar levels and many other numerous functions in your sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.  These systems allow you to be alive and to self-regulate. The key to a personal feedback loop system lies in its ability to self-regulate, and you will see that same principle operating in the planet Earth.

     It is important to note that the human body has a very complex feedback loop system. The Chinese and the Taoists have identified hundreds of acupuncture points that seem to correlate with a personal feedback loop system in maintaining a balance in the human body. In Chinese medicine, the channels of energy that flow throughout the aura and the body are referred to as meridians. I would like to also call the meridians "energy channels". There is a well-known principle in Chinese medicine that illness of any sort is a reflection of a blockage in one of the channels or any one of the meridians.  When the body is unable to overcome a blockage, then it frequently responds with an inflammation or other reactive measure, such as the creation of antibodies in order to combat the intrusion and blockage of the body's natural energy flow. The body attempts to self-regulate itself by overcoming this blockage which often is accompanied by an inflammation. The acupuncture stimulates the area where the blockage is occurring to lend energy and support to that specific area that is blocked. With the energy feedback of the needle or even pressing on the acupressure points, the body can self-regulate and begin to heal.

     What do I mean by self-regulate? In essence, you are communicating with your immune system. You can communicate with the self-regulating system through the needles. You are telling your body that you need more support and energy in this area in order to rebalance. It is like you are sending a message to the self-regulating systems and your nervous systems and your lymph node systems and your other systems to become more directly involved in this blockage point. You are telling your body to bring forth more energy and more healing at the blockage point.

     Why is it that sometimes the body does not self-regulate on its own?  In fact, the body does self-regulate on its own. In fact, your body is constantly working to remove blocks. Your body is constantly creating new antibodies, and your body is continually working to flush out toxins. For the most part, your body does self-regulate, but this world that we are living in now is extremely complex. It is complex because of the many toxins, pollutants and radiation levels throughout the Earth.

     You are living in a stressful time and I do want to emphasize the word "stress". It is hard to describe how much stress you are under. The reason is because your total body experience often blocks the stress experience so that you can operate efficiently and happily. Oftentimes, what your body is experiencing as stress may not come up into your consciousness. Under stress, the immune system and the feedback loop system of the human body can deteriorate. Also there are new stressors, new toxins, and new pollutants confronting you that your body is not trained to work with. So you see there are many reasons why a blockage happens to your body. The additional healing through the acupuncture and acupressure points can greatly assist in re-awakening and activating your immune system. Through acupuncture, you are asking your immune system to self-regulate and rebalance itself. But most importantly, you are achieving this by encouraging the blockages to be removed in your body so that positive energy can flow.

     Let's use this acupuncture analogy in describing the Earth's current situation. We see the Earth as a living organism, which even includes an immune and feedback loop system. We call this planetary organism "The Blue Jewel". You often call it "Gaia", which is also the spiritual name for the living, spiritual planet Earth. I know it is still controversial to call the Earth a living organism. I want to point out three obvious factors:

1.    The Earth has a feedback loop system that is analogous to the feedback loop system of all living organisms.

2.    The Earth has a unique and particular planetary balance that it must maintain for humanity and all of its living inhabitants. The balance for the biosphere maintains the life force energy field. The biosphere must keep the oxygen at a certain level and the nitrogen at a certain level, and numerous other planetary systems stable.

3.    The systems on the Earth are extremely complex. They include a variety of different Earth, geological and weather-like occurrences. The systems include the currents in the ocean, the winds and the jet streams, the volcanic systems and the plate systems regarding the earthquakes. The forests have a direct effect on the oxygen content in the atmosphere and also a very complex and interactive electromagnetic shielding system that includes the ozone level and different levels of the atmosphere and different layers of electromagnetic protection and shielding from cosmic forces and cosmic radiations. Cosmic forces and radiations are continually bombarding the Earth, and therefore, the Earth needs a sufficient electromagnetic shielding atmosphere in order to block many of the harmful effects of radiation waves. Even the Sun is constantly sending dangerous waves to the Earth, and the filtering in the atmosphere is allowing the biosphere to maintain its successful balance that allows human life and other life forms to comfortably exist.

