Sunday, March 20, 2016


☞~ Beloved Family of Light ~☜

The moment we have waited for has arrived.

As the intensity of 5-D Earth is being anchored by the first wave of ascension a new portal is opening. Many humans and higher beings have been working on grounding the new energies in their physical bodies and on this planet for a long time. 9|28|15 marked the date of the ascension into 5-D for those who had already integrated the new light codes and raised their internal frequency to match the fifth dimension. Those who ascended had been in preparation of this event for many years and embraced the shift.

We are now getting ready for the second wave of mass ascension. With the equinox of Spring 3|20|16 gamma rays of powerful light data will be sent from the galactic core straight onto Gaia. However, those who will participate in the second wave of ascension did not have years of preparation for this powerful event and might experience a lot of tumult in their lives.
This may show itself in physical signs like eating disorders, insomnia, fatigue ect.. They might be having mental issues like depression or emotional outbursts like for example anger. All these signs stem from fear. Fear of change, yet there is nothing to be feared. Know that your senses are heightened because you have yet to integrate the new light codes that come in tremendous amounts to Earth and pierce through your physical bodies. You are going through the greatest change in the history of humanity.
That which no longer serves your highest good is falling apart. Fear not, dear ones, even if you lose a job or if your relationship fails. Light alters frequency and that which does not resonate with your higher frequency will vibrate out of your life to make place for your divine life purpose. When you meet the dark knight of the soul you are about to enter mastery level.
The third, fourth and the fifth dimensional frequencies are all existing now here on this planet. In which one of these you reside is a matter of free will and choice.
All that is left of the third dimensional matrix is merely a hologram that will soon cease to exist. The new codes that are sent from the Pleroma (the galactic core) come in light rays to Earth shifting human consciousness. They will form a new crystalline matrix that will bring forth the birthing of the light-body which will grant access to the higher dimensions. Once we have learned to become multidimensional we will freely travel through many different worlds.

Go out into nature, plant your bare feet or body on the ground of Mother Gaia, lay in the sun and allow your body to absorb and integrate the light data. We all carry responsibility for ourselves and for Earth.
Love yourself. Take care of yourself. Your divine Mother needs you. Every sentient being on Earth needs you. You are important. You are gods in human bodies. Arise.
This shift is not an imagination of a few people gone crazy. It is the divine plan that is soon to be revealed to every human being and no matter how sceptic or ignorant some may be, it is happening. It is happening now, here.

Make your connection to Earth. Earth is your connection to yourself. She is your Mother, your healer, your teacher, your guru and She is yourself.
Love yourself and honor Earth. This is your assignment.
Heart and Earth are spelled with the same letters. Earth will open your heart, if you allow Her. An open heart is your ticket to 5-D.
We are ready for the second wave of mass ascension. We embrace the changes of times and we will ride the wave into heaven on Earth, together, as one.

With love 

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