Friday, April 22, 2016

Full Moon in Scorpio ~ Earth Day ~ April 22, 2016

This Full Moon is On Earth Day! April 22, 2016 at 2:23 am ADT. The Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio, 2 degrees.  There is also a trine to Neptune at 11 degrees Pisces. This will be powerful! Death and rebirth, potential.
The culmination (since the New Moon) and opposition (Sun in Taurus Moon in Scorpio) is for your transformation.
Mars and Pluto work close with Scorpio and will be at the beginning stages of retrograde during this Full Moon. Mars ( retrograde April 17th) is the Lord of War and Pluto (retrograde April 18th ) is the Lord of Death and Rebirth. The intensity of this is immense.
Scorpio lives for the extremes of intensity, seeing how far it can go. While Taurus lives for security and keeping things the same. These opposites may be activated within you, as what arises, through feelings, thoughts and circumstances. Especially if you have areas of fear and unresolved pain and sensitivity with these areas within your subconscious mind.
When these intense feeling and emotions come up, stay present within yourself. Know that it is not the external things that bring this to the surface. Instead areas within you, that become activated, for you to embrace and love. Arriving at the peace and harmony, that is no longer reactive to the pain and fear within you. As you love yourself so deeply, all is ok and all is to be loved. Never judged.
With this Full Moon release that will only settle for the unknown to be known. All bets are off so to speak. For Scorpio and its rulers Mars and Pluto, there are no limits to what may take place. War, Death and Rebirth, are simply the means for the ends. That is, whatever you  go through, is for You. As these Giants of Transformation, have their way in activating within you. All that needs to be seen, known. loved and transformed.
How you handle this intense energy, is how you love yourself. As love is the glue that holds all together. Love is what transforms, in the face of any adversity. Self Love is the true Love that allows you to love another. Without self-love there is no love.
Earth Day also, is a time to ground your awareness deep into this your existence, the now moment. The love for yourself spilling out to the Earth and all of your surroundings. As everything that you experience, impacts the whole.
Love yourself.
Honour yourself.
Be present as much as possible with what arises.
Slow down, breathe and relax. Whenever you can and enjoy the moment.
That is all there really is.
As all of this unfolds through you and your Blueprint and Life Plan continue to bring experiences to you that highlight those areas to be loved. Remember, it is unfolding through you. Nothing is happening to You. The level of non attachment to this process, creates the ease and freedom you desire.
In this Love, ease and freedom is the Grace, that is your Enlightenment and Being Ascended. That you already are, yet transforming consciously as.
I hold you in this your Ascended Being. Tune in every hour to my energy. As I transmit to you every 11 ~ 33 after the hour, every hour. The Energy Transmission, that is for your Transformation.
Eternal Love and Bliss!

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