     But I have just mentioned the obvious systems. I want to refer to the lymphatic system of the human body which filters out toxins and infections. I can tell you that there is also a similar lymphatic system in the Earth. I can refer to the nervous system of the Earth, just as I can refer to your nervous system. There are many undiscovered parts of the Earth's living system that have not yet been fully exposed and explained. Nonetheless, the complexity of the system remains vital, and mankind must eventually learn to balance and assist so that the Earth can regulate and hold its balance. This regulation occurs through the working of the feedback loop system.

     Now I want to describe the feedback loop system of the Earth in more detail, and I want to offer some specific examples on how you, as planetary healers, can work with the feedback loop system of the planet. Remember I said that the human body has meridian points, meridian channels, and energy channels. There are various estimates of how many meridians there are on a human body. Likewise, the Earth as a living organism has many energy pathways and energy channels. When a human is ill, there is blockage in the meridian system. For example, this blockage could be in the lung meridian or in the liver meridian or the heart meridian. Likewise if the Earth is ill, then there are also blockages in its energy system. Now I realize that it may be debatable to use the word "ill" in describing the Earth, however, the term "ill" describes the Earth being out of balance. I need to use a term that tells you that the Earth cannot function at its maximum level which is needed to support humanity. I'm using the term "ill" as a reference point, and I'm also using the term "well" to describe a continuum of wellness on the Earth.

     The maximum health and maximum wellness on the Earth is now going to be measured by how well the Earth can sustain its biosphere. In particular, I want to look at how well the Earth can sustain the biosphere so that mankind can comfortably live on the Earth. There are certain extremes in temperatures and rainfall and geological actions that are intolerable to humanity. There's a certain warmth that is too much. There is too much rain that becomes unbearable. If it's too cold, it becomes unbearable. If the atmosphere becomes too clogged with carbon dioxide, then it is unbearable to breathe and will cause death.

     In fact it has already been documented that large parts of the ocean are dying. I am referring to an area in the Gulf of Mexico in particular, around Louisiana and Mississippi, where tremendous amounts of fertilizer have been washed down the Mississippi River and out into the Gulf. That area is filled with toxic fertilizers that are killing the Gulf of Mexico and smothering the oxygen out of the ocean. There are large areas around the Gulf in which fish and other organisms cannot live because there is no oxygen in the water.

     Based on this I would say that this area of the planet is sick.  How do you bring the Earth back into a system of rebalancing a dead ocean? A specific response from the Earth is necessary. I will speculate on what kind of response that would be, and we will use that as an example. One possibility for healing a dead ocean area is to create lots of rain and more water in the area. If an area of the ocean is dying, the feedback loop system of the Earth senses that blockage and attempts to correct it. It is just like if you have an infection and your body attempts to correct the infection and sends antibodies to it. But after a point you might find your body has sent all of the forces it can muster to that point, and still, it is not successful.

     In the same way, we look at the Mississippi River as a meridian point on the Earth, and oftentimes the meridian points can also be called channels of energy. We can use this analogy with the human body, and we can say there is a blockage of life force energy at the Gulf of Mexico and in different areas, and there needs to be some kind of intervention. When we use the example of the human body, then we will place a needle in the blocked area and that reminds the immune system to create the necessary feedback to open up the energy flow.  The analogy between self-correction of the human body and planet is much more complex.

     Now let me list some of the Earth interventions for blocked energy. In this model of the Earth's feedback loop system I am offering you, there are two general points to make: (1) The Earth tries to correct itself when it is out of balance, and (2) this means that the Earth knows where humanity and all life forms are living on her. The Earth attempts to maintain a balance and will self-correct in order to have balance for the life forms.

     An example of a planetary self-correction could be adding more rain to the Gulf of Mexico in order to wash out the fertilizer.  Another example would be to cause damage to a fertilizer plant that's on Mississippi River.  I know that might sound quite radical.  There was even some suggestion that droughts or fires in areas of Canada were related specifically to the oil drilling that was occurring and that was particularly damaging and nasty to the environment.  There was a very severe fire near the sand oil operations and in these sand oil operations near Alberta, Canada areas, where there also has been extreme drought.  We don't know all there is to know about the Earth and how the Earth responds to certain intrusions in the biosphere.

     But I think it is noteworthy to observe that there has been extreme drought, and then a severe fire near the areas where there was this dirty and nasty oil drilling near Alberta, Canada. This drilling could have been causing harm to the environment. Is it a coincidence that the Earth had this response, or is it due to some other reason? My answer is that we have to be open to all factors. My answer is that at this point in the Earth's development, coincidences are not accidents, but rather they are teaching and pointing to serious and damaging circumstances, and we need to pay attention and keep our minds open to all possibilities. We must work together on helping the Earth's feedback loop system to correct itself.

     I'm going to offer a list of interventions that can be used. Some of these interventions you are already using, and some are still to be developed, and all of them relate directly to Biorelativity, which you impart as a telepathic communication to the Earth's feedback loop system in order to balance and correct irregularities and imbalances in the Earth's biosphere. The following are interventions to help the Earth's feedback loop system:

1.    Ceremonies and sacred work on sites that are near or on the lay lines or on the Earth's meridians.

     This system using ceremonies has often been used by the Native Peoples. They did not have a sophisticated understanding of the Earths' energy channels and meridians, nor did they have the ability to observe the Earth from above.  So they were not able to see or understand the meridian system of the Earth as we potentially can now. The idea of the ceremonies is an important method for communicating to the Earth's feedback loop system. It encourages shift or change in the self-regulation patterns of the Earth. There are different ceremonies that can be used, including the Medicine Wheel ceremony, talking circles and drumming. Now ceremonies for a person who is ill is also an effective method of strengthening the feedback loop system of a person. You are all aware of the tipi healing ceremony and the sweat lodge, and perhaps the Medicine Wheel. There are many variations on this theme for personal development.

     Recently, a beautiful attempt was made by a Native American, Blue Thunder, to work with the ley lines on the Earth and create Medicine Wheels along the Earth's ley lines.  The idea is wonderful, but it certainly requires a strong level of coordination.  The idea is exactly parallel to the human system of self-healing as defined by Chinese medicine. The advantage that you as modern people have is that now you have pictures of the Earth and from the Moon, and you can see or begin to estimate where these ley lines are. I know that there needs to be new insights and new discoveries and new drawings of the ley lines.

     The concept of the ley lines is similar to the concept of the meridian lines. Often the ley lines and meridian lines follow river paths. For example, one ley line runs along the Mississippi River, the Ganges River, the Río de la Plata River in Argentina and Uruguay, as well as the Amazon River in South America. There are many examples of rivers that are life force meridians. In the Earth's case, mankind has mistakenly blocked these ley lines, so we have a situation that is quite serious. On a personal basis, your body set up a blockage in order to bring forth antibodies and to fight off illness. On the other hand, mankind has erroneously built dams, polluted oceans and rivers and has allowed deadly fertilizer into channels of energy for the Earth. Mankind has blocked these vital pathways. This has occurred numerous times. The reasons for the dams are justified as a need for hydroelectricity. In addition, there are nuclear power plants built on ley lines. Some faults, such as the San Andreas Fault and the Ring of Fire, are also major Earth ley lines. These ley lines are also an energy pathway.

     Mankind does not have the full mapping of the ley lines and the meridian channels of Earth. If you accept and agree that the San Andreas Fault represents a ley line and a powerful energy meridian line for this planet, then you too would be shocked that humanity has built a nuclear power plant on the ley line. The Earth is sensitive to exposures of radiation. The Fukushima nuclear power plant is on a ley line. But there are other examples of ley lines that are not blocked. There are ley lines through Greenwich, England.  There is one of the Equator, and there is a ley line from the North to the South Pole, for example. One method of encouraging the Earth to keep the energy flow going is to have ceremonies on the ley line pathways. I realize that holding ceremonies on ley lines can be a very complex process. You might not be able to go to the Amazon River and perform a ceremony there. It is very difficult to travel to the Amazon region. On the other hand, you might be able to do ceremonies along the San Andreas Fault, because the area is close to major population centers in California.

      I want to commend the work of using Medicine Wheels throughout the North and South American continents as a beautiful attempt and effort to coordinate efforts with opening up channels. It's a monumental task. Maybe if at some point the Group of Forty is able to strengthen its membership and its operational capacity, then they would be able to follow and help with this work.

2.    A second idea and a second method is working with the creation of the feedback loop system for the Earth. To strengthen its feedback loop system people can build special, sacred structures on the planet.

     An example of that would be the pyramids in Egypt and also the Mayan and Aztec cultures. The Mayans had a particularly strong understanding of the Earth's ley lines and how to work with this energy in a sacred way. One way to empower the Earth's feedback loop system is to use sacred buildings to connect with Cosmic Energy and Cosmic Light. One of the strongest healing techniques for the Earth available to humanity is connecting with Cosmic Energy and bringing it into certain points on the Earth's energy system. We have Egypt and the Nile River, and we know that the Nile River is on a ley line and energy system, a meridian system. The pyramids are not built exactly on the Nile, but they are close.

     It's also very important to realize that the ancient Egyptians, two to three thousand years B.C., were very much in alignment with the Sirians.  They were aware of the relationship between the Sirian energies and the civilization of Egypt. There is speculation that several of the pyramids were built in direct alignment with Sirius, and because of that alignment, these Egyptians were able to do powerful Cosmic Energy work, strengthening their civilization, strengthening their part of the Earth and also opening interdimensional corridors between ancient Egypt and the Sirians.

     The Mayans also built cosmic temples, and they related their temples to the center of the galaxy. There are many other examples of how mankind built sacred energy sites, such as churches and temples, on powerful meridian lines.  Another good example is Stonehenge where there is a deep and ancient meridian line the ancient people of England used for multiple purposes. But that ley line is still as powerful as it was then, and a lot of Earth healing can happen now at these points. In Biorelativity or Earth healing exercises, you can enter a ley line and send energy to release a blockage point. Because sometimes, in order to get into a ley line and into the meridian system, it is better to enter at a strong point and use that entry for planetary healing. This is why many of you have been so attracted to going to the pyramids, to going to Stonehenge. You sense their power for Earth healings.

     In the same way, doing Earth healing exercises by the Ring of Fire can be very powerful. Remember that we established an etheric crystal at Volcán Poás, which is on the Ring of Fire near San Jose, Costa Rica.

3.    This brings me to our third point about Earth healing and the feedback loop system. I call this the "by-pass surgery intervention for the planet Earth".

     Unfortunately, there are so many blockages on the Earth's meridian system now that it might be beyond the scope of humanity to repair all the blockages in the short time that is necessary to complete the healing. I like to use the example of by-pass surgery. A surgeon may look at your heart and say, "Well, we can't repair this vein; we are going to put in a by-pass. The energy is still flowing and will be just as strong as before, but we are using a vein from your leg, and we are going to by-pass the blockage in your heart."

     I used this example because we have downloaded 12 etheric crystals along certain pathways around this planet. These are pathways that are partly on existing ley lines. For example, Volcán Poás is on the one of these pathways for the 12 Arcturian etheric crystals and also is on the Ring of Fire.  Mt. Shasta is also on the Ring of Fire, and Mt. Fuji also is on the Ring of Fire.  Also we have established strong points from these areas that can act as a system. This system is like a by-pass surgery system for the planet. You can create a powerful flow of energy and light by using the 12 etheric crystals as a new and emerging ley line in this new and emerging meridian system. Yes, it is a meridian system that is superimposed by the Arcturians. It is necessary to develop this new "by-pass" system, because at times you are not going to have the power or the ability to remove all the blockages in the existing meridian system on the Earth. So, the third intervention in strengthening the feedback loop system is to use this "by-pass" system.

4.    This leads into my fourth point which is that by using the meridian system, such as the Mississippi and the Amazon River or the crystal system or the Ring of Fire system, you can communicate more powerfully to the Earth's feedback loop system process.

     Again, I make the comparison to the human body. So you have a problem in your lung area, and you go to the lung meridian, and you unblock the area in the lung meridian, and then you can heal yourself. There are problems around the Ring of Fire and in the Gulf of Mexico. You might find it necessary then to go to the closest ley line, the closest meridian, and do the exercise from there. I realize that because of limitations, you may not be able to do that.  However, you might be close to another etheric crystal, such as at Bodensee (Lake Constance), Germany. That could be your entry point into communicating more directly into the feedback loop system for Earth healing.

     Another simple example for Earth healing is the rain dance, where the Native Americans are using the ceremony and asking the Earth to bring rain to an area. They are sending that thought in a particular place. This is a similar method when you are accessing the meridian system of the Earth. You might want to be at a place that is close to the Ring of Fire and say, "Yes, we want to balance the Earth. Please send the energy of tranquility through the geological plates. Please send rain to the drought stricken areas." In other words, you are giving directions to the Earth on how to rebalance herself.

     Your personal body system could also become confused. Your human system may not know how to rebalance itself, and you have to tell it. When you put the needle on the acupuncture point, you're essentially saying, "OK, nervous system; OK, lymphatic system; OK, muscle system; let's rethink this. Let us expand, relax, and let's put in a new energy source, a new paradigm." Your body will respond. It is the same with the Earth. The Earth could be blocked, and the Earth might not know how to rebalance itself or how to re-align itself. At these certain points, you give the Earth these instructions, such as: "We need more rain in California, in Venezuela, in Sao Paulo."

     These are examples of using a ceremony and using sacred thinking and sending messages as part of your feedback loop system intervention to the Earth.

5.    A fifth example of working with the Earth's meridian system is the cosmic factor.

     Crop circles are examples of Cosmic Energy that has come into the Earth.  Crop circles are examples of communication on a deep level to the Earth's feedback loop system. There are many factors involved in the balancing and holding together of the planet, including Earth's biosphere, ocean currents, weather patterns and the geological fault lines. But some of the Earth's systems are not obvious. There are certain systems which I call "cosmic interdimensional forces" that are involved in keeping this planet and the biosphere balanced. These are mysterious cosmic forces that are immeasurable.  There are no scientific facts available currently to describe or measure the effects of the interdimensional cosmic forces on this planet. Yet our observation is that these interdimensional, mysterious cosmic forces do have an effect on the overall biosphere and the overall feedback loop system on the Earth. Therefore, interventions on one part of the planet can affect other parts of the planet. Thus crop circles in one area of the world can have an effect on the whole planet! The interdimensional cosmic effect comes from powerful galactic forces, such as alignment with the Central Sun, the bringing down of Cosmic Light from certain systems, such as Arcturus, and also, the activation of the Ring of Ascension.

     The Ring of Ascension is an etheric ring, fifth-dimensional halo around the Earth. It is a spiritual ring that contains interdimensional light from the higher fifth-dimensional Masters. It was created as an interactive ring to help starseeds feel the effect of the interdimensional light. This helps the Starseeds apply the healing interdimensional light to the Earth's feedback loop system for balancing the Earth. The Ring of Ascension is around the whole planet. It downloads light from the Fifth Dimension which can be used for special Earth healings.

     I would like to conclude our brief lecture today with a meditation.  Visualize the Ring of Ascension as a fifth-dimensional light around the Earth.  It appears as a halo of golden light. Know that the golden light of the Ring of Ascension has cosmic healing powers. Visualize this Ring of Ascension also as a golden, electromagnetic source, highly charged with healing and balancing energy. As the Ring of Ascension light goes around the planet, see the Earth's meridian system light up. See either the Mississippi River or the Amazon River filled with fifth-dimensional light. Visualize the meridian lines on the Earth open and flowing. We will go into meditation now. (Silence)

     Now, visualize a halo of light above your Crown Chakra. Visualize a small circle of light, which appears as a small duplicate of the Ring of Ascension.  It is placed above your Crown Chakra. Let that light be downloaded into your energy system now, opening up all of your meridians, removing any blocks and increasing your life force energy flow. We will go into silence again.  (Silence)

     (Chants OOOOOOOOOOOO, AAAAAAAAAAA.) Let this light and healing force strengthen your immune system, your energy field, and may all of your meridians be opened and fully charged in your personal body.

     I am Juliano. Good day.

David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty

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